Lexical Inferencing strategies Strategies Form-focused Analyzing strategies Associating Definitions Analyzing a word using knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, punctuations, or grammar. Attempting to infer the meaning of the target words with other similar words. Repeating Repeating the target words or part of the text containing the target word out aloud. Guessing from Guessing the meaning of the target word by using the Meaningtextual clues surrounding context clues. focused strategies Using prior Using prior knowledge or experience to infer the word knowledge meaning Paraphrasing Paraphrasing or translating part of the text that or translating contains the target words. Inquiry Questioning their own inferences. Evaluating strategies Verifying Confirming/disconfirming the inferences made by using the information in the text. Commenting Making evaluative comments about the target word. Stating failure Making statements about the failure of inferencing or Monitoring or difficulty the difficulty of the target word. strategies Suspending Postponing the inference making and leaving it for a judgement later time. Reattempting Discarding the old inference and attempting to make a new one. Taxonomy of lexical inferencing strategies by Nassaji (2004: 117)