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Reading Lesson Planning Sheets: Interactive Read Aloud & Guided Reading

Interactive Read Aloud/Video Aloud: Planning Page
What will you read aloud (or show, if video)?
Title ___________________________________________________________________________
Pages (or minutes if video) ______________ — ______________
SECOND: What will you focus on? (Choose 2-3 skills)
THIRD: What prompts will you use to prompt children to practice?
(Tip: If you have the The Reading Strategies Book, you can find the strategies that best
fit the goal(s) and skill(s) and use the prompts at the bottom of each page.
FOURTH: Find pages in the book (or the time marker in the video) where you find yourself
using those goal(s)/skill(s). Place a post-it note on each page where you’ll stop and prompt the
readers. Think about what you’ll have them do in each spot: turn and talk, stop and jot, stop and
act. You could also stop and think aloud.
©2018 Serravallo
Planning page to go with lesson types described in Understanding Texts & Readers.
Mini Lesson: Planning Page
(starting story, anecdote, or reminder of past work)
Today, I’ll teach you…
(state strategy)
I’m going to show you how I.. (state strategy)
Demo text:
Demo page:
Sample language (think aloud):
Did you see how I…? (restate strategy)
Now I’m going to set you up to do a quick practice of…
(restate strategy)
Practice text & page number (will you provide or will kids bring their
Sample language to prompt them to practice:
[set them up to practice by writing in a notebook, jotting on a post it,
thinking aloud with a friend, etc.]
[call students back together]
As I listened in/watched you practice, I saw…
[call out a strong example or ask a child to share]
So today as you go off to read, (restate strategy) if you
find… (state conditions, times, or places when this would be helpful)
©2018 Serravallo
Planning page to go with lesson types described in Understanding Texts & Readers.
Guided Reading: Planning Sheet (Page 1 of 2)
BOOK TITLE: ______________________________________ LEVEL: __________
FIRST: (who is in your group? )Students:
__________________________________ ______________________________
__________________________________ ______________________________
***REMEMBER that the best GR plans are based on student assessment and knowledge of text difficulties and behaviors of the
level. You are teaching the reader, not the book.
SECOND: Plan the book Introduction (introduce some/all in any order):
Introduce the gist of
the book (i.e. basics of
plot or overarching
topics covered in NF)
Introduce any
difficulties that you
don’t want to leave for
the children to
themselves (i.e.,
vocabulary, text
Activate prior
Remind them of a
strategy they should
use in the reading of
the text
Give a question or
purpose for reading
©2018 Serravallo
Planning page to go with lesson types described in Understanding Texts & Readers.
Guided Reading: Planning Sheet (Page 2 of 2)
THIRD: Children will read as you coach. Plan for prompts to use: (if you have The Reading
Strategies Book, you can use prompts at the bottom of any strategy page). Think about each
individual student’s goal, and/or the focus for this lesson, to choose prompts.
FOURTH: Based on how students read during the practiced time, pick one strategy to teach
to all children and have children practice it quickly.
FINALLY: Take your notes.
©2018 Serravallo
Planning page to go with lesson types described in Understanding Texts & Readers.