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Lifting Equipment Focal Point Training

To establish that the candidate has the required responsibilities, foundation knowledge and understanding to be
applied in carrying out the role of Lifting Equipment Focal Point. Inspection, reporting and rejection criteria.
The candidate must have completed the course Introduction to Lifting and Hoisting and Rigger level 1.
Upon completion of training and nomination by the Management the L.E.F.P. will be interviewed by the OAI/43
as to suitability to perform the duties of the L.E.F.P.
Module 1 Regulations in Regards to Rigging Loft Managements
British Standard References
BS 302 Specification for Stranded Steel Wire Ropes,
BS 1290 Wire Rope Slings & Sling Legs For General Lifting Purpose
BS 6210 The Safe Use of Wire Rope Slings for General Lifting Purposes.
BS 6166 Rating of Lifting Gear for General Purposes.
BS 7121 Part 1, Part 2 & Part 3
BS EN 1677-5 Higher Tensile Steel Hooks.
BS 3551 Alloy Steel Shackles.
BS 4278 Eyebolts for Lifting Purposes.
BS 6570 Code of Practice for the Selection, care and maintenance of Steel Wire Ropes.
LOLER Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations
PUWER Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations
Constitution of Brunei Darussalam order under Article 83(3)
Workplace Safety & Health Order 2009 – WSHO 2009 ( Amendment 2013 )
Impose duties to:
“Employer” means a person who, in the course of his trade, business, profession or undertaking,
employs any person to do work under a contract
“Employee” means any person employed by an employer to do any work under a contract
As Low As Reasonably Practicable, it is the Duties of EMPLOYER to:
Provide a safe workplace including a safe access & egress
Provide safe plant & equipment
RISK is managed to ALARP
Develop and implement procedures/guidelines
Provide adequate information, instruction, training & supervision
Provide & maintain general welfare facilities/equipment
As Low As Reasonably Practicable, it is the Duties of EMPLOYEE to:
 to take reasonable care for the safety and health of himself and of other persons who may be affected
by his acts or omissions at work;
 to co-operate with his employer or any other person in the discharge of any duty or requirement
imposed on the employer or that other person by this Act or any regulation made thereunder;
 to wear or use at all times any protective equipment or clothing provided by the employer for the
purpose of preventing risks to his safety and health; and
 to comply with any instruction or measure on occupational safety and health instituted by his employer
or any other person by or under this Act or any regulation made thereunder.
Any person, without reasonable cause, willfully or recklessly endangers the safety of himself and others is
GUILTY of an offence
Main purpose:
Provide criteria on acceptance and rejection of lifting equipment
To ensure a uniform approach to the Examination, Certification and Testing of
lifting equipment owned by BSP and lifting equipment used by BSP’s
contractors on BSP onshore and offshore facilities, and at all locations where
Brunei Shell Petroleum has ‘the prevailing influence’ for both in-air and inwater (sub-sea) lifts
The purpose of this document is to describe how lifting equipment and
activities related to lifting equipment are managed within BSP’s offshore and
onshore facilities and at any worksite where BSP has a prevailing influence.
This document is intended to be the highest level document related to lifting
equipment. The document is consistent with the principles of the BSP
management system and is intended to form part of that system
Module 2 Roles & Responsibilities of CAP
Duties of LEFP-CAP as based on PLIC
Lifting Equipment Focal Point (A person who is
approved by BSJV Technical Authority to undertake
the day-to-day control of lifting equipment in his
designated area).
To ensure that lifting equipment is inspected and
documented in accordance withBSP-ASS-Standard004, BSP lifting and hoisting standard, and Also Site
representative for the rigging store.
Responsibilities of a LEFP-CAP
Organize a periodic visual inspection on
lifting tackles and carry out colour coding
update as required by BSJV.
Establish a Rigging Store for storage of
lifting tackles.
Establish a Quarantine Zone for defective lifting tackles.
Maintain a logbook for issuance and receipt of lifting equipment.
Maintain a list of certified lifting equipment at site.
Maintain a list of certified lifting personnel at site.
Maintain inspection and maintenance record of lifting equipment at site.
Ensure that pre-use and post-use inspections are carried out as per recommended industry best
practices or BSJV - P.L.I.C.
Module 3 Equipment Certifications, Examination & Inspection Requirements
General flow of L E production & distribution
Lifting Equipment Traceability
Mill certs shows records of materials used in manufacturing lifting equipment. This will provide evidence
that material has the right properties to serve the purpose of fabrication
 Each step and examination during fabrication of lifting equipment will
be recorded to provide traceability
 Traceability provides possibilities of improvements when weaknesses
are found in the product(s)
Finish products will be examined against relevant standards
When it passes the examination, it will receive a DOC (declaration of
This DOC will provide traceability of product to the point where first step of
production is commenced
SWL, safe working load is the maximum load as assessed by a competent person which an item of lifting
equipment may raise or lower.
Much confusion exist between the term safe working load and working load limit.By way of an
explanation, working load limit is the load value assigned to the maximum safe working load under ideal
conditions and in most cases the working load limit and the actual safe working load will be the same,
however, depending on conditions of use, it may be necessary for the competent person to reduce the
working load limit to a practical safe working load.
Minimum breaking load. Is the specified load or mass/force below which the item of equipment does not
fail or fracture to such an extent that the load is released.
Test certificate, is a certificate that is issued by the competent person giving details of the test and
thorough examinations conducted on each item of lifting equipment certifying its fitness for safe use.
Certificate of examination, is a certificate issued by the competent person giving the results of the through
examination. defects including a paragraph stating the fitness for use or other.
Statement of conformity, is a certificate issued by the manufacturer confirming the necessary tests have
been carried out confirming the safe working load. A certificate of conformity has the same status as a test
certificate and should be retained for inspection.
All component parts, and components of lifting appliances and lifting accessories must be of good
construction, sound material, adequate strength and free from patent defects, and must be properly
All equipment, depending whether it’s a lifting appliance or a lifting accessory, must be examined in
accordance with the individual periodic requirement.
Lifting Equipment Verification
At user level, lifting equipment verification is normally performed by visual/functional examination and
non-destructive testing
All verification activities are done to ensure fitness for use of the lifting equipment itself
Types of user-level verification are commonly:
o Visual examination
o Penetrant testing
o Magnetic particle examination
o Radio graphy
o Ultra sonic examination
o Load testing
Visual Examination & Function Test
Examination of
equipment’s identification
Physical conditions
Operational conditions
Non destructive testing by using penetrant
examination the purpose is to detect surface / sub
surface cracks for non-ferrous magnetic materials
Non destructive testing by using magnetic particle examination the purpose is to detect surface / sub surface
cracks on ferrous magnetic materials
Non destructive testing by using ultrasonic examination the purpose is to detect internal cracks
Non destructive testing by using radio graphic
examination the purpose is to detect internal
Non destructive testing by using eddy current
examination the purpose is to detect internal
Non destructive testing by proof load the purpose is to
ensure lifting equipment is able to withstand designed
Proof Load Testing Summary
All other items of Loose Lifting Gear (Accessories)
When a load is applied for testing, the Proof Load in tonnes for each item of loose gear is defined in the
following table according to its own Safe Working Load:
The Proof Load shall be sustained for a minimum of 2 minutes.
Thorough Inspection after Proof Load Testing
After Proof Load testing, every item covered by this procedure shall be thoroughly examined.
The purpose of this examination is to check that the item under test has not been damaged or deformed in
any way by the test.
The thorough examination consists of a visual inspection, supplemented by additional methods of
inspection as appropriate (e.g. measurement, N.D.T. etc.).
Certificate of Inspection after Proof Load Testing
Following a satisfactory inspection and Proof Load test, a Release Note shall be issued by the Surveyor
from the Third Party Certifying, or Authority, to the owner/asset holder.
The items shall be given the relevant colour code prior to being returned to service.
Within 14 days a Certificate of Proof Load Test and Inspection, signed by the Surveyor, shall be forwarded
to the owner/asset holder.
The Certificate shall record all tests and inspections carried out and the results.
Report of Inspection after Proof Load Testing
Any defect or deviation from the criteria contained after this Procedure shall result in the issuance of a
defect report , detailing defects or deviations and remedial action required.
The Deviation Form must be issued to the owner/asset holder immediately following the inspection.
Within 14 days a Report of Proof Load Test and Inspection, signed by the Surveyor, shall be forwarded to
the owner/ asset holder.
The report shall record all tests and inspections carried out and the results and the reasons for rejection.
Module 4 Control of Use (Logs, Registers & T Cards)
Logging Before use
For better rigging loft control and register, a separate document, “T” card system or other equivalent approach,
should provide the following details of equipment taken out of the loft:
✓ Date removed
✓ Name of person removing equipment
✓ Lifting operation equipment is being used in
✓ Date returned.
Tee Card System
Module 5 Rigging Loft Documentations Records Keeping
New items of loose Lifting Gear (Accessories)
• All new items of loose lifting gear shall be entered in the loose Lifting Gear Register held by the holder
department and assigned a unique or ID number.
• A copy of the proof load test certificate shall be filed in the loose Lifting Register.
• If documentation does not contain evidence that the required proof load tests have been carried out,
the item shall be subjected to the required Proof Load tests
The rigging store register should contain the certification and description of all equipment controlled via the
The certification will include the declaration of conformity, the current report of thorough examination and,
should any testing have been undertaken, the certificate of test.
Lifting Equipment Register
Key criteria of Lifting Equipment Register;
1. New purchased or post repair equipment
2. Lifting equipment classification – Appliances or tackles
3. ID Number or registration number
4. SWL / WLL , Size or other specification
5. Date stored
6. Color code
7. Next examination date
Benefits of Lifting Equipment Register
1. Traceability of equipment - ID number, marking & tagging
2. Records of equipment details – SWL, physical characteristic
3. Records of inspection period status
4. Records of 3rd party examination validity
5. Inventory tools of lifting equipment
Lifting Equipment Register – sample 1.
Lifting Equipment Register – sample 2.
LOLER 1998 Regulation 11 Keeping of Records
• Test Certificates/Declarations of Conformity must be kept for the lifetime of the equipment
• Reports of thorough examinations should be kept until the next one is issued
• Where, after coming into force of these Regulations, an employer obtaining lifting equipment to which
these Regulations apply receives an EC Declaration of Conformity relating to it, he shall keep the
declaration for as long as he operates the lifting equipment
• In the case of a certificate of thorough examination of lifting equipment, other than an accessory for
lifting, until he ceases to use the lifting equipment
• In the case of a certificate of thorough examination, of an accessory for lifting, for two years after the
report is made.
Maintenance of Lifting Documentation
Why need to maintain lifting equipment records and documentation for;
1. Legal requirement
2. Tracking of lifting equipment inspection and maintenance history
3. Reliable reference for lifting equipment integrity status
4. Reliable reference for risk assessment of lifting operation
Managing Lifting Documentation
Relevant documents required to maintained records;
1. Lifting Equipment Register
2. Lift Plan
3. Risk Assessment
4. Toolbox talk records
5. Lifting Equipment Inspection checklist
6. Lifting equipment 3rd party test certificate (1 copy put at side) or manufacturer test certificate/manual
7. Lifting personnel – competency documents and validity status
Module 6 Storage & Handling Requirements
Rigging Store Management
The generally accepted approach to managing portable lifting equipment and lifting accessories offshore is via a
rigging store/loft, whether supplied by a third party on a six monthly rotation, or owned by the duty holder and
the contents thoroughly examined by a competent person at six monthly intervals.
The basic functions of the rigging store/loft is to ensure that portable lifting equipment and lifting accessories
▪ Stored to reduce the risk of accidental damage and to slow down deterioration;
▪ Effectively controlled so as to prevent unauthorised use;
▪ Given pre use checks prior to use;
Removed from service when their condition has deteriorated such that they are no longer in good repair and
quarantined prior to returning onshore for repair or disposal.
Loft keeper
This person should be competent for the role and preferably have some degree of authority. The former is for
the obvious reason of having adequate experience and knowledge of lifting and lifting equipment to be able to
carry out the task, the latter to assist them in ensuring others comply with related procedures e.g. timely return
of equipment.
It is recommended that only the store controller (CAP) issues equipment and maintains the store registers. The
most effective rigging store/loft control was through a single competent responsible person.
Storage:The rigging loft should be placed in a suitable location, which provides an adequate degree of protection from
weather, installation activity, and allows good access and egress.
Module 7 Inspection Checklist
A checklist is a documentation of inspection that must be implemented by the user to
the lifting equipment
It can be incorporated in the documents being filled up during pre use inspection or
registering equipment
It can also be decided to separate it during routine check as mentioned in Pre use
This is mentioned in BSP WMP # 18 as it requires a specific checklist for a lifting
This checklist must be based in a certain Code of Practice which is accepted by
the industry
This must reflect criteria that will help the person on what to look for during the
inspection and it must be focused on the parts or components of the lifting
equipment that is critical for the lift
Basically this is the inspection criteria & rejection criteria
This criteria must also show standard limitations & tolerances.
This checklist must also basically includes the inspection criterias mentioned during Pre Use
/ Post Use inspection which are Markings (SWL, ID numbers, Valid Color Code
This Checklist serves in support of Lifting equipment preventive maintenance and any
serious result that it attains shall be verified by proper inspection procedure done by a
competent 3rd Party inspectors.
Refer to BSP PLIC document
Inspection Criteria Samples – Wire Rope Slings
Rejection Criteria Samples
Inspection Checklist Samples
Module 8 Quarantine System & Disposal
Lifting Equipment with Discrepancies
All lifting accessories (lifting tackles) are not to be considered repairable
Only a few lifting equipment are to be considered repairable such as Hydraulic jacks & pallet trucks
Serviceable repairable equipment shall be pulled out from rigging loft, clearly marked “for repair” and
kept in a separate area
This option of repair shall be upon the advise of 3rd party competent inspectors and must under go on
whatever testing/verifications it requires
Process of disposal
Applies to all lifting equipment found not “fit for use”
It shall be pulled out from the rigging loft along with its Certifications
Placed in a separate Quarantine Areaand locked wherein there is no access to other personnel who
might mistakenly use it.
Its should be marked “not fit for use” & red color code
During disposal it must be taken sure that the equipment is totally destroy it (eyes cut, hook destroyed
or dismantled) so as nobody else might use it