Uploaded by Diana Smith

Rainforest Issues Worksheet: Kayapo, Shifting Cultivation, Deforestation

Task 2​ - Click on the following link that gives information about the
Kayapo Indians and Sustainability​*​. Complete the task set using this
framework worksheet​.
Task 3​ - Use ​this link from the BBC​ to design your own cycle diagram four sequence
cartoon to show how 'Shifting Cultivation' or 'Slash & Burn' techniques work in the
tropical rainforest. You can use ​this framework sheet​. See the help sheet below for
more information.
Help sheet - ​Camayura Indians and Shifting Cultivation*​ ​.
Task 4:
Watch the video and work on the Deforestation worksheet
You will have seen recently a lot in the news about the fires in the
Amazon rainforest and the attempts by world leaders to put pressure
on Brazil to put them out.
The history of deforestation in the Amazon has been long and
complicated and the current government certainly favours the
economic benefits of the destruction of the forest over the
preservation of them. Spend some time watching the VOX video to the
right (November 2019) and take notes using the framework sheet