Speeches Please find below the speeches for this assessment. 1) Malala Speech -Dec 10, 2014 Transcript of the speech https://www.nobelprize.org/uploads/2018/06/yousafzai-lecture_en-2.pdf 2) Bal Gangadhar Tilak: 'Freedom is my birthright', 1st anniversary Home Rule League - 1917 April 1917, Nashik, India https://speakola.com/political/bal-gangadhar-tilak-freedom-is-my-birthright-1917 3) Mark Anthony Speech: “Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears” BY W ILLIAM SHA KES PEARE https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/56968/speech-friends-romanscountrymen-lend-me-your-ears 4) Ronald Reagan -The Challenger Disaster 28th January 1986 https://teachingamericanhistory.org/library/document/speech-on-the-challengerdisaster/ 5) Sojourner Truth -Ain’t I a woman Delivered 1851 https://www.bhamcityschools.org/cms/lib/AL01001646/Centricity/Domain/5481/En glish%20Language%20Arts%20Grade%2010%20Curriculum%20Guide/Week%201%20English%2010%20Resource.pdf PART 1 (12 marks): tables 1 and 2 TABLE 1 TP_CASTT (6 marks) Title (first impression) Paraphrase-what is the Speech about Connotations (Literary devices) Attitude-tone and mood Shifts if any Themes Title again TABLE 2: Techniques (6 marks) (Detailed and with adequate evidence that supports the heading. Purpose What is the objective of the speech? Does it have more of pathos or logos or ethos? Logos -logic Is there more of this? Pathos (Emotion) Or this? Ethos- the voice authority Or this? Insert evidence for All –(logos pathos and ethos) Repetition What does this reiterate? Rhetoric How is it effective? How does the use of rhetoric impact the understanding of the audience? What purpose does the rhetoric serve? Purpose What’s the purpose of the speech? Audience Who is the audience? What audience would this speech appeal to? What makes this a timeless speech? Rule of 3 If yes how is this effective? Allusions Allusions to what? and what does this help reinforce? Other prominent Techniques that impact the speech Note: Well developed, detailed responses will be rewarded. Make sure your responses are written as full sentences and not brief words. Evidence must be mentioned in table 2 and connotations, attitude, themes and shifts in table 1. PART 2 -THE ONE PAGER/POEM (8 MARKS) The second part of your assessment is a fun creative expression activity. On an A4 size sheet you will create 1) either a piece of art -as a one pager (attached for reference) A4 Drawings that reflect purpose, theme, literary devices, OR 2) Write your own 16–20-line poem (free verse/rhyming) and decorate the page as you like. Your poem must be your own and original, reflect the same themes and you will use literary devices accordingly. Eg if your speech is about freedom then the poem should reflect themes of freedom through your imagery, word choice, contrast and other techniques that you wish to use. (minimum 3-4 techniques) Rubrics: 1) Well-developed and detailed written (along with evidence) as well as creative pieces that reflect a detailed understanding as well as mention of themes, purpose, literary devices 5 marks 2) Creativity 3 marks Here are a few samples of a one pager. For grade 8A Here are your groups: Choose any ONE speech from the choices given. Please fill up your choice of speech against your name in the table below. Names in red are group leaders. Please give Rayaan the choice of speeches for your groups LATEST by tonight. Group 1 Malala’s Nobel Prize Speech Vihaan Mishka Maya B Sivaan Bal Gangadhar Tilak Group 2 Challenger Speech Mark Anthony Ajinkya Yohan Mustafa Aradhitta Group 3 Aint I a woman Speech Malala Speech Myra Zainab Arjun S Shambhavi Group 4 Challenger Speech Bal Gangadhar Speech Vidhushi Meghna Anya Hemant Group 5 Aint I a woman Speech Kavish Kunal Rayaan Saachi Mark Anthony Speech For grade 8B Here are your groups: Choose any ONE speech from the choices given. Please fill up your choice of speech against your name in the table below. Names in red are group leaders. Please give Zayee the choice of speeches for your groups LATEST by tonight. Group 1 Malala’s Nobel Prize Speech Bal Gangadhar Tilak Zayee Yash Ariaan Naisha Group 2 Challenger Speech Mark Anthony Shawn Aananjay Mira ArjunD Group 3 Aint I a woman Speech Malala Speech Raya Kahaan Kritin Vianah Group 4 Challenger Speech Aahana Aman Adeesh Dhruva Bal Gangadhar Speech Group 5 Aint I a woman Speech Mark Anthony Speech Vedika Kavya Ria Avantika Feel free to reach out for questions! Submission date 24th February 2021. All the best and most of all have fun!!