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Canada Admin law mulitple choice

1. When common law rules are included in the statutes with little or no changes, the process
is referred to as: - Codification
2. Our fundamental freedoms are set out in: - Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
3. Which law permits tribunals to make their own rules for conduct of certain aspects of
their proceedings?: Statutory Powers Procedure Act
4. Which of the following is not a branch of government?: Agency
5. Where are municipal laws passed?: Municipal Council
6. Which of the following is not a provincial power?: The operation of schools and
7. Which of the following is not a federal law-making power? Land-use Planning
8. Which of the following is not a municipal law-making power? The creation of roads
9. Which of the following is an area of private law? Contract Law
10. Driver carelessly injures pedestrian. Under the common tort of negligence, what type of
remedy can the plaintiff seek?: Damages
11. Which of the following refers to a committee of members that is also known as the
governor in council?: Cabinet
12. Which of the following is a law enacted by a municipality under the authority of a
statute?: By-law
13. Which of the following refers to the part of a law that deals with the legal issue that the
law is designed to address?: Substantive law
14. In addition to separation of functions, what is another concern when an agency performs
multiple functions?: Delegation of authority
15. Which of the following is not a function of agencies, board and commissions?: To create
16. What is substantive difference between tribunals and courts?: Tribunals may
accept reliable evidence even when disallowed by court.
17. Which of the following describes the difference between tribunal members and judges?:
Tribunal members have no security of tenure
18. Which of the following is a tribunal authorized to follow an inquisitorial procedure?:
Information and Privacy Commissioner
19. What led to the development of the administrative law that regulates how the executive
branch carries out its functions?: Need for an appropriate balance between
accountability and independence
20. Which of the following is an advantage of tribunals over courts?: Tribunals can include
representatives of interest groups
21. Which one of the following is not an example of a watchdog body?: Child and Family
Services Review Board
22. Which of the following is not a reason why the government creates
administrative agencies?: To increase permanence
23. Why was the development of a body of administrative law necessary in Canada?: To
regulate how the executive branch of government carried out its function
24. Which of the following is untrue regarding separation of functions?: An adjudicator
may delegate his or her decision-making
25. Which of the following is not an example of a quasi-judicial tribunal?: Liquor Control
Board of Ontario
26. Which of the following is not a system of adjudication used by tribunals?: Expert based
27. Which branch of government do administrative agencies and tribunals operate as part
of?: Executive
28. Which of the following is not one of the six fundamentals principles of
administrative law?: Executive independence
29. Which of the following is not something courts can generally do when hearing judicial
review applications:? Declare that the administrative tribunal be disbanded
30. The scope of authority or powers conferred on a government body or official by
legislation or by common law is called: Jurisdiction
31. What is the name of the Ontario legislation that sets out the general fairness
requirements for agencies and tribunals:? Statutory Powers Procedure Act
32. Which of the following is not a main source of fairness obligations?: Executive orders.
33. A higher court review of violations by an official/body of any fundamental principles of
administrative law?: Judicial review
34. Which of the following is not required when an adjudicator seeks advice from another
tribunal member?: The parties to the decision grant the adjudicator permission
35. What test is used to determine whether or not a tribunal is impartial?: Reasonable
apprehension of bias
36. Which of the following is not a system of adjudication used by tribunals?
Guidelines may be used to exclude choices provided by the law
37. Which of the following decisions typically would not attract a duty to act fairly?: Issuing
immigration policy documents
38. Which section of the Charter protects against unreasonable search and seizure?: Section
39. Which of the following is not a procedural safeguard provided by section 11 of
the Charter?: The right not to be subject to cruel and unusual punishment
40. Which of the following Charter provision provides the power to declare laws to be
void?:Section 52
41. Which of the following is not a valid reason to award damages for a Charter breach under
section 24(1)?: Rehabilitation of the victim
42. What right is protected by section 7 of the Charter?: The right to life, liberty and
security of a person
43. What is the name of the four-part test for justifying Charter violations under section 1?:
The Oakes Test
44. Which of the following would not be bound by the Charter?: A federally
incorporated business
45. Which section of the Charter provides for the right to be an interpreter?: Section 14
46. Which one of the following is not an enumerated ground under section 15 of the
Charter?: Receipt of assistance
47. The right under section 8 of the Charter to be free from unreasonable search or seizure
only arises where is a: Reasonable expectation of privacy
48. Which of the following may require the government to provide states funded
legal counsel at an administrative hearing? A hearing to determine if a child should be
taken away from the parents
49. Which one of the following bodies is not subject to Charter scrutiny?: A university that
imposes a mandatory retirement age on professors
50. Which of the following is the most frequent complaints received by human rights
commissions and tribunals?: Discrimination and harassment in employment
51. Which of the following is an example of bona fide occupational requirement?: Eyesight
for truck driver
52. When two or more courts or tribunals have authority over the same matter they have:
Concurrent Jurisdiction
53. Which of the following is true about quasi constitutional law?: quasi-constitutional laws
cannot be used to override other laws
54. What is the time limitation in Ontario for filing a human rights complaint under the
Human Rights Code?: 1 Year
55. Which of the following statutes recognized English & French as the official languages of
all federal institutions?: Officials Languages Act
56. Which of the following is not an example of a reprisal?: Placing an employee on
probation at commencement of the job
57. Which of the following is not an enumerated ground pursuant to the Ontario Human
Rights Code?: Criminal record
58. Which of following is not an example of adverse effect discrimination?: a requirement
that all employees must be male
59. Which of the following words fits this definition: right of women to receive same pay as
men for work of equal value?: Pay equity
60. Which of the following is not considered quasi-constitutional?: Criminal Code
61. What does the Latin phrase audi alteram partem mean?: Hear the other side
62. Which of the following is not true regarding the right to disclosure as a component of
procedural fairness?: The right to notice always includes a disclosure of evidence
63. When does the procedural fairness require that an investigator retain evidence?: Where
the evidence may necessary in the future to ensure a fair hearing
64. Which of the following describes a limit on right to present evidence?: Parties do not
always have the right to present evidence orally
65. What is the purpose of cross examination?: Give parties the chance to challenge the
evidence given by other side
66. Which of the following is not a component of the right to be heard?: The right to select
tribunal members
67. Which of the following is an exception to the requirement that the decision be based
solely on evidence?: Judicial notice
68. Which of the following is the first pillar of procedural fairness?: The right to a hearing
69. Which one of the following would not be stated in a notice hearing?:Credentials of
adjudicators at the hearing
70. What can be substantive for oral cross-examination in a written hearing?: the
exchange of written questions and answers
71. Which of the following decision would likely attract the highest level of
procedural fairness? To deport a Canadian citizen to another country to face torture.