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Hematology Assignment 1: Cell Production & Blood Components

Hematology Assignment 1
This unit is LARGE, and mastery of the material requires a combination of reading the book, reviewing lecture
notes, and completing the assignment before the exam. This assignment covers material from the first three
topics in the syllabus. If you are unable to find the topic (s) in your textbook, please research medical sites in the
internet. Remember to always cite the reference sources used for completing your assignment.
1. Describe the process of hematopoiesis and specifically refer to the main centers of cell production from fetal
development until adulthood. Include a chart to describe the process.
2. Describe each stage of Erythrocyte formation, development, and differentiation in a timeline manner. Include the name of
the cell stage and the main characteristics for recognition of each. You may include pictures of each stage.
3. Describe the process of Myelopoiesis (Granulopoiesis) including the different stage of maturation and differentiation
characteristics of each of the granulocytic cells: Neutrophils, Eosinophils, and basophils. You may include pictures of each
cell stage to help you with the descriptions.
4. Describe the process of Megakaryocytopoiesis including the different stage of maturation and differentiation
characteristics of each of cell at each stage. You may include pictures of each cell stage to help you with the descriptions.
5. Using a schematic depiction of the red blood cell membrane showing the major components, name and
describe the following protein structures and their functions. Describe how these proteins are important to
maintain the RBC deformability and flexibility in check.
6. Normal anatomy of bone marrow, describe the following:
Cell/fat ratio and changes from childhood to adulthood
Myeloid/erythroid ratio
Average life span RBC, myelocytes, and platelets.
7. Describe the changes in globin change synthesis during fetal development, birth, infancy, and adulthood.
Include a chart of the timeline.
8. Describe the abnormal hemoglobins, Carboxyhemoglobin, Methemoglobin, and Sulfhemoglobin, and how they
differ from normal hemoglobin or oxyhemoglobin.
9. Hemoglobin-Oxygen dissociation curve: explain what are the different factors that can affect or shift the
hemoglobin affinity for oxygen. Include a curve to describe changes to the left or to the right by these factors.
10. By using the image provided BELOW, name
the parts of a microscope that are numbered and