ACADEMIC WRITING ESSAY ASSIGNMENT This is individual work. Please ensure all content is in your own words. DUE: Upload a copy of your essay and peer review to ESANVirtual by 23.00 hrs on Sunday 14th of November 2020. This assignment is worth 60% of your course grade. INSTRUCTIONS. Using your selected research topic or idea, you are to write a 5-6 paragraph essay following the format we examined in the course. Once you have a draft essay, provide this to another member of the class so they may peer review it. Use their review report to improve and complete your essay for submission. Submit the peer review you received as an appendix to your essay. The peer review should be conducted following the rubric on page 3 and be given to you not less than 48 hours before submission time. Your essay is to be about your research topic and be argumentative in nature. You may choose to discuss your central research idea, pose possible central research questions, identify a gap in research or about your research topic or the relative strengths or weaknesses of current research approaches used for researching the topic or a short critique of some aspect of the literature e.g. theoretical approaches or findings. You should write your essay in the language you will produce your thesis GUIDELINES The word count for this essay is a maximum of 1500 words, double spaced in 11 pt Arial font, with your name clearly placed on the top of the front page, along with the Assignment title, Date of submission and Word count. E.g. Maria Papel, Academic Writing Essay, 14/11/2020, 1350 words The essay will be marked for: Thesis statement – a single coherent idea that is arguable (it must be a claim that you are able to argue using references). Evidence – drawn from your literature, you must provide sufficient evidence to prove your point and be representative of the subject being discussed. Explanation (Reasoning) – your essay must show why the claim can be sustained. You may compare and contrast the literature, reveal differences of opinions or application of theory from your selected articles or describe the situation and how different research approaches are suitable or not. Explanations should link clearly to the evidence and make logical sense. Organization – The essay must be organized overall and by paragraph. The essay should be constructed to identify your claim, provide evidence sustain and conclude your argument. Paragraphs should be organized around a single point and have evidence and/or examples to support the essay’s thesis. Presentation –the essay should be free of mechanical errors (grammar, spelling, punctuation and follow the format instructions e.g. font style, format, word length, etc.). All information presented that is not common knowledge must be cited in-text and with a list bibliography at the end of the essay using the APA citation style. ASSESSMENT The essay will be marked using the rubric contained on the next page. 1 Points Earned Rubric for Assessment of the Argumentative Essay 4 3 Well developed introductory paragraph contains detailed background information, a clear explanation or definition of the problem, and a thesis statement. Introductory paragraph contains some background information and states the problem, but does not explain using details. States the thesis of the paper. Introduction states the thesis but does not adequately explain the background of the problem. The problem is stated, but lacks detail. Conclusion summarizes the main topics without repeating previous sentences; writer's opinions and suggestions for change are logical and well thought out. Conclusion summarizes main topics. Some suggestions for change are evident. Conclusion summarizes main topics, but is repetitive. No suggestions for change and/or opinions are included. Conclusion does not adequately summarize the main points. No suggestions for change or opinions are included. Three or more main points are well developed with supporting details. Refutation paragraph acknowledges the opposing view, and summarizes their main points. Three or more main points are present but may lack detail and development in one or two. Refutation paragraph acknowledges the opposing view, but doesn't summarize points. Three or more main points, but all lack development. Refutation paragraph missing and/or vague. Less than three main points, with poor development of ideas. Refutation missing or vague. All source material is used and smoothly integrated into the text. All sources are accurately documented and in the desired format on the Works Cited page. All sources are relevant and reliable. All source material is used. All sources are accurately documented, but a few are not in the desired format on the Works Cited page. Most sources are relevant and reliable. All sources are accurately documented, but many are not in the desired format on the Works Cited page. Some sources are relevant and reliable. Lacks sources and/or sources are not accurately documented. Incorrect format is used. Sources are not relevant nor reliable. The writer uses some informal language and slang. Most sentences are complete, accurate and clear; there is an occasional use of "you" in the essay, indicating a lack of revision or control. Some unclear or confused sentences; the writer shifts person throughout the essay or uses "you" and "I" frequently. Many unclear or incomplete sentences. Sentence Clarity The writer treats the subject seriously using formal language. All sentences are complete, accurate, and clear; the writer controls the point of view appropriately. MECHANICS Punctuation and capitalization are correct. Word count and style format are correct. Sentence structure is generally correct. Some awkward sentences do appear. There are one or two errors in punctuation and/or capitalization and style format Work contains structural weaknesses and grammatical errors. There are three or four errors in punctuation and/or capitalization, word count or style format. Work contains multiple incorrect sentence structures. There are four or more errors in punctuation and/or capitalization, word count or style format. INTRODUCTION Background/History Define the Problem Thesis Statement CONCLUSION MAIN POINTS Body Paragraphs Refutation USE OF SOURCES Documentation SENTENCE PRECISION Punctuation & Capitalization, Word count and style format 2 2 1 Thesis and/or problem is vague or unclear. Background details are a seemingly random collection of information, unclear, or not related to the topic. ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Peer Review Report: Assessment for the peer review will be based on how you responded to the reviewer’s comments. In the peer review report you write you should comment on your review essay’s thesis statement, the essay’s organization, mechanical errors and overall flow and quality of argument. You should also make suggestions on how the writer may improve their text. Send the review to the writer at least 48 hours before the essay submission deadline. Failure to review or provide late to the writer will result in a penalty to your overall grade for this assignment. Give the reviewed essay a grade report following this guide: Grade 0 Category Unacceptable 1 Severe flaws, requiring major revision Noticeable flaws, requiring significant revision 2 3 Minor flaws, requiring minor but essential revisions 4 Outstanding. Description Has no thesis that relates to the assignment, no evidence, no coherent organization, or so many mechanical errors as to make the essay unreadable. A nearly absent thesis, almost no evidence, extremely disorganized, full of grammar, punctuation, or spelling errors. A thesis that is split between two different ideas, evidence that is often irrelevant or insufficient, some paragraphs that are unfocused or out of place, lots of mechanical errors. Requiring slight revision to make it the best it can be. For example, a thesis that is somewhat vague or unconvincing; evidence that is sometimes insufficient, irrelevant, or unrepresentative; occasional tangents or wandering; a few mechanical errors. No flaws, or flaws that are so trivial that they do not detract from the essay Additional Comments to the Author: 3