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BSP 808
 Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Particular Laws + Granting BSP access to the cloud
 Outsourcing Activities: Compliance to our Outsourcing Policy
 Due Diligences from our end: Procurement, background checking, etc.
 Performance Management: proper SLA, incident response, etc.
 Clauses on Data Security / Privacy
 Data Location
 Business Continuity Planning of the Vendor
Implement multiple layers of control to prevent detect, correct, monitor and
analyze system and network anomalies arising from DDoS attacks. These may
include deployment of on-premise and/or cloud-based solutions, close
coordination with internet service providers (ISPs) and hosting companies, as well
as having robust and reliable back-up system.
Sound risk management and risk mitigation controls policy for cloud computing.
Key elements shall include:
a. Vendor Management
b. Information Security
c. Audits
d. Legal & Regulatory Compliance
e. Business Continuity Planning
Adjustment of the FI’s audit policies and practices to provide acceptable IT audit
coverage of outsourced cloud computing.
Mandatory notification by the service provider of all systems changes that will
affect the FI. Transparent incident response process (including role of the CSP)
and mechanism to share information with FI during and after the incident (IT
Outsourcing/Vendor Management)
CSP acquires no rights or licenses through the agreements, to use the FI’s data for
its own purposes
CSP does not acquire and may not claim any interest in the data due to security
Continuous monitoring of security infrastructure of FI to have a sufficient level of
assurance that the CSP is maintaining effective controls.
Management processes for incident notification procedures; effective monitoring
of security-related threats, incidents and events on both FI’s and CSP’s networks;
comprehensive incident response methodologies; and maintenance of appropriate
forensic strategies for investigation and evidence collection
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