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Prescriptive Grammar in 18th Century

Q.1 What Dr. Johnson had done for the
vocabulary was attempted for the syntax by the
grammarians of the eighteenth century. Books on
English grammar had begun to appear in the
sixteenth century. In the seventeenth, they were
compiled by even such authors as Ben Jonson
and Milton. Only in the 18th century was English
grammar viewed as a subject deserving of study
in it. Keeping these facts in view, write a
comprehensive note on the beginnings and
problems of Prescriptive Grammar in the 18th
Note: Go through the topics 138 and 139 for
better understanding.
(Marks 20)
The Beginnings of Prescriptive Grammar: (10 Marks)
To endorse and to restrict appear to have been facilitating
points of the grammarians. A considerable lot of the present
shows in books were first expressed in this period. The
prescriptive differentiation between the two action words
untruth and lay was first made in the second 50% of the
eighteenth century. Before that, intransitive lay was not viewed
as a solecism. The articulations had rather, would do well to
were censured by Johnson, Lowth, and Campbell. It is
conceivable to call attention to different issues of use contested
by grammarians. For instance, the appropriate case after that and
similar to an inquiry that grieved them:
• He is taller than I, or me.
Lowth’s view is accepted till today; the pronoun is
determined by the construction to be supplied or understood. So,
• He is older than she.
• He likes you better than me.
Another confusing inquiry concerned the case before the
"ing" word (I don't care for him doing that or his doing that).
'His' here was contradicted by Harris, Lowth, and others, yet
Webster held that this was 'the real English phrase' and the lone
reasonable structure. His assessment has come to be the one
broadly held. At long last, we may take note of that the
eighteenth century is answerable for the judgment of the twofold
negative. Lowth expressed the standard that we are currently
limited by: 'Two negatives in English annihilate each other, or
are comparable to a certifiable.' Thus a helpful saying was exiled
from courteous discourse.
Problems of Prescriptive Grammar: (10 Marks)
While recognizing the outcomes achieved by the
eighteenth-century grammarians and reformers, it is important to
underline the genuine constraints. Their most noteworthy
shortcoming was that they didn't perceive the significance of
utilization. They didn't understand and wouldn't recognize that
adjustments in language are hasty and can be nonsensical. Truth
is told; they moved toward the vast majority of the inquiries
through rationale and forced position. Thus, the steady endeavor
was to administer one development into utilization and another
out of utilization. No acknowledgment appeared for the
authenticity of separated utilization. Noah Webster said when
they would not put together their articulations with respect to
current realities of current use; they were declining to safeguard
an arrangement among books and practice. They were
contributing 'particularly to make and propagate contrasts
between the composed and communicated in language.' The root
source of this was the obliviousness of the cycles of phonetic
change. The recorded investigation of English was as yet in its
outset. Despite the fact that the materials were quickly opening
up, they didn't understand their significance.