Star Magnitudes Worksheet Name ___________________________ Earth Science Absolute Magnitude is a measure of the true brightness or luminosity of a star. The absolute magnitude value is determined by placing stars a distance of 32.6 LY from the Earth. The stars are then ranked according to their luminosity. The lower the absolute magnitude value the brighter the star. Apparent magnitude is a measure of the brightness of a star as viewed from Earth. The apparent magnitude is how we see the stars in the night sky. Again, the lower the apparent magnitude value of a star the brighter the star. The distance the star is from the Earth will affect the apparent magnitude of the star. Rank Star Absolute Magnitude +4.8 Apparent Magnitude -26.72 Distance from Earth (light-years) ______ _______ Sun 1 Sirius(in Canis Major) +1.4 -1.46 8.6 2 Canopus(in Carina) -2.5 -0.72 74 3 +4.4 -0.27 4.3 4 Rigel Kentaurus (Alpha Centauri) in Centaurus Arcturus (in Bootes) +0.2 -0.04 34 5 Vega(in Lyra) +0.6 +0.03 25 6 Capella (in Auriga) +0.4 +0.08 41 7. Rigel (in Orion) -8.1 +0.12 900 8 Procyon (in Canis Minor) +2.8 +0.38 11 9 Archenar (in Eridanus) -1.3 +0.46 75 10 Betelgeuse(in Orion) -7.2 +0.50 643 11 Hadar (in Centaurus) -4.3 +0.61 300 12 Altair (in Aquila) +2.3 +0.77 17 13 Acrux (in Crux) -3.8 +0.79 270 14 Aldebaran (in Taurus) -0.2 +0.85 65 15 Antares (in Scorpius) -4.5 +0.96 400 16 Deneb (in Cygnus) -7.2 +1.25 1500 Star Magnitude Worksheet Name _________________________ Block ______ Date ___________ Earth Science Use the table to answer the following questions. 1. What is the difference between absolute magnitude and apparent magnitude? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. What is the brightest star in the night sky (not the sun)? ________________________________ 3. What is the apparent magnitude of the brightest star (not the sun)? _______________________ 4. The closest star to the Earth is _________________ at a distance of _____________ light years. 5. The farthest star from the Earth is _______________ at a distance of ____________ light years. 6. What is the faintest star in the night sky? __________________________________ 7. Using absolute magnitude, what star is the brightest? ________________________ 8. Name the two stars that are found in the constellation Orion? _____________________ and ___________________ 9. Which star is brighter in the night sky Arcturus or Antares? ________________________________ 10. Which star has a lower absolute magnitude value Arcturus or Capella? ________________ Which star would be brighter? ______________________ 11. Which constellation has the brightest star in the night sky? ___________________________ 12. Which star is brighter in the night sky Sirius or Deneb? ____________________ 13. Rank the following stars in order from brightest (1) to dimmest (6) using apparent magnitude. _______Vega _______Archenar _______Arcturus _______Hadar _______Canopus _______Procyon