Slide 1 Estimation of Road Load Parameters via On-road g Vehicle Testing Dr. Rahul Ahlawata, Dr. Jürgen Bredenbeckb & Mr. Tatsuo Ichigec a A&D Technology, Michigan, USA c A&D b A&D Europe GmbH, Griesheim, Germany Company, Tokyo, Japan Tire Technology Expo 2013 February 5-7, 5-7 Cologne, Cologne Germany Proprietary and Confidential, A&D Technology, Inc. Slide 2 Energy gy Loss in Vehicles Standby 17%(4%) Accessories 2%(2%) Aerodynamic Drag 3%(11%) Fuel Tank 100%(100%) ( ) Rolling Resistance 4%(7%) Braking 6%(2%) Engine Loss 62%(69%) Drivetrain Loss 6%(5%) Losses of fuel energy in a vehicle in city usage (highway usage) [U.S. National Academy of Science, 2006] Proprietary and Confidential, A&D Technology, Inc. Slide 3 Energy gy Loss in Vehicles Standby 17%(4%) Accessories 2%(2%) Aerodynamic Drag 3%(11%) Fuel Tank 100%(100%) ( ) Rolling Resistance 4%(7%) Braking 6%(2%) Engine Loss Vehicle 62%(69%) Drivetrain Loss Road Load 6%(5%) Road Grade Road load is define as the “…force …force or torque which opposes the movement of a vehicle…” Proprietary and Confidential, A&D Technology, Inc. [ISO 10521‐1, 2006] Slide 4 Significance of Road Load Determination Vehicle platooning [1,2] Roll‐over prevention [3] EEnergy management [4,5] [SARTRE project test, Sweden] Offline modeling & control development [6] [Toyota] Engine certification [7] [Mathworks] Proprietary and Confidential, A&D Technology, Inc. Slide 5 Objective j Estimate the road load parameters of a vehicle Focus on rolling resistance & aerodynamic drag Use on‐road testing of a production vehicle Use a novel force measurement method & compare p results with traditional method(s) Proprietary and Confidential, A&D Technology, Inc. Slide 6 Outline 1. Introduction 2. Road load fundamentals 3. Instrumentation & sample data 4. Coast down method 5. Force measurement method 6. Summary Proprietary and Confidential, A&D Technology, Inc. Slide 7 Rolling Resistance For a free rolling tire under no slip: Mg: Vertical load on the tire due to sprung & unsprung mass vx: Tire longitudinal velocity ω: Tire angular speed Rz: Ground reaction force Rx: Rolling resistance force Mrr: Rolling resistance moment r: Loaded tire radius vx Mg vx ω Mg vx ω Mg ω Mrr Rx Tire normal force distribution is asymmetric. The resultant normal force acts towards the leading Proprietary and Confidential, A&D Technology, Inc. edge. Rx a Rz Rz a∙Rz = Mrr= r∙ Rx Rolling resistance force Slide 8 Aerodynamic y Dragg [BMW] Density of air Frontal area of the vehicle Coefficient of aerodynamic drag Relative l i velocity l i off the h vehicle hi l wrt the h wind i d Proprietary and Confidential, A&D Technology, Inc. Slide 9 Total Road Load The most commonly used form of road load equation is: IIncludes l d influence i fl Predominantly P d i tl Includes l d of road grade includes the aerodynamic drag effect of rolling resistance Includes dependence of rolling resistance on velocity & drivetrain losses • ‘b’ term is not always included • A number of other formulations exist [8], including • Influence of rotational inertias • Correction factors • Additional dependencies Proprietary and Confidential, A&D Technology, Inc. Slide 10 Road Load Measurement Methods 1. Individual component measurements [Terrametrix] [Nissan] [Volvo] Rolling resistance: Tire testing Aerodynamic drag: Wind tunnel testing [M t k] [Maptek] Grade: Road profiling Pros: High repeatability, aids in parametric evaluation Higher cost, Inc. may not represent real driving conditions Cons: Proprietary and Confidential, A&D Technology, Slide 11 Road Load Measurement Methods 2. Coast‐down method [8,10] 3. Torque measurement [9] [VTI Sweden] [Timken] [9] Pros: Less instrumentation Cons: Time consuming tests, tests include drivetrain losses Proprietary and Confidential, A&D Technology, Inc. Pros: Drivetrain losses are excluded Cons: Difficult to install on production vehicle Slide 12 Road Load Measurement Methods 4. Complete vehicle measurement system [A&D] [A&D] Proprietary and Confidential, A&D Technology, Inc. Slide 13 On-road Vehicle Testing Stop Test Vehicle: FWD Mini Cooper S S Start Test Track: Proving ground in Tochigi, Japan Proprietary and Confidential, A&D Technology, Inc. Slide 14 Instrumentation Anemometer Measures wind velocity & direction 6‐Component Wheel Force Transducer (Fx, Fy, Fz, Mx, My, Mz) o Distributed force bridges with model based decomposition to get orthogonal force components o Very low cross sensitivity, interference & temperature sensitivity and high sampling rate Proprietary and Confidential, A&D Technology, Inc. o 0.1% resolution (6N or 1.8Nm) Slide 15 Instrumentation Anemometer Measures wind velocity & direction 6‐Component p Wheel Force Transducer (Fx, Fy, Fz, Mx, My, Mz) I fl Influence off d drivetrain i i losses l iis included i l d d iin this hi measurement Influence of a and b terms is included in this measurement (ignoring bearing Proprietary and Confidential, A&D Technology, Inc. friction and wheel well aerodynamic losses) Slide 16 Vehicle Instrumentation II Laser Doppler Sensor Measures vehicle velocity & slip angle GPS Sensor & In‐vehicle Network Measures vehicle longitude, latitude, altitude, and ECU CAN communication Inertial Sensor Measures vehicle roll, pitch and yaw Wheel Position Sensor Measures 6 degrees of freedom of the tire Digital Signal Processing &A Acquisition i iti 100Hz sampling Proprietary and Confidential, A&D Technology, Inc. (max 100kHz) Slide 17 Sample Data FL RL Proprietary and Confidential, A&D Technology, Inc. FR RR Slide 18 Sample Data Acceleration FL RL Coast‐down Acceleration FR RR Proprietary and Confidential, A&D Technology, Inc. Braking Slide 19 Sample Data Acceleration Coast‐down Acceleration Braking Contribution of a and b terms FL RL FR RR Proprietary and Confidential, A&D Technology, Inc. Slide 20 Outline 1. Introduction 2. Road load fundamentals 3. Instrumentation & sample data 4. Coast down method 5. Force measurement method 6. Summary Proprietary and Confidential, A&D Technology, Inc. Slide 21 Coast-down Tests Procedure: • Conduct tests on a flat road with low wind conditions • Accelerate the vehicle and put the transmission in N • Begin coast down in a straight line • Record vehicle velocity and vehicle velocity relative to wind as a function off time i 35 30 Velocity (m/s)) 25 20 Coast‐down 15 10 5 0 -5 0 10 20 Proprietary and Confidential, A&D Technology, Inc. 30 40 50 Time (sec) 60 70 80 90 Slide 22 Coast-down Tests Procedure: • Conduct tests on a flat road with low wind conditions • Accelerate the vehicle and put the transmission in N • Begin coast down in a straight line • Record vehicle velocity and vehicle velocity relative to wind as a function off time i Flat road assumption 6 Road grade (deg) Road grade (deg) 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 20 Technology, 40 60 Proprietary and Confidential, A&D Inc. 80 100 120 Time (sec) 140 160 180 200 Slide 23 Coast-down Tests Procedure: • Conduct tests on a flat road with low wind conditions • Accelerate the vehicle and put the transmission in N • Begin coast down in a straight line • Record vehicle velocity and vehicle velocity relative to wind as a function off time i • • Use linear regression to obtain coefficients a, b & c • Use minimization of • Verify by Simulated Annealing SAE J1263, J1263 J2263 and ISO 10521‐1 10521 1 contain more detailed procedures Proprietary and Confidential, A&D Technology, Inc. Slide 24 Coast-down Test Results 1200 Measured road load force Regression estimates 1000 • Front tires: Bridgestone Coefficient of determination, R2=0.9087 Sneaker Force (N) 800 Rear tires: Bridgestone Sneaker • Estimated Values: a = 194.87, b = 3.87, c = 0.37 • 600 400 200 0 -200 0 Data‐sets augmented 10 20 30 40 50 Time (sec) 60 35 30 a: 184 – 204 25 b: 2.7 – 5 c: 0.35 – 0.39 Velocity (m m/s) 95% Confidence C fid b bounds d: 70 80 90 (33m/s, 118km/hr, 73mph) Measured velocity Calculated velocity 20 15 10 Proprietary and Confidential, A&D Technology, Inc. 5 0 (7.5m/s, 27km/hr, 16mph) 10 20 30 40 50 Time (sec) 60 70 80 90 Slide 25 Coast-down Test Results 1200 Measured road load force Regression estimates 1000 • Front tires: Bridgestone Coefficient of Blizzak 2 determination, R =0.9280 • Rear tires: Bridgestone 600 Sneaker • Estimated Values: a = 191.69, b = 2.54, c = 0.41 400 200 0 -200 0 Data‐sets augmented 10 20 30 40 50 35 Time (sec) 95% C Confidence fid b bounds d: 30 a: 183 – 200 25 b: 1.5 – 3.5 c: 0.39 – 0.43 60 70 80 Measured velocity Calculated velocity Velocity (m m/s) Force (N) F 800 20 15 10 Proprietary and Confidential, A&D Technology, Inc. 5 0 10 20 30 40 Time (sec) 50 60 70 80 Slide 26 Validation Procedure During coast‐down: Generalized equation under all conditions (including coast‐down): Tire traction/braking force Wheel force sensor Proprietary and Confidential, A&D Technology, Inc. measurements Slide 27 Validation Procedure 35 30 Velocity (m m/s) 25 20 15 Parameter identification 10 5 0 -5 0 Parameter Validation 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Time (sec) Estimates are poor outside the coast‐down region Proprietary and Confidential, A&D Technology, Inc. Slide 28 Residual Analysis y Analyze cross‐correlation coefficient of residuals: 0.1 Norrmalized cross correlation coefficient Normalized cross corre elation coefficient An example: 0.05 0 -0.05 -0.1 -1000 -800 -600 -400 -200 0 Time 200 400 Proprietary and Confidential, A&D Technology, Inc. 600 800 1000 1.2 1 0.8 06 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 -1000 -800 -600 -400 -200 0 Time 200 400 600 800 1000 Slide 29 Residual Analysis y Analyze cross‐correlation coefficient of residuals: 0.5 0.4 0.5 Residuals & steering angle 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 0 10 20 30 40 50 Norm malized cross-correlation n coefficient (Residuals & Acc pedal position) Norm malzed cross-correlation n coefficient (Residuals & Steering g angle) 0.6 60 Residuals & accelerator pedal p p position 0.4 0.3 0.2 01 0.1 0 0 10 20 Time (sec) Proprietary and Confidential, A&D Technology, Inc. 30 Time (sec) 40 50 60 Slide 30 Limitations of Coast-down Tests Procedure: 1. A long straight flat track is needed • SAE procedures requires a minimum speed band of 70 to 15 mph 2. Results include drivetrain losses and may not be suitable for some applications pp 3. Results are not consistent for all driving conditions, especially outside the coast‐down region • Residuals are correlated with accelerator pedal position, steering angle,… 4. Predictor basis is not orthogonal giving rise to the mathematical complications due to multicollinearity • Estimates of a, b, c might be biased or have high variance Proprietary and Confidential, A&D Technology, Inc. Slide 31 Outline 1. Introduction 2. Road load fundamentals 3. Instrumentation & sample data 4. Coast down method 5. Force measurement method th d 6. Summary Proprietary and Confidential, A&D Technology, Inc. Slide 32 Identification usingg Force Method Use regression to identify c ID 35 c = 0.5371 ID 30 Velocity (m/s) 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 5 0 Validation 50 100 150 Time (sec) Proprietary and Confidential, A&D Technology, Inc. 200 250 Slide 33 Validation Test R2 = 0.9926 0 9926 95% confidence limit for c: 0.53‐ 0.55 Proprietary and Confidential, A&D Technology, Inc. Slide 34 Comparison of Coast-down & Force Method • Front tires: Bridgestone Blizzak • Confidential, Rear tires: Bridgestone Sneaker Proprietary and A&D Technology, Inc. Slide 35 Comparison of Coast-down & Force Method Proprietary and Confidential, A&D Technology, Inc. Slide 36 Comparison of Coast-down & Force Method Proprietary and Confidential, A&D Technology, Inc. Slide 37 Cross-correlation of Residuals Normalzed cross-correlation coeffiicient N (Residuals & Steering angle)) 0.5 Normalized cross-co orrelation coefficie ent (Residuals & Acc c pedal position) 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.4 Residuals & steering angle 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 01 -0.2 0 Residuals & accelerator pedal d l position iti 50 New residuals 100 150 (sec) Coastdown Time residuals 0.3 02 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 0 50 New residuals Coastdown residuals 100 Proprietary and Confidential, A&D Technology, Inc. 150 Time (sec) 200 250 200 250 Slide 38 Traction & Braking Scenarios vx Mg Assumptions: • Small inclination and side‐slip angles • No vertical displacement of the tire • No slip ω Mrr Z T X r Fa Let WFS measurements be represented as Fx, Fz and My Then, From laser Doppler sensor Rz Fa m: Mass of tire wheel assembly J: Polar moment of inertia of tire‐wheel assemblyy about the center of wheel hub T: Applied torque at wheel hub Fa: Tire‐road friction force From encoder Rz Proprietary and Confidential, A&D Technology, Inc. Determined before the experiment Slide 39 Calculation of ‘a’ from Force Method 6 constant speed tests for each speed, 18 tests total RL Tire Assumingg that wheel well aerodynamic y losses are negligible g g at low speeds, calculate a = 271 Note: Measured value of rolling resistance is much higher than what standardized tests predict [11] Proprietary and Confidential, A&D Technology, Inc. Slide 40 Calculation of ‘b’ from Force Method Mean RRF=85.4381 N σRRF= 1.7629 N Mean RRF=84.5861 N σRRF= 1.9318 1 9318 N Mean RRF=84.8949 N σRRF= 2.2992 N Very slight reduction in rolling resistance as speed increases b≈0 Proprietary and Confidential, A&D Technology, Inc. Slide 41 Summaryy Coast‐down Method Force Method a = 191.69, 191 69 b = 2.54, 2 54 c = 0.41 0 41 • R2 = 0.9280 a = 271, 271 b = 0 0, c = 0.5371 0 5371 • R2 = 0.9926 • Estimate variance is higher g • Estimation only over coast‐down; road load is under‐estimated for non coast down conditions non‐coast‐down • Residuals are correlated with driver inputs • Changing the tire changes ‘c’ substantially • Influence of drivetrain losses is included • Less instrumentation is needed • Less distortion of vehicle aerodynamic • Estimation based on p physics; y ; variance is very low • Estimation can be carried out d i allll conditions during diti • Correlation is significantly reduced • Changing the tires preserves ‘c’ very closely • Influence of drivetrain losses is NOT included • More instrumentation required • Vehicle aerodynamics are modified to a greater extent Proprietary and Confidential, A&D Technology, Inc. Slide 42 Acknowledgements g • • • On-road O dd data t acquisition i iti team: t – Takayasu Sasaki – Yuuki Sakurai – Masaaki Banno – Hiroki Yamaguchi Kenji Sato Sato, A&D Technology, Technology Ann Arbor Dr. Michael Smith, A&D Technology, Ann Arbor Proprietary and Confidential, A&D Technology, Inc. Slide 43 References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 9. 10. 11. D.Yanakiev & I.Kanellakopoulos, “Speed Tracking and Vehicle Follower Control Design for Heavy-Duty Vehicles”, Vehicle System Dynamics, Vol. 25, No. 4, 1996 D.Yanakiev & I.Kanellakopoulos, “Nonlinear Nonlinear spacing policies for automated heavy-duty heavy duty vehicles”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 47, No. 4 Bae, Ryu & Gerdes, “Road grade vehicle parameter estimation for longitudinal control using GPS”, 2001 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems C. Musardo, G. Rizzoni & B.P. Staccia, “A-ECMS: An Adaptive Algorithm for Hybrid Electric Vehicle Energy Management” 2005 European Control Conference Hong Yang & Joel Maguire, “Predictive Energy Management Control Scheme for a Hybrid Powertrain System” System , US Patent 2011/0066308 A1 J Fredriksson, E Gelso, M Åsbogard, M Hygrell, O Sponton, NG Vagstedt, “On emission certification of heavy-duty hybrid electric vehicles using hardware-in-the-loop simulation”, Chalmers University of Technology, 2011 Karlsson, Hammarström, Sörensen & Eriksson, “Road surface influence on rolling resistance - Coastdown measurements for a car and an HGV”, VTI, 2011 JŻ b J.Żebrowski, ki “Traction “T ti efficiency ffi i off a wheeled h l d tractor t t in i construction t ti operations”, ti ” Automation A t ti in Construction, Vol. 19, No. 2, 2010 Sandburg & Ejsmont, “Noise emission, friction and rolling resistance of car tires – Summary p study”, y , National conference on noise control engineering, g g, Dec 3-5,, 2000,, of an experimental Newport beach, California S.K. Clark, “A handbook for the rolling resistance of pneumatic tires”, 1979 Proprietary and Confidential, A&D Technology, Inc. Slide 44 More Information Email: Proprietary and Confidential, A&D Technology, Inc. Visit our booth: