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A Path Finding Visualization Using A Star Algorithm and Dijkstra’s Algorithm

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
Volume 5 Issue 1, November-December 2020 Available Online: www.ijtsrd.com e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
A Path Finding Visualization Using
A Star Algorithm and Dijkstra’s Algorithm
Saif Ulla Shariff1, M Ganeshan2
of Computer Application, 2Associate Professor,
1,2Jain Deemed-to-be University, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
In Path Finding Visualization Using A star and Dijkstra’s algorithm there are a
set of rules and we discover the shortest direction from supply to destination.
A famous person algorithm is an informative algorithm in comparison to
others that means it's going to handiest use the course which has the
possibility of the usage of the shortest and the maximum green course. After
finding the course we use Manhattan technique to attract the direction. The
algorithm uses the formula f(n)=g(n)+h(n)f(n)=g(n)+h(n)g(n) = indicates the
shortest course’s value from the beginning node to node n h(n) = The heuristic
approximation of cost of the node. To show how the set of rules runs we will
put in force it in python. This will supply us a 2D representation of our version
and how the algorithm works.
KEYWORDS: Path Finding Visualization,
Shortest path, A star algorithm, Dijkstra’s
How to cite this paper: Saif Ulla Shariff |
M Ganeshan "A Path Finding Visualization
Using A Star Algorithm and Dijkstra’s
Algorithm" Published
Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research
(ijtsrd), ISSN: 24566470, Volume-5 |
Issue-1, December
The consumer will input a starting point and an ending point or nodes. They
can also provide any quantity of barriers with the aid of just drawing lines or
shapes. The algorithm then tests the great acceptable direction to the stop
node or vacation spot and presentations it thru which we can determine the
great and the shortest path.
Copyright © 2020 by author(s) and
International Journal of Trend in Scientific
Research and Development Journal. This
is an Open Access
under the terms of
the Creative Commons Attribution
We additionally evaluate this to Dijkstra’s algorithm which for each explored
node, Dijkstra's algorithm calculates the direction cost to all of the pals’, which
is modern node + part weight. In this implementation of Dijkstra's set of rules,
the weight of each area equals 1. It repeats exploring pals until the aim has
been located. When the aim has been found, it's going to backtrack with the
aid of going from every neighbor to the node with the lowest route cost,
eventually locating back to the start. By comparing these algorithms together
(A Star and Dijkstra’s) we can come to an end that A Star is the extra efficient
We can convert this into an. Exe report and we can run it anywhere with none
dependencies which the customers can download and use from anywhere.
The shortest route (SP) algorithms are among fundamental
network evaluation issues. Since 1957 a extensive
development has been made inside the SP algorithms after
Minty posted his paper (1957). Minty succinctly described
the basic SP hassle for symmetrical networks (a community
is symmetrical if for each pair of nodes, the fee of a hyperlink
between the two nodes is unbiased of the beginning node).
To country the trouble past doubt, he advised constructing a
version of the given community. The version is made from
strings, each string of the length proportional to the
expenses of the modelled link. Finally, to discover the
hyperlinks of the SP one has to drag the supply node and the
destination node of the adventure as far away as feasible.
The tight strings are the hyperlinks of the SP. Since 1957
there has been a number of main papers published, the
maximum crucial were published through Bellman (1959),
Dijkstra (1959) and Moore (1959). These articles had been
formative and maximum of the visitor’s studies has used
their consequences (as an instance Clercq (1972) or Cooke
and Halsey (1966)). These articles at the moment are
blanketed in references by way of maximum other
Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD38035
publications. The approach proposed is A* algorithm with
heuristic seek, will probably discover the shortest course
answer in a completely brief quantity of time and minimal
distance. A* set of rules, a sort of informed seek, is broadly
used for finding the shortest direction, because the region of
beginning and finishing point is taken into consideration in
advance. The A* set of rules is a refinement of the shortest
route algorithm that directs the search toward the favoured
aim. The widespread motive of heuristic set of rules is to find
a most reliable solution wherein the time or sources are
restrained. This is later compared with Dijkstra set of rules
which is simple and first-rate method for path making plans.
Dijkstra’s set of rules chooses one with the minimum fee till
located the aim, however the search isn't always over
because it calculates all viable paths from beginning node to
the goal, then choose the great solution by way of comparing
which way had the minimum distance.
Tkinter is honestly an in-built Python module used to create
simple GUI apps. It is the most usually used module for GUI
apps within the Python. Tkinter is the Python interface to the
Volume – 5 | Issue – 1
November-December 2020
Page 588
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
Tk GUI toolkit shipped with Python. Tkinter is the standard
GUI library for Python. Python whilst mixed with Tkinter
gives a quick and smooth manner to create GUI programs.
Tkinter provides a powerful item-oriented interface to the
Tk GUI toolkit. Creating a GUI utility using Tkinter is a
smooth venture. All you want to do is perform the
subsequent steps:
Import the Tkinter module.
Create the GUI utility predominant window.
Add one or more of the above-noted widgets to the
GUI utility.
Enter the principle event loop to do so towards every
occasion caused by the person.
Fig 3[C]: Shortest path using A star.
Now let’s see the fundamentals Of Tkinter Consider the
following diagram, it indicates how an software actually
executes in Tkinter Fig 1[A]
Fig 4[D]: Shortest path using Dijkstra’s.
Fig 1: Tkinter basic working[A]
Path locating normally refers to locating the shortest
direction among any two locations. Many current algorithms
are designed exactly to solve the shortest path trouble
consisting of Genetic, Floyd set of rules. This approach will
visit unwanted nodes which might not be the nice path and
this additionally increases the time taken to discover the
quality direction to our vacation spot. It might also advise us
longer paths to our destination as these are uninformed
The approach proposed is A* algorithm with heuristic
search, will likely locate the shortest path solution in a
totally quick amount of time and minimal distance. A* set of
rules, a type of knowledgeable search, is widely used for
finding the shortest route, because the place of beginning
and finishing point is taken into account in advance. The A*
algorithm is a refinement of the shortest course set of rules
that directs the quest toward the preferred aim. The
preferred purpose of heuristic set of rules is to discover a
most desirable answer where the time or resources are
constrained. As illustrated in fig3[C].
This is later as compared with Dijkstra set of rules which is
easy and wonderful technique for route planning. Dijkstra’s
set of rules chooses one with the minimal value until located
the purpose, however the search isn't always over because it
calculates all possible paths from beginning node to the
purpose, then choose the excellent answer by means of
comparing which way had the minimum distance. As shown
in the fig 4[D]. [1] [2] [3]
By this application it can be helpful in finding out the
distance among two points (Source and vacation spot)
whether or not it be two towns or states or exclusive
It looks at all the feasible methods and paths which are
viable and shows us the pleasant route to use which takes up
the least amount of time and distance travelled.
Since we're applying Manhattan approach to those two
algorithms the route in order to be proven may be heuristic
in nature.
The subsequent scope of this can be that we will put this into
effect in some map software so that we can effortlessly
discover the shortest path among source and destination.
It also can be set up in driverless automobiles for less
complicated navigation and minimal human interplay. It can
also be used within the assistance of visually impaired
humans with the assist of other technologies to make their
commutes a little bit easier to navigate.
[1] D. S. Bhatia, "Survey of shortest Path Algorithms,"
Seventh Sense Research Group, 2019.
L. Wenzheng, L. Junjun and Y. Shunli, "An Improved
Dijkstra's Algorithm for Shortest Path Planning on 2D
Grid Maps," IEEE, 2019.
R. Pramudita, H. Heryanta, R. T. Handayanto, D.
Setiyadi, R. W. Arifin and N. Safitri, "Shortest Path
Calculation Algorithms for Geographic Information
Systems," IEEE, 2019.
L. Podsędkowskia, J. Nowakowski and M. Idzikowski,
"A new solution for path planning in partially known
or unknown environment for nonholonomic mobile
robots," ScienceDirect, 2001.
Fig 2: Working of proposed system[B]
Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD38035
Volume – 5 | Issue – 1
November-December 2020
Page 589