Module 5: BUILDING THE TEACHING PORTFOLIO RELATED TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE MODALITIES Lesson 1: The Teaching Portfolio and its contents ACTIVITY 1. Before you begin to prepare building your Portfolio, you need to make sure that you have completed all the outputs for this course. Go over the list found in LDM2 Guide for Expected Outputs and find out whether you have completed all the outputs required for Modules 1-4 of this course. Answer: Collection of all outputs from module 1 to 4 1. Course orientation 2. Most Essentials Learning Competencies (MELC) 3A. Designing instruction in the different learning delivery modalities 3B. Learning Resources 4. Planning for Continuing Professional Development and LAC Planning Activity 2. Study the Reading on Portfolios from the Glossary of Education Reform. Based on your reading, reflect on the following questions and jot your answer in your Study Notebook: 1. How will your Portfolio help you in tracking the progress of your teaching practice in your School’s LDM? Answer: My portfolio helps me in tracking the progress of my teaching practice in our school LM in such a way that it will serve as my guide in the different LDM that takes place during this pandemic time. 2. What evidence from the previous modules will help capture the progress of your teaching practice? Answer: 1|md5 Some evidence from the previous modules help me to capture the progress of my teaching practice such as doing WHLP/ LAS, SLM targeting some interventions that some of the learners should have. 3. Why is writing down your reflections an integral part of your Portfolio? Answer: In every work or task given it must have a reflection with in. Making of it is an integral part because it serves us a compilation of our knowledge and understanding towards the topic it also measures our effectively being our consciousness and even our judgement in a certain topic. Activity 3. Familiarized yourself with the List of Suggested Evidence Form. Is the list of evidence enough to capture the progress of your teaching practice? What other evidence can you think of that is relevant to the LDM adopted by your School? Write down your answers and other insights in your Study Notebook. Answer: The list of evidence in the learning delivery modality is enough at the moment. Although of course there might be something else that need to be included as we go on to the implementation of the DL through the MDL. In the future LACs, surely our group will suggest of other strategies to use and henceforth the evidence to prepare. List of Suggested Evidence in the Learning Delivery Modality ACTIVITIES Documentation of Lesson Delivery Researching and Incorporating Teaching Strategies in the Modalities Participation in recognized PDs that are aligned with their Professional Goals anchored on Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) Organizing the Professional Portfolio Submission of Portfolio to coach/es 2|md5 TIMELINE August to November August to November OUTPUTS At least 2 recorded lessons (online learning) Lesson Plan (at least 2 per month) August to November Certification of Participation with PD credit units December Professional Portfolio December Certificate of Submission Co-Learning with Peers and coach/es At least once a month starting September 2020 Video Recording / PICTURES Activity 4. In your LAC Session, discuss your answer and thoughts on the questions from activities 2 and 3 with your colleagues. Answer: Activity 2 is all about to evaluate the learning progress and achievement of the pupils in specific course. To know my strength and weaknesses in terms in my teaching practice. Activity 3 is all about the list of suggested evidence to capture the progress of our teaching practices and so with to track the learners progress. And maybe some groups will suggest other strategies to use as evidence. Activity 5. Based on the sharing and discussion in your LAC, finalize your list evidence in the List of Suggested Evidence Form and submit to your LAC Leader. Make sure that you keep a copy for yourself. ACTIVITIES Documentation of Lesson Delivery Researching and Incorporating Teaching Strategies in the Modalities Participation in recognized PDs that are aligned with their Professional Goals anchored on Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) Organizing the Professional Portfolio Submission of Portfolio to coach/es Co-Learning with Peers and coach/es 3|md5 TIMELINE August to November August to November OUTPUTS At least 2 recorded lessons (online learning) Lesson Plan (at least 2 per month) August to November Certification of Participation with PD credit units December Professional Portfolio December Certificate of Submission At least once a month starting September 2020 Video Recording / PICTURES List of suggested Evidence Review Form Teachers Portfolio Pupils Portfolio Certificate of Trainings Activity Notebook Copy of Technical Assistance Written Test Certificate of Recognition/ Awards Performance task Progress Report Card Nutritional Status PHIL-IRE and Numeracy Result Lesson 2: The Evaluation Rubric Activity 1. Study the criteria and indicators found in the Evaluation Rubric. What steps will you take to ensure that you are able to hit the criteria in the Rubric? Write down your answer and any other thoughts about the Rubric in your Study Notebook. Answer: I will make sure that I have access to the things I need before, during and after the implementation phases of the school LCP. I shall also be guided with the rubrics at hand to ensure that I am on track and that the Professional Standards are met. Activity 2. Discuss and share your thoughts on the Rubric in your LAC Session. Present your steps to make your outputs and Portfolio responsive to the evaluation criteria and indicators. Take note of your colleagues’ other insights as well. 4|md5 EVALUATION RUBRIC FOR THE LDM IMPLEMENTATION PORTFOLIO For Teachers CRITERIA EXCELLENT 5 VERY SATISFACTORY 4 SATISFACTORY 3 MARGINAL 2 DEMONSTRATION OF PROGRESS OF THE LDM IMPLEMENTATION (30%) The outputs clearly and adequately captured the progress of the implementation of the LDM, showing innovations that contribute to its smooth implementation Reflection describes the experience in the LDM implementation, shows in-depth analysis and synthesis, and excellently relates it to the professional standards and to professional and personal development goals The outputs clearly demonstrate 5 or more indicators of relevant strands in professional standards The outputs adequately captured the progress of the implementation of the LDM The outputs reflect to a big extent the progress of the LDM implementation The outputs reflect to a limited extent the progress of the LDM implementation The outputs do not show the progress of the LDM implementation Reflection describes the experience in the LDM implementation, shows some analysis, and relates it to the professional standards and to professional and personal development goals Reflection describes the experience and relates them to the professional standards and personal development goals Reflection describes the experience in the implementation of the LDM with limited attempt to relate it to the professional standards and personal development goals Reflection describes the experience in the implementation of the LDM with no attempt to relate it to the professional standards and personal development goals The outputs clearly demonstrate 4 indicators of relevant strands in professional standards The ideas are expressed in clear language with very minimal errors in structure and / or writing conventions The outputs clearly demonstrate 3 indicators of relevant strands in professional standards The ideas are expressed well but with incoherence in some areas and few errors in structure and / or writing conventions The outputs do not demonstrate any indicator in the professional standards The portfolio is generally wellorganized with 1-2 items not well placed in the overall organization The output/s is /are submitted on the day of the deadline The outputs clearly demonstrate 2 indicators of relevant strands in professional standards The ideas are expressed using very basic words and structure with incoherence in many areas and several errors in structure and / writing conventions The portfolio has 3-4 items not well placed in the overall organization The output/s is /are submitted 1-3 days after the deadline The output/s is /are submitted more than 3 days after the deadline QUALITY OF REFLECTION (25%) DEMONSTRATION OF PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS (20%) LANGUAGE OVERALL PRESENTATION OF OUTPUT (15%) The ideas are expressed in clear, coherent, and appropriately-worded language with no errors structure and/or writing conventions ORGANIZATION OF PORTFOLIO (5%) The portfolio is logically organized, is insightful, and offers new perspective and insights The portfolio is logically organized TIMELINESS (5%) The output/s is /are submitted more than 3 days ahead of the deadline The output/s is /are submitted 1-2 days before the deadline 5|md5 UNSATISFACTORY 1 The ideas are jumbled and difficult to understand; errors in structure and writing conventions are found almost everywhere in the output The portfolio does not follow a logical order Prepared by: FLORINA B. ATISON ROGELIO A. PANCHACALA Noted by: FLORA C. TANEO 6|md5