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Federalism & Amendments: US Government Assignment

1. What is the principle of federalism?
It defines the relationship at the national level between the central government and
its constituent units at the local level.
2. What does the Tenth Amendment state?
It stresses that the inclusion of a bill of rights would not alter the national
government's fundamental character.
3. How did the Fourteenth and Seventeenth Amendments alter the system of
federalism originally established in the Constitution? Those amendments gave
colored people equal rights which was a big change from when the constitution
originally written.
4. To what extent should the national government make laws concerning the
controversial topics
listed below? Use the following sources to frame your response: Article I, Section
Article I,
Section 9; Article IV; Article VI; the Tenth Amendment; the Fourteenth
a. Health insurance
I believe health care should be available to everyone, and not just those who can
afford it.
b. Education standards
I believe the government should make Common Core Standards required to
students for the real world.
c. Marriage and family law
I believe anyone should be allowed to marry whoever they want regardless of the
d. Medical marijuana
Medical marijuana has a number of benefits and I believe it should be legal
nation wide.
e. Assisted suicide
If a patient is suffering from a painful and harmful disease, they should be allowed
to undergo assisted suicide.