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Pearson International Qualifications Update - Feb 2021

February 2021
Today’s guest experts:
Hayley White
Roberta Thomson
Product Director for
David Casey
Head of Assessment
Today’s agenda
● The situation in the UK - Ofqual
announcements & consultation
● Principles of the approach for the
May/June 2021 series
● The provisional timeline
● Support & communication channels
● Additional exam series
● Q&A session
Ofqual and Pearson Announcements
On 7 January 2021 GCSE, AS and A level exams were
Ofqual are going through a consultation which is
due to be released in the week beginning 22
February 2021.
We announced that Pearson International General
Qualifications will also use a robust evidence-based
process for delivering grades in the May/June 2021
Our priorities throughout this pandemic have been
to keep everyone safe and well and to ensure
fairness so that every student receives a grade that
reflects their knowledge and understanding.
Principles for the international
approach for May/June 2021
The challenges this year are different to those of 2020 and therefore the approach we take
will be different to the Centre Assessed Grades submitted in 2020.
1. The 'evidence-based approach' for international qualifications is aligned to the
approach for UK qualifications, with variation as required.
2. Recognition of wide range of circumstances faced by international schools. The
approach for international qualifications will provide flexibility to determine grades via
a range of inputs (a “basket of evidence”)
3. The approach for IALs will reflect the modular design of the qualifications.
4. A robust and scalable solution will be available for private candidates.​
5. An additional opportunity will be provided for students to sit exams later in 2021.
More detailed information on the process will follow in the coming weeks but we know
you're keen to understand more about what this means for you.
Approach for May/June 2021
Early sight of current thinking – full details will follow:
Student grade to be derived by teacher / centre;
A variety of evidence to be collated to inform the grade – a basket of
Unseen Pearson test materials will be made available;
Marking service to be offered by Pearson or carried out in centre;
Pearson to provide subject guidance and support;
Two step Quality Assurance - 1st phase virtual meeting with SLT,
2nd sampled subject level review of evidence;
Stages of appeal spanning centre and Pearson review to be available.
Provisional Timelines
Supporting you throughout the process
Your needs and priorities
Objective and fair assessment and verification of grades
Parity, fairness and recognition across equivalent UK and
international qualifications
Certainty of approach; clear instructions and enough time and
materials to prepare grades
Support - teacher workload
Motivation for students to continue learning
Answering your questions
• We know you’ll have many questions, we’ll open up for a Q&A
session today but you can also contact us via contact form or
More information about the approach for general qualifications
will be released over the coming weeks as the Ofqual
consultation findings are published;
Thank you for your ongoing patience and support.
What are we doing:
● Preparing further support
and guidance;
● Exploring enhanced
services and support for
customers such as private
● Devising support for
teachers to support the
grading of candidates.
Communicating the next steps
We want you to know what to expect and when:
We’ll continue to share important news and updates on our website
and via the bi-weekly EO Update and our bi-weekly Pearson General
Qualifications bulletin providing updates for Heads of Centre, Heads
of Department & teachers ;
In March and April we will be publishing detailed guidance on the
process of deriving and submitting grades, arrangements for year 10
or private candidates, appealing grades and the autumn series;
What will the detailed guidance contain?
To be published in March and April but we will not provide all
of the answers at once
● For Exams Officers
○ Dates and deadlines
○ How to use the system
○ Amending &
withdrawing entries
○ FAQs
● For teachers
○ Subject specific
○ Curriculum support
● For Heads of Centre
○ Declaration
○ Support for teaching staff
● Parents and Students
○ Understanding the
Next steps
Whilst there are many unknowns there are activiites that you
can be doing now:
1. Check entries are complete and correct.
2. Initiate conversations about private candidates to confirm whether you can
support them.
3. Consider what evidence you have available that can inform/support grading,
we will provide guidance about the ‘Basket of Evidence’.
4. Prepare for the gathering of evidence and the submision of information –
consider how you will organise the process and your resource
Additional Exam Series
We have recently opened a survey to understand your needs around additional
exam opportunities in 2021.
The scope of the survey is covers international qualifications.
The UK general qualifications (GCSEs and A levels) are not included.
The complete Autumn term schedule is under review and existing timing and
schedules for the current IAL October series are subject to change.
The survey can be found here.
Pre-submitted Questions
Will the grades be submitted at unit or qualification level?
What type of validation/verification will be done to assess the internal grading done
by the teachers? Will there be sampling?
Can you explain in detail how the teachers will collect the evidence for the
students' predicted grades.
How many pieces of evidence do you need each centre to hold for each student
per subject?
What is the procedure for external and private candidates?
Do students need to finish the whole course?
When will we have confirmation of plans?
Please submit any further
questions via the Chat panel
Pre-submitted Questions
How will grades for private candidates who have registered through our centre be
Will the certificates indicate that the grades for this series were Teacher Assessed
How will the exam board ensure that grades are not inflated by centres?
What weighting will the assessments provided by the exam board hold?
What evidence do students and teachers need to collect for submission?
Please submit any further
questions via the Chat panel
Contact us
Call us:
+44 (0) 120
4770 696
Raise a case on the
portal at:
Thank you
for attending