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Close Proximity: Myanmar Family Analysis

Republic of the Philippines
CITE Building, Pablo Borbon Main 1, Rizal Avenue, Batangas City
By Journal Kyaw Ma Ma Lay
1. Do character analysis to offer help.
2. Create an activity or things that would help troubled people.
3. Share insights on Myanmar culture.
How does the family help build character? Share family strengths and
problems that influenced positively or negatively their children.
A person’s character is highly influenced by what kind of family he/she grows up with. We
cannot deny the fact that it is through having a family that we can define our self-worth
and being. They influence us in countless ways. Among all the people around us, they
serve as our constant companion, the greatest source of our motivation, and the people
that are genuinely happy in our success. The upbringing is very crucial in the development
of a child. Some families live with so much love all over each member. With this kind of
family, children often have a positive outlook on life. On the other hand, some families
live miserably. For instance, children from broken families may grow up having anger
towards their parents, some become rebellious. The type of family that every child lives
with is the responsibility of their parents.
Working Vocabulary:
Rubbish - very bad; worthless or useless.
Toddler - a young child who is just beginning to walk.
Pussy - a weak, cowardly, or effeminate man.
Pagoda - a Hindu or Buddhist temple or sacred building, typically a many-tiered
tower, in India and East Asia.
5. Heave - lift or haul (a heavy thing) with great effort.
6. Spinster – unmarried woman.
7. Bickering – arguing over petty and trivial matters.
Republic of the Philippines
CITE Building, Pablo Borbon Main 1, Rizal Avenue, Batangas City
8. Stingy - unwilling to give or spend; ungenerous.
9. Nirvana - (in Buddhism) a transcendent state in which there is neither suffering,
desire, nor sense of self, and the subject is released from the effects of karma
and the cycle of death and rebirth. It represents the final goal of Buddhism.
How do the characters react to each other? Would you submit to a matched
U Po Sein and his wife, Daw Pan U act awkwardly in the story as they did not want
to talk with each other and they did not want anybody to touch their belongings even if
they are living under the same roof. That was absurd, living in a house together for
decades with that kind of relationship. I think the parents are being selfish to their daughter
Ma Thaw, although they always tell her that it was only because of her that they did not
leave the house. A matched wedding could be beneficial for other people but not really in
this story. Because of the matched wedding, U Po Sein and Daw Pan U didn’t have ample
time to know each other and deepen their understanding and love. As a consequence,
their daughter, Ma Thaw lived a cold life that was supposed to be happy if her parents
just give each other a chance.
After Reading:
1. How is Ma Thaw as a daughter? Daw Pan U as a mother? And U Po Sein
as a father?
Ma Thaw is a selfless daughter. The fact that her parents were already in their
70’s and she still lives with them proves how she values and loves her parents.
It must be hard for her to grow up with the situation of her parents but she chose
to understand both their sides with compassion as a daughter. However, U Po
Sein and Daw Pan U were too proud and selfish, that they did not give their
family a chance to be better for their daughter. Daw Pan U loathed her husband
that she was not able to be the mother that Ma Thaw deserves. Same with U
Po Sein, he only thinks of his feeling of hate towards her wife that he failed to
make Ma Thaw feel that they are a complete family.
2. What matters most to Daw Pan U and U Po Sein?
Their ego made their family lifeless. They became self-centered and they did
not take a step to adjust to the personality of one another.
Republic of the Philippines
CITE Building, Pablo Borbon Main 1, Rizal Avenue, Batangas City
3. Do the characters have fears and limitations?
All of them have fears and limitations. Daw Pan U limits herself into being a
wife to U Po Sein because she cannot stand his personality. The same with U
Po Sein, he didn’t allow himself to be a loving head of the family. Both of them,
fear of making Ma Thaw feel that she was alone, that’s why they did not leave
the house, but somehow, they did because of their set up at home. Ma Thaw
was afraid of hurting the feelings of her parents more, so what she did was just
to be obedient to them and forced herself to understand the situation of their
4. Table the characters’ dialogues and actions and tell their mental health.
“Oh mother, I really didn’t hear
anything, it’s raining so hard. I
couldn’t get the fire to light. I closed
the door so the smoke won’t blow into
the house.”
Ma Thaw was having trouble lighting up
the firewood. Her eyes were starting to
smart from the smoke. She was getting
fed up with the flame that would spurt
and then die down as quickly. She kept
dribbling kerosene on the firewood and
blowing hard through a pipe but the
damp firewood was slow to catch.
“Mother, I’m just worried it would get
too late…it’s just lighting a fire
…you’re not using anything.”
“Oh dear, mother, there’s no more
palm sugar pellets left in father’s tin,
may I take a few from your shop?”
Ma Thaw ran like the wind from the
monastery back to her house.
Ma Thaw poured out all the water from
the pot and replaced it on the stove to
“Father, you always keep your Zatar cook the last few minutes. She started
in the empty biscuit tin by your bed,” to prepare the tray for the shrine
Ma Thaw answered from where she offering.
was busy with the pineapple. Daw
Pan U had not given a single glance Ma Thaw hurried to set the tray, making
at U Po Sein since he arrived at the sure she was not forgetting anything
kitchen door; she went on preparing and only half heard her mother; it might
her tray.
also be that she has heard the same
words for over a hundred times from
“Mother, perhaps Uncle Ba Win went Daw Pan U and she got used to it. She
upstairs and took it himself, let me was fed up with her life of being the
check on the bookcase downstairs.” buffer between her parents, not even
getting married and she no longer
wanted to listen to the same things over
and over again.
Republic of the Philippines
CITE Building, Pablo Borbon Main 1, Rizal Avenue, Batangas City
“How could you not hear the door?
I’ve been pounding so hard and why
is the door closed?”
Daw Pan U looked at the smoking fire
with her hands on her hips and jerked
her chin at it in derision.
“You right. Look at the time, the rice
pot isn’t on the fire yet. I heard you
get up ages go…have you even
washed the rice?”
Daw Pan U washed her face and then
sat down to light the fire of another
stove opposite from the one Ma Thaw
was using.
“Stop this rubbish; don’t bring that fire
to my stove. I can manage on my
own…take it back.”
Daw Pan U was already losing patience
at not being able to get her stove to be
“See here, when did I ever touch
anything of his? If I say I cut off
someone I cut off everything
connected to that person…I won’t
use it, so take it away and go.”
Daw Pan U was frustrated with her
husband that he always spoke abruptly,
that he thought too much of himself,
that he was selfish, fussy, unforgiving,
and contrary.
“Well, I never touch his things but for
sure, he can use mine. When you
were born, I wasn’t even out of the
maternity period[9], and he asked me
to give him back the gold bangle he
had made for me from his fees and
since that day I never saw it again.
Gone! From that day I never asked a
penny from him and I’ve been
earning enough on my own to this
In the kitchen, Daw Pan U was pouring
out the water from the rice pot.
“He sits there all dignified as the head
of the household and does not want
to use his money for anything and
then he badmouths me, and I’m the
one earning my living. It’s only
because of you, you know, it’s only
because I worry about you that I have
not left this house.”
“What would anyone want to do with
this thing? The other day, when Ba
Win brought back the crude oil tin
from the monastery, I heard
someone saying he should give his
Zatar another coat of oil.”
Daw Pan U had not given a single
glance at U Po Sein since he arrived at
the kitchen door; she went on preparing
her tray.
Daw Pan U’s face hardened as she
spoke up, looking at Ma Thaw.
Before she could finish her sentence
Daw Pan U broke in so she turned to
her mother.
Ma Thaw’s eyes immediately flew to U
Po Sein’s face. Daw Pan U turned back
to her work.
Daw Pan U was ready with her offering
and struck the gong before
commencing her prayers.
. Daw Pan U’s prayer sounded
beautiful, the way her voice pleasantly
wove in a tuneful rhythm.
Republic of the Philippines
CITE Building, Pablo Borbon Main 1, Rizal Avenue, Batangas City
“Why should it be a disaster? If that
thing is not in its place, he must have
taken it. I only touched it to move it
from the rain; don’t think I even want
to touch it.”
“Well, thank goodness he found it,
otherwise he’d just keep on picking at
me. Did you hear him, saying it’s a
disaster? Now, whose disaster was
it, may I ask?”
“Lord Buddha, I, your devoted
disciple offer these towards gaining
merit so that I might be free of the
suffering of rebirth and hence enter
Nirvana. I beg that you stride here on
your blessed feet to accept my
offerings, noble Lord Buddha…”
“This body I call ‘me’, may it be well,
body and mind; may it be free of
danger, anxiety, and suffering. The
celestials who guide this body, may
they be well, body, and mind; may
they be free of danger, anxiety, and
suffering. Those I have seen, those
not seen, all these creatures of the
world, may they be well, body and
mind; may they be free of danger,
anxiety, and suffering. Those who
live far, those who live near, all these
creatures of the world, may they be
well, body and mind; may they be
free of anger, anxiety, and suffering.”
“You know, daughter, before you
were born we went to live with her
relatives and they worked me without
mercy[10]. They asked me to reap
the paddy and I have never done
anything like that before…my hands
were all torn up and became infected,
dripping blood and pus… she’s not
even grateful that I suffered like that,
that inconsiderate woman.”
U Po Sein as her father … she would
often wonder who that man was when
she saw him, for he would be away
treating patients in other villages and
be at home only once in three or six
U Po Sein too was frustrated with his
wife that she was stingy, did not get
along with anyone, had too many things
going on, and was stubborn, ungrateful,
self-centered, and unhelpful. They
Republic of the Philippines
CITE Building, Pablo Borbon Main 1, Rizal Avenue, Batangas City
“Whenever I think of that time I feel
like crying; it’s only because I worry
about you that I am still living in this
“Daughter, where’s my Zatar?”
“It’s not there… the other day I took it
out and forgot to put it back. I left it on
the tin and now it’s gone.”
“The biscuit tin is not in its place, too,
someone moved it when I was not
each kept their frustrations with each
other bottled up and when Ma Thaw
was ten it all exploded.
U Po Sein was determined to continue
shouting out his orders so long as the
stuff was piled outside his house; never
mind if he should drop dead from
That was the day that U Po Sein, with
deep bitterness against his wife,
declared himself no longer married to
her and set up a separate kitchen.
“Daughter, what a messy way to do U Po Sein went upstairs taking his
things, not at all in order …see, now Zatar with him.
my things are not in their places.”
There was a separate shrine
“What a disaster; I never gave my downstairs that was built when they
Zatar to Ba Win. I don’t like anyone had started having separate cooking
touching my things.”
arrangements. As she began lighting
the candles on this shrine she heard U
“Lord of the Three Worlds, the noble, Po Sein’s voice as he ended his
the enlightened and glorious Lord prayers with a blessing towards all
Buddha who has our eternal creatures.
gratitude, our Lord of infinite
“May all creatures have neither
hatred nor enmity; may they have
neither anxieties nor fears; may they
keep themselves in well-being and
The mental health of every person is important because it impacts thoughts,
behaviors, and emotions. Ma Thaw, Daw Pan U, as well as U Po Sein were all
fed up with their lives. Ma Thaw, being fed up with the awkward relationship of
her parents who act as strangers even if they are living under the same roof.
Daw Pan U was also fed up with having to stay in a house where U Po Sein
also lives. It drains her and her hates grew bigger as time passed by. U Po Sein
was fed up as well because of the thought of him having to live with his
ungrateful wife as he describes her. Having these kinds of thoughts in their
minds for decades torture them mentally. They all have to live in hate and never
Republic of the Philippines
CITE Building, Pablo Borbon Main 1, Rizal Avenue, Batangas City
with peace of mind. There was never a time that they are given the chance to
spill out their thoughts because their ego gets over their heads.
Emotional Appeal (dyadic activity)
1. How do you feel about Ma Thaw and her parents?
I feel empathy for what she was going through. I feel sorry for Ma Thaw for
having to live until thirty-five with that kind of relationship with her parents. She
had absorbed all the hatred that her parents have towards each other. I pity
both of them for being stuck in a marriage for decades that they were no longer
passionate about. It only made them live in hate but I am still grateful that they
stay for the sake of their daughter, Ma Thaw.
2. Read the lines that make you feel that way.
‘She was fed up with her life of being the buffer between her parents, not even
getting married and she no longer wanted to listen to the same things over and
over again.’ – Ma Thaw
‘U Po Sein too was frustrated with his wife that she was stingy, did not get along
with anyone, had too many things going on, and was stubborn, ungrateful, selfcentered, and unhelpful. They each kept their frustrations with each other
bottled up and when Ma Thaw was ten it all exploded.’
“You know, daughter, before you were born we went to live with her relatives
and they worked me without mercy. They asked me to reap the paddy and I
have never done anything like that before…my hands were all torn up and
became infected, dripping blood and pus… she’s not even grateful that I
suffered like that, that inconsiderate woman.”
“Whenever I think of that time I feel like crying; it’s only because I worry about
you that I am still living in this house.” – U Po Sein
Daw Pan U was frustrated with her husband that he always spoke abruptly,
that he thought too much of himself, that he was selfish, fussy, unforgiving, and
“He sits there all dignified as the head of the household and does not want to
use his money for anything and then he badmouths me, and I’m the one earning
my living. It’s only because of you, you know, it’s only because I worry about
you that I have not left this house.” – Daw Pan U
3. What is used by the author in those lines making you feel that way?
The author describes how the characters feel for each other with words such
as frustrated, fed up, spoke abruptly, badmouth, etc. These words made me
Republic of the Philippines
CITE Building, Pablo Borbon Main 1, Rizal Avenue, Batangas City
feel the hate between the parents and the feeling of Ma Thaw being too fed up
with the set-up of her family. Both U Po Sein and Daw Pan U always tell Ma
Thaw that it was only for her that they are still living in the house. These lines
of both of them made me feel sorry for Ma Thaw’s situation.
4. If it were not written that way, do you think you will still feel the same?
The choice of words is really important in a sad story like this to really catch the
attention of its readers and vividly convey what it wanted the readers to feel. If
this story is not written the way it is, it could change the mood and flow of the
1. What reality of life is shown in the story?
House and home are two different things. A house is just a place that may
shelter you from the physical risks and dangers of life but a home is a place
where you can find comfort, love, support, peace of mind, and a sense of
belonging. There are families out there who just live together but are not living
as a family.
2. Which parts of the story reveal this?
When Ma Thaw was ten years old, one stove became two in this kitchen ….one
for her father and one for her mother. For twenty-five years and with Ma Thaw
now an old maid of thirty-five, her parents had not spoken to each other. They
lived in one house but had separate earnings and cooked their food separately.
Ma Thaw cooked for her father and helped her mother in the kitchen. In their
small two-story wooden house, her mother has a small grocery in a room
downstairs and Ma Thaw worked as a seamstress.
3. If you were Ma Thaw, how will you react to your parents?
I am not sure if I can sacrifice up to the extent that Ma Thaw did for her parents.
Parents are valuable, and all of us should honor and respect our parents
whatever they did and whomever they are. We have to accept them and be
grateful for having them in our lives. But sometimes, they also have to realize
that it was not only about them, it was also about our feelings as their children.
We, children, should take some action because sometimes, it only takes a
moment for them to realize that it would be better if they will give the family a
chance to flourish and live happily.
4. Why is it the title of the fiction?
Republic of the Philippines
CITE Building, Pablo Borbon Main 1, Rizal Avenue, Batangas City
To say close proximity means to live near with other family members. That’s
the scenario in the story. Only that, they are just living together, but they are no
longer living as a family.
1. What cultural practices are shown in fiction?
The fiction shows how Burmese people devote their lives to their beliefs. They
consistently practiced offering donations and spoonful of rice to the shrine and
the monks respectively for birthdays. People visit pagodas. It also tells the
reader what a wife should be and what they should do when their husbands
came home from a long trip. It was expected from them to get the things at the
hands of their husbands and bring those inside the house. Another thing is that
arranged marriage is relevant when the fiction was written.
2. Do you think Filipinos would adopt these?
There is a similarity between the culture of the Filipinos and the Burmese. In
the Philippines, birthday celebrants often go to church first thing in the morning
or at any time of the day to pay some gratitude for a whole year of the blessing
of life. About arranged marriage, some people got engaged in this practice for
various reasons but the majority of people in our country believe that marriage
should happen out of the genuine love between two people and not just
because those people need to marry for other purposes.
3. As a future businessman, teacher, engineer, health worker, technician,
craftsman, etc., does knowing their culture be of any help?
Of course, knowing the culture of other countries is one of the first things on
the list of to-do if you are engaged in activities or projects relating to the people
outside our country.
Republic of the Philippines
CITE Building, Pablo Borbon Main 1, Rizal Avenue, Batangas City
Creating with Them:
Have groups of five. Refer to your careers. As businessmen, teachers,
engineers, etc. Create or design anything that could help in any way any of the
This letter is a business proposal seeking for investors from the country to
participate and join the venture that will bring families together with a healthier mind and
Project: RM Mental Health Care for Families and Children
Objective: this clinic is designed to reduce distress and conflict through improvement of interaction
between family members. This clinic caters ages from as young as 8 years old to adult age.
RM Mental Health Care for Families and Children is a multidisciplinary behavioral health care
clinic that offers mental health and family restoration that provides cost-efficient, quality treatment. Our
mission is to create, promote and maintain a positive customer relationship with our clients. This
proposal is an invitation to join us in building this center that will help families be reunited and have a
healthy relationship.
We will be hosting a proposal meeting for the interested psychologists and business persons
that are willing to take part of this venture. This will tackle the details and contracts for both the experts
who we welcome to give their service and business men who are willing to fund and give life to this
project. The said meeting will be on October 24, 2020 at Pristine Halls in Makati City.
For more information and queries you may contact us in:
09973729865 tel no. 585-4733
This business will help families like Ma Thaw’s family who are having a unhealthy
relationship inside their homes. This Clinic will help those parents understood their
children and help them realize the repercussions and outcomes of their actions to the
children and also help them to resolve and bring light to the conflict that may have arisen
from their marriage.
Republic of the Philippines
CITE Building, Pablo Borbon Main 1, Rizal Avenue, Batangas City
On a Personal Note:
Twit any lesson in life that you gain from this story.
“EGO” is the only requirement to destroy any relationship, so be the bigger person.
Skip the “E” and let it “GO”. A lot of people get furious easily over trivial matters. It,
sometimes, became their habit to fight over those things. And most of the time, those little
anger, becomes bigger and bigger until the person holding the grudge couldn’t handle it
anymore and he/she explodes. STRESS – mental or emotional strain caused when the
ego overrides the rational mind with the ridiculous assumption that absorbing everyone’s
problems and taking on more tasks than humanly possible will somehow result in greater
love and appreciation! Unplug, recharge, and never trip the emotional overload breaker
Republic of the Philippines
CITE Building, Pablo Borbon Main 1, Rizal Avenue, Batangas City
By Aung Thinn
1. Discuss the effectiveness of the narrator’s perspective in fiction.
2. Defend the value of a good teacher.
3. Create a sample but a valuable activity.
Do you still remember your kindergarten teacher? What is your memory like?
Kindergarten days will stay forever in my memory. That was the first time I got to
have the idea in the reality of what it was like going to school, looking forward to meeting
your classmates every day, and just be carefree and play without thinking of any problem.
I will never forget how excited I was every day that I even attended two classes – morning
and afternoon classes. From then on, I began to feel the fulfillment of being able to enter
the school and to show what I’ve got to everybody. That was also the time that I know I
made my parents the proudest among all the parents there because I was able to top the
class. It was a big thing then and I love that kind of feeling because it inspires me to do
more, to be more.
Vocabulary at Work:
Shriek - to utter a sharp shrill sound
Dame - a woman of rank, station, or authority
Reluctant – unwilling or hesitant
Plum – an oval freshly fruit that is purple, reddish, or yellow when ripe and
contains a flattish pointed pit
5. Gape – to gaze stupidly or in openmouthed surprise
Are the lessons non-sense?
Republic of the Philippines
CITE Building, Pablo Borbon Main 1, Rizal Avenue, Batangas City
The lessons are full of sense from my perspective. We learn in different things and
we have to normalize that learnings cannot just be learned in the four corners of the
classroom doing reading and writing activities. The ability to read and to write is really
important, but I think the eagerness to learn makes learning more worth it. That’s what
the kindergarten teacher was trying to bring out of his pupils. When you are eager, you
got to enjoy the learning process, and with that kind of attitude, learning got even more
After Reading:
1. Who is telling the story?
The one telling the story seems to be the friend of the kindergarten teacher,
who was a lecturer at the University of Yangon and served as a middle school
teacher in his hometown, Taungdwin-gyi where the story took place.
2. What point of view is used?
The story was narrated from the first-person point of view. The narrator used
the word I which implies that what he was narrating was his observation of the
happenings around him.
3. Why is he telling the story?
He was telling this story to share to the reader his realizations from what he
saw from his “kindergarten teacher” friend. He’d been way off the mark with his
evaluation of “good teaching” and seeing how his friend taught the children
became a wake-up call for him to improve.
4. How is the story told? What technique is used?
The story was a recount of what the narrator experienced in his trip to his
hometown in 1963. A flashback technique was used as he narrated his
realizations from what he experienced. The imagery was also creatively used
in the story to make the scenes appealing to the readers.
5. What do you think if the story is told from another perspective?
Telling this story from another perspective would change the mood and the
appeal that it already has. The change in perspective could make this story
more appealing or the other way around. But one thing is for sure, it cannot
convey the message exactly as what the narrator wants it to be. There could
Republic of the Philippines
CITE Building, Pablo Borbon Main 1, Rizal Avenue, Batangas City
be a change in the emotional impact because there will be an inevitable change
in the way the characters are made from a new perspective.
Emotional Appeal:
1. How did you feel while reading?
So much respect for the teachers who devote their time and effort to unleash
the potentials of their students. It was an everyday dilemma for them to think of
ways that will make the students enjoy the learning process. Being a teacher
requires a lot of effort and patience, especially for a kindergarten teacher. The
kind of students they have can be easily defocused when they see something
that catches their attention. Their work does not end when the class ends.
These people already devote and identified themselves as teachers anytime,
2. Read the story parts that make you feel that way.
For two or three days I would just see him making drawings and telling stories
so I asked him why he was not teaching anything.
“I can teach reading and writing anytime,” he replied. “Yes, it’s true, I mean it,
but right now children must enjoy school; they must love coming to school, not
fear it. It’s the most important step.”
3. What are in these lines that make you feel that way?
This just proves that teaching for U Nyan Sein was not just a task or a job that
he needed to do. He’s doing all that out of passion and love for what he was
doing. He cares for his pupils.
4. How does the narrator feel about his kindergarten friend teacher as
compared to him who is also a teacher?
The narrator realized that the character of U Nyan Sein is the best example of
a good teacher which is different from his evaluation of “good teaching”. He
saw how the students react to the activities and that’s because they enjoy what
they are doing. To make the students enjoy the learning process was the
essence of teaching.
New Historicism:
1. What expressions in the story tell you this is not a millennial? That it is
Republic of the Philippines
CITE Building, Pablo Borbon Main 1, Rizal Avenue, Batangas City
The story took place in Taungdwin-gyi in 1963. It happened a long time ago,
and to say a millennial, it should have happened between the 1980s to 2000.
The setting of the story was in Myanmar. The culture and the tradition of the
people were shown in the story. It was said that the narrator loves spending
time at Shwe In Taung pagoda. Myanmar alphabet was also different from
those of the other countries in the region.
2. Can this kind of teacher still be seen in school?
Yes, I believe that there are a lot of teachers like U Nyan Sein nowadays. I,
myself had a teacher back in high school who always make every lesson fun.
It is true that if you are enjoying the learning process, it is easier to learn. I hope
that more and more teachers will be like U Nyan Sein in the next generations
who value and share genuine leanings.
3. Are the parents outside the classroom similar to the parents in the
Yes, they are. I remember when I was also a kindergarten student, parents
waiting outside the classrooms was the usual scenario every day. But, I am not
sure if it is still allowed because most schools nowadays prohibit parents to stay
in the corridors or hallways of the classrooms during class hours. After all, they
cause distractions to the classes.
1. Does the kindergarten teacher love his pupils? What is your proof?
Yes, it was evident in the story that the kindergarten teacher loves his pupils. It
was manifested in his efforts to make them enjoy going to school first for them
to enjoy the learning process as well. Every meeting was interactive so that the
students could also express themselves. He would do that by drawing
something on the board and let his students guess what he illustrated.
2. What is the relevance of pupil skills of the drawing and plum lessons?
Myanmar alphabet as described in the story was based on the circle and the
letters are in that sense deviations of the sweet plum, a very round little circle.
It would be easier for the students to learn their alphabet by drawing it. By
thinking of the plum, they can visualize it in their minds and it would help their
brain to remember things.
Republic of the Philippines
CITE Building, Pablo Borbon Main 1, Rizal Avenue, Batangas City
Creating with Them:
If you were the kindergarten teacher, what other lessons will you teach?
Have a partner and create an activity for the kindergarten which could be of value
to the kids. (with Chrystal Maureen Veyra)
Assuming the activity is for kindergarten students who already introduced to the alphabets. The teacher
will use a modern way of teaching using powerpoint for the activity and children stories for the
Activity: Story Telling and Repeat
Materials Needed:
Powerpoint presentation of the story.
Pictures or flashcards
Price that is healthy and loved by kids
Introduce the game and start the story:
In the activity the teacher will tell stories
with the pictures or movements on the
she will from time to time ask the students if they
know what is the thing being flashed on the screen.
The students will earn star stickers as points and the
winner will have a price.
Ask the students one by one to assess them
After the story telling the teacher will flash
pictures on the screen that was mentioned
and presented in the story.
There are also movements like jumping,
raising hand, hopping and other actions
The teacher will now ask questions like
- “the little girl was walking holding her____?”, the
pictures will show a basket, a doll, and other random
things and the pupil will point to the picture of the
right answer based on the story.
-the movements will not only be point at but also
done by the pupils.
-if the pupil answered it right he/she will have a star
point. The teacher will ask 3 questions each pupil.
In the end summarize the story and the moral of the
The teacher has already assessed the retention
capability of the students and now she will reiterate
the morals of the story.
This will sum up the session and not only did the
student receive a satisfying return to their
participation, they also learned some values that
they can bring home.
She will call on the top 3 winners who has the most
As she handover the price she will ask the
pupil one more time if he/she liked the
story and what she like about the story
Republic of the Philippines
CITE Building, Pablo Borbon Main 1, Rizal Avenue, Batangas City
Learnings and Purpose of the activity:
This will enhance and practice the student’s retention and ability to remember the things in
pictures and videos they watched, saw, read, and learned. Children now a days are commonly adapting
to visual modern learning where teachers use technology as a mode of creative teaching that will help the
pupils enhance their brain and remember things or stories based on the pictures and videos they watched
or see. This activity focuses on their retention enhancement that will be useful to the next session where
they will be learning new words to widen their vocabulary. This lesson makes them remember how the
things or actions sounds and looks like, so in the next session they will learn how to write those words.
On a Personal Note:
As a future professional, what kind of businessman, engineer, teacher,
health worker, etc. would you like to be based on your reflections on the story?
Make an original quotation in an FB post.
Republic of the Philippines
CITE Building, Pablo Borbon Main 1, Rizal Avenue, Batangas City
By Nyi Pu Lay
1. Compare wedding cultures.
2. Use imagery in composition.
3. Discuss how the characters are made convincing.
How are weddings in your place? What are there at the reception?
I have attended several weddings of my relatives and I got to see the “behind the
scenes” of those. Weddings held in rural places often is one of the happiest as families
of both sides gather together in one house to prepare for the wedding. The usual
scenarios are the group of men cooking the foods for the reception in a “tulyasi” or “kawa”
using huge “syanse” and “sandok”. The relatives help in arranging and organizing the
reception area for the couple, especially, if the wedding is low-budgeted. On the day of
the wedding, everybody becomes busier. The bride will then prepare herself with the help
of her closest friends and relatives from hair, to the make-up, to the nails, up to the
wearing of the gown. Meanwhile, the entourage will go to the church where the wedding
was set to happen. Dressed in their gowns and barongs according to the motif of the
wedding. When everything was set, it was time to start the ceremony. Walking down the
aisle was like a crowning moment for the bride as all eyes are on her. Afterward, the
visitors and the family of the wedded-couple will proceed to the reception to have some
get together in a meal. Then, the most exciting part is “sabitan” or the money dance.
During the wedding reception, the newlyweds perform a ceremonial first dance to the tune
of mellow music or love song or their theme song as a couple. While they are dancing,
guests pin paper bills on their clothes.
Vocabulary at Work:
1. Jetty - a walkway
2. Shuddered like a malarial victim - to tremble with a sudden convulsive
3. Mend - recover
4. Melee - a confused fight, skirmish, or scuffle
5. Sprigs of flowers - a small spray of flower
Republic of the Philippines
CITE Building, Pablo Borbon Main 1, Rizal Avenue, Batangas City
6. Spick and span - fresh, brand-new: spotlessly clean
7. High chignon - a woman’s hairstyle where the hair is arranged in a knot or roll
at the back of her head
8. Sauntered up - to walk in a slow and relaxed manner, often in no particular
9. Goner - a person or thing that is doomed or cannot be saved
10. False tress - false curly hair
Think about similar situations in Philippine weddings.
Unexpected trouble on the way to the wedding is inevitable and it could happen to
anyone. There are instances when one of the couples arrives late at the wedding because
of a mechanical breakdown in his vehicle or other conflicts such as traffic, gone out of the
way, etc. But at the end of the day, what important is that the couple is already legally
and spiritually a husband and wife in the eyes of the people and the eyes of the Creator.
After Reading:
1. How do you find the story?
I find this story written by Nyi Pu Lay so natural. It depicts the real scenario in
a wedding, the simplicity, the conflicts, the unexpected problems, the thoughts
of the couple, problems about money, etc. This story brings back the characters
of Sein Hla and Mar Mar Tin to reality, that the wedding was not a fairy tale kind
of set up at the end of the day.
2. Pick out some parts in the story which you can easily imagine.
 ‘The group of people dressed in their best stood in the narrow lane,
necks stretching to catch a glimpse of the car coming towards them on
the bumpy road. They could see it in the dust, rolling as slowly as if it
were a horse-drawn cart.’
 ‘Her hair was done in a high chignon, and the false tress that dangled
on the side was darker than her hair. The rhinestone hairpin sparkled.
Around her neck, she wore a gem necklace and a strand of pearls, and
in photos, they would surely look real.’ ‘Her face was pink with the
western foundation. Not used to having false eyelashes glued on her
Republic of the Philippines
CITE Building, Pablo Borbon Main 1, Rizal Avenue, Batangas City
lids she kept batting her eyes. The beautician had done away altogether
with her scanty eyebrows: they had been shaved off and he had drawn
a curvy line in its place in sea-green pencil.’
3. What words make you vividly see the scene?
 The first one made me picture the scene of the people who prepared
themselves for the wedding of Sein Hla and Mar Mar Tin.
 The next one describes the look of the bride, Mar Mar Tin for her
wedding day. I can imagine how she felt beautiful with her make-up, hair,
and gown for that special moment.
1. Aside from the imagery used, what other factor makes you easily
understand the wedding culture in Myanmar?
The simplicity of the plot and the use of imagery made it easier for me to
visualize and understand the wedding culture in Myanmar.
2. Is the wedding culture comparative to our wedding in the Philippines?
Yes. As to what I picture out from the story, it was similar to the weddings of
the ordinary citizens in the Philippines such as those living in the province. The
wedding celebration does not end in the church because Filipino couples and
their visitors often proceed to a wedding reception right after the wedding which
usually takes place in the house of the wife’s family, just like what happened in
the story.
3. Which are similar? Give details.
The wedding culture in Myanmar is very similar to our wedding culture here in
the Philippines. It was evident in the story that the groom has the biggest part
on making sure that the wedding would be fine. In Philippines, the groom and
the bride are really hands on when it comes to the details of the wedding.
4. What factors make our wedding cultures similar?
The groom always make it sure that the guest are doing well and that all the
visitors would be able to eat and enjoy in the reception. All eyes are on the
bride when she walked down the aisle towards her man.
1. How is Mar Mar Tin as a bride and a daughter-in-law?
Mar Mar Tin, as a bride, captures the attention of the people when she arrived
at the church looking even more beautiful with her gown, make-up, and
Republic of the Philippines
CITE Building, Pablo Borbon Main 1, Rizal Avenue, Batangas City
hairstyle. She’s a daughter-in-law that every father would wish for their sons.
She cares for him as she asks about him if he was fine when they are on their
way to the church.
2. How is Sein Hla as a groom and son?
Sein Hla, as a hands-on groom. He made sure that everything was set for his
wedding even forgetting that he, himself, was the most important person in his
wedding aside from her soon-to-be wife, Mar Mar Tin. As a son, he was loving,
caring, and understanding. His father’s condition must not be easy for him but
his care for him manifest out of his actions. He made sure that his father was
not just left behind while the others are celebrating.
3. Name other characters and comment on their words, actions, and
 Sein Sein Aye – who is a bug-eyed girl dressed in red scampered up.
She was wearing a pick tone make-up clashed alarmingly with her dark
skin. She’s always slow in everything.
 Sein Hla’s friend – He was the one who lends his car to Sein Hla so he
will have acara to use for his wedding.
 A lady who is part of the guests – reminded Sein Hla that he should
prepare himself already and change his clothes for the wedding.
 Kywet Thoe – the best man
 Groom’s father – they thought that he was already a goner but
thankfully he was already on the mend.
 Ma Ma Than – Sein Hla’s neighbor; looked over Sein’s Hla father on his
wedding day.
 U San Tin – the owner of the place and the TV where the girls and the
children watch during the night after the wedding.
4. What are their priorities at the wedding?
The wedding itself was everybody’s priority but at the same time, Sein Hla’s
father’s condition was always on the minds of the couple.
1. What is the focus of the story?
The story focuses on the wedding culture in Myanmar, particularly the wedding
reception which happened after the wedding proper.
2. How does the author make you see this? What is used?
Republic of the Philippines
CITE Building, Pablo Borbon Main 1, Rizal Avenue, Batangas City
The author utilized descriptive depictions of the scenes which made it easier
for the reader to visualize and understand the story.
3. Is it realistic?
Yes, the story in itself was narrated realistically. It sounded a cliché because
the scenes in the story are very familiar and I believe that it happens to a lot of
couples out there.
Creating with Them:
Get a partner. Pretend that you will wed soon. Make a wedding planner from
the bridal gown and groom’s suit, bridal car, sponsors, to the reception on a tight
budget. Make an invitation and a list of all needed. You have only P25,000 which
you borrowed from close relatives and friends.
Republic of the Philippines
CITE Building, Pablo Borbon Main 1, Rizal Avenue, Batangas City
Wedding Budget
Bridal gown and make-up
Groom's suit
Bridal car
Reception (Food & Drinks)
Miscellaneous Expenses
Due to a very tight budget, we’re just going to rent the bridal gown, the suit, and
the bridal car. Bridal gown shall only cost P6,000 and P500 for the make-up. The
allocation for the suit is only P4,000. For the bridal car, we will negotiate to a friend to
allow us to rent his car for P5,000, good for two hours. The reception shall be limited to
10-20 persons only. The remaining P2,000 will be used for miscellaneous expenses.
On a Personal Note:
As you have witnessed the wedding of Sein Hla and Mar Mar Tin, write an
essay of three paragraphs as wishes on your wedding day.
As I wed soon, I wish that everything would be fine. I wish that all the important
people in our lives would be present in that special event. The presence of our dear
parents, our siblings, and our friends would really mean a lot for they will complete the
moment and will make the day a good memory to reminisce as the time passes by.
As I marry soon, I hope that everything would be fine. No troubles on our way to
the church, no delays on the foods to eat on the reception and no unnecessary conflicts
between the visitors. I wish that it would be love that everyone would feel on that special
day of mine and my partner.
Most importantly, I wish that my partner, really is the one that the Lord has given
to me, and that I am the one that is really destined to him. I wish for a fruitful and
prosperous life with him. I hope that love will always prevail over any other challenges
that may come our way. I hope that love will last forever.