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1 Corinthians Outline

Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians: An Outline (from Wayne
Meeks, The Writings of Saint Paul)
Formal Prescript 1:1-3
Thanksgiving 1:4-9
Thesis: 1:10
Reflection on the rivalry between adherents of individual Apostles in light of the
“logos of the cross” (1:18)
E. Purity of the Community
a. Sexual matters: (5:1-13; 6:12-7:40)
b. Lawsuits (6)
F. Freedom in relation to the edification of the community, especially responsibility
for those who are weak: 8:1-11:1
G. Sources of Division and Response: 11:2-14:40
a. Behavior and Dress of women who are prophesying (11:2-16)
b. Divisions between richer and poorer members of the Lord’s Supper
c. Spiritual Gifts (charismata, 12:1-14:40)
H. Resurrection of the Dead (15); 15: 3-8 being one of the oldest texts in the NT
I. Instructions for collection for Jerusalem (16:1-4) and assorted miscellany
J. Ends with formal anathema and Aramaic “maranatha” (“Come, Lord”)
K. Benediction
Grounds for Unity:
1. Baptism (1:13-17); Singularity of Jesus (1:30; 3:5-12); God as foundation of unity
2. Crucifixion and New Wisdom (1:13, 18-30)
3. Holiness and integrity of person (Body/Spirit) (6:12-20)
4. Freedom with concern for the weak in the community (8:1-11:1) [this would
make an interesting comparison with Genealogy of Morals]
5. Eucharist-Cross (10:14-17; 11:23-32); issues of wealth are involved here as well
6. Body of Christ and Spiritual Gifts (12)
7. Love as cure for Discord (13)
8. God is not a God of Discord, but of Peace (14:33)