Francis Dominic L. De Asis RESEARCH BSN 3 – JOHSNON A February 17, 2021 WORKSHEET 3 – Conceptual Phase of the Research Process Read on the Conceptual Phase of the Research Process (Magnaye, B. and E. Reantillo, 2020, pp. 41-57) or read online about Research Variables and Definition of Terms in Research. Answer the following: I. Formulate five (5) research problems and identify the independent and dependent variables. 1. Do tomatoes grow fastest under fluorescent, incandescent, or natural light? 2. What is the effect of diet and regular soda on blood sugar levels? 3. How does phone use before bedtime affect sleep? 4. How well do different plant species tolerate salt water? 5. Will plants grow faster when using organic or inorganic fertilizer? INDEPENDENT VARIABLE 1. The type of light the tomato plant is grown under. 2. The type of soda drank (diet or regular). 3. The amount of phone use before bed. 4. The amount of salt added to the plants’ water. 5. The different fertilizer used for the plant. DEPENDENT VARIABLE 1. The rate of growth of the tomato plant. 2. The blood sugar levels. 3. Number of hours of sleep. 4. Plant growth, Plant wilting, Plant survival rate. 5. The plant’s rate of growth. Francis Dominic L. De Asis RESEARCH BSN 3 – JOHSNON A February 17, 2021 II. Cite variables (at least 3) then define them conceptually and operationally. 1. “Reach” Conceptual: Street distance covered when walking a specific distance from a single location in all possible directions. (Peponis J, Bafna S, Zhang Z. The Connectivity of Streets: Reach and Directional Distance. Environ Plann B. 2008; 35(5): 881–901.) Operational: A continuous measure, in miles, of the street distance covered when walking one mile from the residents’ block in all possible directions. Higher scores indicate greater reach 2. “Connectivity” Conceptual: The extent to which a street is connected within its local or immediate neighbourhood. (Bafna S. Space Syntax: A brief introduction to its logic and analytical techniques. Environ Behav. 2003; 35(1): 17–29.) Operational: The mean number of streets connecting with each street in the area within a ½ mile radius from survey participant’s residential block. A continuous measure, with higher scores indicating greater connectivity. 3. “Integration” Conceptual: The extent to which a street segment or set of streets is more or less accessible from all other parts of the city (Bafna S. Space Syntax: A brief introduction to its logic and analytical techniques. Environ Behav. 2003; 35(1): 17–29.) Francis Dominic L. De Asis RESEARCH BSN 3 – JOHSNON A February 17, 2021 Operational: The mean value of the integration measure for all streets within a ½ mile radius from survey participant’s residential block. A continuous measure with higher scores indicating greater integration relative to other streets in the city. Source: Schulz, Amy & Mentz, Graciela & Johnson-Lawrence, Vicki & Israel, Barbara & Max, Paul & Zenk, Shannon & Wineman, Jean & Marans, Robert. (2013). Independent and Joint Associations between Multiple Measures of the Built and Social Environment and Physical Activity in a Multi-Ethnic Urban Community. Journal of urban health: bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine. 90. 10.1007/s11524013-9793-z.