edHelper Name: Do Stars Really Fall? By Cindy Grigg Have you ever seen a falling star? Some people call them shooting stars. They're not really stars at all! It might surprise you to find out that these streaks of light are caused by dust and rock. Dust and rock in space sometimes are pulled into Earth's atmosphere. As they fall, friction from falling through the air gets them very hot. They get so hot they catch on fire! In space, they are called meteoroids. As the meteoroid falls, it usually burns up in the atmosphere. The streak of light we see is called a meteor, falling star, or shooting star. If part of the meteoroid doesn't burn up, the leftover rock that lands on Earth is called a meteorite. Where does the dust and rock come from? Most of it comes from comets. As comets travel around the sun, they leave behind a trail of gas, dust, and small bits of rock. When Earth passes through the dusty trail, we see falling stars! Do Stars Really Fall? Questions 1. What is a meteor? A. the streak of light we see in the night sky B. the leftover rock that lands on Earth C. chunks of rock and dust in space D. all of the above 2. Where do most meteors come from? 3. Shooting stars or falling stars are ______. A. dust and bits of rock B. fireworks C. make believe D. stars that fall from the sky 4. Why do we see a streak of light from a meteor? A. the dust or rock is burning up as it passes through Earth's atmosphere B. the dust or rock explodes in Earth's air C. it's glowing like a comet because it came from a comet D. all of the above edhelper.com 7KLUG*UDGH5HDGLQJ&RPSUHKHQVLRQDQG0DWK edHelper Name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edhelper.com 7KLUG*UDGH5HDGLQJ&RPSUHKHQVLRQDQG0DWK edHelper Name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edhelper.com 7KLUG*UDGH5HDGLQJ&RPSUHKHQVLRQDQG0DWK edHelper Name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edhelper.com 7KLUG*UDGH5HDGLQJ&RPSUHKHQVLRQDQG0DWK edHelper Name: Eleanor Roosevelt By Meg Leonard First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt with her dog, Fala. Anna Eleanor Roosevelt was born in 1884. She lived in New York City. She was the niece of a president. His name was Theodore Roosevelt. Both of her parents died when she was little. As a teenager, Eleanor met Franklin Roosevelt. He was a distant cousin. They were married in 1905. The couple had six children. One died as a baby. Franklin came down with polio. This disease can paralyze the legs. Eleanor helped Franklin do many things. She worked as his eyes and ears. He trusted her to report things to him. In 1933, Franklin was elected President. Eleanor became the First Lady. Many people liked and respected her. She was charming and friendly. Eleanor was a unique First Lady for the time. She held press conferences. She traveled all over the country. She gave speeches both in person and on the radio. She also had a daily newspaper column. She reported her own opinions in this column. It was called "My Day." Franklin died in 1945. One year later, Eleanor was asked to be an American delegate to the United Nations. Eleanor spent her entire life helping others. She died in 1962. Eleanor Roosevelt Questions 1. Who was Eleanor Roosevelt? A. wife of Theodore Roosevelt B. a doctor C. wife of Franklin Roosevelt D. President of the United Nations 2. Who was Eleanor's uncle? A. Lyndon Johnson B. Franklin Roosevelt C. John F. Kennedy D. Theodore Roosevelt 3. What was the name of Eleanor's newspaper column? A. My Life B. My Column C. My Day D. My World 4. What did Eleanor do after Franklin's death? A. became a teacher B. became a delegate to the United Nations C. became vice president D. became president edhelper.com 7KLUG*UDGH5HDGLQJ&RPSUHKHQVLRQDQG0DWK edHelper Name: 5. Name things that Eleanor did while she was First Lady. OHVVWKDQ GRXEOH ;5;5;5; ;5 -HQQDLVWKUHH\HDUV \RXQJHUWKDQKHUROGHU VLVWHU(ULQ(ULQLVWZHOYH \HDUVROG:KDWLVWKHVXP RIWKHLUDJHV" )LOOLQWKHPLVVLQJ DGGLWLRQRUVXEWUDFWLRQ RSHUDWLRQV $ODUJHFLW\KDVDORWRI SHRSOH:KLFKQXPEHU PLJKWPDNHWKHPRVWVHQVH IRUWKHSRSXODWLRQ" :ULWHWKLVQXPEHU WKRXVDQGVWHQV OHVVWKDQ :ULWHDQHYHQQXPEHU :ULWHWKLVQXPEHU WKRXVDQGVKXQGUHGV RQHV edhelper.com 7KLUG*UDGH5HDGLQJ&RPSUHKHQVLRQDQG0DWK edHelper Name: 'UDZDOLQHIURP67$57WR(1' &URVVRXWWKHHTXDWLRQ\RXXVHDERYHDQGWKHQZULWHLWEHORZ 67$57 (1' edhelper.com 7KLUG*UDGH5HDGLQJ&RPSUHKHQVLRQDQG0DWK edHelper Name: :KDWKDSSHQVZKHQ\RXDGGDQRGGDQGDQHYHQQXPEHUWRJHWKHU" :KHQ\RXDGGRGGDQGHYHQQXPEHUVWRJHWKHU WKHVXPZLOODOZD\VEH )LOOLQWKHPLVVLQJRSHUDWLRQV [ edhelper.com 7KLUG*UDGH5HDGLQJ&RPSUHKHQVLRQDQG0DWK edHelper Name: Hot, Hot, Pepper Pot By Beth Beutler "Hi, Mom. What's for dinner?" Tracy asked, coming inside from the cold. "It's one of my new recipes," Mom said mysteriously. "What's in it? It sure smells good!" Tracy's winter jacket slid off her shoulders as she stomped snow off her boots. "Never mind," Mom said with a sly grin. "You will have to wait until you get to the table." Tracy hung her jacket and scarf on the pegs by the door. She rubbed her hands together to warm them. "Sure is chilly outside," she said. "I'll enjoy a hot meal." "Did you have a good time at Cassidy's?" Mom asked. Tracy and Cassidy had known each other since first grade, and now that Cassidy had moved to this neighborhood, Tracy was often at her house. "Yes. I love that she is just a few doors down!" Tracy skipped up the stairs to her room. The aroma of Mom's meal wafted through the house. Tracy could detect the smell of garlic and onion. Tracy enjoyed cooking and wished Mom would have invited her to help. Sometimes, though, Mom kept her recipes secret. In about 30 minutes, Mom called the family to supper. Tracy and her brother, Tim, stomachs rumbling, raced each other down the stairs. At each of their places was a bowl and small plate. Steaming rolls filled a basket, and a crock-pot of stew sat in the middle of the table. They spooned out the stew and filled their bowls. A variety of vegetables - carrots, peppers, onions, celery, peas, and beans sat in a reddish broth that must have included some tomato sauce. The liquid swirled around chunks of seasoned chicken. Tracy took her first sip of the broth and nearly choked. "This is HOT!" she said. "I agree!" said Tim, who had just taken a mouthful. "In more ways than one!" "This IS quite spicy, dear," Dad said gently as he turned to Mom. "What is it called?" Mom looked at everyone with a grin. "It's called Pepper Pot Stew. I got the recipe from my ethnic cookbook. It was with recipes from the West Indies." Tracy coughed a little. "It's good once you get used to it." Mom laughed. "You might not believe it, but I adjusted the recipe, too. I cut the spices in half and put in chicken rather than tripe." "Tripe? What's that?" "Cow stomach." Tracy nearly spit out her soup. Her brother's eyes widened, and Dad shook his head. "This is fine just the way it is!" Tracy said. They dug into the soup with more enthusiasm than ever as Mom laughed. edhelper.com 7KLUG*UDGH5HDGLQJ&RPSUHKHQVLRQDQG0DWK edHelper Name: Hot, Hot, Pepper Pot Questions 1. Which ingredient is NOT listed in the story? A. peppers B. onions C. garlic D. beets 2. When Tracy said the soup was "hot," what do you think she meant? 3. Tracy and Tim's "rumbling stomachs" indicated they were: A. sick B. hungry C. tired D. frustrated 4. Why did Tracy spend so much time at Cassidy's house? 5. What part of the world did the recipe come from? A. Canada B. Africa C. the West Indies D. India 6. In what season of the year does this story take place? How can you tell? &LUFOHWKHQXPEHUWKDWLV VPDOOHVW :ULWHWKLVQXPEHU WHQVWKRXVDQGVRQHV KXQGUHGV ZRUGURRW FLUFXP FDQPHDQ DURXQG edhelper.com FLUFXPQDYLJDWHFLUFXPYHQW 7KLUG*UDGH5HDGLQJ&RPSUHKHQVLRQDQG0DWK edHelper Name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edhelper.com DGKHVLYHDGGLWLRQ 7KLUG*UDGH5HDGLQJ&RPSUHKHQVLRQDQG0DWK edHelper Name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cIRUD KRXVHSODQW6KHXVHG TXDUWHUVDQGSHQQLHV 6KRZWKHVDPH DPRXQWRIPRQH\ DQRWKHUZD\'UDZ DQGODEHOHDFKFRLQ 7KHPDLOPDQOHIWRXU PDLODWSP+HOHIW -DFRE VPDLOKDOIDQ KRXUODWHU:KDWWLPH GLGKHOHDYH-DFRE V PDLO" 5RXQGWRWKHQHDUHVW :ULWHWKLVQXPEHU KXQGUHGVWHQV OHVVWKDQ edhelper.com 7KLUG*UDGH5HDGLQJ&RPSUHKHQVLRQDQG0DWK edHelper Name: ,I(PPDZHUHLQFKHVVKRUWHUVKHZRXOGEHWKHVDPHKHLJKWDVKHU%))3DP 3DPLVLQFKHVWDOO +RZWDOOLV(PPD" 6DUDKKDVPRUHFRPI\KRRGLHVWKDQMDFNHWV6KHKDVIHZHUMHDQVWKDQFDVXDO WRSVEXWVKHKDVPRUHMHDQVWKDQKRRGLHV :KLFKGRHV6DUDKKDYHWKHOHDVWRI" 'DYLGLVQRZWKHWDOOHVWER\LQKLVFODVV7KUHH\HDUVDJRLQNLQGHUJDUWHQZKHQ KHZDVKHZDVWKHVKRUWHVWER\&UD]\ +RZROGLV'DYLG" edhelper.com 7KLUG*UDGH5HDGLQJ&RPSUHKHQVLRQDQG0DWK edHelper Name: Driven To Dream By Larry and Mary Lynn Bushong Craig gently pressed the gas pedal of his 1968 Camaro. The purr of the engine always brought a smile to his face. It was probably a little sweeter since it was his first car. His dream had come true when his dad helped him find and buy the blue beauty. She maybe didn't look like a beauty now, but Craig knew she would someday. Craig and his dad had spent every minute they could restoring the car. The 327 cubic-inch, 210 horsepower engine was in great shape, but the body of the sports car was in need of help. Craig and his dad had already started fixing the sheet metal around the rear wheel wells. One front fender was in good shape, but one needed to be replaced. Craig looked up just in time to see his dad pull in the driveway behind him. He jumped from the car and ran to meet him. "Oh, that's great; you got it," Craig said. "Yes, the new fender came in today. I stopped by the shop on the way home to pick it up," Dad said with a smile. "Can we put it on tonight?" Craig asked. "No," Dad said. "I think we should wait until this weekend when we can do it right. No sense in rushing things." The letdown was obvious on Craig's face. "I know you are anxious to get the car done, son, but we want to do this right, don't we?" "You're right, Dad," said Craig, as they walked along the side of the classic car. "It just bugs me to see my car looking like this. I can't wait until she looks good again." "I know what you mean," said Dad, as he ran his hand over the damaged fender. "I hate primer gray too, but it won't be long now. By the way, I talked to a friend at work. He does a little auto bodywork on the side. He said he would be glad to help us paint her when we are ready. He has all the equipment and a nice shop to do the painting." Craig could hardly wait for Saturday to come. He could not think of a week that took longer to get through. He was glad he had no tests. He knew there was no way he would have passed. Finally, it was the weekend. They had already taken off the bad fender earlier in the week. Dad held the new fender in place while Craig put the bolts in. Once all the bolts were in, Craig took the nine-sixteenth socket and tightened them up. Dad made some slight changes so that the new fender would line up perfectly with the door. The Camaro was starting to look better already. After a couple more weekends, they were ready to take her to the paint shop. They had roughened the painted surfaces with sandpaper for the new paint to stick to. Then they taped over the windows and chrome where the paint did not belong. The day Craig saw his car freshly painted, he could not speak. The rich Corvette blue paint was perfect. His blue beauty had really become the car of his dreams. edhelper.com 7KLUG*UDGH5HDGLQJ&RPSUHKHQVLRQDQG0DWK edHelper Name: Driven To Dream Questions 1. What was the year of Camaro that Craig owned? A. 1969 B. 1968 C. 1967 D. 1970 2. Why do you think the sound of the engine purring was sweeter to him than any other engine sound had been? 3. What size engine did the car have? A. 400 B. 350 C. 327 D. 392 4. What was the main body part on the car that needed fixing? 5. What day of the week did Craig and his dad do most of the work? 6. What type of car is a Camaro? 7. After they installed the new fender, how long was it before the car was ready to paint? edhelper.com 7KLUG*UDGH5HDGLQJ&RPSUHKHQVLRQDQG0DWK edHelper Name: 8. Why did the old paint have to be sanded before they could repaint the car body? +.,/-0. /2 &LUFOHWKHQXPEHUWKDWLV ODUJHVW :ULWHWKLVQXPEHU WKRXVDQGVRQHVWHQV OHVVWKDQ :ULWHWKLVQXPEHU WKRXVDQGVKXQGUHGV RQHVWHQV &LUFOHWKHRGGQXPEHUV &KDQJHWKLVLQWRD PXOWLSOLFDWLRQSUREOHP [ &LUFOHWKHQXPEHUWKDWLV ODUJHVW ZRUGURRW L]H FDQPHDQ PDNH edhelper.com KDUPRQL]HV\QFKURQL]H 7KLUG*UDGH5HDGLQJ&RPSUHKHQVLRQDQG0DWK edHelper Name: 'UDZWKHPLVVLQJHPRMLV([SODLQWKHUXOH 'UDZWKHPLVVLQJHPRMLV([SODLQWKHUXOH edhelper.com 7KLUG*UDGH5HDGLQJ&RPSUHKHQVLRQDQG0DWK edHelper Name: The Fourth of July By Jane Runyon Tim and Tess were watching Wendy. It was the Fourth of July. All the neighbors were working together. There was going to be a neighborhood picnic. Some of the mothers were setting up tables for food. Some of the older children were setting up games. Some of the fathers were setting up fireworks. They would shoot them off after dark. Wendy was tying balloons to mailboxes. She seemed happy. She kept humming the same song over and over. She was humming "Happy Birthday to You." Tim and Tess knew it wasn't her birthday. They knew it wasn't their birthday. They didn't understand. They finally decided to ask Wendy. "Why do you keep humming ‘Happy Birthday to You' all the time? Don't you know that it is the Fourth of July?" "Of course, I do," said Wendy. "That's why I'm humming that song. Today we are having a birthday party." "Whose birthday is it?" asked the twins. "Today is the birthday of our country," answered Wendy. "I didn't think a country could have a birthday," said Tess. "We must be very old," added Tim. "Our country was born on July 4, 1776. That is when the Declaration of Independence was signed. Our leaders wrote it. They told the whole world that we were independent of England. Independent means free and on our own." "I thought the Fourth of July was just for picnics," said Tess. "I thought the Fourth of July was just for fireworks," said Tim. "We didn't know we were celebrating our birthday," added Tess. "I have an idea," said Wendy. "Does it have anything to do with birthday cakes?" asked Tim. "I think I know what your idea is," said Tess. "Let's go bake a birthday cake for the neighborhood picnic," said Wendy. "Do we have enough candles?" asked Tess. "I have a sparkler we can use for all the candles," said Tim. Now all the children hummed the birthday song as they headed off to Wendy's house. "Let's use red, white, and blue icing," said Tim. edhelper.com 7KLUG*UDGH5HDGLQJ&RPSUHKHQVLRQDQG0DWK edHelper Name: The Fourth of July Questions 1. What was Wendy doing that puzzled Tim and Tess? 2. Whose birthday is on the Fourth of July? A. Wendy's B. Our country's C. Tim's D. Tess's 3. The whole neighborhood was having a picnic. A. True B. False 4. How old is our country? A. Over five hundred years old B. Over two hundred years old C. Less than one hundred years old D. Less than two years old 5. What paper did the first leaders of our country write? A. The Declaration of Independence B. Happy Birthday to You C. A letter to England D. Wendy's song 6. What does the word independence mean? A. Neighborhood B. Country C. Birthday D. Freedom 7. What did the children decide to do to celebrate the Fourth of July? 8. What would be another name for the Fourth of July? A. Birthday Day B. Declaration Day C. Wendy's Day D. Independence Day ZRUGURRW ORTX FDQPHDQ VSHDN HORTXHQWORTXDFLRXVO\ORTXDFLRXVQHVV edhelper.com 7KLUG*UDGH5HDGLQJ&RPSUHKHQVLRQDQG0DWK edHelper Name: edhelper.com 7KLUG*UDGH5HDGLQJ&RPSUHKHQVLRQDQG0DWK edHelper Name: 3X]]OH :RUN$UHD 7KHVXPIRUHDFKFROXPQ DQGURZLVJLYHQ 3X]]OH :RUN$UHD 7KHVXPIRUHDFKFROXPQ DQGURZLVJLYHQ edhelper.com 7KLUG*UDGH5HDGLQJ&RPSUHKHQVLRQDQG0DWK edHelper Name: Tuna By Brandi Waters Most of us have eaten a tuna fish sandwich. Tuna is a healthy food. It is low in fat. It is a good source of protein, which helps build strong muscles. Tuna is also good for your brain. Eating fish like tuna helps to keep your brain at its best. Some people call tuna "brain food"! Tuna is a kind of fish that lives in saltwater. Some tuna are small. Other kinds of tuna are very large. Some tuna can grow as large as 1500 pounds! Tuna live in oceans all over the world. They live in very warm water in tropical locations. Tuna also live in cold water in the northern seas. These kinds of tuna can raise their body temperature to stay warm in the cold water. Tuna have only a few predators. Sharks and whales are the only animals that eat tuna. Because of this, tuna often swim near dolphins. Sharks will not usually bother a pod of dolphins. If the tuna stay close to the dolphins, they will be safe from sharks. Dolphins help tuna stay safe from sharks, but they can't keep the tuna safe from their main predator -- humans. More than three million tons of tuna are caught by fishing boats each year! The fish is then cooked and canned for you to use to make tuna fish sandwiches. Tuna Questions 1. When you eat tuna, you are eating a food that ______. A. raises your body temperature B. helps build strong muscles C. is a good source of fiber D. all of the above 2. Where will you NOT find tuna? A. warm tropical oceans B. cold northern seas C. rivers D. none of the above 3. ______ are the main predators of tuna. A. Dolphins B. Sharks C. Whales D. Humans 4. Explain what tuna that live in very cold water can do to keep them warm. edhelper.com 7KLUG*UDGH5HDGLQJ&RPSUHKHQVLRQDQG0DWK edHelper Name: 5. How do tuna protect themselves from sharks? :ULWHDQRGGQXPEHU &+ 5: GRXEOH 0DNH\RXURZQ HTXDWLRQ ,QHOHYHQKRXUVLWZLOOEH PLGQLJKW:KDWWLPHLVLW QRZ" 6DUDKKDVDERZO6KHSXWV SHQQLHVLQWRWKHERZO $GDPVHHVWKHERZODQG WDNHVSHQQLHV+RZPXFK PRQH\ LQFHQWV LVOHIWLQ WKHERZO" )LQGDFORFN:KDWWLPHLVLW ULJKWQRZ" ,I\RXNQRZ 7KHQZKDWLV" )LOOLQWKHPLVVLQJ &LUFOHWKHWKUHHQXPEHUV ZKRVHVXPHTXDOV DGGLWLRQRUVXEWUDFWLRQ RSHUDWLRQV edhelper.com 7KLUG*UDGH5HDGLQJ&RPSUHKHQVLRQDQG0DWK edHelper Name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edhelper.com SXJQDFLRXVUHSXJQDQW 7KLUG*UDGH5HDGLQJ&RPSUHKHQVLRQDQG0DWK edHelper Name: edhelper.com 7KLUG*UDGH5HDGLQJ&RPSUHKHQVLRQDQG0DWK edHelper Name: :ULWHDOLQHVHJPHQWWKDWKDVWKHJLYHQGLVWDQFH LQXQLWV ,IWKHUHLVPRUHWKDQRQHDQVZHU WKHQZULWHRQO\RQHOLQHVHJPHQW 7 C M K O R B 6 A 5 E 4 3 2 0 1 unit GD 5 units H D Q G L 1 1 F J N 2 3 I 4 5 P 6 7 4 units 3 units 6 units Draw a new line segment TV that is the same length as line segment QM. You will need to plot the points T and V on the chart. H 7 I 6 5 P M J N F A E D 4 3 2 L O C K B 1 0 G 1 2 units DA 4 units 1 unit 5 units 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 units Draw a new line segment RT that is the same length as line segment EJ. You will need to plot the points R and T on the chart. edhelper.com 7KLUG*UDGH5HDGLQJ&RPSUHKHQVLRQDQG0DWK