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Convocastinism: Life Philosophy Project

Literature 3H
Amal Irgashev
Life philosophy project
The Diary of Amal Irgashev (the leader of the convocastinism movement).
Definition: Convocastinism- the movement that was created in February4, 2020 by famous
singer and songwriter Amal Irgashev. The name of the movement has a meaning of
“convocasti” (Latin)- the enjoyment of life. Convocastinism was based on personaldevelopment (mentally and physically), balance with nature and humans, simplicity of life,
time appreciation and altruism.
February 5, 2065
More than two million people are living with belief in my movement. I have never seen
people being so happy about the life they are living. Every member of our community is
doing the dream work, is surrounded by loyal and lovely people and has everything he/she
was dreaming about. Even the leaders of “big eight” are following the rules of
Convocastinism. I feel very inspired by these people. They give me the wish to live my
beautiful altruistic life. However, sometimes people are coming to me and asking about the
opportunity to join our movement. Without telling any words I give them the guide book with
any information they need about Convocastinism. And now, my dear reader, we will go
through this book together.
The book starts with the quote that was written by me in my adolescence:
“Life is simple, don’t complicate it. The problems you are facing are only the mirage
created by your mind and society. Problems can transform into simple situations if
you will just take a look at them from a different perspective”
This is one of the main rules in my philosophical movement. If you will wake up every
morning and be thankful for everything you have in your life, everything bad that can happen
after these thoughts will seem like a simple situation that can be easily solved.
The main point of this quote is that every person has the same reaction and worries about
problems regardless of how fatal they are. For instance, let’s take a look at the CEO of the
huge IT corporation. The sales are falling, an accountant has stolen half of the year budget
and flew to the random Island and even a secretary is doing the worst coffee in his life.
Depression and tremendous stress are following him everywhere. At the same time, the
cleaning woman that is working in the basement of the same building receives the call from
the hospital about the serious condition of her son that has jumbled the medicaments and has
taken the wrong one. Both of them have different problems, but the worries are the same.
• “Time is the resource we(humanity) love to waste for nothing”
And everything begins with the mornings. Because of the fake society beliefs that people
need to sleep more than eight-nine hours to feel better, we, like hamsters are running on the
same wheel and cannot get enough of it. We can sleep till lunchtime feeling that we slept
well, but still don’t have a clue why our headache does not go away throughout the whole
day. The conclusion is simple- We, people, don’t take time seriously. We postpone meetings
only because of our laziness, we spend hundreds of hours on our phones and even forget
about the people around us. Why don’t we feel the life we were dreaming to live for such a
long time? It is impossible to turn back the clock, so do it right now. Live the moment, enjoy
the sunrises and sunsets, enjoy the beautiful views of nature, enjoy the discussions and the
time you spend with people. Try at least once to wake up early and feel the magic of
mornings with the favorite book in your hand. Experience more, find new ways to develop
yourself and your surroundings, get rid of social media at least for one day and spend this
time with your family, friends or fiancé. Then, come back home and try to write a couple of
words about the day in your diary. You will see by yourself how your life is changing
• “Your passion and talent are your sources of energy. You will not be happy until you find
the niche you belong to”
What would you do for 10 hours non-stop? If you have a thoughtful answer, you know your
niche and can predict your successful future.
A lot of people I have been talking to about this topic asked me about my particular
experience in this sphere. The way I found my talent is basic and obvious. Day by day I was
trying something new, even the things I hated. Sometimes you don’t know by yourself what
you don’t like until you try it. As a result, I found my talent literally on the street. I was
walking on Piccadilly street in London, and decided to perform with the street musician that
was playing there, and understood that I don’t have any fear of public and stage.
If you are wondering about the ways of talent excavation, here are the top 5 advices on how
you can find it:
Do what is easy for you.
Talent is related to what a person can do most easily, without any effort and often even
without prior training.
Desire to learn
Talent can appear spontaneously, but to not lose it, you will need to develop it. Read books,
visit training, find a mentor, surround yourself with people, who have the same interests and
you will succeed.
Do what you have been dreaming about.
Not a single dream appears without the talent necessary for its realization. You cannot win
the Olympic gold medal without an experience necessary for its realization.
Use a talent as a source of material income
Talent is our work tool that can serve as a good way to earn money. Imagine, you are doing
what you love and also being paid for it. Great, isn’t it?)
Connection with altruism.
People come to us for a piece of advice and help in the sphere we are the best developed, and
usually, it is our talent. By making what you love, you can also help people.
• “Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or the
darkness of destructive selfishness” (Martin Luther King, Jr.)
Altruism is the desire to help other people disinterestedly, namely, not demanding anything in
return. In Davin’s theory of evolution, it is explained how egoism harms society; however,
the result of his theory is that egoist creatures survive more than altruists, because of their
indifference to other species. Altruists are very useful for society and themselves. Helping
others is beneficial for your mental health and wellbeing. It helps to reduce stress and
improve your emotional condition.
• “You will never know yourself without knowing nature. For me, nature is an environment
from which, like flowers, all our human talents have grown”
My first inspiration about the nature came to me when I was visiting the Samui Island
(Thailand) as a health trip. By waking up every day at 4:30 am, running on the beach,
practicing meditations and yoga I understood the feeling of the life. The feelings I have
experienced that period could not be compared with anything. I could just sit on the hot and
soft sand and enjoy the nature for hours. This is the magic of nature. We, people, are
forgetting that the nature is our need and without it would be hard to survive. I hate the
fact that a person can easily ruin the environment without even thinking about
consequences. Air pollution, deforestation, oceans pollution, the illegal distraction of
animals; all these factors can affect not only the environment we are living in, but also our
physical and mental condition. So, I am begging everyone, who is reading this book to think
before doing something and be a little bit more altruistic about everything you do.
Connection to Transcendentalism
July 25, 2068
In my childhood, people often doubted me of my choice to create a new movement that is
going to change the lives of thousands of people. They say – “It’s too risky to follow your
dreams.” or “Society hates the people, who can stand out of the crowd rules and create
something unique” To be honest, it often made myself doubtful, so I decided to build the
movement on the ready fundament and connect my movement to transcendentalism.
Humanity likes something new, especially, when it’s a forgotten old feature that everyone
liked. In my book “Convocastinism-enjoyment of life”, I wrote a couple of chapters by
explaining how is my movement connected to transcendentalism. I liked to use the quotes by
Thoreau to underline the facts and details about particular tenets. Here is the part of it:
I can say that convocastinism is based on transcendentalism; however, there are some
advantages and disadvantages of each of these movements. Yes, I am going to tell you the
truth about my movement in the smallest details. So, how are these movements alike?
Transcendentalism, the same as convocastinism was aimed to change people’s lives for the
better. All of the 5 tenets in convocastinism are mostly altruistic and this is the difference.
Although transcendentalism was considered an egoistic way of life, I decided to change this
factor in my movement, because of my belief that altruistic way of life as a “boomerang rule”
is the basic rules millennials need, in order not to destroy the world and future generation.
“Let us spend one day as deliberately as Nature, and not be thrown off the track by
every nutshell and mosquito’s wings that falls on the rails”
Two identical tenets that are used in both movements are considered as the most successful
ones. These are love to nature and personal-development. While I was creating the
movement, two of these tenets were the most important in my list. Even if a person lives
egoistic, delusional and pointless life, these rules will help him to understand the meaning of
his life and therefore, change it.
The difference between these two legendary ideas is about altruism and life simplicity.
If we can easily notice the contrast in these two psychological terms, it would be hard to
understand how are the factors of simplicity different. Let’s take a look at a quote written by
“Our life is frittered by detail.”
What he means by this is that people are always thinking about details, always rushing
somewhere, always are nervous and all because of the one factor- simplicity. Humanity
cannot understand what simplicity is, so I wanted to help them to begin by small steps. The
simplicity in convacastionism explains not only how the details ruin our daily routine, but
also the importance of looking at the problems from a different perspective which is easier
and more effective.
in order not to destroy the world.