U18ch084 SUBHAM EXPERIMENT NO- 5 LEACHING AIM: APPARATUS: CHEMICALS: THEORY: PROCEDURE: To compare efficiency of the operation for different solvents Round bottom flask, Measuring cylinder, Pipette, Condenser, Heating mantle Methanol, Hexane, Acetone, Dichloromethane, Ethyl Acetate Leaching is the process by which inorganic/organic solutes are released from the solid phase into the liquid phase under the influence of mineral dissolution, desorption, complexation processes as affected by pH, etc. The operation performed at boiling point is known as decoction. 1. Take measured amount (10 g) of crushed patchouli leaves in the flask. 2. Add specified amount of solvent (100 ml) in the flask and attach the condenser for making open reflux system. 3. Provide heating for 1 h. 4. After cooling the mixture, filter the solution. 5. Analyze the solution using gas chromatogrph. Dilute the solution if necessary. 6. Calculate the amount of patchouli alcohol (PA) extracted using calibration curve. 7. Compare the yield of patchouli alcohol (PA) extracted using different solvents RESULTS: CONCLUSION: CH 308: Mass Transfer Operations-II (P) Page OBSERVATION: 1) Room Temperature 30°C= U18ch084 SUBHAM 2) Quantity of Solid mixture 3) Volume of Solvent = 1g = __50_ mL U18ch084 SUBHAM OBSERVATION TABLE Solvent Acetone Methanol butyl acetate Hexane heptane Concentration of water hycinth (C, mg/L) 2.5294 4.221 10.6734 3.113 2.47 mg of water hycinth (= C*Volume of solvent ) 0.12647 0.21105 0.53367 0.15565 0.1235 Yield% 1.2647 2.1105 5.3367 1.5565 1.235 U18ch084 SUBHAM CALCULATION: Yield = (g of water hycinth * 100)/g of plant material U18ch084 SUBHAM