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Quarterly Test #2 Solutions: Chemistry, Biology, Genetics

Solutions to the Quarterly Tests
1. (1 pt) You remove energy to turn a gas into a liquid.
2. (1 pt) The number of electrons (or protons) in an atom determines the vast majority of its
3. (1 pt) Since atoms have the same number of electrons and protons, there must be 32 electrons.
4. (2 pts – ½ for each answer) The subscripts after the elemental abbreviations tell you how many of
each atom is in the molecule. Thus, there are four carbons, eight hydrogens, and two oxygens, for a
grand total of 14 atoms.
5. (2 pts – one for each answer) Since the water levels changed, that means solvent traveled from one
side of the membrane to the other, but solute did not. This is osmosis, which requires a semipermeable
6. a. (1 pt – ½ for each reactant) Reactants appear to the left of the arrow. The numbers to the left of
the chemical formulas, however, do not describe the reactants. Instead, they tell you how many of
each reactant molecule. Thus, the reactants are O2 and H2.
b. (1 pt) Products appear on the right side of the arrow. The product is H2O.
c. (1 pt) There are two H2 molecules in the reaction, because of the “2” to the left of H2.
7. (2 pts – one for the neutral pH and one for what is alkaline and what is acidic) The pH scale
measures the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. On this scale, 7 is neutral. A pH lower than 7 is
acidic, and a pH higher than 7 is alkaline. The lower the pH the more acidic, and the higher the pH the
more alkaline.
8. (1 pt) Amino acids link together to make proteins.
9. (1 pt) DNA stores information as a sequence of nucleotide bases, much like all of the English
language can be stored as a sequence of dots and dashes in Morse code.
10. (5 points – one for each answer) The four stages are glycolysis, the formation of acetyl coenzyme
A, the Krebs cycle, and the electron transport system. Glycolysis results in a gain of 2 ATPs, the
Krebs cycle 2, and the electron transport system 32. Thus, the electron transport system produces the
most energy.
11. (1 pt) The only stage that does not require oxygen is glycolysis.
12. Guanine and cytosine can bond together, as can adenine and thymine. In RNA, however, uracil
replaces thymine. Thus when DNA has an adenine, RNA will have a uracil. When DNA has a
thymine, RNA will have an adenine. When DNA has a cytosine, RNA will have a guanine, and when
DNA has a guanine, RNA will have a cytosine. This makes the mRNA sequence:
a. (2 pts – 2 for each base) cytosine, guanine, uracil, uracil, adenine, cytosine
Solutions and Tests for Exploring Creation With Biology
b. (1 pt) It takes three nucleotide bases to code for an amino acid. Since this has six, it will code for
two amino acids.
13. (4 pts – one for each stage) The stages in order are prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase.
14. (1 pt) Diploid number is the total number of chromosomes in the cell. Haploid number is the
number of homologous pairs. If there are a total of 16 chromosomes, then there must be 8 pairs. The
haploid number is 8.
15. (1 pt) A gamete is haploid while a normal cell is diploid. This means that a gamete has only one
chromosome from each homologous pair. A normal cell always both members of each homologous
16. (4 pts – ½ for each stage) The stages are prophase I, metaphase I, anaphase I, telophase I, prophase
II, metaphase II, anaphase II, telophase II.
17. (2 pts – one for each answer) Male gametes are called sperm. Female gametes are called eggs.
18. (1 pt) A virus is not alive, because a virus cannot reproduce on its own.
19. (1 pt) A vaccine is only good if you take it before getting infected, because it is meant to build up
the antibodies that you need to fight the virus off before it overwhelms your body.
20. (3 pts – one for each letter. Specifying homozygous or heterozygous is worth ½, and the
phenotype is worth 1/2 )
a. This homozygous genotype results in a phenotype that is tall.
b. This heterozygous genotype results in a phenotype that is tall.
c. This homozygous genotype results in a phenotype that is short.
21. (3 pts – one for the parent genotypes, one for filling in the Punnett square correctly, and one for
the proper percentages) One parent is homozygous dominant, so its genotype is “AA.” The other is
heterozygous, so its genotype is “Aa.” The Punnett square looks like:
Thus, 50% of the offspring have the “AA” genotype and 50% have the “Aa” genotype. Since each
offspring has at least one of the dominant allele, however, 100% have the axial flower phenotype.
Solutions to the Quarterly Tests
22. (3 pts – one for the possible gametes, one for filling in the Punnett square correctly, and one for
the proper percentages) Since the parents are both heterozygous in each allele, their genotypes are
“SsYy.” There are 4 possible gametes: SY, Sy, sY, sy. The resulting Punnett square, then, is:
smooth, yellow peas (genotypes SSYY, SsYy, SSYy, SsYY) 9 of 16 or 56.25 %
smooth, green peas (genotypes SSyy, Ssyy) 3 of 16 or 18.75 %
wrinkled, yellow peas (genotypes ssYY, ssYy) 3 of 16 or 18.75 %
wrinkled, green peas (genotype ssyy) 1 of 16 or 6.25 %
23. (3 pts – one for the parent genotypes, one for filling in the Punnett square correctly, and one for the
proper percentages) If the female is heterozygous, then her genotype is XRXr. Since the male is white
eyed, his genotype is XrY. The resulting Punnett Square is:
Thus, 50% of the females will be white eyed and 50% of the males will be white-eyed.
24. (1 pt) Not all traits are determined completely by genetics. Most are also determined by
environmental factors and (in the case of humans) spiritual factors. While the genetics are the same,
the environmental and spiritual factors were probably different.
25. (1 pt) The X chromosome should be studied. If it occurred on the autosomes, it should be roughly
the same between men and women. If it occurred on the Y chromosome, it should also be roughly the
same between men and women, since women have all of the alleles that are on the X chromosome.
However, if it is one the X chromosome, men will have only one allele, making them more susceptible.
Total possible points: 51