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COVID-19 Impact on Bangladesh Fisheries: An Economic Analysis

Letter of Transmittal
20th January, 2021
Tapash Bala
Assistant Professors,
Department of Marketing,
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science & Technology University (BSMRSTU),
Subject: Submission of assignment on “Research Methodology”
Dear sir,
It is my great pleasure to submit the assignment on titled “ ”under the course “ Research
Methodology (MKT401)” that is assigned to us as a partial requirement of BBA course. I
am thankful to the you for allowing me the opportunity to do the assignment on this
topic. The paper has been completed by the knowledge that I have gathered from the
course “Research Methodology” I am thankful to all those persons who provided us
important information and gave valuable advices.
Finally, I am truly grateful to the you for giving me this nice opportunity to work on this,
which i have considered as a great chance for me to develop my knowledge in
international Business. Although I have tried my best, certain mistakes and
inconveniences may reside and for this I seek pardon and hope the you will accept my
Yours obediently,
Shamim Fakir
Session: 2016-2017,
Semester-1st, Year-4th,
Department of Marketing,
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science & Technology University (BSMRSTU).
Letter of Authorization
Table Of Content
Course Name :-Research methodology ,
Course code :-401
Name :- Shamim Fakir ,
ID No:- 16MKT087,
Year :- 4th year,1st semester.
How will COVID 19 change the Agricultural Economics(Fisheries sector) in
Bangladesh ?
Background Information Of The Research Problem:As the coronavirus outbreak quickly surges worldwide, many countries Economics are
affecting drastically and Bangladesh are not without this situation and most importantly
the Agricultural Economics, specifically “Fisheries Sector” in Bangladesh are mostly
affected by the COVID 19 situation .
However, these measures face challenges in Bangladesh, a lower-middle-income
economy with one of the world's densest populations. A prompt, supportive, and
empathic collaboration between the Government, citizens, and agriculture experts, along
with it can enable the country to minimize the impact of the pandemic.
Agriculture economics studies the allocation, distribution, and utilization of farming
resources, as well as the commodities produced by farming. It is defined as economic
system that produces, distributes and consumes agricultural products & services.
With the improvement of livelihood criteria and fast pace of living consumer behavior
has shifted greatly. Yet the COVId 19 affected the agriculture based economics network
and the situation are the issue but it is not more than that the artificial crisis situation .In
my nearest area the greatest fish wholesale market “Faltita Fish Market ” where all
farmers goes to the market for selling their cultivated produced fish that‘s are mainly
“ Shrimp and Carp Fish” but the markets have a big syndicate among the whole seller
.The fish whole sale prices are depends on their fixed slab rates ,they are also dominating
the market as a result the farmers are deprived of their own legal based price .Moreover
the whole seller are mostly dominating the market by the excuse of COVID 19 pandemic
situation as a result they are the mostly beneficial ,on the other hand the farmers are
mostly face losses that are not occurring in their cultivation period of previous year. In
this situation the farmers are facing losses because of the low price of their produced fish
,high price of fish feed ,high price of fish pollen, for overall bad situation most of the
farmers (approximately 90%) are facing losses in the current (2020-2021) year. I am
telling about this topic because without some newspaper and some TV channels no one
are not telling about the crisis issues even nor a government ministry .So it is very much
needed and take a immediate steps to minimize the rude situation and for loss
Research Objectives:Economics has been shaking and shaping the business environment and breaking out the
new way of minimize the losses percentage. Thus it has become imperative to analyze the
future prospectus, which will actively govern the implementation of agriculture in
Bangladesh. Thus the objectives of the study are to1. Analyze the present status of agriculture in Bangladesh.
2. Suggest any improvements as required for agriculture (fisheries sector ) in
3. To develop a solution
4. To design and implements the solution
5. To assess its impact
Methodology :The study is based primarily on secondary information. For this purpose, different
recognized census, government rules, regulations, policies, and laws, newspapers,
national and international journals, periodicals have been consulted.
Research Question:1. How to reduce congestion in the network
2. How to stimulate nodes to cooperate in sending and forwarding message
3. How to improve the date delivery network
4. How to decrease overhead ratio
5. What will be impact on the latency
6. What will be impact on energy
Justification of the study:Basically the fish market inefficient inflation rate changes the agricultural economic
situation that mostly affects the total GDP. The fisheries sector revenue earning may
decrease because of –
1. High price of fish feed.
2. High price of fish pollen.
3. High price of lease value.
4. Lower price of sales .
These problems may be possible to solve by taking necessary steps that may be –
1. Changing the government policy.
2. Ensure the fixed rate of various grades of fishes.
3. Give the market policy for balancing the imbalanced situation
4. Give the soft loan with an easy condition.
Fisheries sector contribute 4.39% to the GDP, according to the latest data of Export
Promotion Bureau (EPB),countries export earnings from fisheries sector was $456
million against the target worth $520 million in the concluded fiscal 2019-20 . But this
year it may be reduce and it’s effect may be reflect in next some of the years.
A country's economic conditions are influenced by numerous macroeconomic and
microeconomic factors, including monetary and fiscal policy, the state of the global
economy, unemployment levels, productivity, exchange rates , inflation and many others.
Literature Review:Agricultural economic system defined as the economic system that produces, distributes
and consumes agricultural products and services. Yet the COVID19 affected the
agriculture based economics network and the situation are the issue but it is not more
than that the artificial crisis situation .In my nearest area the greatest fish wholesale
market “ Faltita Fish Market ” where all farmers goes to the market for selling their
cultivated produced fish that‘s are mainly“ Shrimp and Carp Fish” but the markets have
a big syndicate among the whole seller .The fish whole sale prices are depends on their
fixed slab rates ,they are also dominating the market as a result the farmers are deprived
of their own legal based price .Moreover the whole seller are mostly dominating the
market by the excuse of COVID 19 pandemic situation as a result they are the mostly
beneficial ,on the other hand the farmers are mostly face losses that are not occurring in
their cultivation period of previous year. In this situation the farmers are facing losses
because of the low price of their produced fish ,high price of fish feed ,high price of fish
pollen, for overall bad situation most of the farmers (approximately 90%) are facing
losses in the current (2020-2021) year. I am telling about this topic because without some
newspaper and some TV channels no one are not telling about the crisis issues even nor a
government ministry .So it is very much needed and take a immediate steps to minimize
the rude situation and for loss minimization. It was not found out that no study has been
conducted on the topic.
The fisheries sector main problems are –
High price of fish feed ,high price of fish pollen ,high price of lease value ,lower price of
sales, syndication of the whole seller .
.These problems may be possible to solve by taking necessary steps that may be –
Changing the government policy, ensure the fixed rate of various grades of fishes, give
the market policy for balancing the imbalanced situation, give the soft loan with an easy
Research gap identification:Research gap is the problem that’s need to be addressed. It establishes “the
need”/”importance, urgency ,and necessity ”of proposed research project.Identifying the
research gap through the SWOT analysis. The proposed research aims to determine the
agricultural economics changes by the effect of COVID 19. In many times someone
works about the economics of the country but anyone may not work about this issues .
The research gaps are” dramatically changes of the market price ” by the pandemic
Hypothesis Development:Hypothesis is a specific, testable prediction .A hypothesis should always:- explain what
you expect to happen, be clear and understandable ,be testable, be measurable ,contain an
independent and dependent variable. The fisheries sector main problems are –High price
of fish feed, high price of fish pollen ,high price of lease value ,lower price of sales,
syndication of the whole seller. If the agricultural ministry give emphasize about the
export of fish and ensure the exportation, then it may be possible to reduce the farmers
risk minimization. We emphasize the process level value, generate more leads, adding
headlines ,images and body copy that highlight the trusted advisor ,the value of longer
landing page in reducing the anxiety.
Conceptual framework:To clarify concepts and propose relationships among the concepts in a study- The
concepts are very clear about the economic changes for pandemic situation and the
economics and COVID 19 situations relationships are negatively impacted in the
To provide a context for interpreting study findings- Analyzing and interpreting findings
are very much needed for identifying the research problem..
To explain observation- It is the one method for collecting research data .It involves
watching the farmers and whole sellers and recording relevant behavior for analysis.
To encourage theory development that is useful to practice- It is important to encourage
theory development for solving the new problems of the agricultural sector.
Research Design :A research design is the arrangements of conditions for collection and analysis of data in
a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in
procedure .It constitutes the blueprint for the collection and measurement and analysis of
data. An outline of what researcher will do from hypothesis and its operational
implications to the final analysis of data.
Why is research Design Important?
Good research design is the first rule of good research . Knowledge of the needed
research design allows advance planning, so that the project may be conducted in less
time and typically at a cost savings due to efficiencies gained in preplanning.
Pilot survay
Data collection Method
Data collection form
Detailed Calculation
General Tables of Results