Skrbsdggt: Hitgllgatuol Vrofhthkis This assignment will be due for submission on the 22nd February, 2021 via whatsapp for presentation in class. ?. >. Ny wdot mgois fhf Poi-Oerhaoihsts ottgmpt tk krcoihzg pgkplg ke tdg fhospkro.-6 Vk wdot gxtgit dos Poi-Oerhaoihsm oltgrgf tdg lhvgs ke Oerhaoi fgsagifoits hi tdg Aorhnngoi pgkplg; (Gxomhig (Gxomhig tdg hmpoats pklh pklhthaolly, thaolly, skaholly, skaholly, gakikmhaolly gakikmhaolly oif aulturolly aulturolly))-4 1. 6. 7. Sdot wgrg VSK knjgathvgs ke Igcrhtufg; -> Sdot org tdg fheegrgiags oif shmhlorhthg shmhlorhthgss ngtwggi Poi-Oerhaoihsm oif Igcrhtufg; -6 Fgsarhng tdg hmpoat ke Igcrhtufg dovg ki tdg Aorhnngoi -6 5. Sdot hmpoat fkgs ^ostoeorh dovg ki Aorhnngoi fgvglkpmg fgvglkpmgit; it;-7 3. 4. Qtotg EKW^ rgoskis wdy Ortdur Lgwhs prkpksgf o pklhay ke hifustrholhsothki ny hivhtothki-6 Lhst Ekur akuitrhgs tdot mkfgllgf prkcrommg prkcrommgss ke hifustrholhzot hifustrholhzothki2 hki2 soy wdot prkcrommgs wgrg hitrkfuagf.-6 8. Dkw fhf tdgsg hivgstkrs ngigeht erkm hifustrholhzothki ny hivhtothki;-6 ?0. Gvoluotg tdg geegathvgigss ke hifustrholhzot hifustrholhzothki hki ny hivhtothki.-6 ??. Sdk wos Borl Morx; -? ?>. Sdot wgrg Morx‘s orcumgits os ht rglotgs rgl otgs tk o aophtolhst skahgty;-> ?1. Sdhad Aorhnngoi akuitrhgs proathsgf ak-kpgrothvg ak-kpgrothvg skaholhsm oif wdot wgrg tdg rgsults; -5 ?6. Sdot hs Fgpgifgiay Vdgkry; -1 ?7. o. Sdot hs egmhihsm;-> n. Sdot hs tdg fheegrgiag ngtwggi —sgx‘ oif —cgifgr‘;-> a. Gxomhig VSK hmpoats hmpoats ke egmhihsm ki tdg Aorhnngoi;-6 ?5. Sdy wgrg Hifhoi lonkurgrs usgf hi tdg Aorhnngoi oetgr gmoiahpot gmoiahpothki hki hi tdg Aorhnngoi;-6 ?3. Lhst VD^GG Aorhnngoi akuitrhgs tk wdhad tdgy aomg -1 ?4. Lhst VD^GG dorfsdhps eoagf ny Sgst Hifhoi lonkurgrs ki Aorhnngoi ploitothkis oif VD^GG woys hi wdhad tdgy rgspkifgf tk tdgsg adollgicgs.-5 ?8. Dkw dovg Hifk-Aorhnngoi pgkplg akitrhnutgf tk tdg aulturol fhvgrshty ke tdg rgchki; -6 >0. Hifhcgikus pgrspgathvgs pgrspgathvgs lkkb ot tdg akitrhnut akitrhnuthki hki ke tdg hifhcgikus pgkplgs-tdg pgkplgs-tdg Omgrhif Omgrhifhois. hois. Hifhcgikus pgrspgathvgs pgrspgathvgs olsk rglotgs tk hfgos, tdkuc tdkucdts dts oif oathkis ke Aorhnngoi pgkplg hi ekrchic tdghr kwi fgvglkpmgit. o. Sdot ahraumstoiags urcgf sadklors tk dhcdlhcdt oi hifhcgikus pgrspgathvg pgrspgathvg;; (Lkkb ot dkw tdg Gurkpgois pgraghvgf tdg Omgrhifhois)-6 n. Iomg VD^GG Aorhnngoi Aorhnngoi outdkrs wdk dovg dhcdlh dhcdlhcdtgf cdtgf tdg akitrh akitrhnuthkis nuthkis ke tdg hifhcgikus pgkplg. -1