Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics (2013) 37: 259–268 Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics c SEAMS. 2013 β Generalized Power Series over Zip and Weak Zip Rings R.M. Salem Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Al-Azhar University, Nasr City 11884, Cairo, Egypt Email: rsalem Received 15 July 2011 Accepted 21 March 2012 Communicated by N.V. Sanh AMS Mathematics Subject Classiο¬cation(2000): 06F05, 16W60, 16D25, 16P60 Abstract. In this paper we show that, if π is a generalized Armendariz (semicommutative right Noetherian ) ring and π is a strictly (strictly totally) ordered monoid, then the generalized power series ring Λ = [[π π,≤ ]] is a right zip (weak zip) ring if and only if π is. Keywords: Strictly ordered monoid; Artinian and narrow subset; Generalized power series rings; Zip rings, Weak zip rings; Armendari rings; Semicommutative rings. 1. Introduction The concept of zip rings, was initiated by Zelmanowitz [16] although it wasn’t so called zip at that time. However, Faith in [4] called a ring π right zip if the right annihilator ππ (π) of a subset π ⊆ π is zero, then ππ (π0 ) = 0 for a ο¬nite subset π0 of π, equivalently for a left ideal πΏ of π , if the ππ (πΏ) = 0, then there exists a ο¬nitely generated left ideal πΏ1 ⊆ πΏ such that ππ (πΏ1 ) = 0. π is called a zip ring if it is both right and left zip. In [16] Zelmanowitz showed that any ring satisfying the descending chain condition on right annihilators is a right zip ring but the converse doesn’t hold. Extensions of zip rings were studied by several authors, Beach and Blair [1] showed that if π is a commutative zip ring, then π [π₯] is a zip ring. ∑ ∑ ∑π ∑π π ′ π ′ π Now, let π = ππ=0 ππ π₯π , π = π π=0 ππ π₯ (π = π=π ππ π₯ , π = π=π‘ ππ π₯ ) be polynomials over a ring π . Rege and Chhawchharia in [10] introduced the notion of an Armendariz ring, a ring π is called Armendariz if whenever π, π ∈ π [π₯] such that π π = 0 then ππ ππ = 0 for each 0 ≤ π ≤ π and 0 ≤ π ≤ π. In [8, 260 R.M. Salem Theorem 1] Hong et al showed that if π is an Armendariz ring, then π is a right zip ring if and only if π [π₯] is a right zip ring. In [3, Theorem 2.8], W. Cortes studied skew polynomial extension over zip rings, in general he showed that: (i) If π is an automorphism of π and π, π ∈ π [π₯, π] (π ′ , π ′ ∈ π [π₯, π₯−1 , π]) such that π π = 0 (π ′ π ′ = 0), implies ππ π π (ππ ) = 0 for each 0 ≤ π ≤ π and 0 ≤ π ≤ π (π ≤ π ≤ π and π‘ ≤ π ≤ π). Then the following are equivalent: (a) π is a right zip ring (b) π [π₯, π] is a right zip ring (c) π [π₯, π₯−1 , π] is a right zip ring (ii) If π is an automorphism of π and π, π ∈ π [[π₯, π]] (π ′ , π ′ ∈ π [[π₯, π₯−1 , π]]) such that π π = 0, implies ππ π π (ππ ) = 0 for each π ≥ 0 and π ≥ 0 (π ≥ π and π ≥ π‘). Then the following are equivalent: (a) π is right zip (b) π [[π₯, π]] is right zip (c) π [[π₯, π₯−1 , π]] is right zip Motivated by the above L. Ouyang in [9] introduced the notion of right weak zip rings, i.e., rings provided that if the right weak annihilator of a subset π of π , π ππ (π) ⊆ πππ(π ), then there exists a ο¬nite subset π0 ⊆ π such that π ππ (π0 ) ⊆ πππ(π ), where πππ(π ) is the set of all nilpotent elements of π and π ππ (π) = {π ∈ π β£π₯π ∈ πππ(π ) for each π₯ ∈ π}. The author in [9] studied the relationship between right (left) weak zip property of π and the Ore extension π [π₯, π, πΏ]. He showed the following results: (i) A ring π is right (left) weak zip if and only if the upper triangular matrix ππ (π ) is right (left) weak zip, where π ≥ 2. (ii) If π is a (π, πΏ)-compatible and reversible ring, then π is a right (left) weak zip ring if and only if π [π₯, π, πΏ] is right (left) weak zip. A ring π is called πcompatible if for π₯, π¦ ∈ π , π₯π¦ = 0 ⇔ π₯ππ¦ = 0 and π is called πΏ-compatible if π₯π¦ = 0 ⇒ π₯πΏπ¦ = 0. If π is both π-compatible and πΏ-compatible, then π is called (π, πΏ)-compatible. We recall the following notions for a ring π . (i) π is reduced if for π₯ ∈ π such that π₯2 = 0, then π₯ = 0 (ii) π is reversible if for π₯, π¦ ∈ π such that π₯π¦ = 0, then π¦π₯ = 0 (iii) π is semicommutative if for π₯, π¦ ∈ π such that π₯π¦ = 0, then π₯π π¦ = 0 The above deο¬nitions implies that, the class of reduced rings is a subclass of the class of reversible rings which is a subclass of the class of semicommutative rings. In [11, 12], P. Ribenboim studied extensively the rings of generalized power series. The motivation of this paper is to continue the studying of the transfer of some algebraic properties between the base ring π and the generalized power series ring [[π π,≤ ]] see [6, 13] and to extend W. Cortes & L. Ouyang results to the generalized power series over zip and weak zip rings. Generalized Power Series 261 Throughout this paper π is an associative ring with identity and (π, ≤) is a strictly ordered monoid (i.e. a monoid π with a compatible order ≤ such that if π < π in π, then π + π < π + π for all π ∈ π). By a generalized power series ring Λ = [[π π,≤ ]] we mean the set of all functions π : π → π such that π π’ππ(π ) = {π ∈ πβ£π (π ) β= 0} is artinian and narrow, i.e. every strictly decreasing sequence of elements of π π’ππ(π ) is ο¬nite and every subset of pairwise orderincomparable elements of π π’ππ(π ) is ο¬nite, with pointwise addition and product operation called convolution deο¬ned by ∑ (π π)(π ) = π (π’)π(π£) for each π, π ∈ Λ (π’,π£)∈ππ (π,π) where ππ (π, π) = {(π’, π£) ∈ π × πβ£π’ + π£ = π and π (π’) and π(π£) are nonzero} is a ο¬nite set see [11]. By [11, 2.1] Λ = [[π π,≤ ]] becomes a ring called a generalized power series ring with coeο¬cients in π and exponents in π, with the identity map π : π → π deο¬ned by π(0) = 1 and π(π ) = 0 for each nonzero π ∈ π. The mapping ππ ∈ Λ deο¬ned by ππ (π ) = 1 and ππ (π‘) = 0 for each π‘ β= π is an embedding of π into Λ. Also, π is canonically embedded as a subring of Λ via π 7→ ππ such that ππ (0) = π and ππ (π ) = 0 for each nonzero π ∈ π. So, π β ππ and we can identify π ∈ π with ππ ∈ Λ. Let π(π ) denote the set of all minimal elements of π π’ππ(π ). If (π, ≤) is strictly totally ordered, then π(π ) consists of only one element which is still denoted by π(π ). So, the structure of generalized power series rings generalizes the structure of some classical rings such as polynomial rings, formal power series rings, group rings and semigroup rings. If π is a ring and π is a strictly ordered monoid, then the ring π is called a generalized Armendariz ring if for each π, π ∈ Λ = [[π π ,≤ ]] such that π π = 0 implies that π (π’π )π(π£π ) = 0 for each π’π ∈ π π’ππ(π ) and π£π ∈ π π’ππ(π). In [14] Zhongkui called such ring π -Armendariz ring. Let π = πΆ(π ) be the content of π , i.e. πΆ(π ) = {π (π )β£π ∈ π π’ππ(π )} ⊆ π . Since, π β ππ we can identify, the content of π with ππΆ(π ) = {ππ (π’π ) β£π’π ∈ π π’ππ(π )} ⊆ Λ 2. Generalized Power Series Over Right Zip Ring Hirano [7] and W. Cortes [3] observed relations between the right (left) annihilators in the ring π and the right (left) annihilators in π [π₯] and π [π₯, π] respectively. In this note we investigate the relations between the right (left) annihilators in the ring π and the right (left) annihilators in the ring Λ = [[π π,≤ ]] of generalized power series. 262 R.M. Salem Lemma 2.1. Let π be a ring, π a strictly ordered monoid, Λ = [[π π,≤ ]] the generalized power series ring and π ⊆ π . Then πΛ (π ) = ππ (π )Λ. Proof. Let π ∈ πΛ (π ). Then for each π’ ∈ π , ππ’ π = 0. Thus, 0 = (ππ’ π)(π£) = π’π(π£) = 0, for each π£ ∈ π π’ππ(π) and we obtain that π(π£) ∈ ππ (π’), for each π£ ∈ π π’ππ(π). Consequently, π ∈ ππ (π’)Λ and we have that πΛ (π ) ⊆ ππ (π )Λ. On the other hand, let π ∈ ππ (π )Λ. Then for each π£ ∈ π π’ππ(π) we have that π(π£) ∈ ππ (π ). Thus for each π’ ∈ π we have that 0 = π’π(π£) = (ππ’ π)(π£) which implies that π ∈ πΛ (π’). Hence, π ∈ πΛ (π ). So, ππ (π )Λ ⊆ πΛ (π ). With the above lemma we have a map π = ππ (2π ) → πΛ (2Λ ) deο¬ned by π(πΌ) = πΌΛ for every πΌ ∈ ππ (2π ) = {ππ (π )β£π ⊆ π }. Obviously, π is injective. In the following lemma we show that π is a bijective map if and only if π is a generalized Armendariz ring. Lemma 2.2. Let π be a ring, π a strictly ordered monoid and Λ = [[π π ,≤ ]] the ring of generalized power series. Then the following are equivalent: (1) π is a generalized Armendariz ring. (2) The function π : ππ (2π ) → πΛ (2Λ ) is bijective, where π(πΌ) = πΌΛ Proof. Let π ⊆ Λ and π = ∪π ∈π πΆ(π ). From Lemma 2.1 it is suο¬cient to show that πΛ (π ) = ππ (πΆ(π ))Λ for all π ∈ π . In fact, let π ∈ πΛ (π ). Then π π = 0 and by assumption π (π’π )π(π£π ) = 0 for each π’π ∈ π π’ππ(π ) and each π£π ∈ π π’ππ(π). Then for a ο¬xed π’π and each π£π ∈ π π’ππ(π), 0 = π (π’π )π(π£π ) = (ππ (π’π ) π)(π£π ) and it follows that π ∈ ππ ∪π’π ∈π π’ππ(π ) ππ (π’π ) Λ = ππ πΆ(π )Λ. So πΛ (π ) ⊆ ππ πΆ(π )Λ. Conversely, ( let )π ∈ ππ πΆ(π )Λ, then ππ (π’π ) π = 0 for each π’π ∈ π π’ππ(π ). Hence, 0 = ππ (π’π∑ ) π (π£π ) = π (π’π )π(π£π ) for each π’π ∈ π π’ππ(π ) and π£π ∈ π π’ππ(π). Thus, (π π)(π ) = (π’π ,π£π )∈ππ (π,π) π (π’π )π(π£π ) = 0 and it follows that π ∈ πΛ (π ). Hence ππ πΆ(π )Λ ⊆ πΛ (π ) and it follows that ππ πΆ(π )Λ = πΛ (π ). So πΛ (π ) = ∩π ∈π πΛ (π ) = ∩π ∈π ππ πΆ(π )Λ = ππ (π )Λ. Now, let π, π ∈ Λ be such that π π = 0. Then π ∈ πΛ (π ) and by assumption πΛ (π ) = π Λ for some right ideal π of π . Consequently, 0 = π ππ(π£π ) and for any π’π ∈ π π’ππ(π ), 0 = (π ππ(π£π ) )(π’π ) = π (π’π )π(π£π ) for each π’π ∈ π π’ππ(π ) and π£π ∈ π π’ππ(π). Hence, π is a generalized Armendariz ring. Now, we are able to prove the main theorem of this section. Theorem 2.3. Let π be a generalized Armendarinz ring, π a strictly ordered monoid and Λ = [[π π ,≤ ]] the ring of generalized power series. Then Λ is a right zip ring of and only if π is. Proof. Suppose that Λ is a right zip ring and π ⊆ π such that ππ (π) = 0. Let π = {ππ₯ β£π₯ ∈ π}. Then it can be easily shown that πΛ (π ) = 0. Since, Λ is a right zip ring, then there exists a ο¬nite subset π0 ⊆ π such that πΛ (π0 ) = 0. Let Generalized Power Series 263 π0 = ππ0 = {ππ₯π β£π = 1, ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ , π} and 0 β= π ∈ ππ (π0 ). Then 0 = π₯π π = (ππ₯π ππ )(0) for each π ∈ {1, ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ , π}. Hence 0 = ππ0 ππ and it follows that ππ ∈ πΛ ππ0 = πΛ π0 = 0. So, π = 0 and π is a right zip ring. Conversely, suppose that π is a right zip ring and π ⊆ Λ be such that πΛ (π ) = 0 and π = πΆ(π ) be the content of each π ∈ π , i.e., π = ∪π ∈π {π (π’)β£π’ ∈ π π’ππ(π )}. Then by Lemma 2.2 πΛ (π ) = ππ (π )Λ = 0 and it follows that ππ π = 0. Since, π is a right zip ring there exists a ο¬nite subset π0 ⊆ π such that ππ (π0 ) = 0. Let ππ ∈ π0 , where π0 can be written as π0 = {ππ β£π ∈ {1, ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ , π}}, πππ ∈ π be such that ππ ∈ {πππ (π’)β£π’ ∈ π π’ππ(πππ )}, π0 be a minimal subset of π which contains {πππ ∈ π β£ππ ∈ π0 } and let π1 = ∪πππ {πππ (π’)β£π’ ∈ π π’ππ(πππ )}. So, π0 ⊆ π1 and it follows that ππ π1 ⊆ ππ π0 = 0. So, by lemma 2.2 we have that πΛ (π0 ) = ππ (π1 )Λ = 0 and it follows that Λ is a right zip ring. 3. Generalized Power Series Over Right Weak Zip Ring Proposition 3.1. Let π be a semicommutative ring, (π, +, ≤) a strictly totally ordered monoid and Λ = [[π π ,≤ ]] the generalized power series ring. If π ∈ Λ is nilpotent, then π (π’) ∈ π is nilpotent for each π’ ∈ π π’ππ(π ). Proof. Let π ∈ Λ be a nilpotent element. Then there exists π ∈ β such that π π = 0. Since, π is a strictly totally ∑ ordered monoid, then π(π ) = π’0 . By the fact that, 0 = π π (ππ’0 ) = (π (π’0 ))π + (π‘1 ,⋅⋅⋅ ,π‘π )∈πππ’ (π,⋅⋅⋅ ,π )−{(π’0 ,⋅⋅⋅ ,π’0 )} π (π‘1 ) ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ π (π‘π ) 0 and π(π ) = π’0 , there exists π ∈ {1, ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ , π} such that π‘π ≥ π’0 . Thus, π’0 +⋅ ⋅ ⋅+π’0 ≤ π‘1 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ + π‘π = π’0 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ + π’0 = ππ’0 a contradiction. So, π‘π = π’0 for each π ∈ {1, ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ , π} and it follows that 0 = π π (ππ’0 ) = (π (π’0 ))π and π (π’0 ) is nilpotent. Consider now, π = (π − ππ (π’0 ) ππ’0 ) + ππ (π’0 ) ππ’0 = (π − π0′ ) + π0′ = π0 + π0′ where π π’ππ(π0 ) = π π’ππ(π ) − {π’0 } and π π’ππ(π0′ ) = {π’0 }. Hence, 0 =π π = (π0 + π0′ )π = (π0 + π0′ )(π0 + π0′ ) ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ (π0 + π0′ ) =π0π + π0 π0′π−1 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ + π0′π−2 π0 π0′ + π0′π−1 π0 + π02 π0′π−2 + π0 π0′π−2 π0 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ + π0′π−2 π02 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ + π0′π = π0π + Δ + π0′π , where π π’πππ0′π ⊆ π π’πππ0′ + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ + π π’πππ0′ π-times . ⊆ π π π’πππ0′ = {ππ’0 }. Thus, 0 = π0′π (ππ’0 ) = (π (π’0 ))π and π0′ is nilpotent. Now, it is clear that Δ is the sum of monomials each monomial is the product of β copies of π0 and (π − β) copies of π0′ , where π π’ππ each monomial ⊆ the sum of β copies of π π’πππ0 and (π − β) copies of π π’πππ0′ . Since, π ′ (π’0 ) = π (π’0 ) is nilpotent and π is a semicommutative ring, then by [13, lemma 3.1] we obtain that each monomial is a nilpotent element of Λ. Thus π0π is also nilpotent. If π = π0′ , then π ∈ Λ is a nilpotent element of Λ and π0′ (π’0 ) = (ππ (π’0 ) ππ’0 )(π’0 ) = π (π’0 ) is a nilpotent element of π and there is nothing to 264 R.M. Salem prove. Now, suppose that 0 β= π0 = π − π0′ and let π(π0 ) = π(π − π0′ ) = π’π . Since, 0 β= (π − π0′ )(π’π ) = (π − ππ (π’0 ) ππ’0 )(π’π ) = π (π’π ) and π0 (π’0 ) = (π − ′ π0 )(π’0 ) = (π − ππ (π’0 ) ππ’0 )(π’0 ) = π (π’0 ) − π (π’0 )ππ’0 (π’0 ) = π (π’0 ) − π (π’0 ) = 0 then π’0 < π’π . By the fact that, π0π is nilpotent, then there exists a positive integer π such that (π0π )π = 0. ′ Using the same procedure above it can be easily shown that 0 = π0π (π ′ π’π ) = ′ (π (π’π ))π where π ′ = ππ. Continuing on this process π = ππ + ππ′ , where ππ′ : π → π is deο¬ned by ππ′ (π’π ) = (ππ (π’π ) ππ’π )(π’π ) = π (π’π ) which is nilpotent for each π’π ∈ π π’ππ(π ), π ≤ π and ππ is a nilpotent element of Λ. Let π(ππ ) = π(π − ππ′ ) = π(π − ππ (π’π ) ππ’π ) = π’π , π’π < π’π . Using [12, 5.3] we can deο¬ne a relation on Λ called section relation for ππ′ and ′ ππ ∈ Λ as follows: i) ii) iii) iv) ππ′ βͺ― ππ′ if π < π π(π − ππ′ ) < π(π − ππ′ ) where π < π π’ < π(π − ππ′ ) for each π’ ∈ π π’ππ(ππ′ ) ππ = π − ππ′ ∈ Λ is nilpotent and ππ′ (π’π ) ∈ π is nilpotent for each π’π ∈ π π’ππ(π ), π ≤ π. Let ∗ denotes the section relation βͺ― with the above properties. Let πΌ be an ordinal such that card πΌ > ππππ β£ π π’πππ β£ and Γ be the set of all ordinals π < πΌ. We show that for each π ∈ Γ there exists ππ′ ∈ Λ such that ∗ is satisο¬ed. In fact let π ∈ Γ and assume that we have already found the element ππ′ ∈ Λ for every π < π satisfying ∗ for ordinals π < π < π. Now, we will determine an element ππ′ where ∗ is satisο¬ed for π < π ≤ π. Suppose that there exists an ordinal π such that π = π + 1. If π − ππ′ = 0, then π = ππ′ is nilpotent. Thus ππ′ (π’π ) = (ππ (π’π ) ππ’π )(π’π ) = π (π’π ) ∈ π is nilpotent for each π’π ∈ π π’ππ(π ), π ≤ π and there is nothing to prove. Hence, suppose that ππ = π − ππ′ β= 0. Let π(ππ ) = π(π − ππ′ ) = π’π and ππ′ : π → π be deο¬ned by ππ′ = ππ′ + ππ (π’π ) ππ’π . So ππ′ ∈ Λ and we show that ππ′ βͺ― ππ′ which implies that ππ′ βͺ― ππ′ for every π < π. In fact 0 β= (π − ππ′ )(π’π ) = π (π’π ) and it follows that π π’ππ(ππ′ − ππ′ ) = π π’ππ(ππ (π’π ) ππ’π ) = {π’π }. If π’ ∈ π π’ππ(ππ′ ), then by ∗ π’ < π(π − ππ′ ) = π’π ∈ π π’ππ(ππ′ − ππ′ ). Thus ππ′ βͺ― ππ′ , if ππ′ = ππ′ , and we have that ππ (π’π ) ππ’π = 0 which is a contradiction. If ππ′ = ππ′ , then ππ′ βͺ― ππ′ βͺ― ππ′ = ππ′ and ππ′ = ππ′ which is again a contradiction. Hence, ππ′ β= ππ′ for each π < π ≤ π, and it can be easily shown that ππ = π −ππ′ is nilpotent and ππ′ (π’π ) = (ππ (π’π ) ππ’π )(π’π ) = π (π’π ) ∈ π is nilpotent for each π ≤ π . If ππ = π − ππ′ = 0, there is nothing to prove, otherwise there exists π’π ∈ π π’ππ(π ) such that π(π − ππ′ ) = π’π where ππ′ = ππ′ + ππ (π’π ) ππ’π . Since, (π − ππ′ ) = π − ππ′ − ππ (π’π ) ππ’π and (π − ππ′ )(π’π ) = (π − ππ′ − ππ (π’π ) ππ’π )(π’π ) = π (π’π ) − ππ′ (π’π ) − π (π’π ) = 0 then π’π < π’π . By the fact that 0 β= (π − ππ′ )(π’π ) = (π − ππ′ − ππ (π’π ) ππ’π )(π’π ) = (π − ππ′ )(π’π ) we have that π’π ∈ π π’ππ(π − ππ′ ). Hence, Generalized Power Series 265 π’π < π’π and π(π − ππ′ ) < π(π − ππ ) and this implies that π(π − ππ′ ) < π(π − ππ′ ) for each π < π. Now, we show that π’ < π(π − ππ′ ) for each π’ ∈ π π’ππ(ππ′ ). In fact π π’ππ(ππ′ ) = π π’ππ(ππ′ + ππ (π’π ) ππ’π ) ⊆ π π’ππ(ππ′ ) ∪ π π’ππ(ππ (π’π ) ππ’π ). If π’ ∈ π π’ππ(ππ′ ), then π’ < π(π − ππ′ ) and if π’ ∈ π π’ππ(ππ (π’π ) ππ’π ), then π’ = π’π = π(π − ππ′ ) < π(π − ππ′ ). Now, let π be a limit ordinal for the family {ππ′ β£π < π} of elements ππ′ ∈ Λ and it was proved in [12, 5.3] that there exists an element π =βͺ― − sup(ππ′ )π<π ∈ Λ such that i) ππ′ βͺ― π for every π < π ii) If π′ ∈ Λ and ππ′ βͺ― π′ for every π < π, then π βͺ― π′ . Let ππ′ = π =βͺ― − sup(ππ′ )π<π . Then by i) we know that ππ′ βͺ― ππ′ for every π < π, ππ = π − ππ′ is a nilpotent element of Λ and that ππ′ (π’π ) ∈ π is nilpotent ′ ′ for each π’π ≤ π’π . If ππ′ = ππ′ , then ππ′ βͺ― ππ+1 βͺ― ππ′ = ππ′ and ππ′ = ππ+1 which ′ ′ is a contradiction. Hence, ππ β= ππ for every π < π. Since, π − ππ′ = (π − ππ′ ) − (ππ′ − ππ′ ) for every π < π, then by [12] π’π = π(π − ππ′ ) ≥ min{π(π − ππ′ ), π(ππ′ − ππ′ )}. Note that, ′ − ππ′ ) π(ππ′ − ππ′ ) = π(ππ+1 ′ = π(π − ππ′ ) − (π − ππ+1 ) ≥ min{π’π , π’π+1 } Hence, π’π ≥ π’π for all π < π and π’π ≤ π’π+1 ≤ π’π , then π’π < π’π . We now show that π’ < π(π −ππ′ ) for each π’ ∈ π π’ππ(ππ′ ). In fact, if π π’ππ(ππ′ ) = ∪π<π π π’ππ(ππ′ ), then there exists an ordinal π < π such that π’ ∈ π π’ππ(ππ′ ), thus π’ < π’π < π’π . Hence, for π, π ∈ Γ, π < π, then π’π < π’π and we have that β£{π’π } such that π ∈ Γβ£ = β£Γβ£ > β£πβ£ which is a contradiction. So, π = ππ′ and the Proposition is proved. Proposition 3.2. Let π be a semicommutative right Noetherian ring, (π, +, ≤) a strictly ordered monoid and Λ = [[π π,≤ ]] the ring of generalized power series. If π ∈ Λ is such that π (π’) is nilpotent for each π’ ∈ π π’ππ(π ), then π ∈ Λ is nilpotent. Proof. Let π ∈ Λ be such that π (π’) is a nilpotent element for each π’ ∈ π π’ππ(π ) and πΌ the ideal generated by {π (π’)β£π’ ∈ π π’ππ(π )}. Since, π is a semicommutative right Noetherian ring, then by [13, lemma 3.1] πΌ is a ο¬nitely generated nilpotent ideal. Thus, there exists an π ∈ β such that πΌ π = (0). Since ∑ π π (π’) = (π’1 ,⋅⋅⋅ ,π’π )∈ππ’ (π,⋅⋅⋅ ,π ) π (π’1 ) ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ π (π’π ) for each π’ ∈ π. Note that for each summand belongs to ∈ πΌ π , then each summand is equal zero. So, π π’ππ(π π ) = π. Thus π π = 0 and π is nilpotent. The following example is due to D. Fields [5, Example 1] which shows us that the right Noetherian condition can’t be deleted. 266 R.M. Salem Example 3.3. Let π = β€/(π) where π is prime, {ππ }π∈π a countable collection of indeterminates over∑ π, π = π[π0 , π1 , ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ , ππ‘ , ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ]/(π0π , π1π , ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ , ππ‘π , ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ), ππ = ∞ π π and let π (π) = π=0 ππ π π ∈ π [[π]]. Then for each π ∈ β (π (π) )π = 0. But for each natural number π, π0 π1 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ππ−1 ∈ (π΄π )π and π0 π1 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ππ−1 β= 0. Hence, π΄π isn’t nilpotent. We combine Proposition 3.1 and Proposition 3.2 to get the following. Theorem 3.4. Let π be a semicommutative right Noetherian ring, (π, +, ≤) a strictly totally ordered monoid and Λ = [[π π ,≤ ]] the ring of generalized power series. Then π ∈ Λ is a nilpotent element if and only if π (π’) ∈ π is a nilpotent element for each π’ ∈ π π’ππ(π ). Proof. Suppose that π is a nilpotent element of Λ. Then by Proposition 3.1 π (π’) is nilpotent for each π’ ∈ π π’ππ(π ). Conversely if π (π’) is a nilpotent element of π for each π’ ∈ π π’ππ(π ), then by Proposition 3.2 π is nilpotent. Theorem 3.5. Let π be a semicommutative right Noetherian ring, (π, +, ≤) a strictly totally ordered monoid and Λ = [[π π,≤ ]] the generalized power series ring. Then π is a right weak zip ring if and only if Λ is a right weak zip ring. Proof. Suppose that Λ is a right weak zip ring and π ⊆ π with π ππ (π) ⊆ πππ(π ). Let π = {ππ₯ ∈ Λβ£π₯ ∈ π} and 0 β= π ∈ π πΛ (π ). Then ππ₯ π ∈ πππ(Λ) for each ππ₯ ∈ π and by Proposition 3.1 π₯π (π’) ∈ πππ(π ) for each π’ ∈ π π’ππ(π ). Thus, π (π’) ∈ πππ(π ) for each π’ ∈ π π’ππ(π ) and by Proposition 3.2 we obtain that π ∈ πππ(Λ). So, π πΛ (π ) ⊆ πππ(Λ). Since Λ is a right weak zip ring, then there exists a ο¬nite subset π0 ⊆ π such that π πΛ (π0 ) ⊆ πππ(Λ), where π0 = ππ0 , and π0 = {π₯π β£π = 1, ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ , π}. Let π = ∪π ∈π πΛ (π0 ) {π (π’)β£π’ ∈ π π’πππ }. Then by Proposition 3.1 π ⊆ πππ(π ). Therefore, π = π ππ (π0 ) and π is a right weak zip ring. Conversely, assume that π is a right weak zip ring and π ⊆ Λ with π πΛ (π ) ⊆ πππ(Λ). Let π = πΆ(π ) be the content of π , i.e. πΆ(π ) = ∪π ∈π {π (π’)β£π’ ∈ π π’ππ(π )}. Then π (π’)π ∈ πππ(π ) for each π (π’) ∈ π and π ∈ π ππ (π ). So, for each π ∈ π and π’ ∈ π π’ππ(π ), π (π’)π = (π ππ )(π’) ∈ πππ(π ) and by Proposition 3.2 π ππ ∈ πππ(Λ). Thus, ππ ∈ π πΛ (π ) ⊆ πππ(Λ). Then by Proposition 3.1 π ∈ πππ(π ) and it follows that π ππ (π ) ⊆ πππ(π ). Since, π is a right weak zip ring, then there exists a ο¬nite subset π0 ⊆ π such that π ππ (π0 ) ⊆ πππ(π ). So, for each π‘ ∈ π0 , there exists ππ‘ ∈ π such that π‘ ∈ {ππ‘ (π’)β£ππ‘ ∈ π for some π’ ∈ π π’ππππ‘ }. Let π0 be a minimal subset of π such that ππ‘ ∈ π0 for each π‘ ∈ π0 . Then π0 is a ο¬nite subset of π . Let π1 = ∪ππ‘ ∈π0 {ππ‘ (π’)β£π’ ∈ π π’ππ(ππ‘ )}. Thus, π0 ⊆ π1 and we obtain that π ππ (π1 ) ⊆ π ππ (π0 ) ⊆ πππ(π ). Let π ∈ π πΛ π0 . Then π π ∈ πππ(Λ) for each π ∈ π0 and by Proposition 3.1 Generalized Power Series 267 (π π)(π€) ∈ πππ(π ) for each π€ ∈ π π’ππ(π π). ∑ Since, (π π)(π€) = (π’π ,π£π )∈ππ€ (π,π) π (π’π )π(π£π ) ∈ πππ(π ) and π is a totally ordered monoid, then there exists π’0 , π£0 ∈ π such that π(π ) = π’0 , and π(π) = π£0 . Thus ∑ by the same procedure used in Proposition 3.1 we have that (π π)(π’0 +π£0 ) = (π’π ,π£π )∈ππ’ +π£ π (π’π )π(π£π ) = π (π’0 )π(π£0 ) is nilpotent. 0 0 Now, suppose that π (π’)π(π£) is nilpotent, so π(π£)π (π’) is also nilpotent for each π’ ∈ π π’ππ(π ) and π£ ∈ π π’ππ(π) such that π’ + π£ < π€. Now, we show that π (π’)π(π£) and π(π£)π (π’) are nilpotent for each π’ ∈ π π’ππ(π ) and π£ ∈ π π’ππ(π) with π’ + π£ = π€. Since, ππ€ (π, π) = {(π’, π£)β£π’ + π£ = π€, π’ ∈ π π’ππ(π ) πππ π£ ∈ π π’ππ(π)} is a ο¬nite subset, then ππ€ (π, π) = {(π’π , π£π )β£π = 1, ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ , π}. Since π is a totally ordered monoid, in fact a cancellative monoid, then let π’1 < π’2 < ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ < π’π . If π’1 = π’2 and π’1 + π£1 = π’2 + π£2 , then π£1 = π£2 and as < is strictly order, if π’1 < π’2 and π’1 + π£1 = π’2 + π£2 , it must be π£1 > π£2 . Thus, π£π < ππ−1 < ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ < π£1 , now ∑ (π π)(π€) = π (π’π )π(π£π ) ∈ πππ(π ) (π’1 ,π£π )∈ππ€ (π,π) = π (π’1 )π(π£1 ) + π (π’2 )π(π£2 ) + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ + π (π’π )π(π£π ) (**) For π ≥ 2 π’1 + π£π < π’π + π£π = π€, then by induction hypothesis, we have π (π’1 )π(π£π ) and π(π£π )π (π’1 ) are nilpotent elements. Now multiplying ** from the right by π (π’1 ), then π (π’1 )π(π£1 )π (π’1 ) = (π π)(π€)π (π’1 ) − π (π’2 )π(π£2 )π (π’1 ) − ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ − π (π’π )π(π£π )π(π’1 ). Since, π is semicommutative, then nil(π ) is a nilpotent ideal and by induction π (π’1 )π(π£1 )π (π’1 ), hence π (π’1 )π(π£1 ) and π(π£1 )π (π’1 ) are nilpotent. Therefore, by multiplying (**) from the right by π (π’2 ), ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ , π (π’π ) respectively yields π (π’π )π(π£π ) and π(π£π )π (π’π ) are nilpotent for each π’π ∈ π π’ππ(π ) and π£π ∈ π π’ππ(π). Consequently, π(π£) ∈ π ππ (π1 ) ⊆ πππ(π ) for each π£π ∈ π π’ππ(π). Thus by Proposition 3.2 π ∈ πππ(Λ). So, ππΛ (π0 ) ⊆ πππ(Λ) and Λ is a right weak zip ring. Acknowledgement. I’d like to express my deepest gratitude to Prof. M.H. Fahmy for reading this manuscript and his valuable discussion, also I’m so grateful to the referee for his/her valuable suggestions which helped me to improve the presentation considerably. References [1] J.A. Beachy, W.D. Blair, Rings whose faithful left ideals are cofaithful, Paciο¬c J. Math. 58 (1) (1975) 1–13. [2] F. Ced` π, Zip rings and Mal’cev domains, Comm. in Algebra 19 (7) (1991) 1983– 1991. [3] W. Cortes, Skew polynomial extensions over zip rings, Int. J. Math. and Math. Sci. 10 (2008) 1–8. 268 R.M. Salem [4] C. Faith, Annihilator ideals, associated primes and Kasch-McCoy commutative rings, Comm. in Algebra 19 (7) (1991) 1867–1892. [5] D.E. 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