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Meaning and Relevance of History Lecture Notes

Meaning and Relevance of History
Week 1-2
Meaning of History
History is derived from the Greek term “historia” which means “inquiry or research”. The term history refers to accounts or
inquiries of events that happened in the past and are narrated in a chronological order. The word “history” means the search for
knowledge and truth, a searching to find out. It is the discipline that studies the chronological order of events, based on critical
examination of source materials and usually presenting an explanation of their causes.
History has always been known as the study of the past. It is a discipline that existed for around 2,400 years and is as old as
mathematics and philosophy. History could be defined as a happening or series of happenings; it is a record of the past made available
for the present. It is also a field of study which traces man’s development.
Why do we study History?
1. To learn about our past. Studying history enables us to learn about the lives of our ancestors, their struggles and achievements.
2. To understand the present. The traditions, system of government, cultural heritage and many more other things are products of
the past.
3. To appreciate our heritage in a broad perspective. Our belief system, Patriarchal traditions, common values including our material
culture can be understood and appreciated well if we have full understanding of our past.
4. To acquire a background for critical thinking. The issues, situations and challenges that our country is presently facing can
mostly be attributed in the past, for these are encountered before.
Importance of History:
1. History preserves the cultural values of a nation.
2. Help the person or the government avoid pitfalls of the present by knowing the rise and fall of the rulers, government and empires.
3. Makes a person’s life richer and fuller by giving meaning to the books he reads.
4. Enables a person to grasp his relationship with the past.
Relationship of History with other Social Sciences:
1. History and Political Science
One cannot understand the principles and system of government of a certain country without knowing its history.
2. History and Economics
The roots of economic and diplomatic relations between nations can be traced by looking at their distant past.
3. History and Sociology
Early societies and communities, evolution of culture, social change and other developments in social behavior are
chronologically explained by history.
4. History and Ethics
History provides records of mistakes committed by people and nations.
Classification of Historical Sources:
1. Primary Source is regarded as the source of the best evidence. These are firsthand evidences regarding an object, person, or work
of art. They include historical and legal documents, eyewitness accounts, results, experiments, statistical data, pieces of creative
writing, audio, video recordings, speeches and art objects.
Examples include:
a. Artifacts
b. Audio recordings
c. Diaries
d. Internet communications on emails
e. Interviews
f. Letters
g. Newspaper articles written at the time
h. Original Documents
i. Photographs
j. Proceedings of meetings, conferences and symposia
k. Records of organizations, government agencies
l. Speeches
m. Survey Research
n. Video Recordings
o. Work of art, architecture, literature and music
2. Secondary Sources are analysis or restatements of primary sources. They often describe or explain primary sources. These are
information supplied by a person who was not a direct observer or participant of the event, object or condition. Digested information or
information derived from primary sources.
Examples include:
a. Dictionaries, Encyclopedias
b. Textbooks
c. websites
d. Bibliographies
Internal and External Criticism
External Criticism refers to the genuineness of the document a researcher used in a historical study. It asks if the evidence under
consideration is authentic.
Questions that illustrate external criticism include:
a. Who was the author?
b. What was his/her qualifications, personality, and position?
c. How soon after the events was document written?
d. How was the document written and is it related to other documents?
Internal Criticism is textual criticism, it involves factor such as competence, good faith, position and bias of the author. It looks at the
content of the document to determine its authenticity. Has to do with what the document says.
Repositories of Primary sources
Primary sources are usually located in archives, libraries, museums, historical societies and special collections.
1. Library-is a collection of sources of information and similar resources, made accessible to a defined community for reference of
2. Archive- is an accumulation of historical records or the physical place they are located.
3. Museum- is an institution that cares for a collection of artifacts and other objects of artistic, cultural, historical or scientific importance.
4. Historical society-is an organization dedicated to preserving, collecting, researching, and interpreting historical information of items.
5. Special collections- are libraries or library units that house materials requiring specialized security and user services.
Role of Historians:
1. To look for available historical sources and select the most relevant and meaningful for history for the subject matter we are studying.
2. To organize the past that is being created so that it can offer lessons for nations, societies and civilization.
Types of Primary Sources
1. Autobiography is an account of a person’s life written by that person.
2. Memoir is a history or record composed from personal observation and experience.
3. Diary is a form of autobiographical writing, a regularly kept record of the diarist’s activities and reflections.
4. Personal Letter is a type of letter that usually concerns personal matters and is sent from one individual to another.
5. Correspondence is a body of letters or communications.
6. Interview is a conversation where questions are asked and answers are given.
7. Survey is a list of questions aimed at extracting specific data from a particular group of people.
8. Field Research is the collection of information outside a laboratory, library, or workplace setting.
9. Photographs and posters are considered as primary sources because photographs and posters can illustrate past events as they
happened and people as they were at a particular time.
10. Painting a form of visual art when paint or ink is used on a canvass or more often in the past, wooden panels or plaster walls, to
depict an artist’s rendering of a scene or even of an abstract, non-representational image.
11. Speech is a form of communication in spoken language, made by a speaker before an audience for a given purpose.
Types of Secondary Sources
1. Annotated bibliography is an organized list of sources, each of which is followed by a brief note or annotation.
2. Biography is a description of a real person’s life, including factual details as well as stories from a person’s life.
3 Newspaper is a periodical publication containing written information about currents events.
4. Magazine and journals may be published weekly, quarterly, annually, or at some other interval
5. Film Review is popular way for critics to assess a film’s overall quality and determine whether or not they think the film is worth
1. Dr. Mariano M. Ariola, (2018) Readings in Philippine History, Manila
2. Rowena P. Parajas, (2018) Readings in Philippine History, Manila
3. Ronald M. Corpuz, (2018) Readings in Philippine History, University of the Philippines
4. Claudio V. Tabotabo, (2018) Readings in Philippine History, Technological Institute of the Philippines
5. John Lee Candelaria (2018) Readings in Philippine History, Manila, University of the Philippines
6. Veronica C. Alporha (2018) Readings in Philippine History, Baguio, University of the Philippines
Engage: Individual Activity
Instruction: Give a logical explanation to the famous quotation used by Marcus Garvey, “A people without the knowledge of their
past history, origin and culture is like a tree without its roots.”
Marcus Mosiah Garvey Jr. ONH was a Jamaican political activist, publisher, journalist, entrepreneur, and orator.
He was the founder and first President-General of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African
Communities League, through which he declared himself Provisional President of Africa
Explore: Individual work
Instruction: Fill the graphic organizer below about the concept of studying History.
What is History?
What is a primary source?
Readings in Philippine History
Why is it importance to study
______ History?
What is a secondary source?
1. Produce an example of a primary source and the corresponding secondary source/s derived from it.
Evaluate: Thought Paper
Write a Thought paper on the role of documents in everyday life. Which document do you think is the most important to your life?
Note: Graded Quiz #1
Proceed to Google Classroom for the Graded Quiz.
ACTIVITY (Group or Individual)
5 Very Good
All points at
and Unity
4 Good
issue Almost all points at issue
are answered
and All
answered correctly
understanding of the
3 Fair
2-1 Poor
At least half points at Less than half of the
issue are answered
points at issue are
are Some
are Less than half of the
correctly answered
substantial Some
are Not following directions.
of correct
Show Does not understand the
and understanding but some task
items are not done
Thought Paper
Quality of Work
and Goes
the Meets the requirements
requirement of the task
of the task
5 Excellent
Idea Presented on the
paper was of utmost
content of the chapter
was very evident
Meets some of the Does not meet the
requirements of the task requirement of the task.
4 Highly Satisfactory
3 Satisfactory
paper The
provided good quality
improvement to arrive at
a good work
the There was a little
content of the chapter knowledge
was indicated on the content of the chapter
The paper was full of Made a good judgement Organization of the
insights and ideas that on the content of the answer was slightly
lead to problem solving topic
Prepared by: Venus Rhea B.Biaco
Faculty, School of Teacher Education
September 21, 2020
Noted by: Ms. Brylene Baquiran
Dean, School of Teacher Education
2-1 Poor
The paper was done
No knowledge about the
content of the chapter
The idea was vague.