CHAPTER 1- INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Theoretical Underpinnings With the maturation of organizations and new techniques, the work has become complicated and it is a necessity to have a multiform and unified feedback system. The 720-Degree performance evaluation is required for the improvement in performance of the people in their jobs and to ensure that the prospect of the organization, employee and the customer are met. It is a proficient tool to improve and recompense the performance of the personnel. It helps to scrutinize worker attainments and evaluate his influence towards the attainment of complete organizational objectives. 720 Degree evaluation aims at monitoring, mapping, giving feedback and encouraging the employees to achieve the goals of the Organization. 720degree performance appraisal method is more development focused than performance alone, and supports training and development functions in a better way. The administrations today, aim at attaining higher rate of worker contentment and clarity in the working environment. In order to attain the goals, 720 Degree performance assessment would be a vital tool as it is used to assess the routine of workers from different extents and helps to overcome the barricades of prejudice, partiality and discrimination. It is a combined method of performance assessment where, the performance of an employee is evaluated from all angles (Management, Colleagues, Self and also customers) and opportune opinion is provided and performance is assessed again based on the goals that are set. The 720 Degree is a performance Assessment system in which 360 Degree is instigated twice. Some managers feel that doing ―one‖ ample 360 Degree is not thorough in itself. There is a need of an effective technique to measure improvements and obtain feedback. This leads to the advent of pre and a post intervention results. The pre-intervention results set the reference point. The development program is then framed in order to improve the participants' behavior through training /development/ education. The post intervention appraisal then shows the scope of improvement in the participant. In the degree feedback system of performance appraisal, the participation of people as performance raters differs in the following sequence: 2 In customary 360 Degree evaluation, raters include: • Supervisor • Peers – immediate & functional colleagues • Direct reportees • Colleagues and internal customers Then, the 540 Degree judgment adds external customers and suppliers. In the 720 Degree reaction the data is also collected from investors and family. The success of every organization is dependable on the performance of their employees and it is the human nature to judge everything around them. If there are no concrete standards of evaluation, they will start evaluating on the basis of informal standards that can create negativity and impact the performance of the employee and in turn, the organization. Hence, it is necessary that we set the right standards to judge the performance of the employees. The major drawback in the traditional methods of appraisal was that it did not give any guidance to the employees post appraisal. Hence, the 720 degree appraisal has been developed so that the employees‘ performance is based on targets, measured and analyzed in the first appraisal and after a definite span of time his performance is measured again and proper feedback and guidance is given to ensure that the employee works efficiently and achieve the given target. 1.2 Concept of Performance and Performance Appraisal Human beings are the one who run and steer the organization. The goals are set and objectives are also realized through people. The cumulative performance of an organization is dependent upon the performance of its members. The success of an organization therefore, depends on its ability to measure the performance accurately and use it objectively to optimize them as a critical resource. In the present current modest environment, administrations need to ensure high performance of their employees at an unceasing pace in order to contend and endure successfully (Prasad 2005). Performance can be defined as the record of outcomes generated as specified job functions or activities during a specified time period (Bernardin 2007). 3 The term performance denotes a comprehensive set of result that is shaped during a stated period of their job time and does not refer to any individual characteristics, or proficiencies of the performer. The evaluation of employee‘s performance reveals the contribution of an individual in the organization‘s objectives. People do not absorb unless they are given appropriate feedback on their activities. For counteractive actions to take place feedback should be delivered regularly and it should record both the successes and failures of an individual. Appraisal is the assessment of the individual, so performance appraisal of employees means the evaluation of their performance made throughout a certain period of time. In the structural context, performance evaluation is a methodical evaluation for an organizational personnel by administrators or others familiar with their performance (L.M. Prasad). Performance assessment is also described as merit rating in which employees are rated in judgment to others. This is one of the oldest kinds of performance appraisal done in organizations (Tripathi 2005). This is a procedure which tells that how well employees do their jobs when their performance is being compared with the defined set of standards. Merit rating is used for elevation of workers. However, performance appraisal is more inclusive term for such events, because its use extends beyond ascertaining eligibility for promotion. (Prasad, 2005). ―Performance evaluation is appropriate and methodical evaluation of the individual with regard to performance on the job and expansion potential.‖ Performance assessments are used in about all the organizations. Performance assessment cater to multiple aims that focus to scrutinize individual‘s performance and potential of development. So at its core, the performance evaluation process helps the organization to independently assess worker‘s behavior and achievements over a specific epoch of time. At a glance the main purposes of performance assessment reflect out the following: a) Provide inputs to 1. system of rewards encompassing salary increase, obligations, additional responsibilities, promotions, etc., and 2. Salary administration. b) Generate suitable observation and direction from the reporting officers to the employee. c) Enhancing employee‘s effectiveness: helps the employee to overwhelm his weakness and improve his performance by providing appropriate training and expansion program. d) Help identifying worker for the purpose of inspiring, training and developing them. 4 e) Generate noteworthy, relevant, free and valid information about workers. “Evaluate what you want – because what gets measured gets produced” – James A. Belasco Performance assessment is a tactic that started in the early 20th Century. It is the procedure of obtaining, recording information and analyzing about an employee to evaluate and improve their performance. Performance assessment is assessed in terms of magnitude, quality, time and cost and also examines the value that the employee adds to the objectives of the association. There are innumerable methods of performance judgment based on the type of organization, size of the organization and also the duration of when it is used. 720 Degree performance evaluation is one of the most lately appeared concepts. As the name proposes, 720 Degree performance judgment is the assessment of the performance of an employee from all the facets allied with giving timely reaction to ensure that the person is able to achieve the set goals before the next assessment. Almost every organization in one way or another goes through a performance evaluation. The formal performance evaluation has been called an imperative tool of organization, a control process, an activity and a critical factor of human resources allocation. Uses for performance assessment have included equal opportunity deliberations for all. Primarily, performance evaluation has been considered a system for controlling an organization. Performance evaluation is the review connotation of a group about the performance of employees, groups and entire divisions. A performance assessment is a method by which the job performance of a worker is evaluated typically by the equivalent director or administrator. A performance evaluation is a part of guiding and managing career development. Performance assessment may be defined as a structured formal communication between a subordinate and supervisor that takes the form of an episodic interview, in which the performance of the subordinate is examined, with a view to identifying weaknesses and strengths as well as opportunities for improvement and skills development. Secondly, evaluation not merely means the assessment of performance but the identification of individual potential and this is where the focus of Cadbury differs from other organizations. Cadbury, over the years has been able to create an evaluation system that is 5 integrated to the organizations management development process. The approach towards evaluation is now more qualitative in nature. 1.2.1 Components of performance appraisal system In the words of author and eminent HR expert TV Rao, as quoted in his book titled „Performance Management and Evaluation Systems - HR Tools for Global Competitiveness‟(Sage Publications), some of the vital components of Performance Evaluation System are as under: a) Identification of Key Performance Areas (KPAs) and setting objectives. b) Identification of attributes to be shown by all managers irrespective of levels. c) Self – evaluation d) Performance analysis to identify factors facilitating and hindering performance and taking corrective action. e) Identification of training needs and preparation of development plans. f) Assessment by the reporting officer and sharing the ratings with the appraisee to arrive at mutually agreed ratings. g) Performance analysis to help the individuals learn from their seniors and improve the performance. h) Review by the reviewing officer. i) Expansion action by the HRD department. j) De-linking assessment from performance rewards. 1.2.2 Uses of Performance appraisal For organizations, the primary goal of an efficient appraisal system is to improve individual and organizational performance. A potential problem of expecting high level of commitment from single performance appraisal plan exists today. In fact, PA data are potentially valuable for virtually every human resource functional area. 6 Human Resource Planning Human resource preparation works on the outline of classifying people who have the talent to be promoted. It may be certainly discovered that insufficient number of works are prepared to enter management. Plans can then be made for higher emphasis on organization development. Succession planning is a key growth area for all firms. A well-designed evaluation system gives a profile of the management‘s HR strengths and weaknesses to support this effort. Recruitment and Selection Performance assessment ratings are a specific basis of information in order to forecast the performance of job applicants. For example, it may be observed that a firm‘s successful employees (identified through performance evaluations) reflect certain set of actions when accomplishing key tasks. These observations may then provide benchmarks for assessing applicant responses obtained through behavioral interviews. Also, in validating selection tests, employee ratings may be used for the purpose of comparison. Training and Development The precise needs of personnel for training and development should be catered competently. By classifying loop holes that harmfully affect performance, T & D plans can be framed and applied, that permits people to build on their assets and diminish their weakness. An evaluation system does not promise competently trained and developed workers. However, causal T & D needs is more precise when assessment data are available. Career Planning and Development Individuals have certain career goals and they work professionally to attain those thus, making career scheduling a constant development. On the other hand, career expansion is a dignified approach used by the organizations to ensure that people with the proper qualifications are available when needed. Performance evaluation data is critical in assessing a employee‘s strengths and weaknesses and in analyzing the person‘s potential. Managers may use such information to advice assistants and help them in emerging and applying their career plans. 7 Compensation Programs The results of performance appraisal provide a basis for rational decisions concerning pay alterations. A high fraction of managers believe that the unsettled job performance should be rewarded tangibly with pay increase. They trust that the performances you reward are the performances you get. Satisfying behaviors essential for attaining objectives are very critical to the firm‘s strategic plan. To inspire good performance, a firm should design a reliable performance appraisal system and then reward the most creative workers therefore. Internal Worker Relations The data obtained by performance appraisal is also used for decisions in several parameters of internal employee relations, including promotion, demotion, termination, layoff, and transfer. Some organizations try to evaluate an worker‘s potential while appraising his or her job performance. Although past behaviors are a good forecaster of future behaviors in some jobs, an employee‘s past performance may not precisely and clearly depict the future performance in other jobs. Exaggerating the technical skills and ignoring other equally important skills is a basic error in promoting workers into policymaking places. Acknowledgement of this problem has led some firms to separate the process of performance evaluation, which focuses on past behavior, from the assessment of potential, which is futureoriented. Evaluation Period Formal and efficient performance evaluations are usually carried out at specific intervals. There is nothing enchanted about the period of judgment for formal evaluation reviews, in most governments they occur either annually or biannually. The other actions such as coaching and other developmental tasks, continues throughout the evaluation period. Managers are bound to understand that handling performance is a continuous process that is built into their job every day. 8 1.2.3 Goals of Performance Appraisal Table 1.1 Goals of performance appraisal General Goals Specific Goals Developmental Use Individual needs Performance feedback Transfers and Placements Strengths and Development needs Salary Administrative Decisions / Uses Promotion Retention / Termination Recognition Layoffs Poor Performers identification HR Planning Organizational Maintenance Training Needs Organizational Goal achievements Goal Identification HR Systems Evaluation Reinforcement of organizational needs Validation Research For HR Decisions Documentation Legal Requirements Source- Bonfring International Journal 1.2.4 Performance Appraisal Methods Managers may choose from variety of evaluation methods. The type of performance evaluation system used depends upon the purpose of its operation. If the major focus is on selecting people for promotion and merit pay increases, a traditional method, such as rating scales may be considered appropriate. Collaborative methods, including input from worker for self-evaluation prove to be more suitable for developing employees 360-Degree Feedback Evaluation Method The 360-Degree feedback method is a modern performance evaluation method that involves evaluation input from multiple levels from internal and external sources. The 360-Degree 9 method is unlike traditional performance which provides employees with feedback only from the administrators. In this method, people all around the rated employee may provide feedback for the employee, including senior managers, the employee himself or herself, administrators, subordinates, peers, team members, and internal or external customers. Many companies use results from 360-Degree programs also for succession planning, training, and professional development. Rating Scales Method As per this method, the employee is rated according to defined factors. Using this approach, the appraisers record their judgments about performance on a specified scale. The scale includes various categories; normally 5–7 in number, defined by appropriate adjectives such as outstanding, meets expectations, or improvement. The system often provides an overall rating, the method allows for the use of multiple performance criteria. One reason for wide acceptability of the rating scales method is its simplicity, which helps in quick evaluations of many employees. The method also facilitates assessment of employees‘ performances. Critical Incident Method The critical incident method is a performance assessment method in which highly favorable and unfavorable employee work actions are registered down in writing. When such an action, a ―critical incident,‖ impacts the subdivision, either positively or negatively, the supervisor writes it down. At the end of the judgment period, the rater uses these records along with other data to evaluate performance of the employee. Through this method, the assessment covers a longer time span, rather than the evaluation month or week. Work Standards Method The work standard is a method of performance evaluation method that compares each employee‘s performance as per the predetermined standard or expected level of output. Standards refer to the normal output of an average employee who is operating at a normal pace. Firms may apply work standards to jobs of different profile, but production jobs generally receive the most attention. However, in order know the objective of the standards; they should understand clearly how the standards were set. Management must also explain the rationale for any changes to the standards. 10 Essay Method The essay method of performance evaluation is the one in which the rater writes a brief description about the employee‘s performance. The extreme behavior of the employee at the workplace remain the key focus rather than on routine day-to-day performance. Ratings under this method are highly dependent on the evaluator‘s writing ability. Administrators with excellent writing skills can make a marginal employee sound like a top performer. Assessment under an essay evaluation might be difficult and tedious task as there are no common criteria. However, some managers believe that the essay method is not only the most simple but also a highly acceptable approach to employee evaluation. Ranking Method Under this method, the rater ranks all employees from a group in order to analyze overall performance. A difficulty occurs when all individuals have performed very competitively at comparable levels (as perceived by the evaluator). Paired assessment is a slight variation of the ranking method in which the performance of each employee is compared with others employee in the group. A single criterion, such as overall performance, often serves as the basis for this assessment. The highest rankers are the ones who have received highly positive responses. Forced Distribution Method The forced distribution method of performance evaluation is the one in which rater is required to assign individuals in a work group to a limited number of categories. The purpose of forced distribution is to prevent managers from being excessively lenient and having a disproportionate number of employees in the ―superior‖ category. Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale Method The behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS) method is a technique of performance evaluation that brings together the traditional rating scales and critical incident methods; a scale is shown with various performance levels, each described in terms of an employee‘s specific job behavior This modification of BARS from the traditional rating scale analyses each point on the scale and reduces rater bias and error by anchoring the rating. 11 Results-Based System Under the result based system, the objectives are jointly agreed by the appraiser and the apraisee for the next performance evaluation, in the past a form of management by objectives. At the end of the evaluation period, an evaluation critically focuses on how well the employee achieved his target. 1.3 Performance appraisal and motivation Motivation is the process that energizes employees and allows them to pursue their goals. Well-designed performance evaluations have strong motivational impacts. When employees have well directed goals, they tend to be more motivated if they also receive feedback about their progress. Feedback may occur throughout the workday, but many organizations also have a formal, companywide process of providing feedback to employees, called the performance evaluation. A performance evaluation is a process in which a rater or raters evaluate the performance of an employee. More specifically, during a performance evaluation period, rater(s) observe, interact with, and evaluate a person‘s performance. Then, when it is time for a performance evaluation, these observations are documented on a form. The rater usually conducts a meeting with the employee to communicate performance feedback. During the meeting, the employee is evaluated with respect to success in achieving last year‘s goals, and new goals are set for the next performance evaluation period. Even though performance evaluations can be quite effective in motivating employees and resolving performance problems, in reality, only a small number of organizations use the performance evaluation process to its full potential. In many companies, a performance evaluation takes the form of a bureaucratic activity that is mutually despised by employees and managers. The problems a poor evaluation process can create may be so severe that many experts, including the founder of the total quality movement, Edward Deming, have recommended abolishing evaluations altogether. Motivation is the process that energizes employees and propels them to pursue their goals. Well-designed and well-executed performance evaluations have a strong motivational impact. 12 Evaluations have the power to motivate employees because they provide a number of interconnected benefits: a) They demonstrate the need for improvement. If employees don‘t have a clear understanding of how they‘ve been performing, they can‘t be motivated to make any improvements. b) They meet higher-level psychological needs. Researchers continue to find that recognition is one of the most powerful forms of motivation for large numbers of employees. Although you can find numerous possible sources of recognition on the job, performance evaluations are an opportunity for employees to receive formal, significant, and enduring recognition from their manager. c) They build a sense of personal value. When managers take the time and effort to carefully review, analyze, document, and discuss performance with employees, the underlying message to the employees is that they‘re important and valuable, and this alone is quite rewarding, whether the feedback is positive or not. d) They improve personal development. Performance evaluations are motivational for employees who are looking to improve their personal learning, growth, and development. Evaluations are a highly valuable source of information, insights, and tools necessary for such progress. Performance evaluations are similarly motivational for employees whose needs are centered on achievement, goal attainment, and sensing personal effectiveness, respect, and trust. e) They turn employees around. When employees are performing poorly, performance evaluations can provide the wakeup call that they need to get refocused and reenergized. With performance evaluation, however, the purpose of the session is not strictly disciplinary, so the employee is more likely to walk in with a more receptive and open mind. As a result, your comments regarding an employee‘s questionable performance have an excellent chance of being heard and generating action as a result. f) They increase satisfaction. When performance evaluations meet the employees‘ needs in such areas as gaining recognition, sensing achievement and competence, experiencing growth, and meeting objectives, they‘re also contributing to the employees‘ job satisfaction, and this is one of the most important elements at work today. When employees are satisfied, some of the most visible indicators are reduced turnover, absenteeism, and tardiness. 13 On the flip side, when employees are subjected to a shoddy or even non-existent performance evaluation system, the opportunities to fulfil these higher-level employee needs are substantially reduced. 1.4 Multiple Appraisal Systems In Practice a) Confidential reports by boss (es) or superior(s). b) Evaluation by boss (es) or superior(s): not strictly confidential. c) Evaluation by superior(s) and self: but appraiser and appraisee do not consult or discuss. d) Evaluation by superior(s) and self (appraise) followed by a discussion between superior and appraise to arrive at a consensus on performance rating: open evaluation. e) Evaluation by boss(es), self and one or two internal customers. f) Evaluation as guided by MBO (Management by Objectives: result focus) by bosses, self and may be, by one or two internal customers. g) Evaluation considering results and attributes, both by superiors, self and may be, by one or two internal customers. h) Three sixty Degrees performance evaluation (by superiors, self, peers, direct reports, internal customers and external customers). i) Three sixty Degrees performance evaluation and leadership development (by superiors, self, peers, direct reports internal customers and external customers). j) 720 Degrees performance evaluation: evaluation of a manager/employee is done through detailed personal interviews with performance evaluators. It concentrates on what matters most to the organization. For example, the customers' or clients' views on employee's performance may be most important to the organization. 1.4.1 Summary guidelines for appraisals a) Evaluation standards are job related -- based on job analysis b) Standards are clearly communicated to employees in advance c) Standards are responsive to actual employee behaviour or effort d) Activities performed and results achieved are both appraised e) Acceptable vs. unacceptable results can clearly be discerned 14 f) Evaluation criteria are consistently applied g) Raters are able to consistently observe work performance h) Raters are trained in evaluation and how to feedback results i) Developmental feedback is separated from judgmental evaluation j) An appeal process exists to resolve (judgmental) rating dispute 1.5 Ongoing improvement of appraisal systems In human resources, 360-Degree feedback, also known as ‗multi-rater feedback‘, ‗multisource feedback‘, or ‗multi-source assessment focuses on improvement of evaluation and taking appropriate feedback from raters. The term 360 Degree represents a full circle of feedback from all angles. Other names are multi-source, multi-rater, full-circle, group performance review, 180 Degrees and, finally, the 720 Degrees. Some organizations apply 720-Degree approach which provides for two rounds of feedback (a pre- and post-test) or a feedback circle which is done again after nine to twelve months. The performance evaluation can be on an individual basis, a multi-rater process—either from an online assessment or through the structured interview process. Performance evaluations are done by companies to help to review the performance of the employees, their strengths, weaknesses and accomplishments during the year. Performance evaluation allows deciding the goals, objectives and the aspired performance standards for the employee for the upcoming year. There is no comprehensive formula for doing so. The overall rating is based upon a number of factors like the extent of goals achieved, the overall performance of the employee, his competencies etc. Instead of getting 360 Degree Feedback from people who work with the employee (colleague), the 720 Degree concept is about collecting feedback from people within and outside organization i.e friends, family, spouses, and children. In addition, timely reassessment of one's skills is widely regarded as an industry 'best practice', common among high-performing leaders. Comparing results over time is only effective if the instrumentation is psychometrically sound and accurate. 15 1.6 The 360 Degree Feedback System The 360 evaluation feedback method was first introduced in the 1940s. It is a system or process in which employees receive confidential, anonymous feedback from the people who work around them. Analogous to the multiple points on a compass, the 360 method provides each employee the opportunity to receive performance feedback from his or her supervisor, peers, staff members, co-employees and customers. Usually, this tool is used for employees at middle and senior level. The complexity of their roles enables the organization to generate sufficient data from all stakeholders for a meaningful assessment. Most organizations that focus on employee development use the 360-Degree tool to assess performance and potential of staff and enable the employees to map their career path based on the feedback. Organizations take 360-Degree feedback about an employee before taking a major decision about the professional's career. 1.6.1 Advantages of 360 Degree Feedback The 360 feedback system automatically tabulates the results and presents them in a format that helps the feedback recipient create a development plan. Individual responses are always combined by responses from other people in the same rater category (e.g. peer, direct report) in order to preserve anonymity and to give the employee a clear picture of his/her greatest overall strengths and weaknesses. When done properly, 360 Degree feedback is highly effective as a development tool. The feedback process gives people an opportunity to provide anonymous feedback to a coworker that they might otherwise be uncomfortable giving. Feedback recipients gain insight into how others perceive them and have an opportunity to regulate behaviors and develop skills that will enable them to excel at their jobs. 360 Degree feedback is the most comprehensive evaluation where the feedback about the employees‘ performance and is being used by 90% of Fortune 500 companies. 16 360 Degree evaluation has four essential components: • Self-evaluation • Superior‘s evaluation • Subordinate‘s evaluation • Peer evaluation. Self-evaluation is the best way to analyze one‘s strength and weakness, performance standards, areas of improvement; whereas the superior‘s evaluation form is the traditional part of the 360 Degree feedback method where the hand‘s performance is evaluated by the superior. Subordinates evaluation gives a chance to judge the employee on the parameters like communication and motivating abilities, superior‘s ability to delegate the work, leadership qualities etc. Also known as internal customers, the correct feedback given by peers can help to find employees‘ abilities to work in a team, co-operation and sensitivity towards others. The primary reason to use this full circle of private reviews is to provide the employee with information about his/her performance from multiple perspectives. From this feedback, the goals for self-development are determined which will advance their career and benefit the organization. Under ideal circumstances, 360-Degree feedback is used as an assessment for personal development rather than evaluation. Criticisms are seen as opportunities for improvement. Reaction tool includes area for comments. This method has got high employee involvement and also has the strongest impact on behavior and performance. It provides a "360-Degree review" of the employees‘ performance and is considered to be one of the most credible performance evaluation methods. To comprehend with the strengths of using 360 Degree feedback: a) Comprehensive approach to performance of employees b) Improve credibility of a performance evaluation system. c) Feedback from colleagues to strengthen self-development. d) More responsibilities of employees towards their customers. 17 e) Persuasive feedback from staff. f) Motivation of people who under value themselves. g) Honest organizational culture h) Improved Feedback from variety of sources i) Team development. j) Personal and Organizational development k) Responsibility for career development l) Reduced discrimination risk m) Reduces manager bias 1.6.2 Disadvantages of 360 Degree Feedback It is difficult to properly structure a 360 feedback process that creates an atmosphere of trust when you use 360 evaluations to measure performance.360 Degree feedback focuses on behaviors and competencies more than on basic skills, job requirements, and performance objectives. Feedback tied to merit pay or promotions. Comments traced to individuals causing resentment between employees. 360 Degree feedbacks that get driven by HR without much attention from the boss are not effective. Whatever the boss gives importance to gets the attention of his/her reports. The boss has to be a believer that this stuff helps the team. People offer comments that are personal in nature rather than constructive.360 Degree feedback data is only helpful to the extent that it gets acted upon and used. One of the major drawbacks is that the evaluating process will be too much focused on weakness of the employee. Forgetting the strengths and only focusing on weaknesses demotivates employees. The entire process depends solely on the Rater. If the Rater is inexperienced and ineffective the process becomes invalid. Paperwork/Computer data entry overload also acts as a disadvantage. Businesses willing to implement this comprehensive method of assessment should be willing to spend the time and effort necessary to train each anonymous evaluator in the process as 18 well as correct and incorrect ways to interpret questions. Failure to properly train feedback providers will most likely result in inaccurate results or a total failure of the process to produce relevant information. The system will fail if it is an add-on rather than a supporter of your organization‘s fundamental direction and requirements. It must function as a measure of your accomplishment of your organization‘s big and long term picture. 1.6.3 Attributes of a Sound 360 Degree Survey a) Expert authorship, with factor analyzed competencies, thus, ensuring measurement acuity. b) Role-specific dimensions and questions. c) Parallel validity over third party research. d) Research indicating which competencies drive success in each role. e) A reliable and valid theory of leadership development called the Task Cycle f) Support material and resources, such as feedback workshops, online development tools, and coaching to help exploit ROI. 720 Degree assessment is a new concept which is a modification to the above. It is multiperiod assessment. Figure 1.1- 360 Degree feedback system Source: 19 1.7 Concept of 720 Degree Performance Appraisal 720 Degree assessment is a system in which employees receive anonymous and confidential feedback from the people who are directly or indirectly associated to them. Feedback is collected from the family, friends, peer, manager and other direct reports. The system leads to a platform that gives the better sympathetic of the strength and weakness of the employee and the scope for his further improvement. To use the 720 system, the following points must be followeda) The evaluation framework ought to be 360 Degrees. b) The appraisal ought to be done twice or all the more amid a year. c) The distinctive evaluations ought to be organized and thought about for a given period. d) The preferred standpoint of the framework is that it is more advancement centred than execution alone, and supplements preparing and improvement works better. Basic review model of 720 Degree performance appraisal: Figure 1.2- 720 Degree review model Source: 20 1.7.1 720 Degree Performance Appraisal and Organizational Benefits Consider an "inside and out" examination, the 720-Degree Performance Appraisal gives a representative feedback from more than one individual. This evaluation gives the employee a ton of feedback, for the most part from somewhere in the range of five to eight individuals, to give the representative an inside and out appraisal of his or her at work execution. The 720-Degree Performance Appraisal is like the 360-Degree Performance Appraisal. The distinction is that the more elevated amount additionally incorporates feedback from the client. Clients are included all the while. With client required all the while, the employee gets a decent sign in the matter of how he/she is carrying on to the outside world-i.e., clients. This can help a representative enhance client benefit aptitudes. 720 Degree feedback is performed after the 360 Degree input. We as a whole know the 360 Degree input technique and it is a broadly utilized strategy in large portions of the organizations over the world. 720 Degree evaluation is about doing the 360 Degree input twice in such a way that it enhances the execution of a representative in all measurements. In the main portion of the 720 Degree feedback i.e. 360 Degree feedback, the employee gets the input from associates, subordinates, bosses and customers, if the representative is seen of poor execution then the employee is taken to the instructing, tutoring, preparing and so on. The prepared employee will be put forth a strong effort. After the finishing of time, again 360 Degree feedback will be taken. This is called 720 Degree Appraisal strategy. This strategy accomplishes the objectives set for the representatives. This strategy offers contributions to progression arranging process. Indian organizations are as yet delaying in executing the 360 Degree input except very few. This can be utilized as apparatus for advancement for the senior chiefs, as opposed to considering it as the execution assessment devices for representatives. Power and political issues will exist in Organization. Typically individuals (subordinates) not open their mouth about bosses. Significantly beat down correspondence exists in association. Since 720-Degree Performance Appraisal are led anonymously, those included, speak the truth about a man's execution. The threat here, obviously, is that the individual giving the examination could be extremely critical but, for the most part, there is less fear of retaliation for proving straightforward feedback to help the employee improve. Honest feedback can help the employee better understand his/her strengths and motivate him/her toward improvement. 21 Legitimate input can help the employee better comprehend his/her qualities and propel him/her toward change. Gives more of a holistic view- Since the 720-Degree Performance Appraisal is directed by more than one individual, it gives an inside and out perspective of a employee's execution, as opposed to depending on the assessment, or investigation, of only one individual. Thus, the method turns into a procedure that is more intelligent of the employee's general execution, as opposed to in light of a solitary measurement of criticism. Also, the multi-rater nature of the 720-Degree Performance Appraisal can appraise both employee and supervisor of something about the employee they both might have missed. Saves managers time-and stress- Since more individuals are included all the while, this strategy spares a manager's time that he/she may some way or another have devoted toward a standard execution examination. It likewise spares the manager some stress. It can be a troublesome thing to "assess" a employee, particularly if just a single side of the representative is seen. The multi-rater strategy takes a lot of that obligation off the manager's shoulders. Rather, the manager is the course between the appraisers and the representative. Once the input has been perused and assessed, the manager can then spend his/her time helping the representative create objectives and destinations for development. Emphasize teamwork-This specific sort of execution evaluation makes considered an "all round" examination, the 720-Degree Performance Appraisal gives a employee more than feedback from one individual. This evaluation gives the representative a great deal of input, by and large from somewhere in the range of five to eight individuals, to furnish the employee with an inside and out appraisal of his or her at work execution. The 720-Degree Performance Appraisal is similar to the 360-Degree Performance Appraisal. The difference is that the higher level also includes feedback from the customer. a) For a 90-Degree appraisal information is gathered from just the initiative group of the unit being evaluated. This technique is fast yet frequently beguiling, as the leaders self-reports might be one-sided. 22 b) For a 360-Degree appraisal, information is gathered from various sources inside the organization. Distinctive gatherings may recount altogether different stories, and can give bits of knowledge that may otherwise be missed. c) For a 720-Degree appraisal, data is gathered not just from inside the organization be that as it may, from outside gatherings. Outside assessors may incorporate financial specialists, clients, or providers. These gatherings are vital in light of the fact that it is in their eyes that the association's intangible value matters most. 1.7.2 The Need of 720Degree Performance Appraisals for Today’s Business World As Organizations evolve and new techniques make work complicated it also becomes necessary to have a complex and integrated appraisal system. As organization grows and become diverse the expectation from each employee becomes high in turn, the employee‘s expectation from the employer also increases. The main need of 720-Degree performance appraisal is the improvement of the performance of the people in their jobs and to ensure that the expectations of the employer, employee and the customers are met. The main need of 720-Degree performance appraisal can be summarized as follows: a. 720-Degree execution appraisal technique is more advancement centered than execution alone, and supplements training and development in a better way. b. Give data about the execution positions. Help with taking choices in regards to salary fixation, confirmation, promotion, transfer and demotion. c. Provide timely feedback about the performance, set targets and monitor the performance based on the targets set. d. Checks the adequacy of work force systems and practice i.e. validation. e. It is expected to guarantee that employees achieve authoritative norms and targets. f. To find the work potential and to comprehend the ranges where training is required to control the representatives to perform out their best. g. To understand the expectations of the employees and prevent grievances and indisciplinary activities. h. Provide information to diagnose deficiency in the employee regarding skill, knowledge, determine training, and prescribe the means for employee growth and information for correcting placement. 23 i. Set realistic target, monitor the performance and provide timely feedback to ensure that the performance is enhanced. j. These critical competencies are essential to assist the executives and managers to be able to lead these organizations toward successful implementation of strategic changes. 1.7.3 Dimensions of 720-Degree Performance Appraisal All the present IT associations go for accomplishing higher rate of representative fulfillment and straightforwardness in the workplace. So as to accomplish the above objectives, 720 Degree execution appraisal would be an indispensable instrument as it is utilized to assess the execution of a representative from various measurements and defeats the obstructions of inclination, partiality and separation. The execution is assessed from 5 measurements and input or the appraisal meeting is led twice (pre and post feedback) to guarantee the proficient execution of the employee. Counting the pre and the post feedback, that assumes an imperative part, the 720 Degree execution appraisal has 7 stages. Pre feedback Post feedback Figure 1.3- Dimensions of 720 Degree appraisal system Source: a) Pre appraisal feedback This is the principal appraisal step that is done after the input is gathered from the diverse measurements or individuals with whom the representative would associate. In this progression, the execution is assessed, targets are set and training is sorted out to help the employee accomplish the objective. 24 b) Self-appraisal The representative is given a survey and made a request to assess his execution and through this strategy, the employee gets a chance to express his thoughts and his valuation of qualities, shortcoming and judge his performance. c) Peers/colleagues appraisal The feedback from the associates or partners is vital as it comprehends the capacity of the employee to function as a group, co-work, co-ordinate with others and draw out the best. d) Customer appraisal Keeping in mind the end goal to get by in the current focused market, associations go for accomplishing high consumer loyalty. Client feedback breaks down the client perspective and help to enhance the individual and the association. e) Sub-ordinates appraisal The feedback of the sub-ordinates is basic to dissect the sorting out aptitudes of the representative and to comprehend his capacities like communication and motivating abilities, ability to delegate the work, leadership qualities and way of handling responsibilities. f) Mangers/superiors appraisal In this, the execution, duties and the disposition of the representative is assessed by the bosses or supervisors. g) Post appraisal feedback It is this progression that makes the 720-Degree execution appraisal diverse and superior to the 360-Degree execution appraisal strategy. In this progression, the execution is assessed in view of the objective set in the pre appraisal and input is given. Opportune input and direction makes the employee enhance his execution. 25 1.7.4 Benefits of 720-Degree Performance Appraisal 720 Degree execution appraisal will help in making a synergetic workplace and will draw out the best of every representative. Alternate advantages of the 720 Degree execution appraisal are as per the following: a) It helps in better examination and enhanced input from various measurements b) Builds up a superior and co-operative team c) Diminishes the appraisal boundaries like partiality, bias and discrimination d) Client feedback is esteemed to improve client administration and fulfillment can be acquired e) Encourages transparency and feeling of being treated justly. 1.7.5 Effects of 720 Degree Review a) Performance goals are aligned with customer‘s true expectations. b) Client's inside evaluators, merchants and official being assessed are coached on the reason, prepare and required results before starting. c) For a 720 Degree assessment, collect information not only from inside the company but from outside groups. External assessors might include investors, customers or suppliers. These groups are important because it is in their eyes that the organization‘s intangible value matters most. 1.7.6 Importance of 720 Degree Performance Appraisal a) 720 Degree evaluation framework gives other options to the conventional examination framework. b) It is valuable in learning associations. c) It includes the utilization of more than one evaluator, which in turns imply that the diverse components of the appraisal system, which depends on a unitary arrangement of assessment. d) The 720 Degree examination system is more dependable, engaged and predictable. 26 e) They are equipped for reassessment which is the opposite of what occurs with the conventional framework. f) The 720 Degree guarantees confidentiality, unlike the traditional appraisal system. 1.7.7 Advantages of 720 Degree Performance Appraisal a) Enhanced feedback from more sources. b) Team improvement. c) Personal and hierarchical execution advancement. d) Training needs evaluation. e) Improve client administrations. 1.7.8 Disadvantages of 720 Degree performance appraisal a) A substantial number of the appraisers consider that 720 Degree performance appraisal method is a tedious procedure. b) Appraisers consider that the fiscal prerequisite is higher for 720 Degree performance appraisal method as examination/feedback must be done twice. c) Appraisers consider that there may be quality issue as all the 7 measurements of evaluation in 720 Degree execution examination technique might not be accurate. d) Failure to associate the procedure. e) Focus on negative and weakness. 1.7.9 Similarities between the 360Degreeand 720Degree appraisal systems a) Both the 360 Degree appraisal system and the 720 Degree appraisal system provides alternatives to the traditional appraisal system. b) They are both useful in Learning Organization. c) They both involve the use of more than one evaluator, which in turns means that the different components of the appraisal system are handled by different people unlike the traditional appraisal system, which is based on a unitary system of evaluation. d) The 360 Degree and 720 Degree appraisal mechanisms are more reliable, focused and consistent. 27 e) They are capable of re-assessment which is the opposite of what happens with the traditional system. f) They both guarantee confidentiality, unlike the traditional appraisal system. 1.7.10 Differences between the 360Degreeand 720Degree appraisal systems a) The 720 Degree appraisal system is more focused on the customer‘s feedback on specific position in the organization such as directors, managers and other higher or mid-level managers and is therefore reliant on the Voice of the external customers while the 360 Degree appraisal system is focused on the internal customer‘s feedback on employee performance. b) The 720 Degree appraisal system is more focused on Management/ Higher level employees while the 360 Degree appraisal system is general. c) The 360 Degree has a Single evaluation cycle while the 720 Degree has dual evaluation cycles. 1.7.11 Impact of 360Degree review From Employee’s Perspective a) Employees Job Satisfaction b) Encouragement c) Reduce Their Intent To Leave From leader’s perspective a) Take advantage of under-utilized personnel strengths to increase productivity b) Avoid the trap of counting on skills that may be weak in the organization c) Apply human assets data to the valuation of the organization d) Make succession planning more accurate e) Design more efficient coaching and training initiatives f) Support the organization in marketing the skills of its Members 28 1.7.12 720o performance evaluations The 720 Degree review starts with a review of the leader‘s contributions to the business, competencies and other factors. Next, major customers are identified and their representatives asked to be part of the review. After program training, the 720 Degree service provider, an objective third party, interviews the customer to determine the quality of the relationship with the executive. All internal and external input is compiled, analyzed and presented to the executive. The executive, with support from the 720 Degree service provider, develops measurable goals and a detailed action plan to make changes. 1.7.13 Pitfalls in performance appraisals in practice Performance appraisal is constantly under a barrage of criticism. The rating scales method seems to be the most vulnerable target. Yet, in all fairness, many of the problems commonly mentioned are not inherent in this method but, rather, reflect improper implementation. The following section highlights some of the more common problem areas. a) Appraiser Discomfort Conducting performance appraisals is regularly a baffling human asset administration assignment. It has been noticed the performance appraisal systems neither motivate individuals nor adequately manage their improvement. Rather, they make strife amongst chiefs and subordinates and prompt broken practices. b) Lack of Objectivity A potential shortcoming of traditional performance appraisal methods is that they need objectivity. In the rating scales strategy, for instance, usually utilized variables, for example, state of mind, appearance, and identity are hard to gauge. Furthermore, these variables may have little to make with a employee's showing with regards to execution. Despite the fact that subjectivity will dependably exist in appraisal strategies, employee evaluation construct essentially in light of individual attributes may put the evaluator and the organization in untenable positions with the representative and equivalent business opportunity rules. The firm might be unable to demonstrate that these variables are occupation related. 29 c) Halo/Horn A halo error happens when an administrator sums one up positive performance highlight or occurrence to all parts of employee performance, bringing about a higher rating. The horn blunder is the one that happens when a chief sums one up negative performance highlight or occurrence to all parts of representative performance, bringing about a lower rating. d) Leniency/Strictness A few directors are excessively liberal with acclaim or too hard on a man. Giving undeserved high appraisals to a representative is alluded to as mercy. This conduct is regularly roused by a yearning to maintain a strategic distance from discussion over the evaluation. It is most pervasive when profoundly subjective (and hard to shield) performance criteria are utilized, and the rater is required to talk about assessment comes about with representatives. At the point when directors know they are assessing employees for authoritative purposes, for example, pay builds, they are probably going to be more merciful than while assessing performance to accomplish representative improvement. e) Central Tendency Central tendency error is an assessment examination blunder that happens when employees are erroneously appraised close to the normal or center of a scale. This practice might be empowered by some appraising scale frameworks that require the evaluator to legitimize in composing to great Degree high or low appraisals. With such a framework, the rater may stay away from conceivable debate or feedback by giving just normal appraisals. Nonetheless, since these appraisals tend to group in the completely palatable range, employees don't frequently complain. f) Recent Behaviour Bias For all intents and purposes each representative knows accurately when a performance survey is booked. In spite of the fact that his or her activities may not be cognizant, a employee's conduct frequently enhances and profitability tends to rise a few days or weeks before the planned assessment. It is normal for a rater to recall late conduct more obviously than activities from the more removed past. Notwithstanding, 30 formal performance evaluations for the most part cover a predefined time, and an individual's performance over the whole time frame ought to be considered. g) Personal Bias (Stereotyping) This entanglement happens when supervisors enable individual contrasts to influence the appraisals they give. On the off chance that these are components to maintain a strategic distance from, for example, sex, race, or age, not exclusively is this issue hindering to representative confidence, yet it is obtrusively unlawful and can bring about exorbitant suit. The impacts of social inclination, or stereotyping, can impact evaluations. Supervisors build up mental pictures of what are viewed as perfect regular specialists, and representatives who don't coordinate this photo might be unjustifiably judged. h) Manipulating the Evaluation In a few occurrences, managers control basically every part of the evaluation procedure and are subsequently in a position to control the framework. For instance, an administrator might need to give an increase in salary to a specific representative or the boss may simply "support" one specialist more than another. Keeping in mind the end goal to legitimize this activity, the manager may give the representative an undeserved superior assessment and maybe a less supported, yet beneficial, employee a lower rating. On the off chance that the association can't sufficiently bolster the assessment, it might endure huge financial loss. 31