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Cell Biology: Cell Structure & Function

The Fundamental Units of Life
-All organisms are made of cells
-The cell is the simplest living form of matter
-All cells are related by their descent from earlier cells
-many modifications made
-range from single celled organisms to complex organisms with higher levels of cellular
6.1: Biologists use microscopes and the tools of biochemistry to study cells
-Cell Fractionation: technique using centrifugation that separates cellular components according to
their size. This allows researchers to separate specific organelles, etc. for observation.
- lower speeds: pellet (precipitate at bottom of test tube) consists of larger cell components
- higher speeds: pellet consists of smaller components
6.2: Eukaryotic cells have internal membranes that compartmentalize their functions
Comparing Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells
-All cells have: a plasma membrane, cytosol, chromosomes (genes in the form of DNA), and
-Eukaryotic: (most) DNA located in membrane bound nucleus
-Prokaryotic: DNA is not membrane bound, but concentrated in region called the nucleoid
-Eukaryotic: region between nucleus and plasma membrane, contains membrane-bound
-Prokaryotic: takes up the entirety of the cell, does not contain membrane-bound organelles,
"organized" into regions
-Eukaryotic: generally larger
-Prokaryotic: generally smaller
how large a cell is depends on the size of the "machinery" necessary to carry out processes to
sustain itself and reproduce, while still remaining practical.
-The plasma membrane can only pass a certain amount of a substance at a particular time, so at a
certain point, excess
surface area of plasma membrane is useless.
-The interior volume of cell expands proportionally larger (compared to surface area) as surface
area increases.
- Smaller cells have a better surface area-to-volume ratio
- Cells that have a high exchange rate with their environments increase their surface area-tovolume ratios with
extensions called microvilli
-These extensions permit expansion of SA without significantly increasing volume.
A Panoramic View of the Eukaryotic Cell
-Eukaryotic cells have membrane-bound organelles that all the cell to maintain environments within
each organelle that benefit their distinct function without harming the rest of the cell's components.
-This also allows multiple processes with different environmental requirements to occur
-These membranes, including the plasma membrane, contain built-in enzymes compatible with
their functions.
6.3: The eukaryotic cell's genetic instructions are housed in the nucleus and carried out by
the ribosomes
The Nucleus: Information Central
-Nucleus: generally the largest organelle, houses DNA (genetic information), synthesizes messenger
RNA (mRNA) according to DNA templates
- mRNA exits to the cytosol to convey DNA message in the synthesis of proteins.
-Nuclear Envelope: double layered membrane (2 phosopholipid bilayers) that confines nuclear
-perforated by nuclear pores for import/export from the nucleus, the two bilayers are
continuous through the pores
-pore complexes made from proteins line pores
-Nuclear Lamina: protein network that lines the internal membrane of the nuclear envelope
-maintains structure of the nucleus
-Nuclear matrix: protein network throughout the interior nucleus
-together the nuclear lamina and matrix are suspected to help orient genetic material for proper
-Chromosomes: organized units of gene carrying DNA, one DNA molecule per chromosome
-Chromatin: The complex of DNA and histone proteins that the DNA is coiled around.
-chromosomes cannot be distinguished from one another unless preparing for cell division or in
the process of
-All species have a characteristic number of chromosomes, and half of that number in their
gametes (sex cells)
-Nucleolus: structure within nucleus, responsible for ribosomal RNA (rRNA) synthesis from DNA
templates and for ribosomal large and small subunit synthesis from proteins and rRNA.
-ribosomal subunits exit to the cytoplasm for assembly
-depending on species and stage of cell division, there can be two or more nuclei in a cell.
Ribosomes: Protein Factories
Ribosomes: not organelles because not membrane-bound, made of rRNA and proteins, responsible
for protein synthesis.
-Cells with high rate of protein synthesis have more ribosomes and prominent nucleoli (ie:
pancreas cells)
-Two kinds of ribosomes:
1) Free ribosomes: cytosol, enzyme production
2) Bound ribosomes: nuclear envelope and rough endoplasmic reticulum, membranous proteins,
packaging proteins, proteins
for secretion
-structurally identical and interchangeable
-cell type and function will determine the ribosomal population within a cell
6.4: The endomembrane system regulates protein traffic and performs metabolic
functions in the cell
Endomembrane system: nuclear envelope, endoplasmic reticulum, golgi apparatus, lysosomes,
vesicles/vacuoles, plasma membrane.
-protein synthesis and transport, organelle transport, lipid transport, metabolism, and detox
-system membranes continuous by direct contact or through vesicle (sacs of membrane)
The Endoplasmic Reticulum: Biosynthetic Factory
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER): extensive membranous network of tubules and sacs called cisternae
-membrane separate ER lumen/cisternal space (interior) from cytosol
-continuous with nuclear envelope, lumen continuous with intermembrane space (space
between exterior and interior
membrane) of the nuclear envelope
-two regions: Smooth ER (no bound ribosomes) and Rough ER (studded with ribosomes)
Functions of Smooth ER:
-lipid synthesis: ovaries, testes, adrenal gland
-enzymes of smooth ER key in lipid synthesis (oil, steroids, membrane phospholipids)
-steroids: vertebrate sex and adrenal hormones
-metabolism of carbohydrates -detoxification: liver
-enzymes add hydroxyl groups to drugs to increase solubility
-drugs can proliferate smooth ER-->increase rate of detox process--> increase drug tolerance->increase tolerance
to good drugs (ie: antibiotics) bc enzymes have low substrate specificity
-Calcium ion (Ca 2+) storage: muscle cells
-Ca 2+ pumped from cytosol into lumen-->nerve cell stimulation--> Ca 2+ rush back into cytosol->muscle contraction
- in other cells Ca 2+ release from lumen results in vesicle secretion
Functions of Rough ER:
-protein secretion: pancreas
-Glycoproteins: proteins with covalently bound carbohydrates, carbs attached in ER lumen by
enzymes in ER membrane
-Proteins released in transport vesicles that "bud" from portion called trasitional ER
-membrane factory:
-ER membrane grows new membrane, including membrane-bound proteins, expanding itself, then
transports portions of its
newly formed membrane to other endomembrane organelles.
Functions of Smooth ER:
-lipid synthesis: ovaries, testes, adrenal gland
-enzymes of smooth ER key in lipid synthesis (oil, steroids, membrane phospholipids)
-steroids: vertebrate sex and adrenal hormones
-metabolism of carbohydrates -
-detoxification: liver
-enzymes add hydroxyl groups to drugs to increase solubility
-drugs can proliferate smooth ER-->increase rate of detox process--> increase drug tolerance->increase tolerance
to good drugs (ie: antibiotics) bc enzymes have low substrate specificity
-Calcium ion (Ca 2+) storage: muscle cells
-Ca 2+ pumped from cytosol into lumen-->nerve cell stimulation--> Ca 2+ rush back into cytosol->muscle contraction
- in other cells Ca 2+ release from lumen results in vesicle secretion
Functions of Rough ER:
-protein secretion: pancreas
-Glycoproteins: proteins with covalently bound carbohydrates, carbs attached in ER lumen by
enzymes in ER membrane
-Proteins released in transport vesicles that "bud" from portion called trasitional ER
-membrane factory:
-ER membrane grows new membrane, including membrane-bound proteins, expanding itself, then
transports portions of its
newly formed membrane to other endomembrane organelles.
The Golgi Apparatus: Shipping and Receiving Center:
Golgi Apparatus: Fedex center of cell, consisting of flat membranous sacs (cisternae), modifies and
stores ER products (transported vis vesicles) prior to exportation to other cellular components
-cisternae membranes separate interior from cytosol.
-Cis face: side closest to ER, receives transport vesicles from ER by fusing with them
-Trans face: side furthest from ER, vesicles "bud" from trans face for transport elsewhere
-cargo is "tagged" prior to exportation with molecules for recognition by the specified receiver
-modifies glycoproteins and synthesizes noncellulose polysaccharides
-Cisternal Maturation Model: vesicle movement from the cis face to the trans face, being modified
along the way
Lysosomes: Digestive Compartments
Lysosome: membranous sac of hydrolytic enzymes (perform hydrolysis), digests macromolecules
-acidic interior, preferable pH for hydrolytic enzyme (fail safe: hydrolytic enzymes inactive in
neutral pH of cytosol)
-lysosome membrane and enzymes produced by ER and modified in GA.
Phagocytosis: the engulfing of food vesicle or bacterium, performed by unicellular organisms and
macrophages ( type of white blood cell)
- food vesicle then transported to lysosome for digestion (extraction of nutrients: monomers)
Autophagy: the fusing of a membrane containing damaged organelles or cytosol with the lysosome
for digestion and harvesting of organic compounds for recycled use within the cell
Tay Sachs Disease: lysosomal disorder, non-fuctional or missing lipid enzyme, results in
accumulation of lipids in brain cells, resulting in early death.
Vacuoles: Diverse Maintenance Compartments
Vacuole: large membranous vesicles, formed by the ER and GA
-Food vacuoles: products of phagocytosis
-Contractile vacuoles: prevalent in unicellular organisms, pump out excess water from cell,
maintain [ions] and [molecules]
-Enzymatic vacuoles: prevalent in plants and fungi, considered to be a type of lysosome bc of
hydrolytic enzymes present.
-Storage vacuoles: prevalent in plants, hold stores of organic compounds, poisons that protect
from predators, or pigments.
-Central vacuoles: prevalent in mature plant cells, formed by the combination of smaller
vacuoles, stores sap and serves as
storage of inorganic ions, the growth of the central
vacuole allows the cell to grow without producing more cytoplasm
6.5: Mitochondria and chloroplasts change energy from one form to another
Mitochondria: double membraned organelle (two phospholipid bilayers), performs cellular
respiration to produce usable energy (ATP)
Chloroplasts: double membraned organelle (two phospholipid bilayers), plants and algae, performs
photosynthesis to convert sunlight into chemical energy that produces food for the organism
The Evolutionary Origins of Mitochondria and Chloroplasts
Endosymbiont Theory: an early eukaryote phagocytized a non-photosynthetic, oxygen-using
prokaryotic cell (mitochondria), they began a symbiotic relationship as one cell living inside the
other, and eventually evolved to merge into a single organism. One of these newly formed cells
eventually phagocytized a photosynthetic prokaryotic cell (chloroplast).
-Theory is popular due to structural features of both organelles
-both are bound by double membranes
-both contain their own ribosomes
-both contain their own DNA in the form of plasmids (circular DNA)
-both grow and reproduce independently from the rest of the cell.
Mitochondria: Chemical Energy Conversion
-All eukaryotic cells have mitochondria
-# of mitochondria dependent on metabolic activity of cell,
-mitochondria form branched tubular networks in cells with multiples
-mitochondria not static, they move and change shape
-Outer membrane: smooth
-Inner membrane: many folds, called cristae, increase SA for cellular respiration (FORM MEETS
-Intermembrane space: between the two membranes
-Mitochondrial Matrix: Inside the inner membrane, contains enzymes, DNA and ribosomes
Chloroplasts: Capture of Light Energy
-chloroplasts contain chlorophyll (green pigment) mandatory for photosynthesis
-are found in all green portions of plants/algae
-move and change shape within cell
-belong to the plastid family of organelles
-Two membranes separated by intermembrane space
-Thylakoid: stacks of flattened interconnected membranous sacs (stack = granum)
-Stroma: fluid between inner membrane and thylakoids, contains DNA, ribosomes and enzymes
Peroxisomes: Oxidation
Peroxisomes: membrane bound organelle, metabolic function
-Enzymes remove H atoms from substrates, transfer them to O2, and make hydrogen peroxide
with them (H2O2)
-break down fatty acids for fuel
-H2O2 can be hazardous to other cellular components, peroxisomes can convert to H2O by
another enzyme
6.6: The cytoskeleton is a network of fibers that organizes structures and activities in the
Cytoskeleton: fibrous protein network throughout the cytosol, organizes structures and activities of
Roles of the Cytoskeleton: Support and Motility
-maintain shape using balanced opposing forces
-anchor organelles and some cytosolic enzymes
-Can alter cell shape by disassembly and reassembly
-Movement: movement of the whole cell, movement within the cell
-cytoskeleton/motor protein interactions
-Manipulation of the plasma membrane
Components of the Cytoskeleton
Microtubules: thickest, hollow rods, made of tubulin protein (dimer: alpha-tubulin and beta-tubulin)
-present in all eukaryotic cells
-can grow, reassemble or disassemble by adding or removing tubulin dimers to/from the "plus
-Shape and support cell
-provide tracks for organelles and other materials to travel on using motor proteins
-guide vesicles ER --->GA--->plasma membrane
-separate chromosomes during cell reproduction
-Centrosomes: region near the nucleus that grows microtubules, serve as compression resistance
for cell
-contains a pair of centrioles: 9 sets of triplet microtubules arranged in a ring
-Cilia and Flagella: microtubules arranged in 9 doublets with two individual central rods (called a
9+2 pattern) covered in a sheath
of plasma membrane, responsible for motility functions.
- extensions can act as locomotive devices for unicellular organisms
-locomotive flagella and cilia are anchored by basal bodies (9+0 pattern) within the cell
-motile cilia occur in large numbers on the cell surface, and motion to push fluid over cells
(falopian tubes, trachea)
- a singular cilia may act as a transmitter/receiver for a cell, these are called primary cilium, not
usually motile, and
have a 9+0 pattern
-Movement is governed by motor proteins:
-Dyenin: large motor proteins attached along each outer microtubule in each doublet,
these proteins have two "feet" that
"walk" along the microtubule of the adjacent
-this combined with cross-linking proteins that hold the microtubules in place by
linking the doublets with the
central microtubules, allows the cilia/flagella to
Locomotive Flagella video
Motile Cilia video
Microfilaments: thinnest, solid rods composed of actin protein, appear as linear or branched
twisted double chain of actin subunits.
-present in all eukaryotic cells
-primary function: bear tension (pulling forces)
-network of cortical microfilaments just inside the plasma membrane supports cell shape & gives
cytoplasmic cortex a gel-like
-make up microvilli that line intestinal cells, projections that are for increasing surface area
-cell motility: actin filaments in conjunction with myosin filaments
-cause muscle contractions
-extensions called pseudopodia allow unicellular organisms to pull things toward them
-cytoplasmic streaming in plant cells
Intermediate Filaments: medium sized, constructed from proteins in keratin family
-only found in certain eukaryotic cells
-bear tension
- don't assemble and diassemble, more permanent, usually remain even after cells die
-important for cell structure and anchoring of organelles- "permanent framework of cell"
-form a "cage" around nucleus
-make up nuclear lamina
-anchor microfilaments of microvilli
6.7: Extracellular Components and connections between cells help coordinate cellular
Extracellular components and connections between cells help coordinate cellular activities
-plasma membrane serves as the boundary of the cell
-many cells synthesize and secrete material into the extracellular space outside of the plasma
Dyenin "wa
Cell Walls of Plants
Cell wall:extracellular structure in plants, absent in animal cells. made up of cellulose microfibrils
-hold cell up from gravity
-thicker than plasma membrane
-Primary cell wall: young plants, thin and flexible
-Middle Lamella: between cell walls of adjacent cells, contains pectin proteins as "glue"
-Secondary cell wall: mature cells harden primary cell wall by secreting hardening substances
into primary walls, or they add a reinforcement call the secondary cell wall between the
cell wall and plasma membrane.
Plasmodesmatas: perforations between plant cells, provide continuity in membrane, cell wall, and
cytoplasm for
communication and transport between cells.
The Extracellular Matrix (ECM) of Animal Cells:
Extracellular Matrix: space between animal cells, consist of glycoproteins and other carb-containing
molecules secreted by the cell
Collagen: most abundant glycoprotein, forms strong fibers outside of cell
-embedded in network of proteoglycans: small core protein, many carb-containing chains
covalently bound to it
-proteoglycans can form large complexes when they convalently attach to a long polysaccharide
Fibronectin: glycoprotein responsible for attaching cells to the ECM
-bind integrin proteins: cell surface receptor proteins that extend from one side of the plasma
in the ECM to the other in the cytoplasm where they attach to the cytoskeleton
-important for communication between ECM and cytoskeleton
Cell Junctions:
-due to the higher level of cell organization in animals, neighboring cells must interact and
Tight Junctions, Desmosomes, and Gap Junctions:
-all three common to epitheleal tissues that line internal and external surfaces of the body
Tight Junction: cells packed tightly together, bound by proteins, lead to continuous seal that acts as
a barrier
-skin cells
Desomosomes (anchoring): fasten cells together in strong sheets, anchored by keratin in the
-muscle cells
Gap Junction (communicating): similar to plasmodesmata, channels connect cytoplasm of adjacent
cells for
-heart muscle