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Odyssey Worksheet: Heroes & Monsters

Odyssey- Heroes and Monsters
Relevant Vocabulary
Hero’s Journey (Monomyth):
Introduction (Pages 368-369)
What caused the Trojan War?
Who is the hero of the Odyssey?
How are the Greek gods different than what one would expect from a deity?
Who was Homer and what was his effect on History?
Characteristic- Heroic
Textual evidence-
CharacteristicTextual Evidence
CharacteristicTextual Evidence
The Lotus Eaters. p. 373
Why did Odysseus’ men not return back to the boat?
What is a modern equivalent to the Lotus fruit? Why is it dangerous to lose track of time
because of something you’ve consumed?
What line from this section shows the danger of the Lotus plant?
The Cyclops, pp
Describe the Cyclops:
How was the Cyclops defeated?
What type of irony is used when Polyphemus exclaims, “Nobody is killing me!”?
Give an example of a metaphor in this section.
Think of the story from a different point of view for a moment. In what way could
Odysseus be the villain? Why do you think that?
Tweet LinkCreate at least three tweets that a character in this scene could have sent. Submit to this
Circe’s Island, p386-387
How would you describe Circe?
What line from the text supports your description?
Why does Circe change the men back to their original form?
The Land of
the Dead,
What was Elpenor’s request?
What is Odysseus told about his future?
The Sirens;Scylla and Charybdis, pp. 392398
Why would Odysseus choose to hear the sirens?
Think back to what Odysseus has encountered and how he has acted. Is he a hero? Cite
textual evidence to support why or why not.
Letter Writing ActivityWrite a letter home to your family from the point of view of one of Odysseus’
men. Include knowledge from the text and explain how you are feeling about
being parted from your family. Tell about one of your adventures and what it
taught you. Also, describe Odysseus and what you think of him based on this
The Homecoming Analysis Questions
Book 17: The Beggar at the Manor, pp 401-402
What did Odysseus learn while disguised as a beggar?
What were the suitors after?
Why is it important for him to show patience and self-restraint, even when hit and
What is the meaning of the death of Argos, Odysseus' old hunting dog?
Book 21: The Test of the Bow pp 403-407
Describe the suitors of Persephone:
Why would Persephone give up on Odysseus?
What does the contest of the bow symbolize?
How did Odysseus reveal himself in the test of the bow?
Book 22: Death in the Great Hall pp 408-412
What do you think of Odysseus' killing of the suitors? Is it justified? What do you
think of his killing of those who embraced his knees and begged for mercy?
Book 23: The Trunk of the Olive Tree pp 413-416
Why is Odysseus angry at Persephone?
How does Persephone finally recognize Odysseus?
Explain the metaphor in lines 83-89.