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Law 217 Seminar QUestions

General instructions
 You are urged to read, understand and abide to the below key
 These are group works, however we highly insist on individual
exertion and partaking to be measured when we meet for seminar
 All works should be typed using Times New Roman font, word size
12-main text, 10-footnotes, line spacing 1.5 and be justified
 Every group shall work on the question of a similar number e.g. group
number 1 shall work on question 1; group number 2 shall work on
question 2 etc.
 Three paper works should be submitted at least one day before the
date set for presentation
 Class Representative (CR) may seek oral clarification
Question one
I heard it observed by an expert in contract law that all contracts are
agreements but the reverse is not the case. Guided by case law and statutory
provisions, discuss the truthfulness of the aforesaid observation
Question two
Unless the consideration for and the object of a contract is legal, there will be
no an enforceable contract. Critically discuss
Question three
In the last year Ms Pricilla developed an interest in setting up a business
wishing to establish a male outfit shop. Having commenced to look for an
integrated area to rent a shop frame, she met one Ms Nancy who informed
her that she own shop frames at Sangasanga Street, and that the area is so
integrated hence fit for a male outfit shop. They agreed on a one year lease.
Ms Pricilla, acting on that persuasion, paid a rent of 1million to Ms Nancy
counting for five months’ rent. Shortly after, Ms Irene brought to the shop a
stock worth 20million hoping for good as so persuaded by Ms Nancy. In the
first two weeks of her business Ms Pricilla realized that, the area is not as
integrated as so persuaded, and that she could not sell as a result of scarcity
of customers. The situation forced Ms Pricilla to abandon her business plans.
She only collected, of two weeks, 500 thousands less than Ms Nancy made
her believe to earn. Ms Pricilla met Ms Nancy fir an arrangement where she
asked a return of at least half of the rent paid. Ms Nancy, vehemently,
refused and in turn she asked Ms Pricilla that if she wish to quit, she should
then pay rent for a year as so agreed. Ms Pricilla has approached you for
advice, claiming further that she incurred a considerable expense in
repairing and decorating the shop frame.
While making reference to authoritative legal materials comment on the
status of their contract and advise Ms Pricilla on the remedies available to
her which she can plead in court.
Question four
Critically discuss the circumstances through which conditions may turn to
be warranties.
Question five
Analyse the relevancies of a rule that, no one can transfer a good title than
he has.