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Essay Types: Narrative, Descriptive, Persuasive, Expository

Final Project
Answer the questions
1. An essay is a short literary work in which information is provided by the writer
and his point of view on this information is included.
2. The Narrative, the Descriptive, the Convincing, and the Expository Essay are the
main kinds of essays.
3. The writer provides knowledge in writing an essay that is Descriptive, by
constructing a picture through the use of images and sensory descriptions in the
mind of the reader. To create this picture, the writer must use a large number of
adjectives. The aim of a Descriptive Essay is to convey information, and this is
done by creating an image in the readers mind.
4. A Narrative Essay is one in which, through the use of a story, the author uses to
communicate information. The writer tells the story here. The author will include
a story about a situation to which the reader is able to relate.
5. An Expository Essay is where, using facts, tables, and statistics, the author shares
information. Cause and Effect, the Comparison/Contrast Essay, and the Process
Essay are the three types of expository essays.
6. The Persuasive Essay also provides information, but here the author attempts to
persuade the reader of his/her point of view on the subject presented.
7. In their writing, several authors often chose to mix many kinds of essays. This is
not only possible, but common as well.
Types of Essay
What does the author want to present?
Telling a story
An Information
Painting a Picture
An Information
A Recommendation
Using Statistics and Facts
An Information
Three-Paragraph Essay
Feeling stressed, particularly during exam time, can feel perfectly natural.
You will find that being stressed-out often motivates you to focus on your job, but
you feel incredibly distracted at other times and can't concentrate on anything.
There are two main forms of stress, though stress affects everybody in different
ways: stress that is positive and motivational, good stress, and stress that induces
anxiety and even health issues, bad stress.
Good stress will help you face everyday challenges and encourage you to
achieve your goals. In fact, stress can help you more effectively accomplish tasks.
Moreover, with a little bit of stress, there are different health advantages.
Researchers believe some stress can contribute to improve the immune system.
Stress, for example, will strengthen how your heart functions and protect your
body from infection.
You can fight bad stress by exercising. Working out regularly is one of the
best ways to calm your body and mind. Plus, the attitude will improve with
exercise. In general, eating well and eating a regular, well-balanced diet will make
you feel better. It can help to regulate your moods, too. You need to set aside time
for stuff you love. Make time for hobbies. Try to do something that makes you
feel comfortable every day, and it will help ease your stress. In conclusion, stress
is an inevitable part of life, but some of the circumstances that cause negative
stress can be prevented or altered by changing the way you respond to stress.