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DBA Details

Doctor of Business Administration
The Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) is a rigorous research-based program that will
prepare proven business professionals to expand their breadth of knowledge and abilities in
leadership, innovation and customer engagement. This Doctaral program has been designed to
equip students to apply evidence-based solutions to the challenges presented by the dynamic
complexity of the contemporary global economy.
DBA is a doctoral program for experienced managers and academics who want to further enhance
their business knowledge beyond an MBA or graduate degree. This DBA program is designed to
provide students the chance to bring a rigorous approach to solving existing managerial and
organizational problems. The KIU DBA provides an opportunity to focus on finding solutions to
the challenges of the modern workplace, under the close guidance of scholar-practitioners.
Strong, principled leadership combined with guidance from dedicated and practiced faculty grants
you an experience unparalleled by any other DBA program. KIU is a one of an recognized
Institutes which is in UGC accepted list , you can be assured that you are receiving a high quality
Following features makes this program unmatched to other DBA qualification;
1. Transition into an academic position in either a full or part-time role
2. Advance in their current careers through the development of evidence-based tools for improving
organizational effectiveness
3. Develop advanced skills in organizational analysis in a variety of management consulting roles
4. Rigorous, applied research curriculum
5. Taught by accomplished Graduate facuty with extensive managerial and organizational
consulting experience
6. Refined through selective, capped admissions
7. Collaborate with a cohort of senior-level business executives
8. Designed to accommodate working business professionals
9. Created to assist students in career development and personal achievement
The DBA candidates needs to possess
Significant and substantive Managerial experience and a Master's degree from a recognized,
regionally-accredited institution and Applicants should have at least 05 years of management
experience, with at least three years at the senior management or executive level.
Who holds Postgraduate Diploma on relevant, business-focused discipline along with at least 07
years of management experience, with at least three years at the senior management or executive
Exceptional applicants with a Bachelor’s degree, and substantial Managerial experience, will also
be considered.
Program Duration :
Full Time/Part time
Minimum : 03 Years/6 years
Carrier Opportunities
A Doctorate in Business can yield a variety of career opportunities. Graduates holding a Doctor of
Business Administration (DBA) degree are prepared to work in executive positions within
organizations, in academic pursuits at universities and colleges, or in a combination of academic
and executive positions.
1. The Academic
2. Executive Thought Leader
3. The Scholar Practitioner
With a doctorate degree in business, you are not limited to working in an academic environment.
Many major organizations, such as consulting agencies, require doctoral qualified individuals to
explore strategic directions, consumer behaviors, financial projections, and a variety of other areas
of business.
Many DBA’s choose to pursue a career that captures the best of both academics and industry. In
addition to their university responsibilities, many faculty members that have their own consulting
or freelance businesses, or publish mainstream books on their research topics in addition to their
journal contributions for additional income.
Objectives of the programme
To contribute to advancement of both theory and practice of management
To develop professional practice and to contribute to professional knowledge of
To create new knowledge through original research that makes a significant
contribution to development of the business field and satisfy peer review and
merit publication
To develop critical reading and analytical skills through synthesizing
and evaluating data, making judgments and identifying solutions to problems.
To impart systematic acquisition and understanding of substantial amount of
knowledge in the professional practice
To train implementation of new projects to generate new knowledge and
To train to make judgments on complex issues in the field of business even in the
absence of complete data and communicate ideas and conclusions effectively to
specialist and non-specialist audiences
To develop skills to identify, conceptualize and provide creative insights to
complex issues and problems and demonstrate self-direction and confidence in
solving problems
To instill high level of autonomy and initiatives in professional, administrative
and managerial activities
To strengthen leadership and originality in tackling and solving problems
To expose to complex and unpredictable situations and to demand personal
judgment and carrying out responsibility.
(ii) Justification for KIU to offer DBA programme
The need for KIU to offer a DBA degree program in Business Administration arises from a
number of reasons.
KIU, through its Masters degree programs, will annually produce nearly 100
postgraduates and many of them will seek opportunities for doctoral studies in
Management at KIU itself.
A. Intended Learning Outcomes of the Programme
The DBA program is designed based on the K-SAM principles and thus it provides
opportunities for the candidates to gain significant knowledge, analytical and problem solving
skills etc., inculcate right attitudes and induce appropriate mind-set during the learning process.
As a whole, the DBA program intends to produce a qualification holder who will be able to:
Hold top managerial positions in an organization that demands compound knowledge and
skills for consistent and strategic decision making, formulation of organizational value
system in sustainable and ethical standing, improvement of business sustainability using
modern Business Administration practices honouring corporate ethics and social
responsibility in competitive business environment.
Create new knowledge through original research of a quality that makes a significant
contribution to development of Management discipline and satisfy peer review and merit
Demonstrate critical reading and analytical skills by critically analysing, synthesizing and
evaluating data, making judgments and identifying solutions to corporate problems.
Demonstrate a systematic acquisition and understanding of substantial amount of
knowledge in the area of professional practice in Business Administration.
Respond efficiently and effectively to the changes taking place in organizational
environment, demonstrate an in-depth knowledge and understanding of applicable
techniques for research and advanced academic enquiry and professional practice,
disseminate findings of scientific/intellectual enquiry through publications and/or
presentation at international forums.
Exhibit leadership and originality in tackling and solving problems in professional and
academic settings, conceptualize, design and implement new projects to generate new
knowledge and applications, make judgments on complex organizational issues using tacit
knowledge. identify, conceptualize and provide creative insights into complex issues and
problems, and demonstrate self direction and confidence in solving problems.
Supervise and guide original research to generate substantial insight, exercise high level of
autonomy and initiative in professional, administrative and managerial activities, exercise
personal judgment and responsibility in complex and unpredictable situations in
professional and/or managerial environments.
Use transferable skills including ICT skills and information literacy with a higher capability for
organizing and processing data, ability to work in teams, give leadership, promote social and
professional engagement, plan, execute and forecast appropriate strategic solutions for adapting
to changing environments, exercise personal responsibility and accountability in tasks performed
and demonstrate positive attitudes and social responsibility
Doctor of Business Administration (90 Credits)
The DBA degree is composed of ten 3 credit courses (30 credits) and 60 credits dissertation
program. The degree’s option is to enroll in four 3-credit course in semesters completing the 10academic course in 36 months. The dissertation 60 credit courses can be completed using the
second year first semester onwards. First year totally, taught courses and evaluated through the
mid, final examination plus assignments.
First Year- 1 semester (12 Credits)
DBA700 Principles of Research and Writing
DBA701 Research Methods and Business Statistical Analysis
DBA703 Quantitative Research Methodology
DBA704 Qualitative and Case Study Research Methodology
First Year-2 semester (09 Credits)
DBA705 Organizational Dynamics, Ethics and Decision-M
DBA706 Business Innovation and Sustainability
DBA708 Accounting and Financial Management
First year 3 semester (09 Credits)
DBA709 Human Resources and Risk Management
DBA710 Global Leadership and Business Communication
DBA711 International Marketing in Business
Second Year- First semester (12 Credits)
DBA800 Doctoral Research I: Proposal Development and Proposal defense
Second Year Second semester (12 credits)
DBA801 Doctoral Research II: Literature Review
Second year third semester (12 Credits)
DBA802 Doctoral Research III: Methodology
Third year (24 Credits)
DBA901 Doctoral Research IV: Results and Findings
DBA902 Doctoral Research V: Discussion and Conclusion
DBA903 DBA Dissertation Defense
Program Structure
A compulsory course focus on Business Administration is offered in the English medium during
Year-1, first semester for all students in order to provide a research orientation and develop their
analytical and critical skills for the students who register for the DBA program.
At the end of the first year A supervisor is assigned to a candidate as soon as s/he is completed
the taught course and based on the candidate’s research interests as demonstrated by the research
proposal s/he has submitted.
Upon registration, all students are issued with a Student Record Book for identification purposes
and use of library facilities, which shall be renewed at the commencement of every semester. It
will also carry official endorsements.
It shall be the responsibility of every student to ensure that he/she will remain continuously
registered from the beginning of the semester in which he/she commenced the program of study
up to the end of the semester in which he/she would complete the requirements for the degree.
Students are required to adhere to the following structure:
Year 1
Semester 1
Course on semester first
Semester 2
Course on semester three
Semester 3
Course on semester three
Year 2
Semester 1
Proposal defence for the candidates who
register for the DBA in Management
Semester 2
Students are expected to proceed with their
literature review work.
Semester 3
Students are expected to proceed with
their Methodology work.
Year 3
Semester 1
Students are expected to proceed with their
research work.
Semester 2
Students are expected to proceed with their
research work.
Semester 3
Final defence stage
Evaluation Policy
There will be more than one assessment for the course and marks are awarded for continuous
assessment and exams. These assessments and exam marks will be added to arrive at semester
through a series of continuous assessments, which includes critical essays,
conceptual papers, literature review and
presentations etc., to assess the
participants attaining the Course objectives and the learning outcomes and
Mid and a final examination.
Research Supervision
Appointment of Supervisors
The Faculty of Graduate studies will appoint in respect of each research student a supervisory
committee comprising of two members, of whom at least one shall be from the Faculty of Graduate
studies, KIU and will nominate any of them to be student’s Senior Supervisor. In case that student’s
Senior Supervisor deems a need of the support of another expert, then expert support can be taken.
Eligibility for Supervision
A person eligible for supervision of a DBA student must possess a DBA from a recognized
university with five years of research experience including publications in index / refereed
Research Progress Evaluation
The supervisory committee will review the research work (based on the progress report submitted
by the student) and report.
Payments to Supervisors
The supervisory committee of a DBA student is required to provide 180 (2hrs per week * 15 weeks
*6 semesters * 2 years) hours of paid supervision.
Research Supervision
Research activities are governed by the following rules and regulations:
1) Supervision of Doctoral Research: Each student enrolled in the DBA program shall be
assigned an academic supervisor or supervisors (not exceeding three). When there is
more than one supervisor one shall be designated as the senior supervisor. An additional
supervisor is appointed only when there is a specific requirement for such an
The doctoral research shall be consistent with the guidance provided by the academic
supervisor/s. A student is required to complete a minimum of 180 hours (180hrs=2hrs*15
weeks*6 semesters*2 years) of supervision with his/her supervisor.
Bi-annual assessment of the student’s progress will be made by the Supervisory
Committee (consisting of the supervisor/s, Coordinator Research and the Coordinator of
the DBA program). Registration of any DBA candidate whose progress is deemed
unsatisfactory may be terminated. Every student will be required to submit a progress
report at the end of each semester to the supervisory committee.
Doctoral Research Proposal: Each student registered for DBA (and who have
successfully completed the compulsory course in first year) is required to present a
detailed research proposal by the beginning of the first semester of Year-2 to the Proposal
Evaluation Board. Candidates who register for a DBA must present the detailed research
proposal at the beginning of the first semester of Year -2. A candidate is given two more
attempts to present his/her proposal to the Board. Based on the assessment of
performance at the written examinations and the evaluation of the research proposal,
candidates may be given the opportunity to pursue DBA degree otherwise Post graduate
diploma will be award based on the first year results. Those who are passed proposal
defence will be designated as DBA candidate.
DBA candidate: Students are required to complete the five course work, after the
successfully defend the proposal at first semester of the second year. The Students are
required to provide evidence of satisfactory progress of research at each course work in
the semester. The final semester will be held two months prior to the submission of the
DBA dissertation. It will provide an opportunity to review the research outcome and
make the required corrections and revisions before final submission.
Eligibility for Defence of the DBA Dissertation
Final DBA defence is subject to the following conditions:
a. Successful completion of taught courses in the first year;
b. Possession of a valid registration as a doctoral student at the time of submission of the
DBA dissertation;
c. Preparation and submission of DBA dissertation in accordance with the Harvard
guidelines. This submission shall be accompanied by a formal declaration that the DBA
dissertation represents the original work of the student. Due acknowledgement has to be
made in the text of all secondary material used in the dissertation. It should also be
accompanied by a recommendation from the principal supervisor indicating the successful
completion of the research program and a request for evaluation of the DBA dissertation
by the Board of Examiners.
Dissertation Committee
The structure and content of the DBA Dissertation shall be reviewed by the Dissertation
Committee. The Dissertation Committee includes three examiners with considerable expertise
in the relevant field of study, who shall be appointed by the Faculty of Graduate Studies and subject
to the approval of the Senate. In addition to the Principal Examiner, the Dissertation Committee
shall include at least two external examiners’; each must fulfil the requirements similar to a
supervisor of a DBA student, and preferably be affiliated with other universities or research
centres. In order to ensure the impartiality and objectivity of the review process, examiners should
recuse themselves in case of conflict of interests. The coordinator of DBA program may
recommend three to four names, from which two external examiners shall be selected by the
faculty of the graduate studies. The Board of Examiners shall include
Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies
Chairman of the Dissertation committee
Coordinator of the DBA Program
The Principal Examiner and at least two external examiners
Supervisors in the capacity of observers
The coordinator is responsible for the organization of a Dissertation defence session, open to the
public, which shall be chaired by Dean-Faculty of Graduate Studies and 30 minutes will be allowed
for the presentation of arguments by the examinee and 15 minutes for questions from any interested
parties following the examinee’s presentation at an open viva voce examination. The oral
presentation shall be followed by a closed-door discussion by members of the Board of Examiners
(where the Supervisors may be present only in the capacity of observers) with the candidate
primarily for clarifying issues relating to the open (public) defence of the dissertation.
The DBA dissertation shall provide clear evidence of significant originality and contribution to
existing body of knowledge in the field of Business Administration. As evidence of important
addition to the body of knowledge in the relevant field, at least two research articles based on the
research findings should be published in a refereed academic journal of specialization prior to the
submission of the dissertation.
Written permission of the supervisor/s should be obtained by a candidate to present his/her results
at a seminar or symposium or publish any part of the research work or dissertation prior to
submission.1The examinee should be able to successfully defend the arguments and results
contained in the DBA dissertation, demonstrate its main merits, and provide convincing arguments
on related inquiries during the oral public presentation.
Acceptance of DBA Dissertation
Following the defence of the dissertation, the unanimous decision of the Board of Examiners shall
be expressed in terms of one of the following recommendations.
Acceptance of the dissertation without any corrections for the award of the DBA.
Acceptance of the dissertation for the award of the DBA. degree subject to the candidate
making minor revisions to the dissertation. This recommendation should be based on the
unanimous judgment of the Board of Examiners that the corrections do not justify
substantial revision and resubmission. The revised version with minor amendments shall
be submitted within three months or less.
The dissertation is not accepted for the award of the DBA. degree in its present form.
However, a revised version that takes into consideration the examiners’ comments may be
submitted for examination and defence after a period of six months and within one year
from the date of the first defence.
When a DBA. Dissertation is accepted for the award of the degree, five hard copies of the DBA
dissertation shall be submitted (cover red, lettered in gold) to the Registrar of KIU within ninety
calendar days from the date of the defence.
Effective Date of the Degree
a) The effective date of the degree of a candidate who has successfully completed the program
should be the date on which the student submits the thesis for examination provided that
there are only minor corrections to the dissertation.
b) The effective date of the degree of the candidate who has successfully completed the
program should be the date on which the student submits the revised dissertation if there
are major corrections to the thesis after the viva.
Progress Reports and Certificates
The senior supervisor will issue progress reports through coordinator upon request of candidates.
Registration and Tuition Fees
The following fee schedule for a three-year Program of DBA Studies is applicable.
Application Fees
Rs 25000
Registration Fees (Rs.5,000 per year)
Rs 15,000
Tuition Fees (each year for the first three years)
Rs 300,000
Library Fees (Rs.5,000 per year)
Rs 15,000
Other fees specified by the KIU (Rs.5,000 per year)
Rs 15,000
Tuition Fees (for each subsequent year beyond three Rs 200,000
The tuition fees for each additional year beyond the third year shall be Rs. 200,000. The library
deposit of Rs 5000 is refundable at the end of the program. The registration fee of Rs. 5,000 is
applicable for each year if the resubmission of the thesis is after one year. One-half of the tuition
fees shall be charged for resubmissions requiring 6-12 months from the date of the viva voce
examination, and full tuition fees will be charged for resubmissions exceeding 12 months.
Resubmission of a thesis with minor revisions will not incur a registration or a tuition fee provided
that the resubmission is done within three months of the defence of the thesis.
Deferment of Registration
When a student’s registration is deferred on the recommendation of the faculty of Graduate Studies
upon receiving a special request from a student under circumstances acceptable the following
additional payments may be levied.
The difference between two registration fees
The relevant course fee
Withdrawal from the Program and Re- admission
a. A student who has failed to register in respect of a given semester during which he/she
should have been actively engaged in course work or research and whose failure to register
had not been covered by a letter issued by the Dean Faculty of Graduate studies shall be
deemed to voluntarily withdrawn from the program of study.
b. A student who in the opinion of the Faculty of Graduate studies has failed to maintain a
satisfactory standard or who has failed to make satisfactory progress in his or her course
work or research may be required by the coordinator –DBA program to withdraw from the
program of study.
c. A student, who wishes to withdraw on his / her own accord from the program of study,
may do so in consultation with the coordinator–DBA program and shall make a written
request to the Dean Faculty of Graduate studies.
d. A student who has voluntarily withdrawn from the program of study, but wishes to resume
the program, may apply for re-admission. She/he has to pay the program fees less the fees
already paid for the courses taken.
e. When a student is re-admitted, only the courses followed by him /her during the last 10
years prior to re-admission will be valid and any courses followed before this period will
have to be repeated.
f. An additional fee of Rs 25000/- shall be payable in respect of each application for readmission stated above.
g. Every application for re-admission will be considered by the Dean Faculty of Graduate
studies, whose decision therein will be final and conclusive. Once a student is re-admitted
he/she will come under the existing regulations as at the date of re-admission. The
acceptance of an application for re-admission may be conditional upon the student
concerned being required to satisfy such requirements as the Board of Study may stipulate.
Transfer from Other Programs
A candidate having followed the course work requirements of any other DBA program seeking
registration at the DBA program may do so by making a request to the Dean Faculty of Graduate
studies through the Coordinator- DBA. If the candidate fulfills the entry qualifications, the Dean
Faculty of Graduate studies may consider the amount of work already covered by the candidate
and may consider exemption of the examination (continuous assessment+ final examination) of
the compulsory research methods course.