Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Program of Studies 2017 - 2018 Management Major Requirements Student Name: Student ID: Advisor Name: Date: Total Credits: 120 Total Courses: 39 Business Core - 14 Courses (45 Credits) Complementary Core - 6 Courses (18 Credits) ACCT 1010 Introductory Financial Accounting I 3 ACCT 2010 Accounting for Managers 3 BCMP 1225 Business Productivity Tools & Technology 3 BFIN 2301 Finance for Managers 3 BLAW 2030 Business Law 3 BMAT 1040 Business Mathematics 3 ECON 1010 Microeconomics 3 COMM 1070 Communication & Presentation Skills 3 COMM 3310 Presentations 3 PHIL 1011 Critical Thinking 3 PHIL 3010 Ethics 3 STAT 2040 Quantitative Methods 3 STAT 4010 Research Methodologies 3 ECON 1110 Macroeconomics 3 Complementary Electives - 4 Courses (12 Credits) MKTG 1060 Marketing Essentials 3 Junior Science Elective - Choose 1: MNGT 1200 Introduction to Business 3 MNGT 2250 Organizational Behavior 3 MNGT 2360 International Business 3 MNGT 4050 Strategic Management 3 Integrative Experience Electives - Choose 1 of: ACWE 4990 MNGT 4990 BIOL 2220 Organisms and their Relationships ENVS 2010 Environmental Science for Sustainability 3 3 SCIE 2230 Science of Health and Wellness 3 SCIE 2240 Science: Past, Present and Future 3 Junior Humanities Elective - Choose 1: Business Practicum 6 Business Capstone 6 Management Major - 15 Courses (45 Credits with Option A or B) HRMT 2320 Human Resources Management 3 MNGT 1255 Introduction to Management 3 MNGT 2321 Project Management 3 MNGT 3020 Conflict Management and Negotiation 3 MNGT 4010 Change Management 3 MNGT 4020 Project Management II 3 MNGT 4070 Operations Management 3 ECON 2355 Economic Development Fundamentals 3 ENTR 2350 Entrepreneurship 3 LDSH 3050 Leadership 3 MNGT 2367 Muncipal Structure and Governance 3 Senior Management Electives - Choose 4: MNGT 2370 Principles of Supply Chain Management 3 MNGT 3365 International Management 3 MNGT 3010 Continuous Improvement 3 BA Diploma graduates can use MNGT395 as a senior elective 3 ARCH 1010 History of Architecture 3 ENGL 1010 Critical Reading and Writing 3 HUMN 2010 Introduction to Humanities 3 PHIL 1030 Ethics in Technology 3 PHIL 1040 Introduction to Philosophy 3 Junior Social Science Elective - Choose 1: ANTH 2230 PSYC 1010 SOCI 2010 Aboriginal Studies 3 Introduction to Psychology 3 Introduction to Sociology 3 Senior Elective - Choose 1: COMM 3300 Achieve the required GPA (2.0) Intercultural Communication 3 ENGL 3370 Comparative World Literature 3 SOCI 3060 Technology and Society 3 SOCI 3340 Society and the Workplace 3 SOCI 3380 Conformity and Deviance in the Workplace 3 Additional Requirements for Graduation: Program completed within required timeframe At least 50% course work completed at SAIT Transfer credits are approved and requested through RPL Successful completion of ETHI 110 Academic Honesty Choose Either Completion Option - A or B Option A - Without a Minor: Choose 4 Courses (12 Credits) - 1 Junior Elective and 3 Senior Electives or 4 Senior Electives) Option B - With a Minor: Choose either Energy, Oil & Gas or Construction Project Management Energy, Oil & Gas - 4 Courses (12 Credits) PTPR 1255 Construction Project Management - 4 Courses (12 Credits) Overview Canadian Oil and Gas Industry 3 Senior Elective - Choose 3: CPMT 2030 Construction Industry Overview 3 CPMT 3060 Project Risk and Conflict Management Scope and Design Management 3 3 ENVS 3370 Regulatory, Env. & Sustainability 3 CPMT 4060 MNGT 3310 Petroleum Management 3 CPMT Elective - Choose 1: PTOP 3350 Tech. & Canadian Oil & Gas Operations 3 CIVL 2110 Project Delivery Systems 3 SCMT 2320 Quality: A Supply Chain Perspective 3 SCMT 2320 Quality: A Supply Chain Perspective 3 SCMT 2370 Procurement 1 3 Approved Senior Business Electives ELAW 2350 ECON 2355 ENTR 2350 HRMT 2300 HRMT 2320 HRMT 2350 HRMT 2360 HRMT 3010 HRMT 3020 HRMT 4010 LDSH 3050 MKTG 2306 MKTG 2336 MKTG 2340 Employment Law Economic Development Fundamentals Entrepreneurship Talent Management I: Recruitment and Selection Human Resource Management HR Information Management Talent Management II: Training and Development Health, Safety and Wellness Talent Management III: Total Rewards Labour Relations Leadership Brand Management Marketing Action Consumer Behaviour *BA diploma graduates may use MNGT 395 as a senior business elective. MNGT 2321 MNGT 3365 MNGT 395* MNGT 2367 MNGT 2370 MNGT 3010 MNGT 3020 MNGT 4010 SCMT 2300 SCMT 2310 SCMT 2320 SCMT 2350 SCMT 2370 SCMT 2380 Project Management International Management Managing Strategically Municipal Structure and Governance Principles of Supply Chain Management Continuous Improvement Conflict Management and Negotiation Skills Change Management Operations Planning & Scheduling Logistics I Quality: A Supply Chain Perspective Operational Performance Analytics Procurement I Materials Management ■ Fall ● Winter Recommended Program of Studies 2017 - 2018 Year 1 Year 2 ACCT 1010 ■ Introductory Financial Accounting I BLAW 2030 ■ Business Law BCMP 1255 ■ Business Productivity Tools and Technology MNGT 2250 ■ Organizational Behaviour ■ Project Management BMAT 1040 ■ Business Mathematics MNGT 2321 ECON 1010 ■ Microeconomics ■ ● Either ACCT 2010 or MKTG 1060 MNGT 1200 ■ Introduction to Business ■ Major Elective 1 COMM 1070 ● Communication and Presentation Skills ● Macroeconomics ● Introduction to Management ● Quantitative Methods BFIN 2301 ECON 1110 MNGT 1255 STAT 2040 ■ ● Either ACCT 2010 or MKTG 1060 MNGT 2360 PHIL 1011 ● Finance for Managers ● International Business ● Critical Thinking ● Major Elective 2 ● Junior Science Elective Year 3 Year 4 ■ Presenatation MNGT 3020 PHIL 3010 ■ Ethics MNGT 4070 ■ Operations Management MNGT 4020 ■ Project Management II MNGT 4010 ■ Change Management COMM 3310 ■ Junior Social Science or Humanities Elective ■ Major Elective Course 3 HRMT 2320 STAT 4010 ● Human Resource Management ● Research Methodologies ● Junior Social Science or Humanities Elective ● Major Elective Senior Course 4 ● Minor or without minor Junior Course 1 ■ Conflict Management and Negotiation Skills ■ Senior Social Science or Humanities Elective ■ Minor or without Minor Senior Course 2 ● Strategic Management ● Minor or without Minor Senior Course 3 ● Minor or without Minor Senior Course 4 MNGT 4050 ● Integrative Experience Elective - MNGT 4990 or ACWE 4990 PLEASE NOTE: Course availability and course codes are subject to change. Please consult with an Academic Advisor if you have any questions. Prerequisite Courses Course Prerequisites Course Prerequisites ACCT 2010 ACCT 1010 and BMAT 1040 MNGT 3020 MNGT 2250 ACWE 4990 STAT 4010 and 90 credits completed; 4th yr. standing MNGT 3310 BFIN 2301 ACCT 1010 and BMAT 1040 MNGT 3365 MNGT 2360 CIVL 2110 CPMT 2030 or CIVL 1110 MNGT 4010 MNGT 2250 COMM 3310 COMM 1070 MNGT 4020 MNGT 2321 or MNGT 2320 CPMT 3060 CPMT 2030 or CPMT 3030 MNGT 4050 ACCT 2010 or ACCT 2020 and BFIN 2301 or FNCE 3060 CPMT 4060 CPMT 2030 or ARCH 1020 MNGT 4990 STAT 4010 and MNGT 4050*, 90 credits completed; 4th yr standing ENGL 3370 COMM 1070 ENVS 3370 PTPR 1255 PTOP 3350 PTPR 1255 HRMT 2320 MNGT 2250 SCIE 2240 STAT 2040 LDSH 3050 MNGT 2250 SCMT 2320 MNGT 2370 or SCMT 1255 MNGT 2360 ECON 1110 SOCI 3340 SOCI 2010 MNGT 2370 MNGT 1200 SOCI 3380 SOCI 2010 MNGT 3010 COMM 1070, MNGT 2250, MNGT 2320, and STAT 2040 STAT 4010 STAT 2040 PTPR 1255, BFIN 2301* and MNGT 2321 or 2320 * BFIN 2301 and MNGT 2321 can also be taken at the same time as MNGT 3310 Advisor Notes: *MNGT4050 can also be taken at the same time as MNGT4990