QUESTION 1 An organization is a complex social system that survives on group collaborative effort or joint effort. Recently, your company has been experiencing some problems that bother on inter-group conflict as a manager, bring group cohesion and team spirit to reign in the organization. It’s very essential to note that inter-group relationship is an important factor in an organization. When conflict arises among these groups, it brings disaster and reduces efficiency in the organization. Therefore, Inter-group conflicts simply refer to a disagreement or a clash between work groups. As the manager of the company, it is very important for me to know the causes arising inter-group conflicts before introducing group cohesion and team spirit in the organization. I have found out the following to be the reason why inter-group conflict occurs. They are: 1} Competition among groups 2} Cultural differences 3} Poor communication among groups 4} Reward factor 5} Organizational change. The causes of inter-group conflict in the organization has been outlined already. Now introducing GROUP COHESION and TEAM SPIRIT. 1 GROUP COHESION Group Cohesion can be defined as a bond that pulls people towards membership in groups and resists separation and disagreement in such groups. It also refers to a strong hold that enhances closeness among groups. As a manager, the steps I will use to bring in group cohesion are as follows: 1} By establishing communication ground rules: Proper communication is very essential in an organization. For groups to be effective, it depends on an open and honest communication. To facilitate ongoing discussions among members, I will steer them toward regular meetings and ensure that they agree on a preferred mode of regular communication that will be consistent either by mail, calls or text messages. I will also try to clearly explain the team’s instructions and goals to be achieved. 2} Introducing diversity: For a team to be successful it will require diversity. Diverse teams have access to many people with varying skills and experiences. A diverse group will be able to pull from all these experiences in order to achieve the mission. 3} By setting clear goals and objectives: I personally believe that goals should be challenging but realistic. Groups will be able to function better when they know exactly what is expected of them and don’t waste time decoding the boss. 4} Take a Reality Break on Conflict: This can be done by addressing the potential for conflict now and by deciding how the team will resolve everything from minor conflicts to major ones then deciding the best candidate to act as an arbiter. This involves also trying to consider recommending some lighthearted ways for them to burn off steam. 2 TEAM SPIRIT Team spirit is a unison goal of a group enforced by the spirit energy. It is an inner feeling that exits among groups. It is an eagerness to sacrifice personal interests of glory for the welfare of all. This is of almost importance which needs to be present in a group. Therefore, I will introduce it through the following: 1} By recruiting the right people: For team spirit to reside, it is important to start with the employment process. When recruiting new team members, be mindful and ask questions that will focus on whether or not a candidate is a team player and will give the right energy to the team. 2} By praising achievements and feedback: Ensure to give a recommendation to the workers for a job well done. Methods such as the use of email or messaging tools can be used to share praises for achievements and also to recognize your colleagues in a public way. This will help to promote open communication in the team and strengthen bonds and understanding between each other. 3} Be Inclusive: An incredibly important way to encourage team spirit is to make sure that everyone in a workplace feels included. Being actively inclusive in the workplace can be as simple as making sure the language you use is inclusive to making sure that group activities are something that can be enjoyed by everyone. By making everyone feel included, this will encourage team spirit. 4} Be a humble leader: A leader should always exercise humility when working with people in order not to reduce team spirit. The group must know that they work with you, not for you. A leader must award praise to the person who truly deserves it and he should take the blame if there is any default. 3 QUESTION 2 Use the following theories to explain the formation of groups in organization. 1} Propinquity Theory 2} Balance Theory 3} Theory of Social Exchange There is a need to understand what it means by group formation before explaining how these groups are actually formed with the theories stated above. GROUP FORMATION: This refers to the coming together of persons to create a unit. It also refers to when individuals from different fields of the society are brought together for the first time and interact with each other. This explains how groups are to be formed and how they develop over time. Sometimes we join a group because we want to. Most times this group formation do occur when individuals sees alike interest with group members. There are two main types of groups which are; PRIMARY: A type of group that a close relationship exits such as a family. Another name given to this type of group is “face-to-face” group. A group that is informal in nature. SECONDARY: This refers to a group that is large in nature. It also refers to a group that involves formality and occurs in an external environment. 4 PROPINQUITY THEORY Literary propinquity simply means nearness. This propinquity theory explains that individuals connect with one another because of the closeness among them. For example, in an academic environment, Funaab to be precise, it is easy for individuals in Accounting department to form a group as a result of the nearness and closeness compared with other individuals at a distant place such as Electrical Engineering department. Therefore, this theory tends to explain the group formation process based on nearness. However, it does not consider more important issues in group formation which are much more complex than nearness. Nearness is only a facilitating factor for group formation and not the reason for it. This theory was developed by these psychologists: Leon Festinger, Stanley Schachter and Kurt Back. BALANCE THEORY This is a theory that suggests groups form due to the sharing of common ideas and attitudes by people. This theory as proposed by Theodore Newcomb. His theory focuses on the similarities among people and how it is relevant in achieving objectives and goals. He stated that once a relationship is formed among individuals, it strives to maintain a balance. If an imbalance occurs, attempts are made to restore the balance. If the balance cannot be restored, the relationship dissolves. 5 THEORY OF SOCIAL EXCHANGE This theory is based on the reward and cost outcomes of interactions. This theory explains that before an individual joins a group, the individual thinks in terms of what he stands to gain from belonging to such group. A minimum positive level (rewards greater than costs) of an outcome must exist in order for attraction or affiliation to take place. Rewards from interactions gratify needs while costs incur anxiety, frustrations, embarrassment or fatigue. This is a theory that was developed by FRITZ HEIDER. QUESTION 3 6 Group emphasizes commonality A group simply means the meeting of persons. It is also referred to as the collection of individuals who come together with similar interest, ambition, relating with one another so as to achieve the objectives and goals of the organization. Commonality in literary term means common. This is the features, characteristics, attributes that are similar and common in nature. In an organizational environment, individuals have different backgrounds. Cultural differences do exist. The way through which commonality can occur among such individuals is through groups. As stated above, groups involves assemblage of people. Groups in an organization are being formed to achieve set goals. This means that through group, commonality can take place. The common interests of individuals in a group draw them together and from that the union becomes stronger and closer relationships are being built. Individuals in an organization are being divided into different groups for a purpose, thereby forcing individuals to embrace others before they have the opportunity to identify areas of common interest. When this is achieved it brings about commonality. The group is to work together as a team will always do. Group enhances commonality in a way that individual members of the group can understand and replicate the learning of others within the group thereby leading to similar features among them. Group also enhances commonality by creating oneness and making them undivided despite the fact that the members of the group are of different personality. In conclusion, commonality is of utmost importance because this helps to improve efficiency and productivity in the organization. References: 7 Hauss, Charles (Chip). "Focusing on Commonalities." Festinger, L., Schachter, S., Back, K., (1950) "The Spatial Ecology of Group Formation" Tuckman, B.W. & Jensen, M.A.C. (1977) Stages of small group development revisited. Group and Organizational Studies, 2, 419-427 8