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Adult Health & Illness Course: Student Guide

705:342 Health and Illness of Adults and Older Adults II
Revised 1.7.2021 BP
705:342 Health and Illness of Adults and Older Adults II Course Student Learning
Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Synthesize and apply theories from nursing and related disciplines to promote, maintain,
or restore an optimal level of well-being in the care of adults.
2. Employ clinical reasoning skills in the care of adults.
3. Analyze theoretical and empirical data when planning nursing care.
4. Provide safe, competent and evidence-based care for adults in various health care
5. Assume responsibility and accountability for role function in the practice of nursing as
defined by the Nurse Practice Act and professional standards of nursing.
Part 1: Video Vignette and Related Assignments
Following review of the video vignette and completion of the related assignments, the student
will be able to meet the following outcomes:
1. Improve health outcomes for older adult African American patients living with heart
failure, diabetes and hypertension by providing culturally competent care that: a)
addresses social determinants and health disparities, b) makes health a shared value, and
c) engages cross sector collaboration.
2. Engage in partnerships with patients to develop strategies to manage heart failure
symptoms by assessing health literacy and barriers to care.
3. Facilitate care of patients with heart failure, diabetes and hypertension through
integration of health services and systems as they transition from hospital to home
through connections to community resources.
4. Improve health outcomes by making health a shared value, promoting wellness and
disease prevention, and ensuring health equity for patients with heart failure, diabetes and
hypertension in a community clinic setting.
5. Delivery of quality, safe, effective, culturally competent care that: a) engages patients and
family into plans of care, b) coordinates care from hospital to home, and c) maintains
privacy and security of patient health information. Collect and interpret meaningful use
data by reviewing hospital discharge information and current data to eliminate care gaps.
705:342 Health and Illness of Adults and Older Adults II
6. Utilize the electronic health record (EHR) for documentation and reassessment that
supports the integration of technology into practice.
**Students must complete ALL assignments and learning listed in the Population Health Student
Assignment Guide by the specified deadlines to earn five points (5%) toward the final course
A: Video Vignette with Standardized Patient (15 minutes)
Patient summary: An 82 year-old female of Nigerian descent, with a history of heart
failure, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and dilated cardiomyopathy was recently
discharged from the 24-hour observation unit at her community hospital for c/o DOE.
Patient was diagnosed with acute exacerbation of heart failure, was treated, and
discharged with outpatient follow up in 1 week at the heart failure clinic.
Setting: Community Health Clinic
See video at [click hyperlink]: Adult II Video Vignette Clinic
Note: Must have internet access to view video. Scroll down to see full video screen.
Review the video vignette, take notes, and be prepared to discuss the:
o Potential gaps that may occur when transferring patients between levels of care,
and how these gaps may impact the ability to provide safe, effective care to
patient populations.
o Socioeconomic, cultural and financial barriers that may interfere with this
patient’s ability to manage their heart failure.
B: Video Vignette Pre-Class Assignment (60 minutes)
The student must complete the following assignments prior to class:
Review the electronic health record Patient Discharge Summary from previous
Watch “Educational Video: Congestive Heart Failure” video (4:06 minutes) at:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWnCWCfBqDs (first video only)
Watch “Living with Heart Failure – A Guide for Patients” (15:02 minutes) at
Read about the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) Triple Aim Initiative at:
Read “About CAHPS,” go to: http://www.ahrq.gov/cahps/about-cahps/index.html
Review the About the CAHPS Cultural Competence Item Set and the About Health
Literacy Item Set [click on hyperlinks to download] and bring to class
C: In-Class Debriefing and Activities (75 to 90 minutes)
705:342 Health and Illness of Adults and Older Adults II
Faculty will give instructions in class.
Part 2: High Fidelity Simulation and Related Assignments
Following participation in the high fidelity simulation and completion of the related assignments,
the student will be to meet the following outcomes:
1. Improve health outcomes for older adult African American patients living with heart
failure, diabetes and hypertension by providing culturally competent care that: a)
addresses social determinants and health disparities, b) makes health a shared value, and
c) engages cross sector collaboration.
2. Engage in partnerships with patients to develop strategies to manage heart failure
symptoms by assessing health literacy and barriers to care.
3. Facilitate care of patients with heart failure, diabetes and hypertension through
integration of health services and systems as they transition from outpatient cardiac
catheterization unit to home and community.
4. Improve health outcomes by making health a shared value, promoting wellness and
disease prevention, and ensuring health equity for patients with heart failure, diabetes and
hypertension discharged from outpatient cardiac catheterization unit to home and
5. Delivery of quality, safe, effective, culturally competent care that: a) engages patients and
family into plans of care, b) coordinates care from outpatient cardiac catheterization unit
to home, and c) maintains privacy and security of patient health information.
6. Utilize the electronic health record (EHR) for documentation and reassessment that
supports the integration of technology into practice.
**Students must complete ALL assignments and learning activities listed in the Population
Health Student Assignment Guide by the specified deadlines to earn five points (5%) toward the
final course grade.
A: High Fidelity Simulation On-Site Clinical Pre-Assignment (60 minutes)
The student must complete the following assignments prior to the high fidelity simulation:
Review Cardiovascular Function, Hemodynamics and Nursing Management post cardiac
catheterization (see textbook or other reliable, peer-reviewed reference, i.e., UpToDate®
as needed).
Identify three (3) priority actions by the nurse receiving a patient post cardiac
catheterization. Include rationale or evidence from the literature to support your nursing
actions as priorities.
705:342 Health and Illness of Adults and Older Adults II
Review the About the CAHPS Cultural Competence Item Set and the About Health
Literacy Item Set [click on hyperlinks to download] and bring to scheduled simulation
Complete the following and bring this written information to the scheduled simulation
o Develop a discharge plan for the patient that provides evidence for engagement of
patient and family, making health a shared value. Using IDEAL Discharge
Planning from Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality as outlined below,
discuss strategies that will help to achieve the goals to improve population health,
well-being and health equity.
 Include the patient and family as full partners in the discharge planning
process. Discuss best practices to partner with patients in developing
strategies for symptom management. Identify what is significant about the
patient’s past medical history (PMH) that might contribute to an
individualized plan of care.
 Discuss with the patient and family five key areas to prevent problems at
1. Describe what life at home will be like
2. Review medications
3. Highlight warning signs and problems
4. Explain test results
5. Make follow up appointments
• Educate the patient and family in plain language about the patient’s
condition, the discharge process, and next steps throughout the hospital
stay. Note: Refer to the About the CAHPS Cultural Competence Item Set
and the About Health Literacy Item Set [click on hyperlinks to download].
Make sure to address culturally competent care for this older adult African
American female by identifying key determinants for improving health
and ways to reduce health disparities. Consider whether possible home
practices and/or complementary/alternative therapies might help support
culturally competent care for this patient.
• Assess how well the healthcare team explains the diagnosis, condition, and
next steps in the patient’s care to the patient and family and use teach
• Listen to and honor the patient’s and family’s goals, preferences,
observations, and concerns. (Describe strategies for active listening, goal
setting and addressing social determinants and health disparities that
impede meeting patient and family’s goals, preferences and concerns.)
Source: Retrieved from:
705:342 Health and Illness of Adults and Older Adults II
Have EHR Go! student account activated and preview student orientation video.
B: Orientation/Pre-Conference (1 hour)
Orientation to simulation setting and discussion of pre-assignment for each clinical group
C: High Fidelity Simulation (2 hours)
Patient summary: This is an 82 year-old female of Nigerian descent with a history of
heart failure, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and dilated cardiomyopathy. Several months
have gone by since you last saw her in the emergency department. She has been followed
in the heart failure clinic since that discharge. Recently, the patient went to the
emergency department for evaluation due to increasing SOB and intermittent substernal
chest pain with limited activity. Exam showed no EKG changes and troponin levels were
negative. Her medications were adjusted, she was discharged to home, and sent for
outpatient cardiac catheterization. Cardiac catheterization showed minimal CAD and
dilated cardiomyopathy with LVEF 20%. You are the nurse in the recovery unit and have
received this patient post cardiac catheterization. You will care for this patient until her
discharge and must facilitate the transition from the outpatient cardiac catheterization unit
to home. Current vital signs: BP 132 / 84 mmHg, HR 96 bpm, resp rate 18 / minute,
Oral temp 98.8 F, Pulse Ox 94% on 4 L/NC and are due to be repeated at this time.
Setting: Outpatient cardiac catheterization unit
See instructions and schedule posted on course learning management system
D: Post-Simulation Debriefing (1 hour)
The Center for Clinical Learning team member will lead the debriefing on the topics and
questions for each clinical group with assistance by the clinical instructor.