WELCOME TO ME 3220 MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS Prof. Nejat Olgac nejat.olgac@uconn.edu TAs : Eric Gillespie eric.gillespie@uconn.edu Kalie Pasqualicchio kalie.pasqualicchio@uconn.edu Web page for the course : HuskyCT SYLLABUS Spring 2021 Text: "Engineering Vibration" by D. Inman. 4th Ed. Pearson, Prentice Hall Review of 2nd Order ODE’s: linearity, existence, uniqueness, superposition. Solution techniques. Numerical solution methods, MATLAB-SIMULINK demos, 1 1/2 weeks. 1-DOF Oscillators: Newton’s law and energy approach. Transient response, resonance, step and impulse responses. Demonstrations (1 DOF responses). 4 weeks. Measurements of Damping: (log decrement and Q-factor). 1 week. Measurements of Frequencies: The Fourier transform, FFT’s, intro to ideas such as Nyquist sampling criterion. 2 1/2 weeks. 2-DOF Systems: natural frequencies, mode shapes. 3 weeks. Applications: Transmissibility and passive absorbers. 2 week. Grading: Homeworks and/or project Midterm Final exam 30 30 40 Late homework are not accepted after the posting of the solutions. ONLY single PDF files please.