第一种区分 cost:manufacturing vs non-manufaturing Manufacturing cost: Direct Materials: raw materials, integral parts of finished product that can be physically and conveniently traced to it Indirect material Direct labor: Indirect labor: janitors, supervisors, materials handlers and security personnel costs Manufacturing overhead: indirect materials; indirect labor; maintenance; repairs on production equipment; heat and light; property taxes; depreciation and insurance on manufacturing facilities. Conversion cost = MOH + DL Prime cost = DL + DM 有时候算 labor hours 会出现一些特殊情况: Idle time(not spend on production activities)如果 manager 认为是跟 production 相关那么算 overhead;如果是 idle time 比如客户要求修改订单的时间,那么算 direct labor cost; Overtime premium 加班费:如果是临时加班,算 direct labor cost;如果是正常高峰期,算 overhead cost Employee benefit cost for indirect labor are overhead; for direct labor, add to DL Non-manufacturing Costs: Mkting cost(selling cost) Administrative costs 第二种: Product costs vs period costs COGS in merchandising company: Beg inv + purchases = end invent + COGS COGS in a manufacturing company: Beg finished goods in + COG manufactured = end finished goods inv + COGS 第三种:variable vs fixed 第四种:indirect cost vs direct cost Begin WIP + total manufacturing cost = End WIP + COGM 题目练习: Ans: variable cost per unit would be unchanged but fixed cost per unit would lower 1. Costs of goods manufactured: Remember that Begin WIP + total manufacturing cost = End WIP + COGM So COGM = BEG WIP + Total Manufacturing cost – End WIP = 180k + 1570k -100k = 1650k 答案对了 BEG WIP = 180k, END WIP =100k, total manufacturing cost: = 780 k + 150 k + 640k = 1570k Direct material: Beg Raw + Purchases – End Raw = 90k + 750k – 60k = 780k Direct labor: 150k MOH: indirect labor + utilities factory + depreciation factory + insurance factory + supplies factory + maintenance factory = 300 k + 36k + 162k + 40k + 15k + 87k = 640k 2. Costs of goods sold: Beg finished goods in + COG manufactured = end finished goods inv + COGS So COGS = BEG FIN + COGM – END FIN = 260k + 1650k – 210k = 1700k 答案对了 3. income statement Mitchell Company Income Statement For year eneded last year Sales Less COGS Gross profit less selling and operating expenses less administrative expenses 2,500,000 1,700,000 800,000 140,000 270,000 operating income (profit) 4. 390,000 1. Calrton Company 记得 duduct 的都要加括号 Schedule of Cost of Goods Manufactured Direct materials Beginning raw materials Add: Purchases of raw materials raw materials available for use Deduct: ending raw materials raw materials used in production direct labor Manufacutring overhead maintenance factory depreciation, factory equipment indirect materials, factory 25,000 130,000 155,000 (20,000) 135,000 32,500 37,000 55,000 3,000 utilities, factory insurance, factory equipment rent, factory building total overhead cost total manufacturing costs Add: work in process inventory, beginning Deduct: work in process inventory, ending Costs of Goods Manufactured 26,000 4,000 45,000 170,000 337,500 24,000 (16,500) 345,000 Schedule of Costs of Goods Sold Finished Goods, beginning Add: Costs of Goods Manufactured Goods available for sale Deduct: Finished Goods, ending Costs of Goods Sold 2. Avg cost for DM 135,000/15,000 = 9 Avg cost for rent on the factory building 45,000/15,000 = 3 3. DM avg cost still 9, and total cost would be 9*20,000 = 180,000 Rent total cost will still be 45,000, but avg cost would be 45,000/20,000=2.25 4. 15,000 345,000 360,000 (42,500) 317,500