03 Signal Words & Transition 2S2R 독해전략의 1단계(survey)에서 연결어와 같은 signal words를 찾는 것은 매우 중요하다. 그 것을 미리 파악함으로써 다음 Reading의 단계에서 할 것을 미리 예측하여 전체독해의 큰 그림을 그릴 수 있기 때문이다. 예를 들어 글의 중간에 ‘그러나’라는 연결사가 나오고 그 다음엔 그 어떠 한 signal words가 나온 것이 없다면, 그 글은 ‘그러나’ 다음에 나오는 내용이 저자가 말하고자 하 는 주장이 될 확률이 높다. 따라서 시험시간이 부족할 경우 여러분은 ‘그러나’ 이하의 문장만 꼼 꼼히 읽어도 전체내용을 파악할 수가 있고, 저자의 요지도 파악할 수 있다. 1단계에서 signal words를 빠르게 체크함으로써 여러분은 이 글 전체에 대한 지도를 그릴 수가 있는 것이다. 패턴의 Signal Words 1. Series(열거)를 나타내는 Signal Words Also / furthermore / finally / several / examples / categories / methods /problems / in addition / first, second, third / lastly / many / reasons / groups / advantages / too / first of all / most importantly / two, three, four, etc. / points / goals / ways / another / and / moreover / number of / classes / kinds / forms / one / for one thing / next / numerous / types / characteristics / tips 예제 1 다음 글을 읽고 series pattern의 signal words에 밑줄을 치시오. 그런 다음 topic을 쓰 시오. Computer language can be funny at times. For example, we say computers have a “memory.” We know they do not really remember or think. But we still say “memory.” Also, computer programs have “menus.” Of course, we are not talking about restaurants or food. This is a different kind of menu, one for choosing a program or section of the memory. Another example is the “mouse” we use to “talk to” the computer. It is hard not to think about a real mouse when you hear the world. But there are no little gray animals in the machine. 2. 비교와 대조(Comparison and Contrast)를 나타내는 Signal Words Words that show Likeness: alike / similar / same / also / both / and also Words that show Difference: different / unlike / more than / less than / but / however Contrast transitions: However / but / yet / although / instead of / in opposition / in spite of / just the opposite / though / nevertheless / on the other hand / unlike / rather / on the contrary / actually / despite / while / unfortunately / in contrast / conversely / even though / still / nonetheless / whereas / in reality / as opposed to 예제 1 다음 글을 읽고 비교와 대조를 나타내는 signal words에 밑줄을 치시오. 그런 다음 topic 을 쓰시오. The way people pay for health care is very different in Canada and in the U.S. In Canada, everyone has a chance to have health care. People pay a tax to the government, and the government pays most of the doctor, dentist, and hospital bills. In the U.S. , on the other hand, some people pay insurance companies, and the insurance companies pay doctor, dentist, and hospital bills. But in the U.S. , unlike Canada, many poor people cannot pay insurance companies. So they have very little health care. 3. 시간순서(time order)를 나타내는 Signal words First, second, third / before / now / then / after / while / next / soon / in the beginning / once / today / previously / often / as / when / until / later / eventually / last / meanwhile / finally / over time / in the end / during, in, on, or by / over time / originally / increasingly / in just one year / from ~ to~ / events / steps / stages / developments / procedure / process / history 예제 1 다음 글을 읽고 Time order의 signal words에 밑줄을 치시오. 그런 다음 topic을 쓰시오. Albert Einstein was born near the end of the nineteenth century in Ulm, Germany. He graduated from the University of Zurich in Switzerland at the age of 26. That was also when he did his famous work in physics. Sixteen years later he won the Nobel Prize for physics. For the next ten years he lived in Germany. He also traveled a lot to talk with other scientists. Then in the early 1930s he had to leave Germany because of Hitler and the Nazi Party. He moved to the United States. From that time until his death he lived in Princeton, New Jersey. He died at the age of 76. 4. 인과관계(cause and effect)를 나타내는 Signal Words If the arrow goes C(cause) E(effect), use these signal words: So / can make / is a cause of / produces / leads to / stops / results in / creates / causes / makes / had an effect on / is responsible for / can help / effects / is the reason for / increase / aggravates If the arrow goes E(effect) C(cause), use these signal words: Is the effect of / is caused by / because of / is the reason for / is due to / results from / consequences / outcomes / factors / impact 예제 1 다음 글을 읽고 cause and effect의 signal words에 밑줄을 치시오. 그런 다음 topic을 쓰 시오. In the United States, many of the poor city children have health problems. Some of the children are ill because of their diet. They do not get enough food, or they do not get healthy food. Their poor health is also caused by bad housing. Many children live in poor apartments which have no heat in the winter and little fresh air in the summer. Some of the children have poor health because they do not receive good medical care. Many poor children do not see a doctor for checkups or for shots to keep them healthy. 5. 정의를 나타내는 signal words 정의 패턴은 종종 하나 또는 그 이상의 보기(examples)를 포함하는데 따라서 다음과 같은 signal words들이 주로 나타난다. Means / - (dash) / definition / define / meaning / is are / is are called / for example / for instance / to illustrate / as an illustration / in one instance / such as / in one case / describe / more precisely / specifically / what one calls / describe The World Health Organization defines obesity as a condition in which a person’s body-mass index, or MBI, is grater than 30.