Uploaded by Heidi Calma

Culture & Heroes: Samurai vs. Troy Essay

Critical Essay
For this assessment, you will write a compare-and-contrast analysis of how culture shapes the
heroes in Heart of a Samurai and Black Ships Before Troy.
Checklist for completion:
1. Have your prewriting for this assignment out and nearby.
2. Edit the Heading to include your information.
3. Fill in the blanks with your own words where you see (parentheses).
Your Name
Mrs. Calma
Today’s Date
How Culture Shapes the Heroes in The Heart of a Samurai and Black Ships Before Troy
Introductory Paragraph and Thesis Statement
The story Heart of a Samurai, by Margi Preus, and the story Black Ships Before Troy, by
Rosemary Sutcliff, both have strong main characters who become heroes. In Heart of a
Samurai, Manjiro is a character who (explain the story). In Black Ships Before Troy, Achilles is
a character who (explain the story). Culture shapes both of the heroes in Heart of a Samurai
and Black Ships Before Troy.
Body Paragraph 1: Manjiro
Manjiro is very courageous in the story and becomes a hero. This is shown in the story
when he (include an example of when he was courageous). This is courageous because
(explain why it is a courageous act that makes him a hero). Manjiro’s culture values (include
information about is culture that helps make it possible for him to be a hero) and this helps
him become a hero.
Body Paragraph 2: Achilles
Achilles is very courageous in the story and becomes a hero. This is shown in the story
when he (include an example of when he was courageous). This is courageous because
(explain why it is a courageous act that makes him a hero). Achilles’ culture values (include
information about is culture that helps make it possible for him to be a hero) and this helps
him become a hero.
Body Paragraph 3: Comparing Manjiro and Achilles
Manjiro and Achilles are very similar in how they are courageous. Manjiro is a hero
because he (explain why he is a hero with an example). Achilles is a hero because he (explain
why he is a hero with an example). Manjiro and Achilles both were able to (explain how their
heroic qualities were similar). Manjiro and Achilles’ cultures were similar because (explain
how their cultures were similar), which is how they were able to become heroes.
Concluding Paragraph
Culture shapes both of the heroes in Heart of a Samurai and Black Ships Before Troy.
Both Manjiro and Achilles were heroic because of their courageous acts. They both relied on
their culture to help them become heroes by (explain how their cultures helped them
become heroes). Cultures influence people’s actions and beliefs by (use your own words to
end with a thought about how a culture can influence people).
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