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COVID-19 Vaccination Key Talking Points

COVID-19 Vaccination Key Talking Points
Safety and Vaccine Hesitancy
Worries and concerns about COVID-19 vaccine can impact people’s willingness to get vaccinated, which
is why we need to address them fully so people can be confident in the decision to get vaccinated.
 It’s important to know that these vaccines are being held to the same safety standards as all
vaccines. Several expert and independent groups evaluate the safety of vaccines being given to
people in the United States.
 Factors that can impact vaccine acceptance, including concern about side effects, vaccine
efficacy, risk perception, and associated costs.
 People will be more likely to get a vaccine if their healthcare provider says it’s safe, if the vaccine
is free, if it helps people get to work and school, and if it’s easily available.
Improving Vaccine Acceptance
Start from a place of empathy and understanding
 The pandemic has been stressful for many people. The first step is to acknowledge the
disruption COVID-19 has caused in all our lives, providing an opportunity to recognize common
concerns that can be addressed by a vaccine.
Assume individuals will want to be vaccinated but be prepared for questions, including questions about
when to expect vaccines.
 The goal is for everyone to be able to easily get a COVID-19 vaccine as soon as large quantities
are available. However, not everyone will be able to get vaccinated right away.
 Encourage them to continue taking steps to protect themselves from COVID-19 and let them
know how you plan to share updates about vaccine availability.
Give Your Strong Recommendation
 Share the importance of COVID-19 vaccines to protect their health, as well as the health of
those around them.
How to Get Vaccinated
 Most physicians can be vaccinated at hospitals where they have privileges.
 Operations leadership should consult state and local health departments to determine where
employees can register to receive the vaccine. Many counties have created websites to register
for vaccine or be placed on a waitlist.
Source: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-19/downloads/VaccinateWConfidence-ImmunizationCoordinators_508.pdf