Uploaded by Jobelle Samonte

Farm Tools & Equipment: A Comprehensive List

The tractor
Among the list of the farm tools name. The tractor is one of the essential
machinery on the farm. Nowadays this is common farming equipment
worldwide. We put this one on the top of the farm equipment lists. Its power and
size allow it to work in rough terrain, dragging or towing agricultural
implements. It is the most used and versatile machine in agriculture.
The Motocultor
The tiller is a type of agricultural machinery of a single axis. It holds
through handles. That produces a medium power, for carryout agricultural and
ornamental duties. And mostly uses in gardening. The tiller is a type of
agricultural machinery of a single axis.
The Rake
Considering the list of farm tools name, the rake is a very common tool for any
types of farm. There are several types of rakes available. The main function of
this toothed bar is to loosen and level the ground. The traditional rake has
evolved and from being manual or pulled by beasts has happened to fix the
It is difficult that this tool composed of a handle and a long sharp steel blade
forgotten. Its practicality to take it everywhere makes. It is almost irreplaceable.
It uses for mowing the grass, cutting or pruning the plants or working his way
through the brush.
It has a shovel-shaped end. The edges are an ideal tool to remove soil. This
ancient tool has evolved into materials. Escardilla can be stainless steel to
prevent corrosion. It is an efficient design to achieve optimal ground preparation.
You can keep that name on top of the list of farm tools name as this is a very
useful tool.
This element made of tough and sharp sheet metal. The shovel is one of the most
ancient equipments of farmers. The general usage of this equipment is to dig the
soil. It is very versatile and can get us out of a hurry at any time, without using
the heavy machines.
This tool is great for digging in hard terrain, removing stones, making ditches or
preparing holes in the ground for planting. [sharper than a shovel.]
A wheelbarrow is a small hand-propelled carrier, with only one wheel, intended
to be pushed and guided by a single person using two handles from the back. It
also is known as "wheelcart." Use of wheelbarrows is regular on the construction
site and on the farm. Standard capacity is around 100 liters (4 cubic feet) of
The Harvester
The combine harvester is powerful machinery, cutting combs for mowing and a
rake. That can rotate on an axis, ahead of the machine. This machine has been
able to reduce the use of labor and production costs. It has the ability to work
and precision to harvest. The harvesters are a guarantee of efficiency for the
Plow Tractor
The plow is the equipment used to open furrows in the land of cultivation.
Among its components are the blade, bed, Mancera, rudder, moldboard, etc.
These used for cutting and leveling the ground.
The Harrow
Harrow is an instrument, used to make wrinkles and level the ground. There are
several models according to need: moldboard, disc, surface or subsoil. The
harrow designed to break up lumps. The shred pieces of land removed by them.
It formed by the attachment to the tractor, the teeth and a metal or wooden
An Irrigation sprinkler is a tool used to water farm products, yards, etc. To
cooling and control of airborne tidy, the sprinkler is very useful. It is a technique
for applying water which is like natural rainfall. Water is passing through a
system of channels usually by pumping. The water splashed into the air through
sprinklers with the goal that it separates into little water drops which fall to the
ground. The pump, valves, distribution pipes, and sprinklers are usually designed
to apply water as consistently as possible.
Seeder and fertilizer
They are equipment developed to place the seeds directly and to distribute
fertilizers and fertilizers. As the name implies, this agricultural equipment serves
to add fertilizer to the land. Its main parts are the hopper or tank. The fertilizer,
the drop tube, and the distributor are loaded.
Its main function is to make bundles of cereal straw and other herbs in the field.
There are many varieties, with multiple functions, removing soil, opening
ditches, transporting products, eliminating weeds, etc. The most used are husks,
shovels, rakes, showers, transplanters, wheelbarrows, machetes, etc.
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