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Cement Mortar Shrinkage with Polypropylene & PVC

Experimental Study of the Effect of Adding Polypropylene Fibers and PVC Waste on
Cement Mortars’ Drying Shrinkage and Crack Opening
Aningga, John Linard L.
Journal 1
February 2, 2021
CE 8: Construction Materials and Testing with Lab
Engr.Bon Ryan Aniban, Instructor
Unreinforced cement concrete is a brittle material with limited mechanical strength
and properties that is susceptible to damage and deterioration brought by factors
including strength failure, aging, and exposure to harsh environment conditions.
Accordingly, shrinkage is a fundamental parameter developed in these concrete
structures that is considered a major source of cracking and deformation. These cracks
due to shrinkage are a significant cause of weakness in concrete particularly in large
onsite applications leading to subsequent fracture and failure and general lack of
durability (Anandan and Santhanam, 2007). It therefore, requires necessary
consideration in terms of analyzing the durability of cementitious materials due to its
major impact on the overall stability of the structure.
Shrinkage exists in varying forms namely thermal-shrinkage, drying-shrinkage,
plastic-shrinkage, and endogenous-shrinkage, these phenomenon are linked to the
aging of the concrete and a result of loss of capillary water from the hardened cement
mixture, leading to a decrease in relative humidity and evolution in the porous structure
manifested as contraction and crack formation within the concrete.
Shrinkage is a type of concrete deformation which can be measure by nondestructive method and known to be generated by parameters such as capillary
pressure, relative humidity and Young’s modulus.
The addition of polypropylene fiber was confirmed by numerous research studies
to have improved the overall mechanical properties of concrete; increasing its
compressive and flexural strength, retaining a higher internal relative humidity,
reducing the probability of volume reduction and subsequently delaying shrinkage and
the prevention of cracks formation.
This study utilizes polypropylene fiber with the addition of PVC plastic grains
which is known to increase the fluidity of cementitious materials in order to delay the
shrinkage phenomenon and subsequently prevent the development of cracks. The
outcome of this study will also improve the existing knowledge on the phenomenon of
shrinkage and predicting its effect on crack propagation.
To analyze the effect of polypropylene fiber and PVC plastic grains in terms of
parameters generating the cracking phenomenon namely internal relative humidity,
Young’s modulus, and the hydration degree and porosity, an experimental study has
been conducted. The experiment involved four different concrete mixtures, the first one
being a reference mixture containing only limestone filler, the second has substituted
PVC plastic grains to the 20% proportion of sand, the third is the replacement of 1.5%
cement quantity with polypropylene fiber, and the last one is a mixture of two previous
formulations having 20% of sand substituted with PVC plastic grains and 1.5% cement
replaced with polypropylene fibers. The mixtures were thoroughly mixed with a
specified E/L=(C+Ka) ratio of 0.5. Likewise, a relatively similar experimentation of
polypropylene fiber on concrete was carried out by Islam & Gupta (2016) with fiber
content varied from 0.1% to 0.3% by volume of specimen in contrast to a reference
mixture. Similarly, Bagherzadeh et al. (2012) conducted an experiment on
polypropylene-reinforced lightweight cement composites (LWC) with varying fiber
lengths (6mm and 12mm) and fiber proportions (0.15% and 0.35%) by cement weight
of mixture compared to unreinforced LWC. In all the mentioned experiments, each
concrete cement specimen was prepared and formulated in 28-days period for each test
in order to obtain a more accurate set of data.
The relative humidity measurements were taken using hygrometer in four different
depths of specimen exposed in drying conditions. The tests have shown a decrease in
relative humidity for all mixtures with a limit of value set to 75% which varies
according to the drying depth of the composition of the mixture. The relative humidity
of polypropylene fiber reinforced mortar however, remains significantly high.
Similarly, the addition of both polypropylene fibers and PVC plastic grains contribute
to maintaining the internal relative humidity for high levels in a longer time period.
On the other hand, there have been a decrease in degree of saturation for all
mixtures of the formulated mortars which was attributed to the development of the
porous network within the material that facilitates the departure of water.
The Young’s modulus meanwhile, was shown to be highest at the mortar containing
polypropylene fiber particularly on the 1.5% dosage of just the fiber compared to other
formulated mortars.
Concerning the stated parameters, differential shrinkage was obtained with the use
of regular comparator to measure the change in size of samples due to shrinkage
contraction. The test revealed that the addition of polypropylene fibers had a
remarkable contribution to delaying the phenomenon of shrinkage noting that the
formulation containing 1.5% polypropylene fibers had the most effective contribution
to reducing the amplitude of shrinkage compared to other formulations. Accordingly,
the combined PVC and polypropylene fiber led to a significant reduction of both crack
opening and shrinkage magnitudes. In support of these findings, Islam & Gupta (2016)
recorded a decrease of 50-99% in plastic shrinkage cracks upon polypropylene fiber
reinforcement showing no plastic shrinkage cracks for samples having 0.30% added
fiber (by volume) and restrained cracks for 0.10-0.25% added fiber compared to the
control sample. Additionally, Bagherzadeh et al. (2012) had similar experimentation
outcome revealing that in fact the utilization of polypropylene fibers decreases the
shrinkage value of concrete specimens and mentioned that the increase in fiber
proportioning seemed to result in a reduction in shrinkage value which consequently
reduce cracks.
Figure 1 The evolution of the differential shrinkage gradients for different formulated mortars
Figure 2 The evolution of crack openings for different formulated mortars
Relevant to these findings, it was revealed that the addition of polypropylene fiber
decreases the compressive strength of the material by 2% upon 0.1% fiber
reinforcement along with an increase in tensile strength by 39% according to Islam &
Gupta (2016). Furthermore, based on the experiment conducted by Bagherzadeh et al.
(2012), it was indicated that higher proportion and length of the polypropylene fiber
amounts to better result in terms of tensile strength and reduction of shrinkage cracks.
This paper reported experimental results regarding the phenomenon of cracking that
develops in cementitious materials as effect of drying. This study evaluates and
provides understanding on the main parameters generating the cracking phenomenon
such as internal relative humidity, Young’s modulus, and hydration degree and
porosity. Moreover, the aim of this study is to better understand and assess the overall
impact of varying formulation and composition on total free shrinkage and crack
The given findings have led us to conclude the following:
Polypropylene fiber and PVC plastic grains reinforcement on concrete
significantly reduces both the amplitude of cracking and the shrinkage
magnitude with a spike at 40% substitution rate for plastic grains and at 2% for
polypropylene fibers.
Relative to the drying depth, the development of crack opening and shrinkage
decreases proving that water departure induces significant cracking from drying
Internal relative humidity must be a fundamental consideration to fully
understand the drying phenomenon among cementitious materials along with
Young’s modulus and the porosity of the material.
Aqil, M. et al. (2020). Experimental study of the effect of adding polypropylene fibers and pvc
waste on cement mortars’ drying shrinkage and crack opening. Retrieved January 30, 2021,
Bagherzadeh, R et al. (2012). An investigation on adding polypropylene fibers to reinforce
Islam, G., & Gupta, S. (2016). Evaluating plastic shrinkage and permeability of polypropylene
Anandan, S. & Sivakumar, M. (2007). Mechanical properties of high strength concrete reinforced
APPENDIX 1: Results of the Tests
Figure 1 The Evolution of the Differential Shrinkage Gradients for Different Formulated Mortars,
p.10 (Aqil, et al. 2020)
Figure 2 The Evolution of Crack Openings for Different Formulated Mortars, p.10 (Aqil, et al.