Uploaded by Haiiro Kun

Linking Expressions Worksheet

Fill in the gaps with the appropriate linking expression:
There are a number of reasons why I have decided to leave the city and
move to the country.
I am sick of the level of pollution we are exposed to in London. I guess
Cornwall will help me enjoy the fresh air my lungs are so badly missing.
________________, in the country, it is possible to engage in activities
such as hiking and, ______________, I will be able to improve my health
and get fit again.
_________________, I cannot stand the fact everybody seems to be in a
rush in the city. At my current job, I have the feeling I am always running.
_______________, I tend to be late anyway. _______________ the
stress, I find it considerably hard to get to sleep at night.
_______________, I believe in the country I will have a nice feeling of
freedom. I will be able to work from home, meaning my boss won’t see
me. _____________, I will have the chance to work in my pyjamas.
________________, I know I won’t laze around and I will work hard so I
can be productive and efficient.
______________, I am certain that moving will be the best option for me.