DIFFERENT KINDS OF REPORTS BY USING DIFFERENT ESTABLISHMENT Informational reports Provide data, facts, feedback, and other types of information without analysis or recommendations. Decision-making reports are a use of informational reporting that contains facts about monitoring and controlling operations. They provide feedback, and an example would be production record reports. An example of this type of “just the facts” report is a police accident report. The report will note the time, date, place, contributing factors like weather, and identification information for the drivers involved in an automobile accident. It does not establish fault or include judgmental statements. EXAMPLE: How to Write an Informational Report You cannot write an information report first without knowing what it is or what it entails. An informational report explains a topic using detailed facts when writing an informational report; you are not supposed to persuade your audience or argue a point. These reports should always be free of opinions. The main idea here is to provide necessary information to the audience. With an information report, one gets a chance to create a better understanding of a subject. Information reports are based on anything ranging from cars, ocean animals, pollution, rainforests, computers and so on. Compared to analytical reports, informational reports are not that lengthy. Analytical report An analytical report is a type of a business report that uses qualitative and quantitative company data to analyze as well as evaluate a business strategy or process while empowering employees to make data-driven decisions based on evidence and analytics. An analytical report is a type of a business report that uses qualitative and quantitative company data to analyze as well as evaluate a business strategy or process while empowering employees to make data-driven decisions based on evidence and analytics. Analytical reports offer both information and analysis, but they also include recommendations. Offering recommendations is the biggest difference between informational and analytical reporting. The first use of analytical reporting focuses on investigating business opportunities within the marketplace. EXAMPLE: How to write a well-structured, informative data analysis report 1.Take criticism. No one is perfect. ... 2.Know the content. Often, the best approach to a data analysis report is to begin with the most comprehensive information. ... 3.Know your audience. When constructing a data analysis report, it is important to understand its purpose. ... 4.Develop a flexible outline. 3 Types of Reports That Business Analyst Need to Learn General reports: detail report, grouped report, crosstab report, column report, query report, data entry report, etc. Aggregate reports: various irregular reports, such as complex bills. Dashboard reports: visualized report with multi-dimensional analysis based on display of business indicators Differences and Similarities The differences between analytical reports and informational reports These are the major differences between analytical reports and informational reports. At times there are people who might mistake one report for another, but this information will help you in knowing what to write where. The differences include: The informational report is a presentation of information that provides a better understanding of a subject. On the other hand, analytical reports are majorly premised on analyzed data Informational reports do not include recommendations, but the analytical reports utilize recommendation as a crucial part. The length of the informational report is shorter as opposed to analytical reports, which is much longer. This depends on the amount of data that has been analyzed. Informational reports do not take much time in preparation as opposed to analytical reports. Informational reports do not require any set of special knowledge. However, when writing analytical reports, one must have special knowledge and skills especially those that apply to the analytics of data. Information reports do not have a special format to follow when writing. When writing analytical reports, the writer must follow a specific format of data presentation. The costs involved in the preparation of informational, reports are far less costly than the ones involved in the preparation of t analytical reports. Similarities Personal Account. Of an event you attended or participated in, such as a training seminar or presentation. ... Routine Report. It is often presents factual or statistical information, such as progress in specific areas or information regarding accidents or equipment failure. Special report SUBMITTED BY: JEDIDAH PARAÑAL ALFEREZ GRADE 11-VICTORS SUBMITTED TO: MRS. JANE B. BULANO