Andrea Francesco Morabito, Loreto Di Donato, and Tommaso Isernia I n this article, we propose a method based on the aperture antennas theory to understand the limitations of orbital angular momentum (OAM) antennas in far-field links. Additional insight is also given by analyzing the properties of the operators relating source and farfield distributions for a given order of the vortex and emphasizing additional drawbacks. The degrees-of-freedom (DoF) of the fields associated with the different orders of the vortices are also discussed. LOOKING FOR INCREASED CAPACITY IN ANTENNA LINKS Among novel techniques developed for utilizing the radio spectrum with maximum efficiency, great attention has recently been devoted to OAM antennas [1]–[20]. Such systems have, in some cases, been proposed as a means to improve, almost indefinitely, the channel capacity in a link among two antennas [2]. The idea is to observe that an antenna could simultaneously generate different fields. Each field is associated with a different amount of orbital momentum, i.e., to a different angular variation of the phase around the target direction (e.g., e jz, e 2jz, with z denoting the azimuth angle in the observation domain). By associating different image licensed by ingram publishing Orbital Angular Momentum Antennas Understanding actual possibilities through the aperture antennas theory. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MAP.2018.2796445 Date of publication: 21 February 2018 IEEE Antennas & Propagation Magazine a p r il 2 0 1 8 1045-9243/18©2018IEEE 59 information with each of these patterns, it is possible to realize an OAM multiplexing [17] and eventually enlarge at will the channel capacity [2]. It is synonymous with different modes of a channel, where the modes are associated with a free-space link rather than a guiding structure. Much interest has been devoted to this topic, including spectacular public demonstrations for the media [2] as well as contributions to top scientific journals [3]–[6]. Since then, doubts [7] and objections [8], [10] have surfaced, emphasizing expected limitations. In an attempt to contribute to this debate, we propose a simple, yet instructive point of view on the subject. In particular, we focus on the possibility of getting a multiplication of channels [2] in the far-field zone, which is the usual framework for antenna links. In this respect, we focus on aperture antennas. This assumption does not impair the general validity of discussions presented in this article; in fact, any antenna can be regarded as an aperture antenna with the proper choice of an aperture plane [21]. Also, the arguments presented later in this article could be rephrased in terms of multipole expansions as well as in terms of the appropriate radiation integrals. Additional insight is offered by an analysis of the operators relating source and field behaviors for a given order of the vortex. The outcomes confirm limitations indicated in [7] and [8] and emphasize further drawbacks of the proposed multiplexing scheme. UNDERSTANDING LIMITATIONS THROUGH HANKEL TRANSFORMS x ρ′ a1 y z θ1 a2 R FIGURE 1. A simple communication link wherein the receiving aperture antenna (on the right) is located in the broadside direction of the transmitting aperture antenna (on the left). 60 f ^ tl , zlh = 3 / , =-3 f, ^ tlh e j,zl, (1) where f, ^ tlh = 1 2r 2r f ^ tl , zlh e -j,zl dzl.(2) # 0 If kl and z denote the radial and azimuth coordinates in the spectral domain, respectively, then the Fourier transform of the source (1) can be written as [25] 2r F ^ kl , zh = 1 2r 3 # # 0 0 f ^ tl , zlh e -jkltlcos^zl -zh tl dtl dzl , (3) which can be expanded in a multipole series as follows: F ^ kl , zh = 3 / , =-3 F, ^ klh e j,z, (4) where F, ^ klh = 1 2r 2r # 0 F ^ kl , zh e -j,z dz. (5) Finally, by substituting (1) into (3) and then using (4), one achieves [25] As the far field of an aperture antenna is proportional (with the exception of an element factor) to the Fourier transform of the aperture field [21], a very convenient mathematical setting is suggested in [22] and [23]. The latter is based on the exploitation of Hankel transforms, whose properties are extensively analyzed and discussed in [24] and [25]. Hankel transforms have been used [12] to understand some of OAM antennas’ limitations. However, the following analysis is completely different and provides a number of novelties with respect to [12]. These latter are based, in fact, either on the kernel of the involved operators (in the “A Few Straightforward Consequences” section) or on a singular value decomposition (SVD) (in the “Further Tools and Analysis” section). With respect to our specific problem, Hankel transforms can be exploited as follows. Let f ^ tl , zlh denote the component of φ′ interest of the aperture field, with tl and zl , respectively, being the radial and angular variables spanning the aperture, which is supposed to be circular and located in the xy plane (Figure 1). By virtue of [25], f ^ tl , zlh can be expanded in a multipole series as F, ^ klh = 3 # 0 f, ^ tlh J , ^ kl tlh tl dtl = G , " f, ^ tlh,, (6) where J , is the ,th-order Bessel function of first kind and expression (6) is the Hankel transform [24] of order , of the function f, ^ tlh . The visible part of the spectrum, i.e., kl # b (b = 2r/m denotes the wavenumber, and m represents the wavelength), determines the actual far-field behavior. In particular, by denoting i as the elevat ion angle with respect to the boresight and adopting the usual correspondence with the spectral variables, u = b sin i cos z and v = b sin i sin z, the following is true: kl = u 2 + v 2 = b sin i.(7) Equations (1)–(7) imply a number of simple, yet interesting consequences: 1) An angular variation of order , of the source in terms of the zl variable corresponds to an angular variation of order , of the far field in terms of the z variable. Hence, a natural diagonalization of the relationship between the aperture field and the corresponding spectrum occurs. 2) For any fixed order , of angular variation, the function f, ^ tlh univocally determines the corresponding function F, ^ klh, and vice versa. Both the forward and backward relations are ruled by a Hankel transform of order ,. 3) The Hankel-transform relationships (6) determine (but for a slowly varying factor) the far-field power pattern april 2018 IEEE Antennas & Propagation Magazine associated to each source component f, ^ tlh e j,zl . This last point can also be considered in the reverse fashion, i.e., once a desired power pattern is specified in terms of i and z and some reasonable prolongation is used for the invisible part of the spectrum [26], relations unequivocally define the corresponding source. In particular, if a given angular variation of the kind e j,z is desired in conjunction with a given elevation behavior specified by some F, ^ b sin i h function, then the inverse Hankel transform will allow for the determination of the corresponding source. In fact, after prolonging the F, ^ klh function in the invisible part of the spectrum, by using the inverse Hankel transform [25], the sought source will be given (except for the implicit angular variation) by the radius of the receiving antenna and the elevation angle corresponding to its borders (Figure 1): Authors quantitatively analyzed the OAM antennas’ performances by applying the SVD tool to the relevant operators. f, ^ tlh = H ,-1 " F, ^ klh, = 3 # 0 F, ^ klh J , ^ kl tlh kl dkl .(8) A FEW STRAIGHTFORWARD CONSEQUENCES With the goal of gaining some preliminary understanding, we examine the forward (6) and backward (8) relationships. In particular, we look at what is going to happen with increased values of , and limited sizes of the source. As a crucial but often overlooked circumstance, 6, ! 0 Bessel functions J , present a , th order zero in the origin [27]. Moreover, the J , function is the unique term of (6) depending on kl. Then, whatever the source at hand, 6, ! 0 the corresponding spectrum (and, hence, the far field) will have a hole (or, better, a null) in the boresight direction while still being different from zero elsewhere. Notably, because of the properties of Bessel functions [see (10)], such a hole will have increased size and depth with , . Under these circumstances, and assuming that a receiver positioned at the broadside direction (Figure 1) is able to detect and understand the weaker and weaker signal associated with the ,th-order vortex, a significant price is paid. In fact, the majority of the power radiated by the transmitting antenna is spread out of the broadside direction, with two related consequences. First, the field level is largely useless in a number of spatial directions, potentially violating radiation limits. Second, spectral resources are wasted. In fact, a number of potential channels based on space reuse (through multibeam antennas) are occupied by the toroidal power patterns associated with the vortices. Therefore, unless the receiving antenna is large enough to intercept the power maxima, there will be a waste of both power and potential space-diversity-based channels, as well as an unjustified electromagnetic pollution. As a further drawback, 6, ! 0 the received signal will undergo a very rapid decrease with the distance. In fact, if R denotes the link distance while a 2 and i 1, respectively, denote IEEE Antennas & Propagation Magazine april 2018 sin i 1 = a2 .(9a) R 2 + a 22 Then, if R & a 2 (which is verified in the far-field region), it is sin i 1 . ^a 2 /R h % 1, (9b) as a consequence; in the overall cone 0 # i # i 1, using 9.1.7 of [27], it is tl b sin i , m 6,: 0 1 tl b sin i % , + 1 , J , ^ tl b sin i h . 1 c 2 , ! (10) so that the borders of the antenna correspond to the maximal power density that can be intercepted. Notably, (9b) and (10) also state that, in the overall cone 0 # i # i 1, the usual ^1/R h2 power attenuation will be complemented by a ^1/R h2 , factor for the ,th-order vortex field. Such a characteristic of ,th-order vortices has been previously recognized and emphasized (on the basis of a completely different argument) in [8] and previously mentioned in [28]. FURTHER TOOLS AND ANALYSIS Additional insights into the analysis carried out in the “A Few Straightforward Consequences” section can be achieved by exploiting the SVD [29] of the relevant operators (6) (as truncated over a finite circular domain). SVD has been already used in the study of OAM antennas in [7], wherein the authors quantitatively analyzed the OAM antennas’ performances by applying the SVD tool to the relevant operators. Herein, the use of SVD is completely different. In fact, we analyze the behavior of finite-dimensional sources by performing the SVD of the ,th-order relevant operators (6). By so doing, we will be able to define which kinds of far field can be realized by exploiting given angularly varying aperture fields, as well as how much energy is needed for generating angularly varying far fields having a given , value while possibly guaranteeing given performances in the broadside direction. To apply the SVD to (6), it is convenient to rewrite the latter in the case of a generic source defined over a circular aperture of limited radius a and to provide some renormalizations of the aperture disk and of the visible region. By so doing, the following result (apart from inessential constants) is achieved: F, ^ k h = 1 # 0 f, ^ t h J , ^ bakt h tdt, (11) with t = tl/a and k = kl /b (so that both the normalized variables p and k belong to the interval [0, 1]). Equation (11) leads to the following formulation in terms of the operator A ,: 61 F, = A , f,, (12a) where A , : f, ! L 2 ^0, 1 h " A , f, ! L 2 ^0, 1 h.(12b) Let us now denote by " v ,, n, v ,, n, u ,, n , the SVD of A ,, i.e., the functions and scalars, such that A , v ,, n = v ,, n u ,, n A+ , u ,, n = v ,, n v ,, n, (13) wherein A , + is the adjoint of A , while v ,, n, v ,, n, and u ,, n, respectively, denote the nth singular value, right-hand singular function, and left-hand singular function associated to the , th OAM mode. For any fixed size of the source, the SVD (13) can be computed by applying the theory and formulas given in “The Singular Values of Ar , ” and “Managing Singularities of the Singular Functions,” wherein connections with the generalized prolate spheroidal wave functions discussed in [22] and [23] are also given. The singular functions are orthonormal in the spaces of sources (i.e., t # 1) and far fields (i.e., k # 1), respectively, so that 1 # 0 v ,, n ^ t h v ),, p ^ t h tdt = 1 # 0 u ,, n ^ k h u ,), p ^ k h kdk = d n, p 6,,(14) wherein d denotes the Kronecker delta function and ) means complex conjugation. Hence, they can act as a basis in the respective domain. They also allow a diagonalization of the relationship between sources and corresponding far fields. The aperture field and the visible spectrum are then expressed as f, ^ t h = F, ^ k h = / a ,,n v ,,n ^th,(15a) 3 n =1 3 / b ,,n u ,,n ^kh,(15b) n =1 The Singular Values of Ar , Here we aim to derive the expressions of the singular functions and the singular values of the operator A , . To diagonalize A , in a simple and efficient fashion, it is convenient (see [22] and [23]) to introduce the auxiliary operator Ar , , defined by 1 Ar , f, = # 0 and then using ur ,, n , (S3a) k vr ,, n v ,, n = , (S3b) u ,, n = t f, ^ t h J , ^ bakt h bakt dt, (S1a) v ,, n vr ,, n = . (S3c) ba with Ar , : f, ! L 2 ^0,1h " Ar , f, ! L 2 ^0,1h . (S1b) In fact, it will be 1 This operator is equal to the one extensively studied in [22] through an eigenvalue decomposition (wherein the eigenfunctions represent the generalized prolate spheroidal wave functions). Two crucial properties of Ar , are as follows. 1) As it is a compact A , v ,, n = self-adjoint operator, its eigenvalues are real [37], and 2) as it is a normal operator, its singular values are equal to the amplitude of its eigenvalues [38]. Therefore, the singular values of Ar , results are equal (except for a change of sign for negative values of the eigenvalues) to its eigenvalues, which have been analytically derived in [22]. Conversely, it is very difficult to extract from [22] the properties of interest herein, so it makes sense to provide an alternative easier approach. In this respect, for any fixed size of the source, the singular values and singular functions of A , can be computed through numerical discretization by first computing the singular value decomposition (SVD) of Ar , , i.e., the functions and scalars vr ,, n, vr ,, n, and ur ,, n, such that = Ar , vr ,, n = vr ,, n ur ,, n rA ,+ ur ,, n = vr ,, n vr ,, n, 62 (S2) # 0 = J , ^ bakt h 1 bak 1 bak 1 # 0 vr ,, n t tdt J , ^ bakt h bakt vr ,, n dt = vr ,, n ur ,, n = v ,, n ur ,, n = v ,, n u ,, n . k 1 bak Ar , vr ,, n (S4) In summation, to understand the typical behavior of singular values and singular functions of the different A , operators, the following steps are necessary: ■■ step 1: the SVD of the auxiliary Ar , operators ■■ step 2: some robust and accurate implementation of (S3a) and (S3b). Step 1 does not require any particular care (except for a sufficiently large number of discretization points). Step 2 requires instead some trick to avoid the difficulties related to the presence of singularities at the denominator. Such a problem can, however be circumvented by using the simple method described in “Managing Singularities of the Singular Functions.” april 2018 IEEE Antennas & Propagation Magazine where a suitable truncation of expansions, which affects the rate of variation of the aperture field along the radial coordinate, will be used in actual instances. In particular (see the “The Forward Problem: Singular Values and Singular Functions of the Different Radiation Operators A ,” section), truncation will be needed to regularize the inversion procedure from the desired far field to the aperture field to circumvent superdirectivity problems [30]–[32]. Because of the theory in “The Singular Values of Ar ,,” section, the b ,,n coefficients are simply related to the a ,,n coefficients as follows: Values and Singular Functions of the Different Radiation Operators A ,, ” we show and comment on the singular values and singular functions associated with OAM sources generating different OAM modes, while, in the “Synthesis of the Aperture Field Required to Generate a Vortex Field Having a Given Intensity at the Receiver” section, we present the results achieved by solving the synthesis problem mentioned at the end of the “Further Tools and Analysis” section for different values of ,, a 1 = a 2, and R. In all cases, at least 60 points per wavelength have been used in both the spatial and spectral domains to discretize the radiation operators and computing the corresponding singular values and singular functions. As fast oscillations imply a large content in the invisible part of the spectrum and a very high Q -factor accordingly, such a source would also have a very narrow band. b ,, n = v ,, n a ,, n .(15c) The singular values can be thought of as scalar (gain) factors by which each source is multiplied to give the corresponding far field. Notably, (15a)–(15c) provides two different (related) ways for understanding some important OAM antennas’ limitations. First, the behavior of the singular values and singular functions associated with a given source size and different vortex orders is observed. Second, an ad hoc synthesis problem can be solved with reference to the simple communication link depicted in Figure 1, wherein a receiving aperture antenna (see the “Understanding Limitations Through Hankel Transforms” section for the definition of the parameters a 2, R, and i 1) is located in front of a transmitting OAM antenna having a radius equal to a 1 . In particular, we are interested in understanding how much power is required on the aperture for getting an equal power at the receiving points (for identical collecting areas). Although contributions relying on Hankel transform already exist, e.g., [12], it is indeed the first time that diagonalization (15a) and (15b) is utilized to investigate the OAM antennas’ actual potentialities. ANALYSIS AND SYNTHESIS OF OAM ANTENNAS By utilizing the previously mentioned tools, we examine the typical outcomes experienced in the analysis and synthesis of OAM antennas. In the section “The Forward Problem: Singular THE FORWARD PROBLEM: SINGULAR VALUES AND SINGULAR FUNCTIONS OF THE DIFFERENT RADIATION OPERATORS A , We computed the singular values and the singular functions of the operator A , for different values of , and for different sizes of the aperture. Due to the properties of the relevant operators, the left singular functions (corresponding to the sources) and the right singular functions (corresponding to the radiated far fields) behave similarly. As a typical behavior, the singular values corresponding to the cases a 1 = 4m and a 1 = 10m are shown for , = 0, 1, 3, 5, and 7 in Figure 2(a) and (b), respectively. In agreement with the theory in [33] and [34], for any fixed value of ,, the singular values exhibit a step-like behavior, with an exponential decay after a given value of the index n (e.g., N ,). Then, if , and n are such that n 2 N ,, realization of the field u ,,n implies, due to (15c), a very strong increase of the coefficient a ,,n (and, hence, of the energy of the corresponding source). Moreover, whenever n 2 N ,, the corresponding source is extremely fast oscillating, thus leading to a high-energy, fast-oscillating (and, hence, difficult to be realized) source behavior. As fast oscillations imply a large content in the invisible part of the spectrum and a very high Q-factor [31] accordingly, such a source would also have a very narrow band. MANAGING SINGULARITIES OF THE SINGULAR FUNCTIONS Here we describe a simple method to avoid the difficulties related to the presence of singularities at the denominator of (S3a) and (S3b). The divisions required by (S3a) and (S3b) can be numerically performed in an accurate and reliable fashion by means of the following three-step procedure. ■■ Step 1: Multiply the functions u r and vr by k 1/2 and p 1/2, respectively. IEEE Antennas & Propagation Magazine april 2018 Step 2: Perform a polynomial fitting of the functions derived from step 1. ■■ Step 3: Erase the constant term of the polynomial coming out from step 2, and lower by one the order of all of the other terms. In fact, since the functions coming out from step 1 have a zero in the origin (and, hence, cannot contain a constant term), step 3 is equivalent to respectively dividing them by k and t. ■■ 63 theoretical arguments (see below) suggest that the values of N , obey the following rule: , , N , = 1 ^ ba - , h = 2 a = N0 .(16) r 0 0 –10 –10 –20 –20 –30 –40 –50 –60 ,=0 ,=1 ,=3 ,=5 ,=7 –70 –80 –90 –100 5 r ,=0 ,=1 ,=3 ,=5 ,=7 –30 –40 –50 –60 –70 –90 10 15 20 –100 25 2 4 6 8 10 n n (a) (b) 12 0 –5 0.2 –10 n=6 –0.2 n = 25 –0.4 |u,,5|2 (dB) 0.4 0 ν3,n (dB) r –80 0.6 –25 –0.8 –35 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 ,=1 ,=3 ,=5 ,=7 –20 –30 0 14 –15 –0.6 –1 m In fact, the first addendum is equal to a/ ^m/2 h, which is known to be the number of DoF associated with a circularly symmetric source of radius a [36]. Furthermore, as previously discussed, the circumstance that the field must have an ,th -order zero in the origin suggests that N , must decrease with , . Both of the results in Figure 2 (and many others) as well as an a |σ,,n /maxn (σ,,n )|2 (dB) |σ,,n /maxn (σ,,n )|2 (dB) In Figure 2(a), N , is smaller and smaller for increasing values of , . Such a circumstance implies that the larger the , , the lower the number of linearly independent patterns which can be realized by finite-energy sources. This is to be expected, as increased , values mean the fields have to accommodate wider and wider holes in front of the transmitting antennas, e.g., Figure 2(d), while necessarily being bandlimited elsewhere [35]. We also note that all of this analysis is fully consistent with the general theory of the DoF of the fields radiated by finite-dimensional sources given in [35]. Our numerical experiments (performed for many possible sizes of the source) and –40 0 5 ρ (c) 10 15 θ (°) (d) 20 25 30 FIGURE 2. The singular values associated the radiation operator for different values of , and n. (a) a 1 = 10m and (b) a 1 = 4m. A comparison for different n values of the right-hand singular functions corresponding to (c) , = 3 and a 1 = 4m. A comparison for different , values of the left-hand singular functions corresponding to (d) n = 5 and a 1 = 4m. 64 april 2018 IEEE Antennas & Propagation Magazine posteriori check (see the following text) suggest that 1/r is the correct coefficient for such a decrease. The rule (16) has two crucial consequences. First, the maximumorder vortex, which can be excited by a nonsuperdirective source, i.e., the maximum feasible value of ,, is Fields exhibiting azimuthal variations of arbitrarily large order are de facto unfeasible when using finitedimensional sources. , MAX = 2ra m, (17) which is achieved by enforcing N , MAX = 0. Second, the source’s overall number of DoF, which is equal to the sum of all feasible N , values, results in the following: N TOT = / N, , # , MAX , MAX = N0 + 2 / N, = N0 + 2 , =1 = 2a + 2 2a 2ra - 2 m m m energy required to generate a far field having a given , th order and be able, at the same time, to guarantee a given signal intensity at the edge of the receiving antenna. As the fields received (at the borders) can be properly recombined to maximize the received signal, solution of the proposed synthesis problem also will allow for comparing the efforts required to have an identical received power through equal collecting areas. Because of the presence of larger and larger holes in the spectrum for 0 # i # i 1 and , ! 0, consideration of the power collected over the whole receiver’s area (rather than F, ^i 1 h h would imply a worsening of the actual high-order vortices’ performances. Therefore, Figures 3 and 4 provide an optimistic estimation of the capabilities of OAM antennas. In the different trials, and to avoid superdirective sources (see previous text), we used a truncation of (15a) and (15b) by adopting an index slightly larger than N , . Then, we solved problem (20) for , = 1, , = 2, and , = 3 and for different values of a 1 = a 2 . Concerning the value of R, we limited the analysis to distances not much larger than the Fraunhofer value R F = 8a 12 /m. This choice has been induced by the circumstance that the OAM antennas’ performance, in terms of ratio between received and transmitted powers, decays as R -2^ , +1h (see [16, eq. (20)] and also [7], [8], [10], and [12]). For each combination of ,, a 1 = a 2, N ,, and R, to evaluate the energy necessary to generate a particular vortex order, the achieved PAP value has been compared with that pertaining to the zero-order field (let us say, PAP0). 2ra m / , =1 2ra m r / , =1 ` 2a - , j m r 2 , = 4ra2 . m (18) This number is identical to the one given by formula (26) of [36], i.e., 2 N TOT = Area of the2source = 4r ` a j , (19) m ^m /2 h which also provides an a posteriori check of (16). Notably, all of these considerations go against the suppositions [2], [9], [11] of arbitrarily enlarging the channel capacity. Fields exhibiting azimuthal variations of arbitrarily large order are de facto unfeasible when using finite-dimensional sources. SYNTHESIS OF THE APERTURE FIELD REQUIRED TO GENERATE A VORTEX FIELD 80 To understand actual possibilities of multiplexing through vortices, we have solved, for different values of , ! 0, the following convex programing problem in the unknowns a ,,1, f, a ,,N: # 0 f, ^ t h td t, (20a) 2 Subject to: Re 6F, ^i 1 h@ $ 1, (20b) 60 PAP/PAP0 (dB) Minimize: PAP ^a ,, 1, ..., a ,, N h = 1 ,=1 ,=2 ,=3 70 50 40 30 20 and Im 6F, ^i 1 h@ = 0, (20c) where the functional in (20a), which is a real and positive quadratic form of the unknowns, is equal to the aperture power associated to transmitting antenna (except for a 2r factor), while the linear constraints, (20b) and (20c), guarantee a spectrum amplitude of at least 0 dB for i = i 1 . Therefore, the goal of the synthesis problem, (20), is to identify the minimum IEEE Antennas & Propagation Magazine april 2018 10 0 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 R/RFraunhofer 3.5 4 FIGURE 3. The aperture power required to generate different OAM states as a function of the link distance (for a 1 = a 2 = 5m). 65 Two kinds of analysis were carried out. As a first set of numerical trials, we fixed a 1 = a 2 = 5m and repeatedly solved problem (20) for R ! 6R F, 4R F@ . The results achieved are summarized in Figure 3, wherein the ratio between the aperture powers PAP and PAP0 is plotted as a function of the ratio between the actual and Fraunhofer link distances. Two important statements can be made. 1) For a fixed link distance, a small increase of , corresponds to a huge increase of the required aperture power. 2) Whatever the , value, the energy required to generate a given OAM state is a monotonically increasing function of the link distance. For R . 4R F, even if , is low, the curves already achieve extremely large values, e.g., the power re­­ quired to generate an angular variation of order , = 3 is about 80 dB higher than the one needed in case , = 0. These results confirm that it is preferable to avoid the adoption of OAM antennas in long-range communication links, and it is not possible to realize arbitrarily large values of , (i.e., arbitrarily large channel capacities). This approach allows a quantitative evaluation of the price to be paid. All of these considerations are consistent with the ones made in [7] and [8] as well as with the outcomes of the few experimental proofs previously provided. Additionally, the results in Figure 3 (green curve) appear to be consistent with the results in [20]. In the latter article, the authors simultaneously employ an amplifier on the , =! 1 antennas and an attenuator on the , = 0 antenna (for a total of 24 dB) to equalize the received power. As a second set of numerical trials, by using a 1 = a 2 and R = R F, we repeatedly solved problem (20) for 2a 1 ! ^1m, 15m h . The results achieved are summarized in Figure 4, wherein the ratio between the aperture p o w e r s PAP and PAP0 is plotted as a function of the antennas’ size. The synthesis outcomes reveal two important circumstances. 1) Whatever the antennas’ size, a huge increase of the aperture power is required to realize a small increase of , 2) Whatever the , value, the input power is a monotonically decreasing function of the antenna size. This is due to the fact that increasing a 2 ^a 1 h allows dealing with larger i 1 values, thus mitigating the effects of the holes present in the field pattern around the boresight direction. All of these results, based on a rigorous quantitative setting, confirm the OAM antennas’ limitations mentioned in the “Understanding Limitations Through Hankel Transforms” and “A Few Straightforward Consequences” sections and agree with the results in [7], [8], and [12]. By using an extended receiving antenna in the near-field zone, it may be possible to increase the channel capacity with respect to where the same antenna is in the far-field region. 50 ,=1 ,=2 ,=3 45 40 PAP/PAP0 (dB) 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Antenna’s Diameter (λ) 14 FIGURE 4. The aperture power required to generate different OAM states as a function of the antenna size (for a 1 = a 2 and R = R F). 66 CONCLUSIONS The classic aperture antennas theory has been used as a point of view on the actual capabilities of OAM antennas. Such an approach suggests the use of Hankel transforms as a convenient and simple tool for understanding the ultimate limitations of these radiating systems. The adopted theoretical framework, equipped with the SVD analysis of the radiation operators at hand, indicates that the adoption of OAM antennas is not convenient in very-long-range communication links. Moreover, the proposed tools allow for identifying the OAM systems’ number of DoF and to quantitatively understand how performances of these antennas vary with order, varying sizes, and distances. The overall outcomes indicate that, for a fixed size of the source, a substantial price is paid for generating vortices corresponding to higher and higher values of , and that an arbitrarily large multiplication of channels in the far-field zone is de facto unfeasible. The results achieved do not eliminate the possibility of fruitfully adopting OAM antennas in near-field links. In fact, by using an extended receiving antenna in the near-field zone, it may be possible to increase the channel capacity with respect to where the same antenna is in the far-field region. On the other hand, for a really meaningful assessment, the realized number of channels should be then compared with alternative multiple-input, multiple-output/multibeam possibilities by eventually partitioning the receiving and/or transmitting areas into smaller antennas. In such a study, the previously discussed tools would still be of interest. In fact, according to the aperture antenna theory, the evaluation of the field at any distance april 2018 IEEE Antennas & Propagation Magazine from the aperture can be carried out by just multiplying the aperture field’s spectrum by a proper exponential function and performing an inverse transform [21]. AUTHOR INFORMATION Andrea Francesco Morabito ( is an assistant professor of electromagnetic fields at the Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria, Italy. His research is focused on electromagnetic forward and inverse scattering problems as well as on antenna theory, design, and optimal synthesis. Loreto Di Donato (loreto.didonato@ is an assistant professor of electromagnetic fields with the Department of Electrical, Electronics, and Computer Engineering at the University of Catania, Italy. His research activities are concerned with inverse scattering problems and microwave imaging as well as antenna synthesis problems. Tommaso Isernia ( is a full professor of electromagnetic fields at the Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria, Italy. His research interests cover inverse problems in electromagnetics emphasizing phase retrieval, inverse scattering, and antenna synthesis problems. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE. REFERENCES [1] A. E. Willner, “Communication with a twist,” IEEE Spectr., vol. 53, no. 8, pp. 34–39, 2016. [2] F. Tamburini, E. Mari, A. Sponselli, B. Thidé, A. Bianchini, and F. Romanato, “Encoding many channels on the same frequency through radio vorticity: First experimental test,” New J. Physics, vol. 14, no. 033001, p. 17, 2012. [3] Y. Yan, G. Xie, M. P. J. 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