Maxwell’s equation for electrostatics E Ex E y Ez , x y z r o remember xˆ yˆ zˆ , and E xˆ E x yˆ E y zˆ E z . xˆ , yˆ , zˆ are the unit x y z vectors in the x, y, and z directions. E is the electric field, it starts on a positive charge and ends up on a negative charge. The electric field has units of volts/m. In ECE 346 we typically use m or cm instead of m, 1m 104 cm 106 m . is the charge density, charge is quantized in units of e=1.602*10-19 coulombs, and has units of coulombs/m3, or coulombs/cc, a cc=cm3. 8.854 1014 o Fd is the permittivity of vacuum. It is a constant that relates charge to electric cm field. is the relative permittivity of material. Is silicon 11.7 , in oxidized silicon SiO2 3.9 . r r r The relative permittivity measures how much more charge can be stored on a capacitor for a given electric field. Since E r , then o E dV V V r o dV Q , where Q is the total r o charge enclosed in the volume. Gauss was pretty clever and he found a shortcut for the math. He realized that instead of doing a volume integral he could do a surface integral, since he was integrating the divergence of a vector. It’s much easier to do the integral on a surface where the electric field is constant then the integral in the volume where the electric field is changing. E dV E dA V S Q , where r o dA is a small piece or area that points out of the enclosed surface. Usually when Gauss’ law is taught the examples used often have spherical symmetry, and in spherical coordinates the directions are r̂ , ̂ , and ˆ , and the normal to a sphere points in the r̂ direction. i When the charge distribution only changes as a function of radius (not with or ) then the electric field only points away from or to the origin, in other words we always have E E 0 , and only Er 0 when charges are present. When the charge distribution only changes with x then, and we always have E y Ez 0 , and E x 0 when charges are present. ii i ii Gauss%27s%20Law/24.6%20A%20spherical%20Gaussian%20surface%20Surrounding%20a%20point% 20charge.htm In ECE 346 we will see a negative charge density e N A for x p x 0 , and a positive charge density of e N D for 0 x xn . There will be just as many negative charges as positive charges, so N A x p N D xn . Since the charge density only changes with x we have E x 0 , and E y Ez 0 . We have Ex 0 for x < -xp or x > xn. since there are no more charges for the electric field to start or end on. Using Gauss’ law when x > 0, we put the right side of our cube for x > xn (where Ex=0) and the left side of the cube at x. The charge inside is xn x S 2 e N D . On the left side of the cube we have iii Ex S 2 e N D xn x e N D xn x S 2 , or E x for 0 x xn . In a similar manner r o r o we can put another cube for x < 0. We put the left side of our cube where x < -xp (where Ex=0) and the right side of the cube at x. The charge inside is x p x S 2 e N A . On the right side we have E x S 2 iii e N A x p x S 2 r o , or E x e N A x p x r o for x p x 0 .