Vendors Architect Company Beyer Blinder Belle Beyer Blinder Belle Calasia Construction Gensler Contact Name Phone Number Email Address Fax Number Richard Southwick Richard Southwick John Murawski Steve Suzuki 202-333-8000 212-777-7800 323- 377-7806 415.836.4217 !"#$%&&&'()*+)$, 202-333-8843 212-475-7424 Diane Pittman Craig Hargrove Bill Stinger Andrew Oliver Charles Uehrke Robet Occhiogrossi Juhee Cho Steven Teller Marc Hoeflich 202-682-6289 212 789-9915 202-339-8700 415.288.8673 415.394.1212 914-694-9600 202- 842-2100 202-955-3215 415.288.1271 212.298.9300 415.343.2012 202-842-2100 212.536.5119 Lenny Cerami Anthony Guimenta, Jr. Robert Santoro Jeff Hoeck John Fina Frank Passantino Ken Blinder 24 Emergency Phone Number 202-333-8000 -$*",.('/01!%)'2'0!')$"03(.)3!$"+)$, 0345460.7.1!%84"024(+)$,9 N/A 415.836.4217 >?!33,'"%*10!")+)$, )+*'(8($54%*$##,'"'()*+)$, /'0*!"83$"%*$1+)$, '$2!54(%*$$10'0>+)$, ).4*(14%*."30,'"'8+)$, ($&4(3+$))*!$8($00!%!5!@!"32+)$, 202-682-6898 212 789-9916 202-339-8800 415.288.8676 415.394.1222 914-368-4627 703-887-3514 -&'(&'('%24$>'2A+)$, 3245!"4%('?303.>!$+)$, 0$,"4/A$(1%0$,+)$, -.*44+)*$%0,!3*8($.?--(+)$, 03454"+34224(%0,!3*8($.?+)$, ,*$4#2!)*%3?8'()*!34)3.(4+)$,9 202-872-8530 202-861-4600 212.298.9500 415.343.2013 202-974-4500 212.768.1597 202-842-2100 646.529.5561 914-662-0300 718-832-1200 631-673-7979 415.621.4883 718-840-0030 718-894-3501 631-845-7033 B"#$%C@='2+)$, !"#$%'()*8(!224+)$, (0'"3$($%&4(-4"+)$, -4##%*$4)1!($"/$(10+)$, ?#!">.03(!40$#"A%'$2+)$, ;4"%0'">-4"3('")4+)$, 914-662-0199 718-832-1390 631-673-7989 415.621.4886 718-840-0035 718-894-7820 631-293-6978 :4("4(9;($"!)19<9='2)'()42 HKS Hoffman Architects HOK Hooks ASD Huntsman Architectural Group IVI Keyes Condon Florance Leo A. Daly Pollack/Rapt Skidmore, Owings & Merrill Smith Group Smith Group TPG Architecture Architectural Metal A.Val Architectural Metal & Glass Architectural Grille Berjen Metal Industries Hoeck Iron Works Interior Metal P&F Industries S&J Entrance John Barbara Todd Levine 202-339-8700 631-805-9634 516-835-1445 917-825-4870 Automatic Transfer Switches ASCO ASCO Consolidated Controls, Inc. Fidelity Engineering Mona Electric Truland Service Western Branch Steven Calienni Daniel Boyle John Manza Tom Obrien Matt Dawson Jamie Dove Kyle Ramsey 973-966-2595 209.931.7700 845-651-3700 703-354-4414 240-832-7235 703-658-1085 703-369-5005 03454"+)'2!4""!%4,4(0$"+)$, >'"!42+&$A24+4,4(0$"+)$, ,'!2%)$"0$2!>'34>)$"3($20+)$, 3$&(!4"%#!>42!3A4"8!"44(!"8+)$, ,'33+>'/0$"%843,$"'+)$, ->$54%3(.2'">@04(5!)4+)$, 1(',04A%/&>!4042+)$, 732-791-1460 916.273.5662 845-651-3725 703-440-8733 301-868-9432 703-813-1668 703-369-4812 800-800-2726 209.327.7442 845-651-3700 443-324-0869 301-599-7117 1-800-878-5263 703-369-5005 Backflow preventers Backflow Prevention DGM . Misa Plumbing LLC Ben Bennent Dan Misa 408.269.2600 718-347-9000 9&4"&%&')1#2$/+?(454"3!$"+)$, >'",!0'%/!">03(4',+)$, 408.269.2650 718-347-6183 408.815.4457 718-347-9000 BMS Boland Trane Controls Unlimited ESI Engineered Services Honeywell Johnson Controls Pritchett Controls Schneider Electric Siemens Siemens Siemens TEC Systems TM Bier Mark McElwaine Ron Blythe Ed Day Bob Rousseau Anthony Talalay 240-306-3000 ,'(1+,)42/'!"4%&$2'">+)$, ($"+&2A3*4%!?0!@.0'+)$, 4>'A%4"8!"44(4>04(5!)40+)$, ($&4(3+($.004'.%*$"4A/422+)$, '"3*$"A+3'2'2'A%-)!+)$, 4+2!,!"8%?(!3)*433)$"3($20+)$, -$4+>'((!8$%0)*"4!>4(@424)3(!)+)$, >4((!)1+3'A2$(%0!4,4"0+)$, -$*"+2.,433'%0!4,4"0+)$, ,'()!'+0'5!"$%0!4,4"0+)$, &*$##%34)@0A034,+)$, -4##,%3,&'+)$, 240-306-3400 704-857-6205 703-471-3919 240-306-3300 415.252.1813 718-402-4336 718-782-2354 914-771-5557 415.252.1800 914-771-9846 #'D%'&!24"4!")+)$, ?4224(A%&'A)!3A&$!24(+"43 3*$,'0&$!24(%'$2+)$, -/1%)$("42A)$,?'"A+)$, -1"!4#%4'03)$'03?43($+)$, ,4074"8!"44(!"8%8,'!2+)$, ,,&,)*'24%'$2+)$, 917-449-1961 301-595-4369 301-280-4363 &)).(40A034,0%8,'!2+)$, )5>%54(!7$"+"43 1?'(10%>'3'/'3)*0A034,0+)$, 718-997-8749 301-595-1020 301-652-0743 917-449-1961 301-595-4369 301-280-4363 212.946.2670 718-948-1167 407-282-7786 703-247-0204 415.777.1151 301-868-4178 845-620-0240 510.781.1796 508-641-3242 301-837-2705 510 731 3042 212-414-0073 7182648748 34((A%#!"40334)*"!)'2+)$, '>,!"%84"40!0))35+)$, 41!(124A%1'0324+)$, E$>>%,&!7+)$, -4##+2$54%843,$"'+)$, ',42$%"'5))35+)$, :(48+F!0*%"!0)'A'*+.0 04).(4G%)$D+"43 >4((!)1+3'A2$(%0!4,4"0+)$, 1',+!2',!%0!4,4"0+)$, >84"$5404%3$.)*)$,!")+)$, 3(-$AHGG%'$2+)$, 212.290.8089 718-948-1167 407-282-7184 703-237-0214 415.777.1365 301-868-9432 845-620-0302 510.782.0472 347-739-9111 407-282-7786 301-237-7348 415.777.1151 800-438-6662 866-958-6901 925.519.1372 Bill Klarcyk, Kevin Bradley 415.898.1400 &12'()A1%/&4!")+)$,I91&('>24A%/&4!")+)$, 415.898.5991 415.898.1400 Carrie McKenzie Richard Kleinman, Robert Barbers Barry Smith Kenny Parks Mike Edelstein Kevin Strack ),)14"7!4%'>3+)$, 0*'((!0%'#'?+)$, &0,!3*%'#'?+)$, 646-336-2390 212-967-0902 412-406-9943 Ed Kirkley Derick Taylor Emma Burks 646-336-2309 212-279-5000 516-496-2322 301-654-3282 212-840-5156 410-787-3665 703-247-0204 301-837-2705 510.252.5600 ,!14+4>42034!"%>8'04).(!3A+)$, 103(')1%4)#?+)$, 41!(124A%1'0324+)$, >4((!)1+3'A2$(%0!4,4"0+)$, >'3'4"3(A%03'"24A/$(10+)$, 212-556-6921 410-787-2272 703-237-0214 703-376-8995 800.660.1110 212-840-5300 410-787-0639 301-237-7348 202-347-1681 877.479.4968 John Brogan Lou Zwernemann Keith Wendling 646-786-1260 973-835-9800 610-905-1353 -$*"+&($8'"%4">.('"34"4(8A+)$, 27/4("4,'""%1('#3?$/4(+)$, 1/)$84"%?3>+)$, 646-695-1993 973-835-5595 610-625-5693 646-522-3703 973-418-6103 610-905-1353 Jakob Wertz Paul McManus Hollee Wilson 800-527-1670 718-405-5600 800-639-1818 214-355-4950 715-228-8191 800-330-7303 800-527-1670 917-709-1171 800-639-1818 Kiea Lucas John Belizario Paula Weaver John Howard Frank Canzanese Kyle Taylor Mike Arsenie Felix Vaynor Bob Marchesi Lou Occhiccone Robert Klimko Mark Champ Dan Hirsch 703-321-5070 800-297-1023 703-321-0470 800.644.2441 703-641-0086 212-849-2331 212-532-7400 718-998-6646 212-563-6700 ext. 220 201-553-9100 703-673-1110 510.346.0300 415.647.4300 ('>!$+0'240%&4'()$,+)$, ?'.2%&,/)$,,+)$, *$2244/%)4"3('342+)$, 0'240%)4"3(!)342+)$, 703-321-5070 800-297-1023 800-759-9367 800.644.2441 13'A2$(%&),@342+)$, ,!)*'42%,43($)$,('>!$+)$, 0'240%,!)($,'8!)J/'A+)$, &$&,%,3!342+)$, 703-321-7221 734-663-8888 703-321-0474 707.746.5924 703-204-1061 646-219-4887 212-532-6443 718-998-9716 212-563-7130 (12!,1$%($)1)$"0.23!"8+"43 ,)*',?%J5!0)$,+)$, 5$!)'">'3'%'$2+)$, 703-673-1110 510.346.8474 415.647.4305 703-655-1974 510.346.0300 415.518.8052 Barry Brewer Paul McManus 703-639-1604 718-405-5600 &&(4/4(%'5!34)3.(4+)$, ?'.2%&,/)$,,+)$, 703-404-8940 715-228-8191 703-639-1604 917-709-1171 Boiler Repairs CCTV/Access Control Abilene, Inc. Bay City Boiler Concord Boiler Cornely Company East Coast Mechanical Expert Boiler Repair & Welding McHale Energy, Inc. BcCure Systems Custom Video Design Datawatch Delex Fairfax Integrated Security Systems Finest Technical Group Genesis Kastle Systems MicroBiz Mona Electric NAV Integrated Security Technology Niscaya Security Design Consultants Siemens Siemens Touchcom TR Joy & Associates WBE Central Station Monitoring ADT AFA Protective Systems, Inc. AFA Protective Systems, Inc. Datawatch Systems DGA FLSA Kastle Siemens Stanley Solutions (Honeywell) Co.Generation System Endurant Kraft Power KW CoGen Communications Bearcom BMW Communications Centratel (Answering Service) Centric Telecom Communications Electronics Communications Express Day Wireless IN Communications, Inc. McGraw/BCM Metro Com MicroMagic Mid Atlantic Telecom O'Rourke Services Rock Associates Vision Communication Wireless Voice and Data Communication Wiring Avitecture BMW Communications Eddy Liming Joe D'Arrigo Derrick Taylor John Lumetta Marcia Savino 704-857-4626 703-471-6310 516-302-9497 646-658-6774 301-470-7300 201-348-9240 x224 301-837-2705 510.723.7781 973-396-4316 Mauricio Martinez Gerry Langone/Jeff Michaels 718-784-7955 516-674-3700 Daniel Gigante Pete Ellery Anthony Thomas John Kraft John Knief Christian Meszaros Michael McHale 718-372-4210 Al Daley Kenny Parks Kevin Cioffi Terry Castris Ed Kirkley Todd Chritton Jeff Love Alex Melo Greg Fish Robert Villeneuve Derick Taylor Kam Ilami David Genevese Thalakotoor R. Joy 510.786.3711 718-542-5400 415.252.1800 718-402-5107 718-782-0630 !"#$%)$,,."!)'3!$"04D?(400+)$, -*$/'(>%>'A/!(42400+)$, 704-857-4626 703-471-6310 212-843-1616 917-843-4945 201-248-7197 301-470-4126 201-348-9530 703-378-8995 510.293.2100 973-575-7315 202-347-1681 510.579.4052 800-345-7547 516-676-1429 516-674-3700 718-372-0255 510.786.3716 650.438.5107 301-470-7300 800-785-8637 347-451-4600 703-376-8995 866.761.9349 212-414-0056 917-299-3087 202-347-1681 800.560.8345 917-584-6765 347-351-8150 646-418-8566 914-447-5100 Capitol Communications Fiber Plus IMG Technologies Linear Technologies Montgomery Technologies Prism Technology Group Rock Associates Summit Riser Telbon Communications, Inc. USIS Wireworks Parnell Polioni Rich Burt James Wilson Peter Puelo Greg Jones Kevin McErlean Robert Klimko Scott Brown Ed Belton Mike Lagana John Spirito 415.861.1727 301-317-3300 888.464.5520 212.645.9000 866.824.8362 201-804-7700 703-673-1110 866.778.6648 415.355.1990x1010 845-358-7755 516-281-7111 ?'("422%)'?!3$2)$,,."!)'3!$"0+)$,9 (&.(3%#!&4(?2.0!")+)$, -/!20$"%!,834)*"$2$8!40+"43 Louis Porcelli Robert Morse Customer Service 718 482 7509 925.314.7100 301-277-5100 !"#$%)!3A0)'")$(?+)$, ///+)4+2'&0+)$, 718 482 7547 925.855.7140 Linden Regular Jarrett Huddleston Jeff Chen Yamil Novoa Eric Viletto Nick Koceli Steve Hovland, James Strong 416-745-4222 212-414-9623 415.986.3873 646-421-6400 703-243-8300 510.490.1115 510.450.5556 2+(48.2'(%'2.,!)$(+)$, -*.>>2403$"%)'"A+)$, -)*4"%,)'!'+)$, ?"'@!"#$%?4(,'03442!0'8($.?+)$, 45!2433$%5'2)$.(3+)$, "!)11%/'234(0'">/$2#+)$, 0*$52'">%/-4+)$,I9-03($"8%/-4+)$, 416-745-7759 212-414-2511 415.296.0586 860-298-2009 703-243-9184 510.651.7172 510.428.0456 416-745-4222 917-518-5055 Baltic Construction Celtic Demolition Liberty Contracting Corp. PCM Services RMR Sigal Construction Statewide Demolition Waldorf Carting John Polinsky Ross Tumulty John Knafelman Alexis Wilcox Tom Funke Michael Shevitz Rich Revello James Marrone 301-468-7377 703-739-9103 201-868-7500 301-595-3700 415.716.6253 703-302-1532 718-416-2100 201-541-0030 &'23!)+!")%54(!7$"+"43 ($00%)423!)>4,$+)$, -$*"1%2!&4(3A)$"3(')3!"8+)$, '/!2)$D%?),04(5!)40+)$, 301-468-7372 703-739-9105 201-868-7501 301-595-2795 301-468-7377 703-739-9103 201-206-6463 240-743-9339 ,0*45!37%0!8'2+)$, 703-302-1530 703-302-1532 0'240%/'2>$(#>4,$2!3!$"+)$, 201-547-0071 646-208-4693 All Points Petroleum Fuelman Griffith Energy Services Hess Corporation Hunts Point Fuel Oil Lubricant Network Petro Statewide Oil & Heating Co. Ron Mendez Customer Care Jennie Loeffler Dan Tortoriello Michael Magnone 707.745.1116 888-396-0354 1-800-633-4328 1-800 -447-1409 718-893-3100 800-403-0011 718-354-3835 718-858-9000 (,4">47%'22?$!"30?43($24.,+)$, #.42,'"#2443)'(>%#2443)$(+)$, -2$4##4(%8(!##!3*$!2+)$, >3$(3$(!422$%*400+)$, ,,'8"$"4%*."30?$!"3#.42+)$, 707.745.1188 707.745.1116 888-396-0354 1-800-633-4328 1-800-447-1409 718-893-3100 Richard Silver Sandy Palladino 212-736-6678 201-939-0900 (0%',4(!)'"?!?4'">3'"1+)$, 06?'22'>!"$%'32'"3!))$$2!"8+)$, Andrew Rosenwach 212-465-1734 201-939-9396 212-966-4157 718-482-0661 917-418-2325 201-939-0900 212-267-2688 718-729-4900 04(5!)4%'8/>$$(0+)$, >$$(,'"%',4(!)'">$$(+)$, C,4(!)'"2$)10,!3*0%8,'!2+)$, ///+'(&$"4K.!?,4"3+)$, ,).0*%'32>$$(+)$, -4##6&.2274A4%A'*$$+)$, )'?!3$2>$$(%,0"+)$, ,,4!00"4(%)'($2!"'>$$(+)$, "!)1%*'(5'(>,'!"3+)$, -/$(1,'"%-.03(!344K.!?+)$, ,420'*"%,)14$">$$(+)$, '420'*"%,)14$">$$(+)$, ,?43(!)1$%,!(!)>$$(0+)$, >'54%,!00!$"82'00+)$, -4##3(4!&4(%$>)>)+)$, &,'8'(')!%?2.,&>$$(+)$, ?2'"4%?($8(40082'00+)$, 703-560-9086 631 586-8074 212 371-1115 1-732-225-8781 703-506-9083 718 895-6136 212 888-8888 410-290-8775 650.363.0433 301-735-1868 410-995-6974 212-398-6599 703-450-0304 347-240-0405 631-803-3030 201-864-9168 415.468.0288 301-937-5109 212-414-4289 415.824.3290 800-899-2324 650.642.4631 301-735-0772 410-995-6903 917-299-0110 703-450-2800 631-245-5782 Allyn Kasperbauer Chris Johnson 703-560-9083 718 895-6136 212 888-8888 1-732-225-5220 410-290-9500 650.363.1163 301-735-0772 410-995-6903 212-730-0001 703-450-2800 718-965-0700 631-803-3000 212-594-9898 415.468.1570x23 301-937-1800 212-414-4830 415.401.1022 718-292-8280 718-894-6184 415.824.8500 914-384-7410 '22A"%.)8>+)$, 718-894-9329 415.648.3838 Frank Presti Richard Hoffman Joseph Crosson Joseph Froymovich 516-221-5548 845-277-4401 212-233-2737 718-948-6226 #?(403!JLLL%$?3$"2!"4+"43 ,43'2,4"%*$##,'"@#4!84+)$, -)($004"%2.)!.0?!31!"+)$, E(!03'34">3%'$2+)$, 516-221-1338 845-277-4701 212-406-1417 732-634-3202 516-286-3258 John Marvulli John Manza 408.466.6920 845-360-5600 -,'(5.22!%&403@!"#('(4>+)$, 909.937.6798 845-360-5614 408.466.6920 Stephanie Taylor Bob Savelli Gregory Scollan 301-352-1930 415.453.7200 845-897-4212 03'A2$(%?$3$,')3403!"8+)$, !(&$&0%?')&422+"43 80)$22'"%3*4(,$3403+)$, 800-331-2002 415.453.2065 914-897-4258 301-352-1930 415.740.8401 845-656-1124 Phil Amato Frank Gagliardo Rick Froio Frank Listmann Gary Dawes Tom Dean Dan Boas 301-843-3661 212-269-5700 212-632-5240 212-741-0600 410-647-5107 718-441-6300 212-765-6130 415.252.4763 703-742-3500 ?','3$%"A'22('"+)$, #+8'82!'(>$%'32'0')$"+)$, (#($!$%'32'0')$"+)$, #2!03,'""+&2424)3(!)%)$,)'03+"43 301-843-9566 212-269-5623 212-632-5237 212-243-9626 410-647-9297 301-843-3661 201-906-5898 ),0424)3(!)%'$2+)$, >&$'0%>4)14(424)3(!)+)$, 212-765-6253 415.861.4257 8-$"40%,$"38$,4(A34)*+"43 1,')%0?44>$#2!34+)$, (12!,1$%($)1)$"0.23!"8+"43 0&($/"%0.,,!3(!04(0A034,0+)$, 4>&423$"%342&$"+)$, ,!)*'422'8'"'%.0!0+"43 0.??$(3%0&>//+)$,9 N/A 301-317-8585 630.737.9836 212.645.9005 N/A 201-804-8110 703-673-1110 N/A 415.355.1918 415.727.6355 443-829-0981 630.737.9814 866.824.8362 201-954-1096 703-655-1974 949.632.2854 415.519.0803 516-281-7112 Core Drilling Testing City Scan Corp Consolidated Testing Diamond Core Drilling & Sawing Curtain Wall Consultant Demolition Diesel Fuel Domestic Water Storage Tanks Alumicor Consulting Associates McGinnis Chen Permsteelisa Group Valcourt Walters and Wolf WJE American Pipe & Tank Atlantank Isseks Brothers Rosenwach Door Repairs AGW American Door (L.D. Roll Gate Repairs) American Locksmith Arbon Equipment (LD Lifts) Atlantic Door Bullzeye (Gate Repair) Capitol Door Carolina Door Harvard Maintenance Just.Rite Equipment (Rooling Gates) McKeon Doors McKeon Doors Miric Mission Glass Overhead Door Plumb Door Repair Progress Glass Signature Metal Tierney & Courtney (Rolling Gates) United California Glass and Door Versatile Eddy Current Testing Frank Presti, Inc. Hoffman Feige Lucius Pitkin Tri.State Electrical Thermoscan Best Infrared Consolidated Controls Potomac Testing Thermotest Thermotest Electrician Elevator Adcocks Allran Atlas Acon Electric Corp Atlas Acon Electric Corp B and L Electric Campbell & Dawes CMS Electrical Services Decker Electric Dynalectric Electrical Design and Service Gregerson Electric H&L Electric JE Richard Knight Electric Koffler Electric Maurice Electrcal Supply Co. McMillan Electric Mid-Island Electric Mona Electric Nead Electric Paganini Electric Patuxent PE Stone Electric RB Samuels San Francisco Engineering Star Delta Truland Services Unity Electric Walsh Electrical Consulting Inc. Young Electric Empire Elevators Fujitech Elevator Otis Elevator Patrick Chung Jack Uffen Eddie Jurman Bill Gendler Michelle Cush Jeff Swenson William McCallum Mike Meissner Nick Gajovich John Workman Moustafa Elsahn Ahmed Elsahn Michael Petricko Dave Waterman / Chad Born Jeff Treiber Robert Magaraci Patrick Lane Jackson Santiago Richard Oscar Guzman Barry Berger Danny Littleford Bart Carmody Bill Kelly Michele Rolfe Paul Mitchell Harvey Leavitt Matt Dawson Rich Lodata Paul Ornelas Kenny Morgan Bobby Pestone Jim Lane John Franco Randy D'Amico Jamie Dove Bobby Stein Stan Sutter Rick Green John Crow Joe Long 510.268.9430 718-361-6400 301-345-1300 212-989-2333 510.567.0630 202-675-9652 415.826.5100 x108 877-324-4242 240-832-7235 201-460-5200 415.575.3900 x225 410-808-1439 212-334-1113 212-645-5150 925.370.1400 212-943-5527 703-658-1085 718-539-4300 718-351-3399 4156483355 415.621.5653 973.330.0100 917-339-9617 301-772-8183 732-750-6022 718-861-4966 800-952-8281 646-421-6400 703-243-8300 925.518.9014 ,?('!"!3%?43($*4'3+)$, 718-499-9129 424)3(!)'2>40!8"'">04(5!)4%54(!7$"+"43 $0)'(%8(484(04")$+)$, 212-594-9898 415.760.3544 301-937-1800 646-852-3420 415.824.7040 646-522-5541 415.824.8500 917-731-4446 410-647-5107 415.552.1622 510.268.9462 718-361-6799 301-345-2370 212-989-3512 510.567.0636 703-246-9256 415.826.0142 301-345-1300 917-596-9046 510.567.0630 301-868-9432 201-460-5264 415.575.3920 410-495-7654 301-599-7117 917-440-8428 415.297.0791 1-866-200-9499 -2'"4%(&0',.420+)$, 0#40%0&)82$&'2+"43 ('">A>4%54(!7$"+"43 ->$54%3(.2'">@04(5!)4+)$, (034!"%."!3A!8+)$, 03'"+0.334(%/'20*424)3(!)'2)$"3+)$, (8(44"%A$."8424)+)$, 212-645-9933 925.370.1404 212-943-6071 703-813-1668 718-539-0419 917-887-7726 925.323.8500 917-337-4223 1-800-878-5263 917-796-8435 415.648.8259 415.509.4917 -$*")($/%4,?!(4+4245'3$(+)$, 0'2406"A%#.-!34)',4(!)'+)$, -$04?*+2$"8%$3!0+)$, 707.778.6353 973.365.4015 806-998-9019 800-233-6847 ,'(10%-4(!)*'(>0+)$, &!22%1$##24(+)$, ,!)*424+($2#4%,'.(!)4424)3(!)+)$, ?'.2,%,),!22'")$+)$, *24'5!33%,!>@!02'">+)$, ,'33+>'/0$"%843,$"'+)$, (2$>'3$%"4'>424)3(!)+)$, ?'.2$%?'8)$0+)$, 1,$(8'"+?40%)$,)'03+"43 510.332.9328 415.559.7022 707.975.0030 Elevator Consultant Emergency Generator Engineer Uniforms Otis Elevator Otis Elevator Schindler Elevator Thyssen Krupp Demetre Galatis Don Thiry Mike Mancuso Michael Strachan 703-929-8311 1.800.310.1397 212-706-1000 917-344-2060 >4,43(4+8'2'3!0%$3!0+)$, >$"+3*!(A%$3!0+)$, ,!14+,'").0$%.0+0)*!">24(+)$, ,'"*'33'"%3*A004"1(.??+)$, 860-353-4025 860.353.5482 212-956-3068 914-344-2090 800-233-6847 510.715.5477 800-225-3123 Adonai Consultants BOCA Dominion Elevator Edgett Williams Edgett Williams Consulting Group, Inc. GVK HKA Elevator Consulting, Inc. Joseph Neto & Associates JSG Elevator Michael Blades & Associates, Ltd National Elevator Inspection Services Newby Elevator Consulting VDA Elevator Inspector Richard Wernon Jessica Foss Allen Williams Erv Lauterbach Joseph Armas Daryl Anderson Charlie Gutowski Gary Stern Michael Blades Elevator Inspector Ray Newby Robert Cuzzi 202-547-9500 212-983-7010 703-317-9004 415.388.1886 203-426-3771 415.358.2200 949.348.9711 212-596-4690 559.658.7913 410-798-8504 314-890-2324 925-778-0464 212-868-9090 0)*4>.24%'>$"'!)$"0.230+)$, &$)'"A%&$)'8($.?+)$, 04(5!)4%>$,!"!$"!"0?4)3!$"0+)$, '2%4/)8+)$, 4(5%4/)8+)$, -$4%8514)0+)$, >>'%*1')$"0.23!"8+)$, )8.3$/01!%-$04?*"43$+)$, 8'(A'034("%,0"+)$, 202-547-9541 202-547-9500 703-317-9006 703-317-9004 415.601.3151 917-584-7916 Atlantic Detroit Diesel Cummins Power Cummins Wagner Fidelity Power Systems HO Penn Kraft Power Mona Electric Peterson Power Rudox Truland Generator Service Valley Power Systems Western Branch Diesel Jay O'Neill Alex Ching Joe Keech Thomas O'Brien Craig Davis Lou Zwernemann Matt Dawson J. Davis Gregory Elk Jamie Dove Michael Wheeler Kyle Ramsey 201-678-2557 718-892-2400 x27903 301-953-9370 443-324-0869 718-409-8517 973-835-9800 240-832-7235 510.618.5632 -$"4!2%'32'"3!)>>'+)$, '24D'">4(+)*!"8%).,,!"0+)$, -144)*%).,,!"0@/'8"4(+)$, 3$&(!4"%#!>42!3A4"8!"44(!"8+)$, )>'5!0%*$?4"",')*!"4(A+)$, 27/4("4,'""%1('#3?$/4(+)$, ,'33+>'/0$"%843,$"'+)$, -'>'5!0%?434(0$"?$/4(+)$, 4218%(.>$D+)$, ->$54%3(.2'">@04(5!)4+)$, M!)*'42+N*4424(%5'224A?0!+)$,9 1(',04A%/&>!4042+)$, 201-845-3288 718-409-6140 301-490-7156 703-440-8733 718-863-0102 973-835-5595 301-868-9432 510.346.1943 703-369-4812 201-678-2557 1-800-929-3148 301-953-9370 1-800-787-6000 888-736-8228 973-418-6103 301-599-7117 1.800.963.6446 201-438-0111 x112 1-800-878-5263 510.675.8400 703-369-5005 Jake Williams Kerensa Khan -'14+/!22!',0%."!#$(,+'(','(1+)$, ;*'";%)!"3'0+)$, N/A 640.589.8136 415.913.8849 650.589.4300 N/A OHP+JOO+QHPG >'(42263.("4(%."!#!(03+)$, 3$,)%/*)*(!03!'"+)$, 718-389-9644 301-686-4627 718-389-7000 &&(!$"40%'&2404(54+)$, -3$$3*,'"%'&,+)$, (!)1+/$$>%2!")#0+)$, 415.546.9948 415.351.4333 281-419-7622 510.318.2717 510.301.1863 281-419-0759 212-860-4794 703-738-7395 516-908-6470 212-353-8306 510.562.6182 N/A 925.455.9479 510.769.7270 510.769.7270 856-489-4085 510.719.3919 703-323-4440 908 686-2636 510.491.1299 718-861-3740 510.547.1983 209.834.0795 855-360-Nat(6284) 703-547-1680 248-475-6121 415.955.5201 703-273-2000 650.837.8406 925.580.5923 703-658-1085 510.675.8400 703-369-5005 Aramark Cintas East Coast Lord Baltimore One Market Cleaners Unifirst WH Christian Joe Bateman Shadan Golkar Darell Turner Tom Christian 415.483.3017 650.589.4300 718-522-7410 410-558-3362 415.495.0711 301-925-9300 718-389-7000 x205 Engineering Outsourcing Able Engineering ABM Engineering ABM Engineering Bob Briones Josh Toothman Rick Wood 415.546.6534x8052 888.225.2260 281-419-0759 Environmental Consultant 360 National Restoration ACT Environmental Services Ambient ATC Consultants Bayview Environmental Belfor Best Envirionmental C&W C&W Environmental EDC Evergreen Waste Oil Healthy Buildings International Hillman Environmental LVI / Northstar Services Professional Environmental RGA Environmental Thornton Envrionmental Mike Conlon Pete Noe Steve Beckenstein David Chang Wayne Pelletier Steve Starr Regan Best Donald Diel Donald Diel Dennis Adamec Rob Conrad Bill Kristan Kirsten Sleys John Uhland Michael Cassidy Karen Schroeter Brian Thornton 917-418-6226 703-926-3919 516-342-1964 x102 212-353-8280 510.562.6181 510.785.3473 925.455.9474 510.435.8686 510.435.8686 703-352-0488 510.719.6047 703-323-4400 908 688-7800 510.491.1300 718-231-8399 510.899.7025 209.834.0792 Chuck Wright Frank Rollo 703-795-8772 415.955.5200 Total Filtration Services Treadwell Rolo 415.358.2214 949.348.9751 212-596-4689 212-596-4690 877.627.6598 314-426-7739 ('A"4/&A%'33+"43 ().77!%5>'00$)+)$, 925-783-3247 212-868-9099 703-813-1668 410-558-3362 -$4%2$(>&'23!,$(4+)$, ?"$4%'!()24'"!"834)*"$2$8!40+)$, 0&4)14"034!"%'/3)$"0.23!"8+)$, )*'"8HP%'3)@4"5!($+)$, />?%&'A5!4/+4"5!($",4"3'2+)$, R3454+R3'((%SR+TUVFWX+)$, &403'!(%0&)82$&'2+"43 >$"'2>%)/4"5!($",4"3'2+"43 >$"'2>%)/4"5!($",4"3'2+"43 '>',4)%4>).0'+"43 ()$"('>%454(8(44"$!2+)$, &1(!03'"%*4'23*A&.!2>!"80+)$, 1024A0%*!22,'"8($.?+)$, -.*2'">%"$(3*03'(+(4)$54(A+)$, ,-D)'00!>A%8,'!2+)$, 1'(!"%(8'4"5+)$, &(!'"%3*$("3$"4"5!($",4"3'2+)$, )/(!8*3%3#0!H+)$, 917-797-3949 510.562.6181 510.377.5879 925.455.9474 510.435.8686 510.435.8686 703-352-0488 800.596.9455 703-323-4400 912.308.7299 917-714-5083 510.557.7144 209.321.0882 Equipment Rental CH Bull Cresco Sunbelt Rentals United Rental Andy Bull Michael Meyer Matt Fitzpatrick William Correll 650.837.8400 925.456.9750 703-352-6262 301-779-3160 '&.22%)*&.22)$+)$, ,!146,4A4(%)(40)$(4"3+)$, ?),HPL%0."&423(4"3'20+)$, /)$((422%.(+)$, 650.871.1336 925.456.9760 703-356-9046 301-779-3184 302-420-5575 Expeditor Brookbridge Consulting Charles Rizzo & Associates Milrose Consulting Owens Tehcnologies Ramco Evan Bray Charles Rizzo Lou Milo Jeff Owens Steve Forsburg 212-406-5920 x130 212-695-5980 212-643-4545 301-213-4845 703-934-4606 4&('A%&($$1&(!>84!")+)$, 034?*4"%(!77$8($.?+)$, 2,!2$%,!2($04+)$, -$/4"0LJ%)$,)'03+"43 03454%(',)$5'+)$, 212-406-5921 646-526-9975 212-643-4859 703-934-1660 917-682-1001 301-213-4845 703-934-4606 Empire Erectors Fuel Outdoor Lightfoot Media Outselling, Inc. Spectrum on Broadway Sign Maint Spectrum Signs Van Wagner Jim Ramsburgh Marc Miller Todd M. Lightfoot Bob Wolfe Joe Morra Mike Gycsek Greg Donner 718-292-1600 646.722.9424 312.218.0119 312.422.0092 718-932-5388 x15 631-756-1010 415.955.0592 -!,%4,?!(44(4)3$(0+)$, ,,!224(%#.42$.3>$$(+)$, 3$>>%2!8*3#$$3,4>!'+)$, &$&%$.30422!"8!")+)$, 718-585-1132 212.967.7337 N/A 312.422.0096 917-282-8276 917.754.4384 312.218.0119 847.845.1868 ,!148%0?4)3(.,0!8"0!")+)$, 8>$""4(%5'"/'8"4(+)$, 415.955.0572 516-220-8854 415.298.9043 Assured Environmental Assured Environmental Assured Environmental Atlantic Bed Bug Inspection Bell Environmental Bird Busters, Inc. Crane Pest Control Kelly Gonsalves Nelsy Duran Barry Beck Eric Miller Dan Brady David Champagne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xterior Signage Maintenance Exterminator Triple S Pest Control Western Pest Andrea Brubaker Rob Favatella 212-480-5800 212-480-5800 212-480-5800 646-919-1153 973-575-7800 1.800.551.2473 415.922.1666 415.468.6660 718-491-4188 301-568-0793 301-989-2224 510.489.8689 703-368-8000 301-468-9660 Columbia Filters Cosmo Filters (Filters) Engineered Air Filters National Air Filter Total Filtration Services Charlie Cerimedo Customer Service 212-594-3014 301-925-1604 Joseph Feely Mike Goode 800-323-1169 201-438-0800 510.785.4800 Alice Womick Russell Stafford Vincent Milanesi Mike Hubbard Raphael Marino Joe Scala Haran Chelliah Kevin Strack Bob Rousseau Andrew Guarino 410-768-2200 925.371.3100 212-564-3960 410-551-8641 301-589-8857 718-234-8600 718-899-6100 410-787-3665 516-302-9497 212-358-2227 Y4/4A9Z4039[$"3($2 ;4""43*9U+9N'(> \!,9T'2$5!)* Die Hard Orkin Steritech Ed Gwiazdowski Vivian Brown Jon Grell E4(,!"!D9 Filters Fire Alarm BFPE Carter Brothers Casey System Chesapeake Fire Protection Chubb Crossfire Firecom FLSA Honeywell Integrated Systems & Power ]!)19X'"-!3 973-575-1177 415.922.1789 415.468.5160 718-491-0080 301-967-1384 301-989-9545 510.489.3511 703-368-8626 301-963-5876 201-947-1474 201-438-0049 510.785.4804 718-397-8392 443-942-2015 212-358-2290 415.922.1666 415.468.6660 646-284-6270 301-568-0793 240-988-1837 510.489.8689 703-368-8000 301-328-6639 510.760.6423 800-966-2212 925.371.3100 410-674-7577 301-589-8857 718-234-8600 718-899-2311 410-787-0639 917-843-4945 917-699-6434 Fire Extinguishers Flooring General Contractor Glaziers Hardware Red Hawk Sabah International Siemens Simplex Grinnel Stanley Solutions (Honeywell) Stanley Solutions (Honeywell) Michelle Kinnick Carolyn Lorenz Ron DeMartini Danny Raines Emma Burks Stacey Marchuk 301-244-6400 925.734.5758 510.723.7735 703-996-0792 510.252.5600 510.265.2120 AAA Fire Extinguishers Able Fire Prevention Bay Area Fire Extinguisher BFPE Fire System Testing FireMaster FLSA Lund Manhattan Fire & Safety Corp. Total Fire Protection Sales Department Adam Spindler Joseph Pampliega Alice Womick 415.398.3091 212-675-7777 510.232.5136 410-768-2200 212-972-5000 650.692.3473 410-787-3665 718-423-1900 212-563-7500 212-396-2600 Adina Tile Antonio Troiano Tile & Marble Architectural Flooring Capital Floors, Inc. Conklin Bros Consolidated Carpet Corporate Care Duravator Flooring Solutions Floorworks Golden State Carpet Hoem & Associates Intown Restorations J. Dean Ballard & Sons (tile) Lawson Carpet Co. Lorton Stone Pagliaro Brothers Stone Co., Inc. Platinum Terrazzo Sherland and Farrington Superior Tile & Stone Superior Tile & Stone ACC Construction Artisan Construction BCCI Benchmark Builders, Inc. CalAsia Cardon Construction CB2 Builders Clune Construction Company Cobra Construction Cross Management Corp. DPR Fast Track Construction Gannon Vitolo Contracting GCI Construction Hann and Hann Construction Hathaway Dinwiddie Icon Interiors JLLConstruction Joseph Gallin & Son, Inc. JT Magen & Company JT Magen & Company JT Magen & Company KNS Contracting LLC MD Contracting Inc. Monarch Construction Novo Construction PCM Services Peacock Consruction Principal Richlen Construction RN Field Sigal Construction Skyline Construction Source Structuretone Structuretone Swinerton TriStar TriStar Turner Construction Winmar Construction, Inc. Aggressive Shade, Glass & Mirror Albert Glass David Shuldiner Del Ray Glass Dominion Glass Elmont Glass Company Knickerbocker Glass Mission Glass Company Novum Structures PCM Services Philip Kaplan Glass Prestige Glass Progress Glass Royal Glass & Store Fronts Skyline Windows United California Glass Valcourt Walters and Wolf AAA Hardware ACE Hardware Aireco American Locksmith Complete Security Eastern Safe & Lock Engineer's Outlet Executive Lock Federal Lock and Key Garden Hardware Grainger Havtech Island Master Lock & Safe Michael Rodriquez Kevin Strack Rich Brindisi Robert Catalano Renee Resnick Tony Troiano Jake Edelson Kevin Doyle Scott Goodnough Linda Spreer Matt Ford Lee Alpert Richard Colucci Jim Keshishian Mike Valerio Matt Michaels Mike Wright Dan Lawson Mark Sanders Robert Benedetti Marc Antonucci Dwayne Sherland Tom Valles Jim Olich Michelle Midaglia James Galvin/Patrick Skahill Dominic Sarica Brian McMahon Sean Kelly Don Wilson Mark Bach Tommy Dwyer 703-354-3400 301-937-8010 212-290-0200 301-838-0584 415.282.1822 Ex 109 212.226.4600 800.728.8508 914-235-0053 718-258-3283 212-244-2599 925.687.4510x121 650.871.5194x110 202-723-6690 510.567.0660 301-588-5461 703-923-9440 301-599-6066 212-535-9700 212.206.7500 510.351.1700 510.351.1700 )'($2A"%0'&'*+!"32+)$, ($"'2>+>4,'(3!"!%0!4,4"0+)$, >('!"40%3A)$!"3+)$, >'3'4"3(A%03'"24A/$(10+)$, 03')4A+,'()*.1%*$"4A/422+)$, 925.463.1047 510.293.2100 703-996-8202 800.660.1110 510.265.2145 925.580.8075 510.579.4005 703-996-0792 877.479.4968 510.785.6717 800.543.5556 '0?!"%'&24#!(4?(454"3!$"+)$, -$04?*+?',?2!48'%&'#!(4+)$, '/$,!)1%&#?4+)$, 510.233.2682 410-768-5649 888.868.0115 800-966-2212 ,!)($>(!K.47%#!(4,''034(+,?)+)$, 103(')1%4)#?+)$, 650.692.3410 410-787-2272 650.692.3473 410-787-0639 ,'"#!(40#3A%*$3,'!2+)$, ()'3'2'"$%3#?H+)$, 212-563-8641 718-377-6600 347-387-4040 ,!14%'3($!'"$3!24+)$, -'14%'#("A 20?(44(%)$(?$('34)'(4+)$, ,'33%>.('5'3$(+)$, #2$0$2^Q%'$2+)$, (!)*'(>%#2$$(/$(10+)$, -!,1%8$2>4"03'34)'(?43+)$, ,!14%*$4,'00$)!'340+)$, !"3$/",'33%54(!7$"+"43 ,!14/%&'22'(>3!24+)$,9 ,'"3$".))!%?2'3!".,,'!"34"'")4+)$, >/'A"4%0*4(2'">+)$, 212.206.7517 718-402-4444 301-931-7800 718-386-5200 703-683-1114 703-378-8329 516-248-8860 212-247-8500 415.468.1570 x23 262-255-5561 301-595-3700 212-269-0031 650.593.5909 415.401.1022 718-625-3200 212-491-3000 415.824.8500 703-243-8300 510.490.1115 >'54%,!00!$"82'00+)$, 145!"+&(.)4%"$5.,03(.)3!$"0+)$, '/!2)$D%?),04(5!)40+)$, ?1+82'0022)%54(!7$"+"43 42$A0?(403!84%A'*$$+)$, ?2'"4%?($8(40082'00+)$, ($A'282'00!")%*$3,'!2+)$, ()'?#42%01A2!"4/!">$/0+)$, )'(2$%.)8>+)$, 45!2433$%5'2)$.(3+"43 "!)11%/'234(0'">/$2#+)$, Willie Brown Ron Zimmerman John Lonigan 212-840-3939 301-421-1900 301-423-1400 212-888-8870 415.543.1660 703-541-2200 202-333-2679 ?434(+2!2!4"3*'2%'''*'(>/'(4+)$, ')4%7!,,4(,'"0+)$, ,'(2$/%'!(4)$+)$, *33?abb///+',4(!)'"2$)1'">04).(!3A+)$,b ,'33*4/%)$,?243404).(!3A+)$, &#$(>%4'034("0'#4+)$, &!22%4"8!"44(0$.3243+)$, 703-415-0000 703-525-1436 212-247-2889 703-635-0281 301-206-9225 516-942-7070 (')*42+?')4%8('!"84(+)$, ,'(1,442A%*'534)*+)$, !02'">,'034(2$)1%'$2+)$, Bob Orgel Rachel Pace Mark Meely Marc Seidenberg 301-937-8010 917-559-5286 415.720.6286 650.333.1880 917-412-5480 516-398-5622 917-416-6161 925.250.0519 202-437-2366 301-588-5461 202-497-6987 301-599-6066 -2$2!)*%0.?4(!$(3!2403$"4+)$, Scott Toby Service Department Dick Land Eric Albers Marc Science Glen Greenberg Barbara Knudson Dave Waterman Kevin Bruce Alexis Wilcox Gregory Tomchinsky Eloy Solis Patrick Lane Tom Drakakis Michael Pecht/Robert Ford Carlo Doyle Eric Vitello Nick Koceli Chris Harvey 718-258-3382 212-244-2591 925.609.1289 650.875.1048 202-723-4315 703-923-9450 Paul Heffron Christopher French Paul Cornett Alexis Wilcox Kyle Peacock Peter Fenczik Craig Sawyers John Grcina Michael Shevitz Mark Trento Chirs Demos Chris Ayers Henry Mack Molly Jans Lawrence Greengold Chris Pesch Craig Jones Jason Wilt Matthew Slater Brian Ford Any Representative N/A ,+)+0'">4(0Q%54(!7$"+"43 212-810-4471 212.840.8500 (415) 420.9393 212-766-8800 323.256.2943 301-441-3750 415.402.0360 646-569-3220 201-998-2300 212-922-1110 415.782.3700 212-279-0110 212-382-4210 415.655.6525 301-468-3340 415.912.3216 212-675-9180 202-719-5601 212-252-8900 212-790-4200 212-790-4200 x481 212-790-4200 301-755-6218 301-682-9905 703-641-8500 415.932.5962 301-595-3700 415.217.5095x16 415.434.1500 831.393.7013 415.648.8140 703-302-1532 415.602.9347 415.814.9947 212-481-6100 212-481-6100 415.314.7135 212-486-0808 212-486-0808 415.705.8916 202-446-0758 Bryan Suchanyc Mike Humphrey Al Hot Greg Gannon Keith Luna Thomas Dillon Cindy Reginato Rob Frankenberry Tenna Palumbo Christopher Gallin Colm Morrissey Robert Scheinman Steve Mallick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`)('!80%(!)*24"+)$,` -$*"68()!"'%("#!42>+)$, ,0*45!37%0!8'2+)$, ,3(4"3$%R1A2!"4[$"03+)$, )*(!0+>4,$0%0$.()40#+)$, )*(!03$?*4(+'54(0%03(.)3.(43$"4+)$, *,')1%03(.)3.(43$"4+)$, M\'"0%0/!"4(3$"+)$, 28(44"8$2>%3(!03'()$"03(.)3!$"+)$, )?40)*%3(!03'()$"03(.)3!$"+)$, )-$"40%3))$+)$, /!",'()$"03(.)3!$"+)$, )!">A%'88(400!5482'00+)$, 53*$,'0%0'2&4(382'00+)$, 4(!)%>42('A82'00+)$, ,'()%>$,!"!$"82'00+)$, 824"%42,$"382'00+)$, 510.351.3054 212.840.8508 212-766-8004 323.256.6457 301-441-8367 415.402.0364 212-682-1863 201-998-4282 212-922-1333 212-382-4201 415.978.5674 301-881-5594 212-675-9257 312-416-5430 212-252-8910 212-790-4201 212-790-4201 212-790-4201 301-682-6203 703-641-9794 917-796-8220 415.730.4207 917-684-9350 917-689-9237 415.265.6320 240-793-1999 917-709-9356 202-327-0387 646-296-4682 917-468-3866 646-341-2232 917-731-2754 301-639-3095 301-682-9905 202-577-7511 301-595-2795 N/A 415.434.1506 831.393.7618 240-743-9339 925.451.3118 703-302-1530 703-302-1532 415.814.9969 212-896-7976 212-991-0271 N/A 212-754-0274 212-754-0274 415.705.7949 202-446-0759 415.314.7135 917-217-2850 718-402-4442 301-931-8026 718-417-7504 703-683-4708 703-378-6920 516-248-5910 212-489-1449 415.468.0288 262-255-6932 301-595-2795 212-406-4603 650.592.6895 415.824.3290 718-625-4617 212-491-5630 415.648.3838 703-243-9784 510.651.7172 202-487-4855 347-553-4409 301-931-8026 917-440-9533 917-567-0880 415.468.1570 240-743-9339 917-313-4714 800.244.8866 415.285.8000 415.824.8500 703-598-0061 510.490.1115 212-921-5086 301-421-4283 301-899-1862 301-421-1900 800-277-6768 415.543.1779 703-541-3003 202-625-9000 703-541-2200 202-333-2679 703-525-1637 571-203-9111 301-497-9610 516-937-9149 800-225-5994 301-537-8909 516-942-7070 Keyway Lock Tech Mainline Security McMaster Carr Midtown Locks R&H Wholesale Supply Weinstein & Holtzman Hood Cleaning Insulation Contractor Janitorial Landscaping Mechanical Contractor General Chiller Cooling Tower Drives Max Ron Beyerlein Roy Pisetsky Any Representative Marty/Danny Jimmy Yougt Jeffrey Hymowitz 202-471-1059 301-345-8300 415.398.6161 562-692-5911 212-661-5308 415.970.5000 212-233-4651 04(5!)4%14A/'A2$)10+)$, ($"%2$1341+)$, ($A?!%,'!"2!"4+04).(!3A+)$, 2'+0'240%,),'034(+)$, ,'(3A)%,!>3$/"04).(!3A+)$, -!,,AA%?208($.?+)$, -4##*%/'">*+&!7 703-739-0098 301-345-8332 415.495.6161 562-695-2323 212-661-5312 415.6410455 212-233-7885 202-471-1059 301-345-8300 Chemical Exhaust National Guardian Vulcan Debbie Williams 650.875.7117 1-800-375-1125 >/!22!',0%)*4,!)'24D*'.03+)$, 0'240%"'3!$"'28.'(>!'"4"3+)$, 650.875.7123 800.433.7117 415.239.0347 415.990.6207 F. Rodgers Insulation Legend Insulation Performance Contracting Richard Bagwell Pat V. Losey Mike Shipley 925.294.9400 (&'8/422%#($>84(0+)$, ?'352$04A%'$2+)$, ,!14+0*!?24A%?)8+)$, 925.294.9475 914 337-7803 510.236.0833 925.525.0527 914-403-0385 510.774.5793 Able Services ABM Janitorial Service ABM Janitorial Service Guardian Harvard Maintenance ISS/TMC P&R Enterprises Red Coats Temco Service Industries Township Triangle USSI Derrick Schulze Nail Capri Antonio Partida George Dennison Jr. Tony Lopez Dan Brennan Rit Thompson/Luis Portillo Mario Galindo Dan Tokofsky Taylor C. Gill Perry Fine 800.461.9033 212-497-0616 415.351.4410 212-645-9500 x123 212-730-0001 973-740-0032 703-931-1000 301-654-3139 212-251-7849 415.382.8858 718-461-6100 202-783-2030 >0)*.274%'&2404(54+)$, "'!2+)'?(!%'&,+)$, '"3$"!$+?'(3!>'%'&,+)$,9 !"#$%8.'(>!'"@04(5!)4+)$, 415.546.9948 866-403-9989 415.351.4445 800.564.9501 212-398-6599 973-740-9261 703-931-7271 301-654-6012 212-725-9853 415.382.0460 212-389-2929 202-393-5541 415.265.7551 917-416-2732 925.297.9501 Gladys Saculles Karla Schiemann Judy Corridon Neil Woolner Wendy Bell Carrol Gingold Scott Wasilefski Ken McPherson Dante Diaz Patty Lang 202-529-2230 415.850.6982 301-210-0999 888.969.8733 301-588-1300 212-966-4344 x207 703-591-3311 800.891.7710 718-472-1208 866-878-8444 888-266-5596 415.725.0547 415.512.5148 510.439.3707 202-525-5826 212-925-5200 718-784-4527 408.210.4505 845-596-8868 800-682-2995 212-924-7848 510.265.0783 301-210-3750 510.881.5208 510.265.1949 240-417-9778 888.969.8733 914-777-1871 703-591-3307 650.756.3259 718-472-2937 410-766-7576 917-273-9147 703-906-8877 800.891.7710 415.826.2157 415.512.5186 510.439.3344 415.725.0547 415.957.9800 510.439.3700 202-374-5641 Amaryllis Designs Ambius Ambius Arborwell Bell Flowers Blondies's Treehouse Brickman Landscaping Cagwin & Dorward Cambridge Floral Design Choice Plantings Conklins Florist Decorative Plant Service Inc. Delancey Street Foundation Gardeners' Guild H. Bloom Horticultural Creations Interior Foliage Design Jensen John Mini Johnson Flowers Ovando, Inc. Palace Florists Parker Interior Landscape, Inc. Plantscapes Inc. Premier Plantscapes Rolling Greens Rupert Landscaping San Francisco Florist Valley Crest Valleycrest ACCO AFGO Mechanical Services Air Stream Air Conditioning AMS Ashlar Mechanical Bayline Mechanical BP Air Conditioning Concept Air Dominion Mechanical Donnelly Mechanical Frontline Technologies Harbour Mechanical Hawk Mechanical Henick Lane Holmes Mechanical ICACS Interstate Mechanical JJ Kirlin Kelair Inc. Legacy Mechanical Pacific Coast Trane Par Mechanical PJ Mechanical Power Cooling Pribuss Service Machine Shop Shapiro and Duncan Tapmaster WE Bowers Boland Trane Carrier Carrier Carrier Densel Johnson Controls (York) Johnson Controls (York) McQuay Pacific Coast Trane WE Bowers Air Treatment Corporation Atlantank Atlantank Baltimore Aircoil CTHX CTS Landover Mr. Goodtower Schauf Cooling Tower Tower Performance Inc. Zenda ABB - Tulimiere John McMurdo Jake Allred Stephanie Muller Angela Wrath Carrie Schlegel Jill Prink Stuart Schechter Amber Resnick Andrew Sliwa 510.236.0300 (!3%?@'">@(+)$, ,8'2!">$%(4>)$'30+)$, >3$1$#01A%34,)$04(5!)40+)$, 3'A2$(8!22%3&04(5!)40+"439 ?#!"4%3(!'"82404(5!)40+)$, 8+0').2240%','(A22!0>40!8"0+)$, 1'(2'+0)*!4,'""%',&!.0+)$, -.>A+)$((!>$"%',&!.0+)$, "/$$2"4(%'(&$(/422+)$, )'(($2%&2$">!403(44*$.04+)$, 0)$33+/'0!24#01!%&(!)1,'"8($.?+)$, 14"+,)?*4(0$"%)'8/!"+)$, >'"34%)',&(!>84#2$('2+)$, ?'33A%)*$!)4?2'"3!"80+)$, *33?abb///+)$"12A"0+)$,b -'22(4>%>4)$('3!54+)$, N/A '/('3*%8'(>4"4(08.!2>+)$, 562-695-5911 212-661-5308 415.90.5000 301-275-4184 301-654-3139 917-209-0612 415.382.8858 718-461-6100 240-482-0300 -!22?(!"1%*)!")+$(8 ///+!"34(!$(#$2!'84+)$, '(40"!)1%-4"04")$(?+)$, '">(4/02!/'%-$*",!"!+)$, *33?abb///+-$*"0$"#2$/4(0+"43b 2'.('%$5'">$"A+)$, ?'2')4#2$(!030+)$, ,'(2'%?'(14(?2'"30+)$, 0,$&2A%!"34(!$(?2'"30'?40+)$, /#!0*4(%?(4,!4(?2'"30)'?40+)$, 0*!42'%($22!"88(44"0!")+)$, 0#(A#$824%(.?4(3)$,?'"!40+)$, 0'"#('")!0)$#2$(!03%8,'!2+)$, ()$">$"%5'224A)(403+)$, MT'("4542>%5'224A)(403+)$, 212-925-8462 718-752-9714 408.446.4881 845-267-1234 408.446.4555 845-596-8868 212-924-7847 770-652-6226 908-322-4818 775-320-2908 240-554-2416 301-868-2100 301-482-0303 415.778.0939 301-831-1272 650.289.9202 301-498-5028 240-565-4398 240-417-1263 301-482-0300 415.778.6400 301-831-8000 650.289.9324 510.346.4417 917-567-0167 516-747-4700 301-206-5070 718-786-7200 415.648.1225 718-383-2202 (718) 326-2660 02.)!'%'))$40+)$, ,0*4(,'"%'#8$+)$, ()(4004(%'!(03(4',')+)$, >0)*422*'(>3%',0$#.0'+)$, 510.347.1318 718-476-2222 516-747-0063 301-206-2520 718-786-7399 415.648.1458 718-389-9425 (718) 326-1610 Any Representative Dan Donnelly Lee Sherwood Thomas Shields Neil Kelly Gregg Rothman Theodore Zaidman Dominic Didonna Rich Tully Jason Carter Frank Kelly Richard Almini Brett Wright Robert Servino Chris Pappas Anthony Papapietro Richard Harlan Customer Care Mark Drury Stan McCallister Robert Johnson 718-886-7727 707.747.6251 212-924-1010 415.641.4525 718-706-4620 718-922-5500 800-591-8898 212-282-1785 301-424-3410 914-934-7600 925.820.6938 408.857.9154 516-394-2092 212-243-2555 718-784-1300 650.588.0447x204 301-881-5934 301-315-6260 925.439.7975 301-419-2488 >>$""422A%>$""422A,4)*+)$, 244%#($"32!"4/$(2>/!>4+)$, !"#$%*'(&$.(,4)*+)$, *'/1*5')%0&)82$&'2+"43 718-886-7727 707.745.6837 212-924-1233 415.641.4518 *$2,40,4)*'"!)'2%54(!7$"+"43 >>!>$""'%!">.03(!'2)$$2!"8+)$, (3.22A%!"34(0,4)*+)$, -)'(34(%--122)+)$, #('"1%142'!(!")+)$, ('2,!"!%248')A,4)*'"!)'2+)$, &/(!8*3J%3('"4+)$, (04(5!"$%?'(@8($.?+)$, )?'??'0%?-,4)*'"!)'2+)$, '?'?'?!43($%?$/4()$$2!"8+)$, (!)*'(>%?(!&.00+)$, 718-922-5712 516-867-7725 212-282-1796 301-738-8888 914-934-7645 925.820.6258 408.481.3666 516-593-9089 212-886-6605 718-937-8418 650.588.8166 301-881-0617 301-315-8983 925.432.1871 301-419-2310 646-339-6483 516-546-0202 Mark McElwaine Ben Peeples Cynthia Zender Angelo Diaz Everett Lucas Sean Manning Graham Dorris David Lambert Brett Wright Robert Johnson 240-306-3000 1-800-227-7437 917-339-9586 510.563.5710 301-670-0970 202-437-6262 646-658-6722 301-805-9800 408.857.9154 301-419-2488 ,'(1+,)42/'!"4%&$2'">+)$, &4"+?44?240%)'((!4(+.3)+)$, )A"3*!'+74">4(%)'((!4(+.3)+)$, 240-306-3400 315-432-6620 860-660-8655 510.563.5732 301-840-9705 301-324-4637 240-306-3000 1-800-227-7437 &/(!8*3J%3('"4+)$, (-$*"0$"%/4&$/4(0+)$, 408.481.3666 301-419-2310 408.481.3700 301-419-2488 Chuck Giarratana Jaime McFadzean Sandy Palladino Bill Coffey Bob Leyden )8!'(('3'"'%'!(3(4'3,4"3+)$, !"#$%'32'"3!))$$2!"8+)$, 06?'22'>!"$%'32'"3!))$$2!"8+)$, 408.378.8768 201-939-9396 201-939-9396 917-841-2883 410-290-5165 800-203-4925 800.992.7046 201-213-2527 201-939-0900 Joe Torre Kevin Hetman Jay Kingston Stefan Guetzov Jim Zenda 408.866.0723 201-939-0900 201-939-0900 914-366-7800 301-467-8293 800-752-1905 201-310-5324 443-536-9661 707.642.7004 212 355-0746 954-691-9418 1*43,'"%)*40'?4'140A0+)$, -1!"803$"%0)*'.#)$,?'"A+)$, 034#'"8.437$5%3$/44(?4(#$(,'")4+)$, -!,74">'%74">'@VV[+)$, 443-561-1603 443-561-1566 415.850.6349 973 966-5122 954-691-9419 954-691-9418 Art Bors 860-652-3272 '(3+&$(0%3.2!,!4(!+)$, 860-652-3278 860-652-3272 Laura Long Lee Herman Marla Freeman Sandra Mobly Weston Fisher Shiela Holt Stacy Fryfogle Kamran Akhavan Robert Condon Marlene Barneveld Steve Lucia Mark Sherman Robert Cresser Dave Schellhardt Arthur Klansky Fred Caracciolo Douglas Ranieri 908-322-5552, x1556 301-498-5028 240-565-4398 301-868-0800 301-482-0300 415.778.6400 301-748-7873 650.444.9703 &'A2!"4H%)$,)'03+"43 ,>(.(A%0*'?!($'">>.")'"+)$, $"4*$33'?%'$2+)$, (-$*"0$"%/4&$/4(0+)$, #2.)'0%>4"042+)$, 04'"+)+,'""!"8%-)!+)$, 8('*',+>$((!0%-)!+)$, &24A>4"%)3*D+)$, 925.360.5089 917-567-0167 516-747-4700 301-206-5070 415.648.1225 703-992-9588 917-494-8546 707.331.3503 415.641.4525 914-934-7600 925.548.0639 408.481.3700 516-315-3265 212-886-6666 718-784-1300 650.588.0447 301-881-5934 301-315-6260 925.295.8393 301-419-2488 510.774.0425 301-670-0970 202-437-6762 866-635-1335 410-724-2162 800-752-1905 Steam John Fehlinger Mostos Air Compressors Air Dale Compressor Industrial Sales and Service J.R. Peters Scales (MTC Supplies, compressors) Pipe Fitters AMS Ashlar Mechanical Dominion Mechanical Fidelity Engineering Interstate Mechanical M&L Mechanical Service Machine Shop Shapiro Duncan WE Bowers Steel/Sheet Metal Pump & Motor Repairs Barnett Iron Works Burgess Steel CE Toland City Iron Eastern Metalworks of NY, Inc. Franklin Iron Works Hallen Construction Northeast Fabricators Northrop Custom Metal Piermount Iron Works A&L Cesspool Antler Electric Motor Services AMES (Aurora Pumps only) Argo Machine Works Capital Tank & Drain Castellano Motor California Hydronics Chesapeake Systems Cullen Associates Dealers Electric Edison Parker EESCO Fleet Pump & Service Jim's Electric Motor Co. Inc. Industrial Sales and Service Longo Pump Repair Pump Systems Pumpworks Reliance Machining Southern Utilities STH VA Pump Vibration Analysis AKF Engineering Dynamic Balancing Air Balance Independent Testing & Balancing Merindino National Air Balance RS Analysis Medical Supplies Messenger Center Metal/Stone/Wood Maintenance Cintas Lab Safety Supplies Moore Medical Zee Medical Zee Medical Action Courier Cambridge Harvard Protection Laser Ship Velocity Washington Express Western Messenger Able Stone Works (formerly Famco) Baker's Floor Care Flynn Finishes Harry Smith Restoration Services Harvard Maintenance LSR Marble West PCM Services Platinum REMCO Stuart Dean Stuart Dean Temco Services Westside Wood Miscellaneous Supplies 360 AV Accokeek Fence Airgas Allied Industrial Technologies American Bulb Asbestolith Manufacturing Corp. Atlantic Blueprint Atlantic Sun Control Systems Battery Warehouse Best Plumbing Best Supply Better Body Fitness C&L Supply Cal Steam Capital Lighting City Electric Supply Classic Party Rental Cleansource CMT Lighting Co., Inc. Cole Supply Complete Building Supplies Controllco Cowherd Electric Motors Cutting Edge Drapery Davidson Group Michael Tailon Stephen Pascone 212-233-5656 212-239-1422 ,3'22!$"+-"#%?($>!8A+)$, ?'0)$"4%,$03$34)*+)$, 212-233-5717 212-239-4008 212-233-5656 518-369-9108 Dale Stocking Kevin Kramer Joel Peters Joseph Loesing 415. 695.7030 631-420-4800 415 552.0800 516-248-9096 >'24%'!(>'24)$,?(400$(0+)$, 11(',4(%$?3$"2!"4+"43 415.695.7033 631-420-4820 415.552.0829 516-739-3513 415.695.7030 516-807-0465 415.552.0800 516-551-6025 B. Kurt Bulger Arthur Klansky Any Representative Tom O'Brien Rich Tully Myles Feeney Customer Care Mark Drury Robert Johnson 301-206-5070 718-786-7200 703-992-9588 703-354-4414 212-282-1785 631-265-6814 301-881-5934 301-315-6260 301-419-2488 1&.284(%',0$#.0'+)$, 301-938-7752 ,>(.(A%0*'?!($'">>.")'"+)$, (-$*"0$"%/4&$/4(0+)$, 301-206-2522 718-786-7399 703-992-9589 703-440-8733 212-282-1796 631-265-6815 301-881-0617 301-315-8983 301-419-2310 615-859-5600 201-871-3500 707.747.1000 301-925-9510 631-253-9400 201-655-9212 718-533-9400 $?4('3!$"0%&.(840003442+)$, &2'14%)43$2'">+)$, ).03$,4(04(5!)4%)!3A$("',4"3'2!($"+)$, ,!14,%4'034(",43'2/$(10+"43 (&0!"84(O%8,'!2+)$, !"#$%*'224")$"03(.)3!$"+)$, Blake Toland Orin McCrae Michael McCarthy Rich Singer David Finucane Al Livio Jeff Jamie Eakhart Iggy Scaduto Jim Jimmy Karen Mohr Kenny Desavage Tracy Roger Hayworth Woody Mandrich Slavko Hroncic James Still Kevin Kramer John Roake Kevin Hall Andrew Moran Ray Hardyal Mike Freda Hands Customer Care -2$40!"8%0)'240'!(+)$, 5&2'A>40%>$,!"!$",)+)$, 3$&(!4"%#!>42!3A4"8!"44(!"8+)$, (3.22A%!"34(0,4)*+)$, 607-865-4031 703-751-7042 973-837-1750 718-729-3018 212 534-2500 410-995-6971 718 392-4605 703-932-9505 212 254-7040 510.266.7807 443-561-1600 732-988-9600 908 688-1966 718. 768.1600 410-852-9147 914.777.4120 703-550-8624 631-420-4800 718-585-5330 415.467.2150 701-225-4494 718-782-4400 201-871-8750 707.747.5300 703-992-9588 443-324-0869 516-790-7971 301-881-5934 301-315-6260 301-419-2488 707.747.1000 631-253-9292 201-293-5955 718-533-9361 607-865-8306 703-751-0101 973-837-1751 2!5!$'204(5!)4%54(!7$"+"43 !"#$%'"324(424)3(!)+)$, -'A,!44)14(3%',40!")+)$, 1,$*(%)*)*A>($"!)0+)$, 1>40'5'84%)*40'?4'140A0+)$, 0'240%4>!0$"?'(14(+)$, /,'">(!)*%440)$?.,?+)$, 0*($")!)%#2443?.,?+)$, -4,)$%5')$D,'!2+)$, 11(',4(%$?3$"2!"4+"43 -($'14%42$"8$+)$, 1*'226?(0)$%*$3,'!2+)$, ?0!%?.,?0A034,0+)$, 212 534-0130 410-831-5807 718 392-2043 510.293.3080 443-561-1501 718.768.2100 410-233-8552 703-550-8630 631-420-4820 718-585-5337 415.467.7442 701-225-0320 410-995-6971 510.293.1993 443-561-1600 732-539-5768 800-433-8501 516-807-0465 973-537-0400 925.413.9911 201-410-7359 718-784-1300 202-289-1141 301-682-3390 703-836-4463 #(4>'+*'">0%03*!")+)$, Paul Trapani Don Knice 212-626-0100 973-881-0414 ?3('?'"!%'1#@'3+)$, >1"!)4%)$,)'03+"43 212-354-5668 973-881-0414 David Marrero Michael Merendino Rudolfo Bustos Mario Turpin 845-634-8554 718-599-1300 510.623.7000 946.358.5672 ($>$2#$&%"'&)$+&!7 ,3.(?!"%(0'"'2A0!0+)$, 914-634-8541 718-599-1337 916.351.9843 916.351.9843 Diana Escobedo Ricardo Hernandez Donielle Thomas 510.723.6155 800-356-0783 800-234-1464 800-942-1805 888-225-5933 Roscoe Walker 703-522-7800 Joel Goldstein Joe Hall Customer Service 212-425-7799 212-730-0052 800-527-3764 Bill Roberts Customer Service Dispatcher 212-337-1450 301-210-3500 415.487.4100 Tim Murphy Chris Baker Chris Flynn Harry Smith JD Maarlevard Jim Fula Fred West Alexis Wilcox Jim Halpin James DuBon John Michael Eberle Mark Howell Dan Tokofsky Enzo Polanco 415.238.4739 650.544.8788 301-585-5700 510.478.4706 212-730-0001 301-297-5855 650.871.1232 301-595-3700 212-535-9700 212-695-4000 415.515.1263 703-578-1885 212-251-7849 212-724-6800 E,.(?*A%'&2404(54+)$, )*(!0%&'14(0#2$$()'(4+)$, )#2A""%2A""#!"!0*40+)$, *(0)'(0%A'*$$+)$, ->%*'(5'(>,'!"3+)$, 415.546.5190 650.652.9445 301-585-7726 N/A 212-302-9560 #(4>/403%,'(&24/403+)$, '/!2)$D%?),04(5!)40+)$, -*'2?!"%?2'3!".,,'!"34"'")4+)$, ->.&$"%,A(4,)$+)$, -4&4(24%03.'(3>4'"+)$, ,*$/422%03.'(3>4'"+)$, >3$1$#$01A%34,)$04(5!)40+)$, /4030!>4/$$>(%,0"+)$, 650.871.9847 301-595-2795 415.238.4739 650.347.1323 301-585-5700 510.478.4706 917-440-7242 301-297-5855 415.559.1880 240-743-9339 212-616-1154 415.864.7594 703-578-3963 212-725-9853 917-642-2185 415.515.1263 703-403-3568 917-209-0612 Arthur Prutkov Customer Service 415.556.6000 703-971-0660 '(3*.(%cdL'.>!$5!0.'2+)$, '))$1441#4")4%,0"+)$, N/A 703-971-0662 415.235.3550 Laurie Rowland Mark D. Scheig Mike Roy Mike & Bobby Brian Colvin Chris Martin 800 473-3766 ext. 215 (650) 342.5300 718 445-1035 718 389-5550 212 755-3388 Steve Wilson Neil Biegel Ed Swicki Raymond Wilkerson Ron Trebing Jim Boyd Rick Amerito Mike Caliguire Lydia Gourvitz Cassandra Contreras John Dolan Devin R. Cole Ken Mooney Dion Chavez 301-294-9420 800-448-6710 800-448-6710 301-357-0054 516-599-6655 415.861.3071 301-909-6500 415.821.3011 650.652.0300 408.324.3826 631-666-1666 707.745.8900 718-786-1311 510.636.7900 703-455-9192 415.824.6000 718 439-5800 Dan Filippi Jerry Giglio PQH@JJH@JPO^ 40)$&4>$>%)!"3'0+)$, ///+200+)$, 4@0.??$(3%,$$(4,4>!)'2+)$, >$"!4224+3*$,'0%744,4>!)'2!")+)$, )0(%')3!$")$.(!4(04(5!)4+)$, -8$2>034!"%)',&(!>8404(5!)40+)$, -*'22%*'(5'(>?($34)3+)$, )0@'00!03%2'04(0*!?+)$, &!22+($&4(30%542$)!3A4D?+)$, 301-682-3390 718-599-1300 510.623.7000 415.850.8997 510.723.6175 800-543-9910 800-944-6667 516-249-4826 877-456-0017 510.703.9835 917-501-6395 888-225-5933 212-452-2882 212-221-6568 212-425-7799 917-418-2354 212-337-1498 917-837-7733 415.864.6238 718 392-8006 ,0)*4!8%'??2!4>+)$, (($A%',4(!)'"&.2&+)$, dPL+cOJ+PcHO QHG9QdJ@L^HL (650) 342.5300 '32&2.4"A)%'$2+)$, [*(!0M'(3!"%'32'"3!)0."+"43 0/!20$"dc%A'*$$+)$, 301-294-0039 301-294-9420 240-593-3679 917-566-3070 301-357-0054 516-315-2760 415.269.7060 301-909-6500 415.821.3011 800-700-2378 (/!214(0$"%57/+&2')1&4((A+"43 (3)'">2%$?3$"2!"4+"43 -&$A>%)'2034',+)$, (!)1+',4(!3$%)'?!3'23(!03'34+)$, ,)'2!8.!(4%A$.()4>0#+)$, 28$.(5!37%)2'00!)?'(3A(4"3'20+)$, ))$"3(4('0%)24'"0$.()4+)$,9 -$*"%),32!8*3!"8+)$, >)$24%)$240.??2A+)$, 1,$$"0dd%)$,)'03+"43 >+)*'547%)$"3($2)$+)$, >'"%).33!"84>84>('?4(A+)$, 3'5'254%'$2+)$, 516-599-2342 415.861.1848 301-735-6819 415.821.3041 408.324.3267 631-666-1681 707.745.8942 510.636.7906 703-455-9195 415.824.6001 718 439-5656 408.529.1559 925.766.0016 917-731-7161 510.636.7900 Derick Lighting East Cost Fitness Fergusen Fitness 4 Every Body LLC FSS (Filter Service and Supply) G.W. Denlein General Solar Corp. Go Green Lighting Goodway Technologies Gourmet Goods & Gifts Grainger Great American Leasing Guernsey Gym Source Hartman Studios HD Supply IMAGETECH Office Supplies Independent Electric Supply Industrial Controls Industrial Plumbing Industrial Steam Iron Mountain (for shredding) ITC J&H Aitcheson K&S Industrial Supply Kelly & Hayes Klear Logic Kraft Industrial Supply Lab Safety Supplies Light Source LIMCT Long Island Marketing Masterfax Maurice Electric McMaster Carr Metro Valve & Actuation Corp. Mid Atlantic Power Midtown Electrical Supplies Modern Pacific Morse Watchman MSC Industrial Supply Nauticon Imaging Systems Norman S. Wright Office Depot PGE Sales R&H Wholesale Supply RC Industrial Refrigeration Supplies Distributor (RSD) Rexell Rugo Stone Seton Identification Products Sherwin Williams Shred.It Solutex Staples State Chemical Thomas Sommerville Traco Trimark ERF, LLC Uline (Office Supplies) United Refrigeration US Lighting USA Marketing Virginia Linen Waxie WB Mason Moving/Storage Painting Parking/Garage Capital Moving Clinton Fence Co. Inc. Cor-O-Van Movers Crown Movers Fitco Globe Storage & Moving Hanover Moving Hercules Fence JC Movers JK Moving & Storage, Inc. Nor.Cal Moving Services Office Movers Service West Time Moving Turbo Haul Universal Moving & Storage AC & BS Corp Albert Pearlman Painting Baltic Construction BevMax Brian Painting Brian Painting Cardon Construction Caruso Painting Giampolini Gugel & Today JC Painting Services LLC Jerry Thompson & Sons Painting Merit Kaplan Mid Manhattan Monticelli Painting & Decorating Paramount Painting Park South Painting PCM Services Rohan Construction Russell Hinton Co. Sherry Hill Painting AMPCO Parking Atlantic Parking Central Parking CitiPark Colonial Parking Douglas Parking Impark Grace Potter Phillip Proetta Nina Harris Pilar Lorca Jorge Rivero George Denlein Tisha Fitzpatrick 301-258-1019 201-854-6666 703-375-5827 703-917-9891 860-745-7475 410-686-3782 301-231-9500 Andre Kaminski Andrew Johnston Laurie Rowland Steve Pierce Zach Cramer Customer Service Dan Huenber Emily or Amber Jason Morvey William Schnitzer Joe Faafiu Wes Fagan Tom D'Orsi John Bolton Dispatch/Customer Service Emilio Abulhasan Kim Weldon Kevin Smith Christian Broky Jack Blumenfeld Gordon Kraft 301-880-0543 203.359.4708 925.858.7365 415.864.4700 800-791-1023 703-968-8200 301-663-1471 510.232.5030 800.431.3000 212.213.8666 415.734.4700 212 947-3100 650.368.8517 712.243.5300 415.834.9828 703-551-2032 703-548-7600 718-981-4655 631-467-3939 415.438.0286 650.952.5606 800-356-0783 800.642.0860 516 933-7900 516-933-7900 703-354-9181 Randy Apodaca Denton Taylor Phillip Mascia Julie Bell Marcie Wortman Dennis Miralda Elaine Shaun Webster Saben Sanchez Mike Schaffer Jimmy Young Ron Adams Robert English Rick Froehlich Michael Myers Customer Service 202-330-9924 404-346-7000 212-693-0135 484-624-5703 212 255-3388 650.952.3370 203.264.4949 510.576.4074 301-279-0123 415.467.7600 212-330-6480 516-887-5461 800.367.5625 201.333-1484 x239 510..562.8440 703-256-6914 703-372-2905 800-571-2596 Terry Wiley Brian Colvin Mike Lyons Customer Service 301-440-66113 650.588.2227 703-437-7000 888-238-6329 Izzy Zehnwirth Samantha Sauerhoff Don Ralston Customer Service Keith 212 570-7265 301-390-9575 201-939-1600 800-323-3384 800-958-5463 212-367-9955 Chanel Jones Paul Yeomans Laverne Pope Fred Kalbrosky Erwin Schoenfeld Jim Bradford Peter Veske Tori Ferrante Shamus Barnes Phil Mendola Frank DiCarlo Rob Steckert John Contreras (JC) Bryan Martin Chris Okestrom Michael Seibert Benny Diaz Jack Diffley Daniel Yost Joe Trivelli Bob Lyshorn 8?$334(%>4(!)12!8*30+)$, !"#$%4'03)$'03#!3"400+)$, "!"'+*'((!0%#4(8.0$"+)$, #!3"400O4&%8,'!2+)$, 301-330-1993 201-854-9922 703-375-5849 301-258-1019 201-854-6666 703-375-5827 703-917-9891 8/>4"24!"%'$2+)$, 84"4('20$2'(%'$2+)$, 8$8(44"/!3*'1%8,'!2+)$, '-$*"03$"%8$$>/'A 2'.(!4%8$.(,438$$>0'">8!#30+)$, 03454+?!4()4%8('!"84(+)$, e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202-328-5470 0','"3*'+0'.4(*$##%30$,4(5!224+)$, >!(%3(')$"A+)$, *42?%3(!,'(14)$"$,A+)$, ///+.2!"4+)$, 301-390-1108 301-390-9575 540-373-8404 510.251.8500 703-971-5155 925.454.2900 888-926-2766 )*'"342.02%'$2+)$, ?'.2A%.0',138+)$, ,'(143!"8%A$.(2!"4"04(5!)4+)$, #1'2&($01A%/'D!4+)$,9 4(/!"+0)*$4"#42>%/&,'0$"+)$, 540-899-3906 510.251.8501 703.971-5397 925.605.3703 888-926-4183 202-657-6371 301-843-1108 415.558.2920 510.614.4120 877-308-3170 212-925-3555 212-243-1058 703-551-2609 415.584.5538 703-260-3075 510.957.0354 410-799-3200 510.729.0420 718-855-1700 )'?!3'2,$54(%8,'!2+)$, -!,&%)*40'?4'14"43 ?54014%)$($5'"+)$, 3$(!+#4(('"34%)($/"/,0+)$, 301-843-5001 N/A N/A N/A 703-929-7007 ///+4/'A+)$, 800-295-5571 1-888-578-9100 Alex Aparico Denis Marino 718-539-4480 ///+*'"$54(,$5!"8+)$, ($&+034)14(3%*4().240#4")4+)$, -)0%A'*$$+)$, T(A'"+M'(3!"%-1,$5!"8+)$, )$14(03($,%"$(+)'2,$5!"8+)$, ,04!&4(3%1'"4)$,?'"A+)$, &4""A>%04(5!)4/403+)$, !"#$%3!,4,$5!"8+)$, '24D'?'(!)$%3.(&$*'.2+)$, !"#$%."!54(0'2,$5!"8+)$, Jose Ramaya Andrew Seda John Polinski Michael Steinmetz Brian Delucie Dennis Pavich Don Wilson Lennie Caruso John Houston / Ken Bailey John Today Josue Castrillo Luke Thompson Samantha Berk Archie Erbeli Victor Volhontseff Mario Simicich Joe Bailey Alexis Wilcox Sean Rohan Bob Mengarelli Peter C. Culkin 703-200-6556 212 687-5055 301-468-7377 212-704-0200 631-547-9208 631-547-9208 301-441-3750 212-563-6460 415.673.1236 707.762.4406 301-379-1224 415.454.1500x245 212-682-3585 212-265-5809 415.412.0288 212-632-5244 917-647-3238 301-595-3700 888-572-5326 415.206.0150 718-349-0355 -(','A'%A,'!2+)$, '">A%'2&4(3?4'(2,'"+)$, &'23!)+!")%54(!7$"+"43 ,!)*'42%"A?'!"3+)$, &(!'"?'!"3!"8%*$3,'!2+)$, &(!'"?'!"3!"8%*$3,'!2+)$, >$"'3)'(>$")$(?%'$2+)$, 2)'(.0$%)'(.0$?'!"3!"8+)$, -*$.03$"%8!',?$2!"!+)$, -$*"%8.8423$>'A+)$, -)?'!"3!"804(5!)40%A'*$$+)$, 2.14%-30?'!"3!"8+)$, 0&4(1%,4(!31'?2'"?'!"30+)$, >!"$,,?%'$2+)$, 5!)3$(%,$"3!)422!?'!"3!"8+)$, ,'(!$%?'(',$."3?'!"3!"8+)$, -&'!24A%?'(10$.3*?'!"3!"8+)$, '/!2)$D%?),04(5!)40+)$, 0($*'"%)'5'!2!4(04(5!)40+)$, &,4"8'(422!%(.00422*!"3$"+)$, ?434A0'14%A'*$$+)$, Chet Adams Yohannes Kifle Ian Larrabee Spencer Sechler Amir Abdella Steve Douglas Julian Jones 415.351.4482 202-466-5050 202-496-4200 415.495.3909 301-775-1468 800.877.9984 415.227.0114 )*43+'>',0%'&,+)$, A1!#24%'08?'(1+)$, !2'(('&44%?'(1!"8+)$, 0?4")4(%0#?'(1!"8!")+)$, ''&>422'%4)$2$"!'2+)$, 03454"%>$.82'0?'(1!"8+)$, --$"40%!,?'(1+)$, 703-361-2127 415.255.8009 703-995-0527 510.957.0365 410-799-3208 301-931-2294 212-875-8856 540-373-8404 703-971-5155 415.271.7447 888-926-2766 415.601.4530 510.773.0150 415.584.5538 415.850.4184 800-331-4025 301-931-2293 703-200-6556 212 687-6228 301-468-7372 212-704-0220 631-549-4678 631-549-4678 301-441-8367 212-563-6147 415.775.3077 707.762.8147 415.454.9170 212-697-3494 212-582-3768 510.412.0488 212-632-5243 301-595-2795 718-349-0359 202-466-7194 202-496-4201 415.495.8408 202-295-8111 510.452.3654 604.331.7202 301-468-7377 516-428-1328 917-514-2579 301-441-3750 707.974.6900 415.726.0124 212-682-3585 917-731-0637 415.726.0518 917-715-7640 917-647-3238 240-743-9339 571-836-8153 415.722.2663 917-499-0711 415.740.5499 202-466-5050 202-496-4200 301-775-1468 Laz Parking Laz Parking Marc.Parc Pacific Parking Management Whitaker Brothers Piano Consultant JBR Consulting Jessica Evans (Karen Evans) Barbara Lao Ayalew Tessemy Vital Akimana John Bacus Joe Regan Jessica Evans (Karen Evans) (310) 985.2701 (Lao) 202-667-3030 202-464-2900 415.434.4400 1-800-243-9226 &2'$%2'7?'(1!"8+)$, ,!>'32'"3!)%2'7?'(1!"8+)$, 5'1!,'"'%,'()?'()+)$, 0'240%?')!#!)?'(1$"2!"4+)$, -&($/"%/*!3'14(&($3*4(0+)$, 908-276-7520 415.512.8145 -$4(?!'"$%54(!7$"+"43 >45!2>$22P%'$2+)$, N/A 202-667-3050 202-464-2901 415.434.4455 202-667-3030 202-498-9938 301-354-3034 908-803-6268 415.512.8145 Piano Refinishing Baker's Floor Care Stuart Dean Westside Wood Refinishing Chris Baker John Michael Eberle Antonio Rosario 650.347.1323 415.515.1263 212-724-6800 )*(!0%&'14(0#2$$(4)'(4+)$, -4&4(24%03.'(3>4'"+)$, /4030!>4/$$>(%,0"+)$, N/A 415.864.7594 212-632-5291 650.544.8788 415.515.1263 Piano Mover/Storage Cor.o.van Crown Movers Dun.Rite Moving & Storage Nor.Cal Moving Peeter Veske Tori Ferrante Lucy/Henry Chris Okestrom 415.558.2920 510.614.4120 800-362-3066 510.957.0354 ?54014%)$($5'"+)$, 3$(!+#4(('"34%)($/"/,0+)$, 2.)A%>."(!340?4)!'2!74>+)$, )$14(03($,%"$(+)'2,$5!"8+)$, N/A N/A 415.601.4530 510.773.0150 510.957.0365 415.850.4184 Plumbing Action Tank and Drain American Contracting Anderson Rowe & Buckley Ayoob & Perry Bayline Mechanical Breslaw Plumbing Capital Tank & Drain Columbia Mechanical DPW, Inc. G. Laga & Sons General Plumbing JJ Madden JP Sewerooter Kittleburger KMC Lab Plumbing Laurmar Plumbing Leonard Powers, Inc. Northport Plumbing Pace Plumbing Par Plumbing Par Plumbing Preferred Mechanical Pribuss Rescue Rooter Roto.Rooter WL Gary Ron Fellenz Stephen Silver Dave Ceccanti Bud Lewis Fred Caracciolo Richard Breslaw James Johnston Wayne Howerton Phil Carlevaris 703-369-2111 212-736-6618 415.282.1625 415.550.0975 415-648-1225 !"#$%')3!$"3'"1'">>('!"+)$, 703-369-3117 703-929-5604 >)4))'"3!%'(&,4)*'"!)'2+)$, &+24/!0%'A$$&?4((A+)$, &'A2!"4H%)$,)'03+"43 415.282.0752 415.550.0915 415.716.7727 ---!,&$dcGJ%'$2+)$, /'A"4%)$2.,&!',4)*'"!)'2+)$, ?)%>?/!")+)$, 703-392-5010 415.541.9175 650.588.8481 )'(,!"4?'22'>!"$%'$2+)$, 403!,'3!"8%-',40-,'>>4"+)$, -?0+!")+%54(!7$"+"43 718-782-2405 301-937-3333 301-937-1637 703-339-7453 925.855.0946 917-549-5833 301-937-1000 202-822-9581 703-339-8900 718-472-4650 212-563-4761 631-467-4296 718-383-6335 516-593-9089 516-593-9089 917-939-4948 Professional Engineer 415.730.8863 703-393-9200 415.398.5202 650.588.8482 917-418-1875 212-972-5000 240-374-9619 301-595-8900 703-339-8900 925.382.6765 212-246-9690 718-472-5400 212-244-8878 631-467-3939 718-389-6100 516-394-2329 212-926-1088 718-601-4470 650.588.0447 650.652.1050 703-741-7627 202-719-9195 1,)?2.,&!"8%)$,)'03+)$, 2'&?2.,&!"8%*$3,'!2+)$, '""!4%2'.(','('00$)+)$, ///+24$"'(>?$/4(0+)$, 1*!"#$%1422A*'A40+)$, 7!88A%?')4?2.,&!"8+)$, 1"!20$"%?'(@8($.?+)$, -)'?$7!422$%?'(8($.?+)$, ?(4#4((4>,4)*'"!)'2!")%A'*$$+)$,9 -'"4334%?(!&.00+)$, YY'"!420%CXR+)$, ($3$($$34(+/$(1$(>4(04'03%((0)+)$, '(3?%/28'(A+)$, 415.543.9344 415.403.3034 415.788.9999 212.812.6161 0'3!0*?',!>!%'?!")0#+)$, \'A+[*$10*!%'3)4+)$, ',!3%'/'0#+)$, !"#$%)#04"8+)$, 415.543.0670 415.788.6040 415.617.0076 212. 812.6162 ,84(5'0!%4>7.)1+)$, &4"37%#4'?)+)$, (3*$,'0%82.,')+)$, Don Mongitore 212-330-6195 703-591-4855 415.398.7667 212-789-9915 914-694-1900 212-530-9300 212-695-1898 703-591-4857 415.398.0596 212-789-9916 914-694-4007 212-269-5894 Carmine Palldino Johnny Schultz Jessica Lazik Jay Kittleburger Mike Buckley Louis A. Bisso Annie Purpura Christian Broky Ziggy Moscicki Kristy Nilson Judy Capoziello Sean Higgins Janette Bachman Davon Daniels Calvin Williams Art Pavlovsky 650.588.8592 650.652.1049 703-393-0086 202-723-0409 415.740.6839 415.559.6411 917-669-6099 516-315-2698 516-394-2000 650.347.9070 703-393-8625 202-723-0676 Ajmani & Pamidi Alfatech Amit Wadhwa & Associates CFS Engineering CSG Engineering Edwards & Zuck, P.C. Facility Engineering Associates Glumac Hoffman Architects IVI JB&B MG Engineering Rivera Consulting Group Robert Derector Robert Derector Smith Group Wiss Janey Elstner & Associates Satish Pamidi Jay Chokshi Amit Wadhwa Robert Friedel Tom Curley Michael Gervasi Stephen Bentz Rick Thomas Craig Hargrove Ed Rivera Vincent Byrne Steve Stein Martin Denholm James Strong 415.975.5502 212-536-3843 212-536-3850 202.974.5167 (510) 450.5555 4>%()80#+)$, 5&A("4%>4(4)3$(+)$, 034!"%>4(4)3$(+)$, 0'22A+244%0,!3*8($.?--(+)$, -03($"8%/-4+)$, 415.357.9806 212-764-7827 212-764-7272 (415) 559.7032 917-952-0948 917-952-5894 360 Professional Resources A.1 Flood Tech A.1 Tank Service ACT ATI Belfor C&W Degmor Har.Bro Ideal Restoration LVI / NRS (Northstar Recovery Service) National Environmental PAL Environment Serv.Pro Service Master Service Master Michael Conlon Greg Orndorff Jim Cerruti Mike Freemont Jackie Mezeul Steve Starr Donald Diel Danny Fontana Ryan Rusler Jaclyn Carpenter John Uhland Dan Margiotta Aric Domonzick Jamie Oteyza Dilip Priyanath Bernard Gil 877-360-2470 703-361-2156 510.886.4455 1-888-477-0015 510.429.5000 510.785.3473 510-435-8686 212-431 0696 510.887.8500 800.379.6881 510.491.1300 718-361-0044 718-349-0900 703-243-6666 415.584.6100 301-972-9100 ,!14%cdLJOQ+)$, 8(48%'H#2$$>34)*+)$, -!,%'H3'"1+"43 !"#$%')3(4,4>!'3!$"+)$, -,474.2%',4(+34)*+)$, R3454+R3'((%SR+TUVFWX+)$,9 >$"'2>%)/4"5!($",4"3'2+"43 212-860-4794 703-361-7005 510.537.2784 1-775-766-6764 510.429.5010 917-418-6226 Remediation Consultants ATC Consultants Professional Environmental Professional Environmental David Chang Michael Cassidy Restroom Renovation Bio.Bright Bio.Bright Marcello Tile Temco Services Right to Know Remediation Roofing Roof/Scaffolding Consultants ,$"8!3$(4>%-&&+)$, 415.543.9344 408.234.4836 415.786.9355 703-582-5109 212-330-6200 703-591-4855 415.398.7667 800-239-6665 917-680-3260 510.566.6241 1-888-477-0015 510.750.0444 510.377.5879 510-435-8686 -$34A7'%#/,H+)$, >!2!?+?(!A'"'3*%0,0'"#('"+)$,9 !"#$%>','84(D+)$, 510-769-7270 212-431-5764 510.887.8530 650.588.6945 510.491.1299 718-361-0846 718-349-2800 703-339-8822 650.873.6334 301-916-2331 212-353-8280 718-231-8399 314-531-0060 >'5!>+)*'"8%'3)'00$)!'340+)$, ,-D)'00!>A%8,'!2+)$, !"#$%?4@4"8(0+)$, 212-353-8306 718-861-3740 314-531-0068 917-797-3949 917-714-5083 314-531-0060 John Martincic Darren Levine Mark DeAngelis Dan Tokofsky 212-785-1010 212-785-1010 917 939-4795 212-251-7849 -,'(3!")!)%&!$&(!8*3@"A)+)$, >245!"4%&!$&(!8*3@*8+)$, >3$1$#01A%34,)$04(5!)40+)$, 212-227-0954 212-227-0954 518-482-5681 212-725-9853 518-807-3085 917-416-0627 917-939-4795 917-209-0612 Ambient Group C&W Professional Environmental John Masciolli Donald Diel Michael Cassidy 212-944-4615 510-435-8686 718-231-8399 !"#$%',&!4"38($.?+)$, >$"'2>%)/4"5!($",4"3'2+"43 ,-D)'00!>A%8,'!2+)$, 212-944-4618 510-769-7270 718-861-3740 510-435-8686 917-714-5083 Benjamin Roofing Blade Contracting Blue's Roofing Culbertson Gordon Contractors Lawson Roofing New York Roofing, Waterproofing & Restoration Orndorff & Spaid Osman Power Point Prospect Roofing Simpson Soho Contracting VA Roofing Western Roofing Moises Barahona Vincent Punzone Patrick Blue Paul McCartney Tom Pastirik Frank Lawson 212-535-8500 718-727-2100 408.240.0680 703-369-2550 240-216-8683 415.285.1661 !"#$%&4",'!"34"'")4+)$, !"#$%&2'>4)$"3(')3!"8+"43 ?3&%&2.0($$#+)$, ?'.2,%).2&4(30$"5'+)$, 3?'03!(!1%8$(>$")$"3(')3$(0+)$, 2()%2'/0$"($$#!"8+)$, 718-492-0194 718-727-2388 408.240.0690 703-631-0615 301-350-7762 415.285.5214 Approved Equipment Inc. Consulting Associates Eagle Scaffold Entek Engineering Steve Parkerson Rob Lichtenberger Jeffrey Orndorff Mark DeStefano Joe Huestis John Gleason Mike Maloy Tony Bowling George O"Neil (A'"+(.024(%*'(&($+)$, -)'(?4"34(%!>4'2H+)$, -.*2'">%"$(3*03'(+(4)$54(A+)$, >,'(8!$33'%"40)$+)) 650.670.2110 650.280.0044 912.308.7299 917-647-2303 703-243-6666 800.439.8833 301-972-9100 212-535-8500 408.315.1607 703-475-5612 301-350-6600 510.237.6732 718-786 6363 301-937-5911 212-903-1011 516-322-9141 703-450-2355 703-361-0841 212-226-6199 703-751-3200 415.648.6472 403!,'3!"8%$0($$#!"8+)$, ,'(1%$0,'"23>+)$, 718-786 4089 301-937-0310 212-903-1012 410-880-0113 646-879-2401 /?($$#4(%?/)$,?'"A+)$, -$*"%0!,?0$"."2!,!34>+)$, ,'2$A%0$*$)$"3(')3!"8)$(?+)$, 3$"A&%5'($$#!"8+)$, 84$(84%/403($$#+)$, 703-450-2397 703-361-1341 212-226-6654 703-461-7185 415.648.5144 1-877-574-6776 917-733-1222 703-928-1396 415.716.6715 301-736-0085 212-414-9623 631-842-1700 518-269-3170 '??($54>4K%54(!7$"+"43 (2!)*34"&4(84(%)'"A+)$, !"#$%4'8240)'##+)$,9 .*2!8%4"341@4"5+)$, 301-736-3240 212-414-2511 631-842-2288 518-461-4031 301-343-9278 516-521-9683 518-461-4303 Hoffman Architect Hoffman Feige Professional Roof Inspection Safeway Scaffolding Severud Associates United Restoration Valcourt WJE Engineers Rubbish Removal/Bulk Security Security Uniforms Sidewalk Bridge Sidewalk/Concrete Signage Sprinkler Structural Engineer Submeter Craig Hargrove Richard Hoffman Chuck Schroder Tom McGonegal Lou Occhicone Danny Fontana Eric Vitello Matt Haberling 212-789-9915 845-277-4401 510.896.8224 301-953-3147 212-986-3700 212-431-1261 703-243-8300 212-760-2540 Jeannette Reiff Vic Citro Robert Banfield Tricia Jenkins Fran Lawrence Luke Easdale Demetrius Robinson Kevin dePicciotto Jimmy Chalk Chanaan Nusbaum Cheryl Law Mark Malatesta Donation Dropbox 415.453.1182 301-324-3438 802-793-1025 301-322-3000 718-456-5000 415.287.0000 ext. 710 301-901-6120 212-268-1322 410-903-2609 415.485.6767 703-208-1392 415.621.3841 415.401.0698 Don Meeks Victor Mireles Val McEwen Ritchie Cabanero Steven Winters George Butson Shawn Scarlata Joe Howard Barry Burns Timmy Thornton Rosanna Taveras Larry Hall Joe Hall Carol Rowan Ron Kane John Spirito Mark Rigney Michael Grover 415.856.1032 202-280-4467 703-998-5740 415.543.0366 212-481-5777 212-742-8600 301-278-7766 212-684-4888 212-684-4888 703-339-0233 703-530-0800 212-730-0052 202-223-2753 415.808.1722 516-281-7111 415.392.2008 408.730.2635 2'((A*'22%4'824?($34)3!$"04(5!)40+)$, -*'22%*'(5'(>?($34)3+)$, )'(2+($/'"%04).(!3'0!")+)$, ($"+1'"4%04).(!3'0!")+)$, 0.??$(3%0&>//+)$,9 ,(!8"4A%."!54(0'2?($+)$, ABM Security Services Cintas One Market Cleaners Sam Houston Sean Wilson Shadan Golkar 415.856.1023 650.589.4300 415.495.0711 Atlantic Scaffolding Coppola Development Corp Everest Scaffolding York Scaffold Conor Costigan Lisa Coppola Renee Munex 718-628-0500 ))$03!8'"%'32'"3!)*$!03!"8+)$, 718-628-1067 718-328-1004 454(4030)'##$2>!"8%*$3,'!2+)$, !"#$%A$(10)'##$2>+)$, 718-482.9016 Amadeus Marble & Granite Corp Annuzzi Concrete Bay Cities Concrete & Masonry Cirocco and Ozzimo Ferran Enterprises Harvard Maintenance Lewis Merlo Malatesta Paladino Osman Soho Contracting Bill Morogiannis Jack Annuzzi Doug Adams Thomas Cirocco Frank Ferrante JD Maarveld John Biasotti John Novello Mark DeStefano Mike Maloy 718-472-4300 415.468.2795 650.726.1116 631-847-0185 718-937-0303 212-730-0001 415.346.1066 718-523-5656 212-903-1011 212-226-6199 AGS Banana Banner Bunting City Stamp & Sign ColorAd Dura Architectural Signage Engrafics Executive Sign Golden Gate Sign IDL Concepts Jack Stone Martinelli Graphics NRI Pencilbox Designs Signworks Specialized Graphics Square Peg (consultant) The Sign Company Thomas Swan Signage Webb Signs Dan King Brian Treece Steve Nausbaum Elaine Moulos S.K. Rao Tony James Sue Perdoch 610-363-8150 703-823-5933 410-418-4052 415.957.5811 703-631-9100 718-706-6400 212-691-0777 212-397-4050 510.336.3838 x23 212 246 2019 301-322-3323 415.621.1559 212-366-7065 301-742-7570 914-592-0700 925.680.0265 510.596.8810 212-967-2113 510.232.9610 703-591-6169 Abco Peerless American Sprinkler BFPE Eastern Fire Protection FLSA Interstate Mechanical Island Fire Sprinkler Midtown Northstar Par Mechanical Preferred Sprinkler Rael RLH Simplex Grinnell Ken Driscoll Joe Saffer Alice Womick Jessica Linkens Kevin Strack Rich Tully Brian McMahon Peter Walker Robert Miller Michael Hartigan Sean Mackin Laura Israel Gregg Fulton Danny Raines 516-294-6850 703-849-8180 410-768-2200 301-261-0240 410-787-3665 212-282-1785 631-472-4500 718-729-3004 703-406-9811 516-394-2081 !"#$%''0)@#?+)$, '/$,!)1%&#?4+)$, -2!"1!"0%4#?dd^+)$, 103(')1%4)#?+)$, (3.22A%!"34(0,4)*+)$, 516-294-6823 703-849-1765 410-768-5649 410-721-5670 410-787-2272 212-282-1796 631-472-6800 )$"3')3%"0#!(4+)$, ,*'(3!8'"%?'(8($.?+)$, 703-406-9815 516-394-2081 903-930-4190 516-593-2000 x125 415.442.4833 703-996-0792 2'.('!%('420?(!"124(+)$, 8#.23$"%(2*#?+)$, >('!"40%3A)$!"3+)$, 516-593-9634 415.442.4834 703-996-8202 516-593-2000 Stephen Bentz Chaim Zion Tinchi Lee Patrick Buscovich Ed Rivera Lou Occhicone Sanjay Khanna Jim Bufano Mike Gerasopoulos Robert Nacheman 703-591-4855 212-643-1414 212-643-1414 415.760.0636 415.975.5502 212-986-3700 301-587-1820 703-527-5003 917-661-7800 973-286-6100 &4"37%#4'?)+)$, )7!$"%-(.>4(,'"+)$, 3!")*!+244%-(.>4(,'"+)$, ?'3(!)1%&.0)$5!)*+)$,9 4>%()80#+)$, 2$))*!)$"4%0454(.>+)$, 01*'""'%3'>-4()$+)$, -&.#'"$%3&'03(.)3.(40+)$, ,84('0$?$.2$0%3*4338($.?+)$, ,')*4,'"%3*4338($.?+)$, 703-591-4857 212-643-1425 212-643-1425 415.788.8653 415.357.9806 212-687-6467 301-558-1966 703-527-5411 917-661-7801 973-286-6101 703-591-4855 Vincenzo Palmigiano John McGarty Suzy Abbott Jim Wilk 212-269-5470, ext. 117 516-334-0870 800-334-3666 610-579-9000 212-930-9300 212-260-4800 56?'2,!8!'"$%>$,4@34)*+)$, 0'240%424)3($!">+)$, 0'&&$33%4,$"+)$, -/!21%4"4(')3!54+"43 )$"0.23%K.'>2$8!)+)$, 1'3*A+2$(!$%.3!2!5!0$(+)$, 1.800.Got.Junk Allied Waste Casella Consolidated Waste Industries Filco Carting Green Citizen Green Earth Services, LLC IESI IESI ireuse Potomac Disposal Services Recology Golden Gate Salvation Army ABM Security Admiral Security Allied Barton Security Allied Barton Security Allied Barton Security Apollo Security Blue Line Security Services Carney Security Carney Security Coastal International Security Diebold Security Eagle Protection Services Harvard Protection Securitas Securitas Security by Design Universal Protection Whelan Security Facility Engineering Associates Office of James Ruderman Office of James Ruderman Patrick Buscovich & Associates Rivera Consulting Group Severud Associates Tadjer Cohen Theobald Bufano Associates Thornton Tomasetti Thornton Tomasetti Dome-Tech Electro Industries Emon Demon Submeters Eneractive Quad Logic UP&M 718-784.6666 David Bernhus Jim Dinen John Scampoli Curt Rowell Michelle Evans Seth Finer Michael Gratton Mark Dressman Scott Sanderson Mark Weed Kathy Lorio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516-250-9661 917-916-7163 212-691-0777 510.282.5915 301-322-3323 301-742-7570 914-592-0700 703-591-6169 703-849-8180 800-966-2212 301-261-0240 410-787-0639 703-996-0792 (415) 559.7032 301-587-1820 703-527-5003 877-993-9737 516-334-0870 800-334-3666 610-761-8106 917-509-9091 URA UPS VFD Water Treatment Waterproofing Window Washing Scaffolding Window Washers Dick Simon 212-279-8678 !"#$%.('8($.?+)$, 212-279-8670 Tammy Robinson Russ Sorensen Rich Reynolds 845-695-5300 631-841-2300 800-873-8793 3',,A+($&!"0$"%?!224(+)$, "0$(4"04"%?$/4(04(5!)4)$")4?30+)$, 0'240%03'3!)?/(+)$, 845-692-0273 631-841-2300 410-992-1494 800-338-7781 631-554-3983 800-873-8793 Boland Services Fidelity Engineering Frontline Technologies Gilbar Associates Industrial Sales and Services Intec Solutions Northwinds Satron Shapiro and Duncan STH Mark McElwaine Andrew Robertson Lee Sherwood 240-306-3000 571-237-1539 707.747.6251 916/646.6464 631-420-4800 925.443.4683 304-229-5999 203-458-7888 301-315-6260 301-682-3390 ,'(1+,)42/'!"4%&$2'">+)$, '($&4(30$"%#!>42!3A4"8!"44(!"8+)$, V44%#($"32!"4/$(2>/!>4+)$, !"#$%8!2&4(3)?'+)$, !">.03(!'20'240%$?3$"2!"4+"43 ,!14%!"34)0$2.3!$"0+)$, "/!">%0*4"342+"43 240-306-3400 703-729-9375 707.745.6837 916/929.6836 631-420-4820 925.443.4686 304-229-7999 240-306-3300 800-787-6000 707.747.6251 ,>(.(A%0*'?!($'">>.")'"+)$, #(4>'+*'">0%03*!")+)$, 301-315-8983 301-682-3391 301-315-6260 301-382-3390 Ambient Water Treatement Barclays Chem Aqua Chem Aqua Chem Aqua Nalco Steve Beckenstein 516.342.1964 617-926-3400 800-631-0990 800-631-0990 540-903-6982 630-305-1000 0&4)14"034!"%'/3)$"0.23!"8+)$, !"#$%&'()2'A/,+)$, ,?'52'3+Q)^J%)*4,'K.'+)$, 145!"+&'33'82!"!%")*+)$, ,*'7'(>+H)^c%)*4,'K.'+)$, ///+"'2)$+)$, 650.875.7500 212-877-6655 718-727-2100 201-392-1500 301-261-4933 410-799-3203 718-324-3700 415.285.1661 410-880-4000 4,!24%'2?*'(403$('3!$"+)$, 650.875.7723 650.875.7500 !"#$%&2'>4)$"3(')3!"8+"43 8'(A+&($/"HHO%54(!7$"+"43 718-727-2388 201-392-1588 301-261-7521 410-799-3206 917-837-9747 301-261-4933 410-799-0900 415.285.5214 301-206-9545 510.237.6732 410-880-4000 >'"!42%01A2!"4(403$('3!$"+)$, ,'2$A%0$*$)$"3(')3!"8)$(?+)$, 703-450-2397 N/A 910-350-1557 718-937-5784 212-226-6654 703-596-0061 510.378.2799 910-350-1903 347-203-9858 917-733-1222 45!2433$%5'2)$.(3+"43 ;4"X%N4034("8($.?+)$, 0*$52'">%/-4+)$, 703-243-9784 510.875.1099 510.428.2907 703-598-0061 510.875.2109 510.450.5556 0)$33%')c$"2!"4+)$, ///+)$D8$,A2+)$, 510.865.0577 908-967-6042 510.772.3490 888-328-3380 ,!14%?4(#$(,'")40/!"803'84+&!7 !"#$(%?($@&428($.?+)$, 8!$%((0)'##$2>+)$, 510-887-4206 510-477-9555 201-436-9585 650.588.4659 212-748-4085 650.343.7244 518-864-5616 301-779-3184 703-243-9784 Liebert Piller Power Service Concepts Static Power Thomas Nelan Mike Giraudo Wayne Custer Joe Sarco Mark Drury Freda Hands Mark Pavlat Kevin Battaglini Mike Hazzard Alpha Restoration & Waterproofing Benjamin Roofing Blade Construction C&D Restoration, Inc. Concrete Restoration Eastern Waterproofing Grenadier Corp. Lawson Roofing Mid.Atlantic Waterproofing Osman Ltd Prospect Roofing Rainbow Waterproofing SGS Skyline Restoration Soho Contracting United Restoration Valcourt Western Waterproofing Wiss Janey (consultant) Keith Wright Rich Masone Frank Lawson Dan McDowell Mark DeStefano Moises Barahona Jerry Piche Don Turner Daniel Callahan Mike Maloy Vincent Grassullo Eric Vitello Ken Resinger Steve Hovland AC3 EW Cox USA, Inc. Manntech North America LLC Performance Swing Stage Pro-Bel Group Ltd. R&R Scaffolding Scaffold Inspection and Testing Co. Superior Scaffolding Titanium Tower Safety Services Tractel United Rentals Valcourt Scott McLeod Anthony Montaivo Dan Johnson Michael Engeldinger Kenny Attai Gio Savinovich Dennis DeBatista Darrell Moore Richard Heller Greg Tinker Lawrence Lucks William Correll Eric Vitello 510.865.2455 908-325-6587 732-722-7290 510-887-4202 510-477-9666 212-517-8837 650.588.4626 212-748-8500 650.343.7233 518-864-5615 301-779-3160 703-243-8300 (*4224(%3!3'"!.,0)'##$2>+)$, 83%3$/4(0'#43A04(5!)40+)$, 2'((A%3(')3420/!"803'84+)$, /)$((422%.(+)$, 45!2433$%5'2)$.(3+"43 Derek Schulze Jim Sherry Eric Huber Tina Brannon Ricardo Tony Lopez Kenny Cohn William Fitzgerald Steve Skrenta John McKenna Eric Vitello 800.461.9033 925.803.3500 650.588.9808 301-424-1516 408.727.2225 212-730-0001 301-258-9750 212-748-5674 212-883-0943 >0)*.274%'&2404(54+)$, -!,%)'24>$"!'"04(5!)40+)$, Able Window Washing Caledonian Building Services Inc Capital Building Maintenance Clean and Polish Delta Window Washing Harvard Maintenance Kevco Palladium Skyline Temco Service Valcourt Emile Kishek Gary Brown 703-450-2355 415.641.6134 910-350-1903 718-937-5353 212-226-6199 212-431-2090 703-243-8300 415.286.7775 510.428.2907 703-243-8300 (,'0$"4%8(4"'>!4()$(?+)$, 2()%2'/0$"($$#!"8+)$, /?($$#4(%?/)$,?'"A+)$, -?!)*4%('!"&$/OHP+)$, 3!"'%)24'"'">?$2!0*+)$, (!)'(>$%>423'/))!+)$, 3$"A%*'(5'(>)24'"+)$, 14""A%145)$H+)$, /#!3784('2>%?'22'>!.,/0+)$, 01A2!"4?($)$(?%'$2+)$, -,)14""'%34,)$04(5!)40+)$, 45!2433$%5'2)$.(3+"43 631-420-4800 209.613.4636 304-229-5999 917.376.4185 617-924-5467 718-937-5784 341-203-9858 631-404-9005 540-903-6982 630-305-2900 201-438-3020 917-337-2665 518-369-3593 302-420-5575 703-598-0061 925.803.3505 650.588.9098 301-424-7415 408.727.2271 240-372-4371 800.564.0240 650.863.0470 301-840-0790 212-748-8403 212-983-2563 301-252-1471 917-418-5703 917-335-7680 703-243-9784 703-598-0061