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SCH3U Lesson Assignment 7 (docx)

SCH3U Lesson Assignment 7
In this assignment you are going to focus on:
Total Marks: 83 marks
After completing the lesson action section of your home page, you are ready to complete your lesson assignment. Follow
these steps.
a) In the textbox given, explain the strategy that you used to determine your answer.
b) Fill in your answer. The mark for each question is given at the introduction to the questions to be completed.
c) When finished answering all your questions, save your file and upload the file into the appropriate dropbox.
Part A (Using the Concepts): Multiple Choice: (59 marks) Each question is worth different marks according to the
strategy used. If calculations are required, the mark for the strategy will worth more marks and the final answer will be
worth one mark.
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. Your choices are given below the text box.
Make sure you include your strategy.
1. (two marks) One method of corrosion prevention for iron is the use of protective coatings. Which type of
coating would most likely be the most effective over a long period of time?
a. nickel
b. chromium
c. plastic
2. (two marks) Corrosion of iron is accelerated by
a. low humidity
b. lack of oxygen
c. low pH
d. wax
e. steel
d. low temperature
e. nonelectrolytes
3. (two marks) Galvanized steel is an effective method of corrosion prevention for all of the following reasons
a. Zinc is a more active metal than iron.
b. Zinc is less electronegative than iron.
c. Zinc forms a protective layer on the iron.
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d. Zinc is a relatively hard metal compared to iron.
e. A spontaneous cell is created when the zinc coating is broken.
4. (two marks) The kinetic molecular theory includes all of the following except
5. (two marks) An example of a physical change process in a chemical industry is
deposit of gold on a metal through electrolysis
decomposition of limestone in the Solvay process
combustion of sulfur in the contact process for sulfuric acid
recovery of salt by evaporation of water from a salt lake
production of ammonia from nitrogen and hydrogen in the Haber process
6. (two marks) An example of a chemical change process in a chemical industry is
molecules attract one another
particles are small compared to the volume they occupy
molecules move in straight line motion
molecules collide elastically with one another
molecules collide elastically with surrounding objects
crude oil fractionally distilled in an oil refinery
recovery of salt by evaporation of water from a salt lake
lime added to water to produce slaked lime in the Solvay process
nitrogen condensed from air for use in the Haber process
CFCs from automobile air conditioners diffuse in the upper atmosphere
7. (two marks) The reaction of silver nitrate with zinc would be classified as a
a. combustion reaction
b. synthesis reaction
c. double displacement reaction
d. decomposition reaction
e. single displacement reaction
8. (two marks) Baking soda can be used to neutralize some battery acid that has leaked or spilled. This reaction
would be classified as a
a. synthesis reaction
b. decomposition reaction
c. combustion reaction
SCH3U1 Lesson Assignment
d. single displacement reaction
e. double displacement reaction
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9. (five marks) The substance that would be expected to form a precipitate as a product of a chemical reaction is
a. silver hydroxide
b. calcium sulfide
c. sodium phosphate
d. lithium chloride
e. chromium(III) sulfate
____ 10. (five marks) Which of the following combinations would result in the formation of a precipitate?
acetic acid and potassium hydroxide solutions
magnesium nitrate and sodium sulfide solutions
sulfuric acid and barium hydroxide solutions
sodium sulfate and copper(II) chloride solutions
sodium chloride and ammonium nitrate solutions
____ 11. (two marks) Hydrogen can be used as an alternative fuel for automobiles. Classify the following chemical
reaction: 2H2(g) + O2(g)  2H2O(g)
a. combustion reaction
b. decomposition reaction
c. single displacement
d. double displacement
e. simple decomposition
____ 12. (two marks) Which of the following always indicates that a chemical reaction has taken place?
a. production of a gas
b. absorption of heat
c. change in colour
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d. appearance of a new substance
e. production of heat
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____ 13. (two marks) Classify the following reaction: Mg(OH)2 + 2HNO3  Mg(NO3)2 + 2H2O
a. combustion
b. synthesis
c. decomposition
d. single displacement
e. double displacement
____ 14. (two marks) Classify the following reaction: H2O + SO3  H2SO4
a. combustion
b. synthesis
c. decomposition
d. single displacement
e. double displacement
____ 15. (two marks) Classify the following reaction: FeCl3 + 3NaOH  Fe(OH)3 + 3NaCl
a. combustion
b. synthesis
c. decomposition
d. single displacement
e. double displacement
____ 16. (two marks) Classify the following reaction: Cl2 + ZnI2  ZnCl2 + I2
a. combustion
b. synthesis
c. decomposition
d. single displacement
e. double displacement
____ 17. (two marks) Classify the following reaction: 2NaClO3  2NaCl + 3O2
a. combustion
b. synthesis
c. decomposition
d. single displacement
e. double displacement
____ 18. (three marks) Which metal would not displace lead, Pb, in a lead nitrate, Pb(NO3)2, solution?
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a. copper, Cu
b. potassium, K
c. lithium, Li
d. magnesium, Mg
e. none of the above
____ 19. (three marks) Which metal would not displace gold, Au, from a compound?
a. copper, Cu
b. potassium, K
c. lithium, Li
d. magnesium, Mg
e. none of the above
____ 20. (two marks) Engines are often constructed with aluminum alloys rather than pure aluminum because
alloys are lighter
pure aluminum is flammable
alloys are stronger
pure aluminum is easily worn away by corrosion
pure aluminum is too expensive
____ 21. (two marks) What type of reaction is cellular respiration?
a. combustion
b. synthesis
c. decomposition
d. single displacement
e. double displacement
____ 22. (two marks) The greenhouse effect is caused by
a. infrared radiation
b. ultraviolet radiation
c. water
d. carbon dioxide
e. all of the above
____ 23. (three marks) Classify the following chemical reaction: 3NaOH + H3PO4  Na3PO4 + 3H2O
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a. combustion
b. synthesis
c. decomposition
d. single displacement
e. double displacement
____ 24. (two marks) Classify the following chemical reaction: 2Pb(NO3)2  2PbO + 4NO2 + O2
a. combustion
b. synthesis
c. decomposition
d. single displacement
e. double displacement
____ 25. (two marks) Classify the following chemical reaction: 2AsCl3 + 3H2S  As2S3
a. combustion
b. synthesis
c. decomposition
+ 6HCl
d. single displacement
e. double displacement
Part B (Putting the Concepts to Work): Completion (24 marks): Using your reading, answer the following
questions. Give your answer as well as your strategy for determining your answer. As part of your answer, give the
page number in the reference material or the website that you used to find the answer to the question.
1. (four marks) List the metals, by number, in order of least to most likely to corrode.
1. silver
2. gold
3. aluminum
4. tin
2. (four marks) Predict the products for the following chemical reaction:
A sulfuric acid spill is neutralized by a sodium hydroxide solution.
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3. (four marks) Predict the products and write a balanced chemical equation for the following chemical reaction:
Aqueous calcium chloride is added to a small amount of solution suspected to contain sodium phosphate.
4. (four marks) Predict the products and write a balanced chemical equation for the following chemical reaction:
Aqueous aluminum chloride is added to a solution suspected to contain sodium carbonate.
5. (eight marks) A recommended method to safely dispose of lead ion solutions is to precipitate the lead as a
very low solubility compound. As an example, write the complete balanced chemical equation for the reaction
of lead(II) acetate and sodium silicate solutions.
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