IIMS College Putalisadak, Kathmandu, Nepal Name of Course Instructor: BhagwanThapa Course Code: CC217 Course Name: Networking Program Name: B.Sc. (Hons) Computing Semester:3rd Batch: 9th Assignment Title: Quiz 3 Max. Marks: ______ Date of Allotment: ___________ Date of Submission: 2020/10/04 (Write the individual/group members details below): Name of the Student ID number Contact Number Srijan Raj Dahal 1002057677 9840224714 Email Id__ srijanraj2011047@iimscollege.edu.np Evaluation: ________________________ obtained out of_______________________________ Evaluator’s Comment: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------Evaluator’s Signature & Date Quiz3 (Networking) 1. What is Internet? Ans. Internet is the collection of networks, linked together and it has a borderless public access all over the world. It uses TCP/IP and it’s application is WWW. 2. Why use the Internet? Ans. Internet is used for communication, information, learning, entertainment, social networking, e- commerce and so on. 3. Differentiate between Internet and Intranet. Ans. The difference between internet and intranet are: Internet The Internet is a wide network Intranet Intranet is a network of computers that is available to computers designed for all. certain group of users. Internet is a public network. Intranet is a private network. Internet contains various source of information. Number of internet users are Anyone can access the internet. a Intranet only contains groupspecific information. very high. of The number of users of Intranet is limited. Intranet is accessible only by the organization employees or admin who have login details. 4. What is web? Ans. The Web (World Wide Web) consists of information organized into Web pages containing text and graphic images.It contains hypertext links, or highlighted keywordsand images that lead to related information. 5. What is an Internet Service Provider (ISP)? Ans. Internet Service Provider (ISP) is a company that provides Internet access for customers. For examples: Comcast, Qwest, AOL, Telekom Malaysia. 6. How to connect to the Internet? Explain. Ans. There are three main ways to connect to the Internet: i. Dial-Up ii. High Speed/DSL iii. Wireless Connection (Wi-Fi) Dial-UP: In this methodall we need is a computer, phone-line and Internet Service Provider! (ISP). It isnot as fast as other internet connection but often more affordable. High Speed/DSL: It travels through fiber-optic cables underground and needs to be connected by a modem to computer. A modem is a hub that connects a computer to the Internet. It is faster than Dial-up. Wireless Connection (Wi-Fi): In this method computer must be a“Wireless enabled” device and can be able to pick up signals from different wireless networks. Some networks require passwords or a subscription while others are free. 7. What is Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)? Ans. The standard markup language used on the webpages is Hypertext markup language (HTML).HTML uses codes, or tags, to tell the Web browser software how to display the text contained in thedocument. 8. What is VOIP? Ans. VOIP is an acronym for Voice Over Internet Protocol, or in more common terms phone service over the Internet. 9. Explain the terminology below: a. Home page: It is the cover page for a Web site that hasgraphics, titles, coloured text, etc. b. Hypermedia: It is a tools that connect the data on Web pages,allowing users to access topics in whateverorder they wish. c. Http: The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an application layer protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems. d. Web browser: It is a software that creates a uniquehypermedia-based menu on your computerscreen and provides a graphical interfaceto the Web. e. Web page: It is a screen of information sent to a requesting user and presented through abrowser. f. Applet:It is a small program embedded in Web pages.